Jews Trying to Lie Their Way Out of Deliberate Airstrike on Christian Hospital


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012

Al-Ahli Hospital is run by the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem - hey wait, I thought Hamas hated Christians.

Al-Ahli Arab Hospital - Wikipedia

The Washington Post has published a verified video of the strike, in which the unmistakable shriek of an incoming Mach+ missile can be heard, which shakes the ground and cameraman and lights up the sky. That was no Hamas rocket.

500 people killed, thousands wounded in an instant. Orders must have come from Netanyahu himself.

Why? My take is a multi-layered message.

1. Terrorize Gazans to move out, anywhere, forever, so Israel can annex

2. Show the Christians and internationals operating in Gaza they are not immune. Shut them down.

3. Show once again that the satanic cult is all powerful, can get away with anything through its iron grip of the world media. The truth doesn't matter.

Last, and you see it here, what can only be described as the sheer pleasure that the Zionists take in lying to the goy, for its own sake and for the sheer fun of it. If it is steeped in blood all the better. These are not people. They are monsters.

Washington Post confirms authenticity of video:



Video published by Post

Analysis offered on Twitter:


Al-Ahli Hospital is run by the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem - hey wait, I thought Hamas hated Christians.

Al-Ahli Arab Hospital - Wikipedia

The Washington Post has published a verified video of the strike, in which the unmistakable shriek of an incoming Mach+ missile can be heard, which shakes the ground and cameraman and lights up the sky. That was no Hamas rocket.

500 people killed, thousands wounded in an instant. Orders must have come from Netanyahu himself.

Why? My take is a multi-layered message.

1. Terrorize Gazans to move out, anywhere, forever, so Israel can annex

2. Show the Christians and internationals operating in Gaza they are not immune. Shut them down.

3. Show once again that the satanic cult is all powerful, can get away with anything through its iron grip of the world media. The truth doesn't matter.

Last, and you see it here, what can only be described as the sheer pleasure that the Zionists take in lying to the goy, for its own sake and for the sheer fun of it. If it is steeped in blood all the better. These are not people. They are monsters.

Washington Post confirms authenticity of video:



Video published by Post

Analysis offered on Twitter:

And with all that, not one word of the Israeli comment on the situation. Which was broadcast on the news tonight. Yeah, I could post it, but I want YOU to do that.

Al-Ahli Hospital is run by the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem - hey wait, I thought Hamas hated Christians.

Al-Ahli Arab Hospital - Wikipedia

The Washington Post has published a verified video of the strike, in which the unmistakable shriek of an incoming Mach+ missile can be heard, which shakes the ground and cameraman and lights up the sky. That was no Hamas rocket.

500 people killed, thousands wounded in an instant. Orders must have come from Netanyahu himself.

Why? My take is a multi-layered message.

1. Terrorize Gazans to move out, anywhere, forever, so Israel can annex

2. Show the Christians and internationals operating in Gaza they are not immune. Shut them down.

3. Show once again that the satanic cult is all powerful, can get away with anything through its iron grip of the world media. The truth doesn't matter.

Last, and you see it here, what can only be described as the sheer pleasure that the Zionists take in lying to the goy, for its own sake and for the sheer fun of it. If it is steeped in blood all the better. These are not people. They are monsters.

Washington Post confirms authenticity of video:



Video published by Post

Analysis offered on Twitter:



Al-Ahli Hospital is run by the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem - hey wait, I thought Hamas hated Christians.

Al-Ahli Arab Hospital - Wikipedia

The Washington Post has published a verified video of the strike, in which the unmistakable shriek of an incoming Mach+ missile can be heard, which shakes the ground and cameraman and lights up the sky. That was no Hamas rocket.

500 people killed, thousands wounded in an instant. Orders must have come from Netanyahu himself.

Why? My take is a multi-layered message.

