Jindal cuts mental health care.


Annoying Customer
Sep 7, 2008
highlighted the fact that we don't have sufficient mental health care in this city. But instead of making mental health care a priority in the recent legislative session, Gov. Bobby Jindal vetoed the Legislature's funding for the New Orleans Adolescent Hospital.

The governor championed huge cuts in many areas, including higher education and health care. NOAH was part of that axing.

Last year NOAH provided both in-patient and out-patient services for the New Orleans area at an approximate cost of $23 million. The proposed executive budget sent to the Legislature this year called for NOAH to be closed completely. Instead of funding NOAH, the executive budget directed about $4 million to two "new" clinics, one in Mid-City and one in Algiers, to provide the out-patient services that NOAH provided last year. Neither clinic has opened.With the support of the House and Senate, the New Orleans delegation redirected $14 million back from Southeast to keep the in-patient mental health beds at NOAH. Those funds included $10 million in Uncompensated Care money and $4 million in Social Services Block Grant money, the same sources of money on which Southeast operates. Under the Legislature's budget, NOAH therefore would have received a total of $18 million -- $14 million for in-patient services and $4 million for out-patient services, all of which could have been provided at one facility. Opening two "new" clinics would also have been unnecessary.
Point of View: Jindal slashes mental health | NOLA.com

After Katrina people in New Orleans probably need mental health care even more now, especially with the state closing Charity Hospital. I have also heard the suicide rate in New Orleans is double the national average. I will try to get link.
highlighted the fact that we don't have sufficient mental health care in this city. But instead of making mental health care a priority in the recent legislative session, Gov. Bobby Jindal vetoed the Legislature's funding for the New Orleans Adolescent Hospital.

The governor championed huge cuts in many areas, including higher education and health care. NOAH was part of that axing.

Last year NOAH provided both in-patient and out-patient services for the New Orleans area at an approximate cost of $23 million. The proposed executive budget sent to the Legislature this year called for NOAH to be closed completely. Instead of funding NOAH, the executive budget directed about $4 million to two "new" clinics, one in Mid-City and one in Algiers, to provide the out-patient services that NOAH provided last year. Neither clinic has opened.With the support of the House and Senate, the New Orleans delegation redirected $14 million back from Southeast to keep the in-patient mental health beds at NOAH. Those funds included $10 million in Uncompensated Care money and $4 million in Social Services Block Grant money, the same sources of money on which Southeast operates. Under the Legislature's budget, NOAH therefore would have received a total of $18 million -- $14 million for in-patient services and $4 million for out-patient services, all of which could have been provided at one facility. Opening two "new" clinics would also have been unnecessary.
Point of View: Jindal slashes mental health | NOLA.com

After Katrina people in New Orleans probably need mental health care even more now, especially with the state closing Charity Hospital. I have also heard the suicide rate in New Orleans is double the national average. I will try to get link.

Wow....almost an hour this threads been active.......I'm astonished every member of USMB that's logged in hasn't rushed to comment.....:eusa_whistle:

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