Jeopardy with the Press


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
Jeopardy tonight - Chris Matthews, MSNBC, vs Robert Gibbs, Presidient Obama's press guy vs Lizzie O'Leary of CNN. Should be worth watching. :)

Coming on at 8 Eastern tonight - 7 Central - 6 MDT
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I'd really be surprised if the show wasn't rigged and scripted.

You think? I'm wondering who they'll bring on during the week. I think Chris Wallace from Fox is to be a contestant and I don't know who else. So far Gibbs is doing well but then he had a whole string of cabinet positions to name. That does seem a bit rigged doesn't?
Okay Lizzie O'Leary answered the most questions but bet too much in Final Jeopardy (which none of them got) so Gibbs won it. More tomorrow night. Chris Matthews a substantially distant third but he did better than Wolf Blitzer did when he was on. :)
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I wish they would get Sarah on. I think she might do as well as some, though Lizzie and Gibbs did acquit themselves quite well. But as many of us have suspected, Chris Matthews wasn't anywhere near as sharp and well informed as the other two.

Tonight it is Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, David Faber (CNBC), and Dana Perino (President Bush's former press secretary and currently contributor on Fox News.)
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