Jobless professionals vie for holiday sales work

First? An ordered Common sensicle individual might *ASK* themselves WHY, the JOBS are leaving the Country in the FIRST PLACE...?

When you have exhausted all avenues of reason? And Have cogent answers?

You may address this question toward me again. DEAL?

The reasons why should be obvious based on the solutions I gave to get jobs back in the country. Do I really need to spell them out?



For YOU to deny it will BE a DISAPPOINTMENT...honestly...

everything I listed falls into one of those two categories....
The reasons why should be obvious based on the solutions I gave to get jobs back in the country. Do I really need to spell them out?



For YOU to deny it will BE a DISAPPOINTMENT...honestly...

everything I listed falls into one of those two categories....

You come off as ONE whom applauds what Government is doing and BY thier actions they chase jobs offshore...but yet you complain as do the POLITICIANS that seem to blame it on other things rather than the punitive POLICIES that they supposrt and VOTED for.

Now WHy do I have this vision, even pre-conceived NOTION of your support of these FAILED policies to chase jobs out by unfair taxation?

Can YOU explain the disparity?
I think it's Anhauser Bush he's pissed about.. So? they still provide jobs for Americans don't they? or maybe his beloved illegals. one or tother, makes no difference to a democrat.

Beer is but one example. Indeed, when American icons are sold to belgians it makes sense that your kind would continue to cry about liberals in downward spiral that our economy has taken... you know, instead of realizing exactly how your own hands are stained red with the blood of our dying job market.

and, if you were not so stupid you'd have researched how many jobs were cut at AB after the hostile takeover. But, far be it for me to expect even the barest effort beyond bullshit talking points.

oh god,, shogun has turned into a freaking drama queen.. I never thought I'd see the day. Whatchya drinking Tequilla? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: see the worm?

hey, when a major industry of YOUR local scene gets bit by Belgian vampires you go ahead and react too. I'm betting you stop being glib once the pile of shit drops in your own back yard.
fuuny that the phrase "the buck stops here.!" never applies to a democwat.. that's why we call you DUmmies! freaking hypocrite!

when a dem from the last 20 years uses it like a mantra then you might have a point. Until then, enjoy the product of your failure of a fucking economic opinion, ****.

Breaking down the Anheuser Busch InBev layoffs | | St. Louis, MO


apparently, the evidence of lost American jobs is funny. yea, GOOD ONE....
The only thing that tastes worse than most American beer are Mexican beers

opinions and assholes, buddy! Keep selling out, dude. Your kind are the cancer of American standards of living.

Yeah, beer is a vital national security matter and should only be made in America by Americans!

yea... because the only things that matter are military industries and the department of homeland security..


and, yes.. when the collapsing economy is the DIRECT result of your kind undermining our ability to produce goods then, yes you smarmy fucker, America should take steps to retain it's ability to fucking feed itself.

oh so it's STILL Clinton's fault for the actions of a REPUBLICAN, nafta loving congress, eh?

funny how that works.

go buy a foreign "american" beer, bitch. enjoy investing in anything but America.

hey jackass, did the mofo Clinton sign the goddamned bill or didn't he? Budweiser,, tis good. :)

are you joking? budweiser tastes like shit. do yourself a favor and buy real american beer - dead guy ale from oregon

a microbrew with nary the slightest economic impact as Budweiser. BRAVO.

Boulevard puts out exponentially better beers than rogue has ever managed anyway.
The only thing that tastes worse than most American beer are Mexican beers

opinions and assholes, buddy! Keep selling out, dude. Your kind are the cancer of American standards of living.

Are those that SAME standards that Obama and his merry bad of Statists in the legislature are foisting on this Republic?

Methinks you doest talk out your spincter a bit much.

Given how you WSJ types eviscerate his every attempt to BUY AMERICAN it's hilarious that you'd even ask such a stupid fucking question. I bet you have a lot of expertise on sphincter speak, bitch. I'm sure it matches your right wing breath.
great american beers:

dead guy ale
sam adams winter
all of abita

if you are going to stay "american" please avoid the piss water.

Not only is there a longer heritage of Budweiser beer in America than every single example you named but microbrews don't impact the economy like AB has. Your opinion of what constitutes a good beer is neither here nor there. After all, your trendy fucking tastebuds are about as pertinent in the long tern as emo bangs and stone washed jeans.
First? An ordered Common sensicle individual might *ASK* themselves WHY, the JOBS are leaving the Country in the FIRST PLACE...?

When you have exhausted all avenues of reason? And Have cogent answers?

