Jim DeMint: Gays And Unmarried, Pregnant Women Should Not Teach Public School

1st post
Different values systems.

You really don't get it, do you?

Oh yes I DO get it....your response (below) was in the NEGATIVE to MY assertion that Communism = atheism = relativism....and I laughed at your idiotic, farfetched example of monasteries to prove me wrong....if anyone doesn't get it, it's you....

Sure, if one looks hard enough anybody can always find something that is opposite of anything....there are always exceptions....yes, there are even Christian communists in this world.....however that does NOT disprove MY point that, in the main, Communism = atheism = relativism.....which you were trying to do...thus providing me with a laugh....monasteries aren't even examples of States...

Look around you in this world....read your history....that formula for Communism is true for like 99.9% of the time....
Communism = atheism = relativism

And because you think I responded wrongly to YOUR stupid assertion, the rest of you dumbshits pile on like dogshit....typical idiotic liberal attack'turds....

Hey Squawking Chicken...............what about the preacher that wants people to quit doing Yoga because they can't be a good Christian and follow the practices of Eastern religions.

Southern Baptist leader on yoga: Not Christianity

By DYLAN LOVAN, Associated Press Writer Dylan Lovan, Associated Press Writer – 1 hr 38 mins ago

LOUISVILLE, Ky. – A Southern Baptist leader who is calling for Christians to avoid yoga and its spiritual attachments is getting plenty of pushback from enthusiasts who defend the ancient practice.

Southern Baptist Seminary President Albert Mohler says the stretching and meditative discipline derived from Eastern religions is not a Christian pathway to God.

Mohler said he objects to "the idea that the body is a vehicle for reaching consciousness with the divine."

"That's just not Christianity," Mohler told The Associated Press.

Mohler said feedback has come through e-mail and comments on blogs and other websites since he wrote an essay to address questions about yoga he has heard for years.

"I'm really surprised by the depth of the commitment to yoga found on the part of many who identify as Christians," Mohler said.

[One devout Catholic's perspective: Is there such a thing as Christian yoga?]

Yoga fans say their numbers have been growing in the U.S. A 2008 study by the Yoga Journal put the number at 15.8 million, or nearly 7 percent of adults. About 6.7 percent of American adults are Southern Baptists, according to a 2007 survey by the Pew Research Center Forum on Religion & Public Life.

Mohler argued in his online essay last month that Christians who practice yoga "must either deny the reality of what yoga represents or fail to see the contradictions between their Christian commitments and their embrace of yoga."

He said his view is "not an eccentric Christian position."

Other Christian leaders have said practicing yoga is incompatible with the teachings of Jesus. Pat Robertson has called the chanting and other spiritual components that go along with yoga "really spooky." California megachurch pastor John MacArthur called yoga a "false religion." Muslim clerics have banned Muslims from practicing yoga in Egypt, Malaysia and Indonesia, citing similar concerns.

Yoga proponents say the wide-ranging discipline, which originated in India, offers physical and mental healing through stretching poses and concentration.

Southern Baptist leader on yoga: Not Christianity - Yahoo! News

Interestingly enough........scientists have shown a correlation between yoga and the reduction of breast cancer in women.

What the fuck?

It is the devils work he is trying to trick you with well being in this lifetime. Christians are made to suffer as it is their lot on life. Therefore yoga must be evil.
If the monasteries and convents are so communist then why have they been persecuted by....oh....just about every Communist state that has existed

Different values systems.

You really don't get it, do you?

Oh yes I DO get it....your response (below) was in the NEGATIVE to MY assertion that Communism = atheism = relativism....and I laughed at your idiotic, farfetched example of monasteries to prove me wrong....if anyone doesn't get it, it's you....

RadiomanATL said:
Yeah, um, no.

Communism and socialism when implemented CAN lead to such, but they do not have to go hand in hand.

Whats the most communistic and socialistic micro-societies that exist? Monasteries and convents. They certainly are not atheist and a pretty moral I would say.