1. Terrorize Gazans to move out, anywhere, forever, so Israel can annex

2. Show the Christians and internationals operating in Gaza they are not immune. Shut them down.

3. Show once again that the satanic cult is all powerful, can get away with anything through its iron grip of the world media. The truth doesn't matter.

Last, and you see it here, what can only be described as the sheer pleasure that the Zionists take in lying to the goy, for its own sake and for the sheer fun of it. If it is steeped in blood all the better. These are not people. They are monsters.

Washington Post confirms authenticity of video:



Video published by Post

Analysis offered on Twitter:

All Hamas missiles sound exactly the same?

Al-Ahli Hospital is run by the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem - hey wait, I thought Hamas hated Christians.

Al-Ahli Arab Hospital - Wikipedia

The Washington Post has published a verified video of the strike, in which the unmistakable shriek of an incoming Mach+ missile can be heard, which shakes the ground and cameraman and lights up the sky. That was no Hamas rocket.

500 people killed, thousands wounded in an instant. Orders must have come from Netanyahu himself.

Why? My take is a multi-layered message.

1. Terrorize Gazans to move out, anywhere, forever, so Israel can annex

2. Show the Christians and internationals operating in Gaza they are not immune. Shut them down.

3. Show once again that the satanic cult is all powerful, can get away with anything through its iron grip of the world media. The truth doesn't matter.

Last, and you see it here, what can only be described as the sheer pleasure that the Zionists take in lying to the goy, for its own sake and for the sheer fun of it. If it is steeped in blood all the better. These are not people. They are monsters.

Washington Post confirms authenticity of video:



Video published by Post

Analysis offered on Twitter:

Idiot. just because a rocket comes in from the sky, doesnt automatically mean it is Israeli. And you dont even have it right - the IDF statement said the rocket that destroyed the hospital was a Palestinian Islamic Jihad rocket, amid their barrage, not an Israeli missile.
Idiot. just because a rocket comes in from the sky, doesnt automatically mean it is Israeli. And you dont even have it right - the IDF statement said the rocket that destroyed the hospital was a Palestinian Islamic Jihad rocket, amid their barrage, not an Israeli missile.

You'll notice that it is Jews (not Israel) that are "lying".

But there is no proof they are lying.

This thread is about as worthless as the OP himself.

Al-Ahli Hospital is run by the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem - hey wait, I thought Hamas hated Christians.

Al-Ahli Arab Hospital - Wikipedia

The Washington Post has published a verified video of the strike, in which the unmistakable shriek of an incoming Mach+ missile can be heard, which shakes the ground and cameraman and lights up the sky. That was no Hamas rocket.

500 people killed, thousands wounded in an instant. Orders must have come from Netanyahu himself.

Why? My take is a multi-layered message.

1. Terrorize Gazans to move out, anywhere, forever, so Israel can annex

2. Show the Christians and internationals operating in Gaza they are not immune. Shut them down.

3. Show once again that the satanic cult is all powerful, can get away with anything through its iron grip of the world media. The truth doesn't matter.

Last, and you see it here, what can only be described as the sheer pleasure that the Zionists take in lying to the goy, for its own sake and for the sheer fun of it. If it is steeped in blood all the better. These are not people. They are monsters.

Washington Post confirms authenticity of video:



Video published by Post

Analysis offered on Twitter:

It sounded like a missile not a rocket

Either way, there’s monsters on both sides.
May those beautiful children in Gaza, who have died from that attack on the gaza Hospital find their comfort in heaven alongside Jesus

Jesus, our Lord, please protect the beautiful children of Gaza


42 min mark

Jewish soldier and Rabbi calls for the death of Palestinian children. These evil Jews they’re the same as Al qaeda …. Every pro Israel person must call that out. They absolutely must call it out. No honorable Christian would stand for that type of evil.

I can’t believe the hypocrisy of a small number of American Christians, who don’t give a damn about the proof shown in the video above.

God bless all of the good people of Israel and Palestine. They know the bad doers on both sides.

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