JERUSALEM (Reuters) - 20,000 Israelis demonstrated in Tel Aviv against corruption and Netanyahu


VIP Member
Sep 19, 2017
Even the Israelis are waking up to this madman...

Tens of thousands of Israelis protest against Netanyahu, corruption

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probably lots of muslims and muslim supporting lefties and sympathizers as well as radical old style 'ultra orthodox Jews' in that crowd being led by the memory and ghost of 'rachel corry' that ALMOST won the fight with the Israeli bulldozer .
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And not one was beheaded.

The stark difference between an Islamic style totalitarian fear society and a democratic free society is perhaps most marked in how the latter allows free expression for protest.
for jews only
After all those videos P F Imbecile has posted?
You're a freaking moron.
And not one was beheaded.

The stark difference between an Islamic style totalitarian fear society and a democratic free society is perhaps most marked in how the latter allows free expression for protest.
for jews only

You’re not making sense. Freedom of expression is a testament to Western tolerance, to Islamic intolerance and anti-Semitism, and the incompatibility of modern free society with an unreformed Islamic death cult. It is wholly in keeping with Western ideals to have positions contrary to others out in the open where they can be judged and criticized accordingly. Freedom for open dissent is one of the reasons why Western liberal democracy is the best hope for mankind and why Islamic theocratic totalitarianism is not.

Bring that up during Friday prayers at your Madrassah. Let us know how things turn out.

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