You may address this question toward me again. DEAL?

The reasons why should be obvious based on the solutions I gave to get jobs back in the country. Do I really need to spell them out?



For YOU to deny it will BE a DISAPPOINTMENT...honestly...

Lower wages do not figure in?
Sure wish my job would come back from India......

Then get your CongressCritter to PRESS for defeating proposed Legislation that portends to defeat Liberty through excessive taxation. Hit early, HARD, and Often. MAKE them adhere to the Constitution.

yea.. it's the taxation and NOT the cheap labor that jettisons jobs to mexico.

sure, dude. SUUUUURE.

Sure wish my job would come back from India......

Then get your CongressCritter to PRESS for defeating proposed Legislation that portends to defeat Liberty through excessive taxation. Hit early, HARD, and Often. MAKE them adhere to the Constitution.

you would have to repeal the min wage law, workers comp, workers benefits, sick days, vacation days, make workers work 6 days a week and for 1/4 of the old pay, etc to get the jobs back from india. its not going to happen.

yea fuck it! Who needs OSHA standards when bargaining for jobs being sent to India by, supposedly, American companies! BRING ON THE CHILD LABOR! We sure do miss the ole days when owners could lock the fucking production floor door while a fire guts the fucking plant. Hell, if we can't revert to the good ole days then why the fuck should AMERICA expect to retain employment, right dipshit?
Be like China with their lack of EPA style regs. You grandchildren will love the deformed and still born babies anyway. And with Obama care perhaps they can even afford to care for them medically

Or be like India, a Bhopal in Houston would not be so bad.
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Sure wish my job would come back from India......

Then get your CongressCritter to PRESS for defeating proposed Legislation that portends to defeat Liberty through excessive taxation. Hit early, HARD, and Often. MAKE them adhere to the Constitution.

yea.. it's the taxation and NOT the cheap labor that jettisons jobs to mexico.

sure, dude. SUUUUURE.


you missed morning joe this am.. too bad.
No *THAT IS THE QUESTION* And It's one of Constitutionality.

The Constitution is NOT the Footwipe as YOU treat it. Just Because LAWS make precident...doesn't make them Constitutional.

It just makes them unchallenged. And this above all else (And your DIPSHIT POST HERE) shows your total disregard for the Document.


so are you ready to admit that all the things I listed plus more would be necessary to bring the outsourced jobs back? can you really not see the difference between whats necessary to bring the jobs back and what the constitution was supposed to limit in the first place?

First? An ordered Common sensicle individual might *ASK* themselves WHY, the JOBS are leaving the Country in the FIRST PLACE...?

When you have exhausted all avenues of reason? And Have cogent answers?

You may address this question toward me again. DEAL?

I DEFY you to look into it. Businesses don't move JOBS offshore to be mean. They DO IT for a reason. I leave it to you to EXPLORE why...

They do it because CEO's today are not what they were in the 60's. Back then the average CEO worked his way up in the company, his goals were for the long term success of the company and he made 57 times the average workers salary. Today, CEOs are hired from OUTSIDE the company, they never actually worked a real job in their lives, their goals are to make as much money as possible and get out before the whole thing falls apart, for this they make 500 times the average workers salary. Enough to live comfortably for the rest of their lives while the company fails miserably. Don't believe me? Take a look at Boeing and the 787 program which my husband has been working overtime on to make the parts they outsourced fit together because they "claimed" having them made here would cost too much because the machinists make too much money. This mistake has cost them a lot more than they saved by outsourcing the jobs. In the end, it may cost them the whole company. I guess you really do get what you pay for.....
Feeling rather bummed out after reading the OP. That is very rough.
I have a friend who was unemployed after a popular electronics retail chain went under. He went to the gym for a little while to get his mind off of things and now is managing a Walgreens.
He is a smart guy. I'm not worried about him. Still lucky though.
A lot of the management at my work has been shuffled. Always volatile in management. You don't know who's going to cut your throat next.
I dedicate this thread to all of you capitalista motherfuckers who like pretending that outsourced jobs only hit the labor and manufacturing sector. Those of you who seem to think an increase of service jobs will make up for lost manufacturing and that the panacea is, apparently, to go back to college and become a fucking java programmer... as if those very professional positions can't be undermined by the same free market failure which sees the USA normalizing it's standard of living with India, China and Mexico.

Have a happy holiday, fuckers!

Thank you. I will.

Of course, this exact same thing happened in the 2001-02 recession, the 1990-91 recession, and the 1980-82 recessions.

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