Communism =/= atheism =/= relativism.

Sure, if one looks hard enough anybody can always find something that is opposite of anything....there are always exceptions....yes, there are even Christian communists in this world.....however that does NOT disprove MY point that, in the main, Communism = atheism = relativism.....which you were trying to do...thus providing me with a laugh....monasteries aren't even examples of States...

Look around you in this world....read your history....that formula for Communism is true for like 99.9% of the time....
Communism = atheism = relativism

And because you think I responded wrongly to YOUR stupid assertion, the rest of you dumbshits pile on like dogshit....typical idiotic liberal attack'turds....

Speaking of attacks,....................

Godless Atheists are Scapegoats for Strict Church/State Separation, and Communism, or anything they perceive as moral relativism.

Godless Atheists as Scapegoats: How Atheists are Scapegoats for Everything the Christian Right Hates

And apparently it is you that has a problem with it, the atheist seems happy with his station in life. Why can't the christian be satisfied with his socialist agenda?
Sen. Jim DeMint: Gays And Unmarried, Pregnant Women Should Not Teach Public School

In addition to reiterating anti-choice talking points on abortion and backing "traditional marriage," according to the Spartanburg Herald-Journal, the senator went further and "said if someone is openly homosexual, they shouldn't be teaching in the classroom and he holds the same position on an unmarried woman who's sleeping with her boyfriend -- she shouldn't be in the classroom."

Controversy over DeMint's position on this issue first arose in 2004 during a Senate debate, when he was asked whether he agreed with the state party's platform that said openly gay teachers should be barred from teaching public school. DeMint said he agreed with that position because government shouldn't be endorsing certain behaviors.

"(When I said those things,) no one came to my defense," DeMint said on Friday in Spartanburg. "But everyone would come to me and whisper that I shouldn't back down. They don't want government purging their rights and their freedom to religion."

There are so many things wrong with his statements that I don't even know where to begin criticizing them.

Maybe that is because you are "comfortably numb". Teachers are role models. If they want to display behaviors that are against the taxpayers' (parents') beliefs or morals, they should not be supported by tax dollars. If they want to run their own schools and display those behaviors, go for it! Use free enterprise to push your beliefs, not my tax dollars.

So the simple act of being pregnant or gay is a behavior?

So if teacher gets raped and gets pregnant than she'll have to get an abortion or marry some random person to keep her job.

Great job, morons.
Well these horrible humans are already teaching in our schools. I had a teacher who was very influential in my school career that I found out later were gay. I learned biology and film from these teachers and never once told the students were gay and never saying I had to accept them. That just is retarded.
5th post
I really, really, really think that those who speak out against homosexuality the most are in reality self-loathing closet cases.

No, not all...there are other clues to look for....like trying really, really, really hard to flash those hetero credentials.

Yeah......remember Ted Haggard and his "Jesus Camp"? How about the way he railed against homosexuality and drugs and then got caught with a gay meth prostitute.

Another one who's really fun to kick around is Larry Craig and his infamous bathroom "wide stance". He doesn't much like gays either, but he's willing to choke a choad on occasion (apparently).

Strange you're able to remember all of these examples of closet gays. Must be heavy on your mind.

When are you coming out?

Hate to tell you this but some Gays have family values like everybody else. Some of them believe in God (Say it ain't so). Their politics covers the whole gambit. Unfortunately there are always examples of folks like Larry Craig because they know that their life-style is frowned upon. They are not exclusive the the GOP.
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I really, really, really think that those who speak out against homosexuality the most are in reality self-loathing closet cases.

Yup....anyone who attacks Gays just wants to suck a dick.

Good point. That's about the only thing I can come up with. If you're comfortable in your own sexual orientation, you don't need to bash those of others. If you're not, you lash out at them.

What is your definition of "Lashing Out"?

Is having an opinion you disagree with lashing out?

My definition of lashing out is committing a violent act against a gay because of pent up sexual frustration and confusion with your own sexuality.
No, not all...there are other clues to look for....like trying really, really, really hard to flash those hetero credentials.

Yeah......remember Ted Haggard and his "Jesus Camp"? How about the way he railed against homosexuality and drugs and then got caught with a gay meth prostitute.

Another one who's really fun to kick around is Larry Craig and his infamous bathroom "wide stance". He doesn't much like gays either, but he's willing to choke a choad on occasion (apparently).

Strange you're able to remember all of these examples of closet gays. Must be heavy on your mind.
When are you coming out?

Yes, I'm sure that it is a heavy burden to remember ALL two of them....:doubt:

Hate to tell you this but some Gays have family values like everybody else. Some of them believe in God (Say it ain't so). Their politics covers the whole gambit. Unfortunately there are always examples of folks like Larry Craig because they know that their life-style is frowned upon. They are not exclusive the the GOP.
Yeah......remember Ted Haggard and his "Jesus Camp"? How about the way he railed against homosexuality and drugs and then got caught with a gay meth prostitute.

Another one who's really fun to kick around is Larry Craig and his infamous bathroom "wide stance". He doesn't much like gays either, but he's willing to choke a choad on occasion (apparently).

Strange you're able to remember all of these examples of closet gays. Must be heavy on your mind.
When are you coming out?

Yes, I'm sure that it is a heavy burden to remember ALL two of them....:doubt:

Hate to tell you this but some Gays have family values like everybody else. Some of them believe in God (Say it ain't so). Their politics covers the whole gambit. Unfortunately there are always examples of folks like Larry Craig because they know that their life-style is frowned upon. They are not exclusive the the GOP.

Don't stick up for him. He's in the closet.

He's a former sailor, strike one

he likes bikes and assless chaps, strike two

and he hates women, strike three

3 strikes and you're out.:eusa_angel:
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Yup....anyone who attacks Gays just wants to suck a dick.

Good point. That's about the only thing I can come up with. If you're comfortable in your own sexual orientation, you don't need to bash those of others. If you're not, you lash out at them.

What is your definition of "Lashing Out"?

Is having an opinion you disagree with lashing out?

My definition of lashing out is committing a violent act against a gay because of pent up sexual frustration and confusion with your own sexuality.

Is it? If 100 people who aren't comfortable with their sexuality verbally lash out, that increases the likelihood some yahoo wanting to pull a Matthew Shepard. But it's interesting that you stated that you agree that "anyone who attacks Gays just wants to suck a dick." That I agree with. I mean, how does it make any sense to attack someone who has a different way of looking at sexuality, as long as the activity is constrained to people who are adults and they're all consenting participant. What floats my boat, may not float others.

But live and let live, and keep America a free county. As long as you're not scaring the horses, love yourself so you can better love others. Self-acceptance is a key to good mental health.
10th post
Good point. That's about the only thing I can come up with. If you're comfortable in your own sexual orientation, you don't need to bash those of others. If you're not, you lash out at them.

What is your definition of "Lashing Out"?

Is having an opinion you disagree with lashing out?

My definition of lashing out is committing a violent act against a gay because of pent up sexual frustration and confusion with your own sexuality.

Is it? If 100 people who aren't comfortable with their sexuality verbally lash out, that increases the likelihood some yahoo wanting to pull a Matthew Shepard. But it's interesting that you stated that you agree that "anyone who attacks Gays just wants to suck a dick." That I agree with. I mean, how does it make any sense to attack someone who has a different way of looking at sexuality, as long as the activity is constrained to people who are adults and they're all consenting participant. What floats my boat, may not float others.

But live and let live, and keep America a free county. As long as you're not scaring the horses, love yourself so you can better love others. Self-acceptance is a key to good mental health.

Is it "constrained" if parents can't opt out of it being teached in schools as an acceptable lifestyle?
Good point. That's about the only thing I can come up with. If you're comfortable in your own sexual orientation, you don't need to bash those of others. If you're not, you lash out at them.

What is your definition of "Lashing Out"?

Is having an opinion you disagree with lashing out?

My definition of lashing out is committing a violent act against a gay because of pent up sexual frustration and confusion with your own sexuality.

Is it? If 100 people who aren't comfortable with their sexuality verbally lash out, that increases the likelihood some yahoo wanting to pull a Matthew Shepard. But it's interesting that you stated that you agree that "anyone who attacks Gays just wants to suck a dick." That I agree with. I mean, how does it make any sense to attack someone who has a different way of looking at sexuality, as long as the activity is constrained to people who are adults and they're all consenting participant. What floats my boat, may not float others.

But live and let live, and keep America a free county. As long as you're not scaring the horses, love yourself so you can better love others. Self-acceptance is a key to good mental health.

I guess you have a problem recognizing satire.
Good point. That's about the only thing I can come up with. If you're comfortable in your own sexual orientation, you don't need to bash those of others. If you're not, you lash out at them.

What is your definition of "Lashing Out"?

Is having an opinion you disagree with lashing out?

My definition of lashing out is committing a violent act against a gay because of pent up sexual frustration and confusion with your own sexuality.

Is it? If 100 people who aren't comfortable with their sexuality verbally lash out, that increases the likelihood some yahoo wanting to pull a Matthew Shepard. But it's interesting that you stated that you agree that "anyone who attacks Gays just wants to suck a dick." That I agree with. I mean, how does it make any sense to attack someone who has a different way of looking at sexuality, as long as the activity is constrained to people who are adults and they're all consenting participant. What floats my boat, may not float others.

But live and let live, and keep America a free county. As long as you're not scaring the horses, love yourself so you can better love others. Self-acceptance is a key to good mental health.
....And, avoid "conservative" education-hierarchy, at ALL costs!!!! :eek:


"Midland School District Vice President Clint McCance wrote on his personal Facebook page that he wanted gay people to commit suicide, according to The Advocate, a newspaper focusing on gay news. McCance used the terms "queer" and "fag" repeatedly, promised to disown his own children if they were gay, and stated that he enjoys "the fact that [gay people] often give each other AIDS and die."

According to the screen grab at The Advocate, McCance wrote the following about the event: "Seriously they want me to wear purple because five queers committed suicide. The only way im wearin it for them is if they all commit suicide. I cant believe the people of this world have gotten this stupid. We are honoring the fact that they sinned and killed therselves because of their sin."
The other side of that coin is homeschooling,

trying to protect children from EVERYTHING,

and it just leaves them defenseless for what is GOING to occur in their lives.

I'd MUCH rather be able to talk with my son about how gay peeps feel, and about how accidents DO happen when you have sex,

than to try to "protect" him from knowing anything about any of it, you know?

I believe that we ALL go through a time when we aren't sure about our sexual identities,

and I'd like to address it, As Soon As my child wEnders about it,

rather than heaving them out into the cold, cruel world to fend for themselves,

afraid to speak to me about any of it 'cuz I'm on record as being "against" it.

Accidents do happen...That's a crutch for those who think there should be sex without consequences.
With all the information available today there should NEVER be an accidental pregnacy attirbuted to " I didn't know".
Yes contraceptive devices can malfunction. And even careful poeple can get pregnant. Those pregnancies should happen to married or ADULT committed couples. Preferably married. Unwed pregnancies should not be flaunted in front of young children.
Now if a person who teaches prefers his or her own gender, again, this person should have the class and dignity to keep their private ADULT life private.
Back in freakin 2004 when De Mint committed this crime against the knee jerk liberal establishment, this was probably the direction in which he was going with his commnets.
Of course you libs with no substantive challenge to strong conservative candidates have to resort to this bullshit to have a snowball's chance of winning a seat.
This is a non-issue. Alvin Greene has no chance of beating DeMint next Tuesday.

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