Jeff Sessions slams his and Trump's immigration separation policies.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2019
And before anyone throws this out, I know Obama did the same kind of things. I have already noted that Obama failed at every aspect of being a president.

WASHINGTON, March 3 (Reuters) - Jeff Sessions, the top official behind former President Donald Trump's "zero-tolerance" border strategy, says it was "unfortunate" that migrant children and parents were not reunited quickly after being split apart at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Thousands of children were separated from their parents at the border under the 2018 Trump policy, which charged parents with federal immigration offenses and sent them to jails, while children were labeled "unaccompanied" and placed in shelters.

In a phone interview on Tuesday, Sessions defended the prosecutions, saying a person traveling with a child "shouldn't be given immunity." He expressed regret, however, that the Trump administration could not quickly reunite the parents and children afterward.

"It was unfortunate, very unfortunate, that somehow the government was not able to manage those children in a way that they could be reunited properly," Sessions said. "It turned out to be more of a problem than I think any of us imagined it would be."

Trump enacted policies or took actions and then would lose all interest which reinforces the idea of how immature Trump was.

Trump's immaturity and Obama being two faced led to even Jeff Sessions speaking out.

Former Trump Attorney General Sessions regrets migrant family separations
Does anyone not see the potential for a monumental catastrophe, in Biden's immigration policy? Throwing the borders wide open is going to create a logistical nightmare, and it's already begun.

How are they going to house, feed, and process those hundreds of thousands of illegals currently swarming the border? How many of them are infected with COVID or other diseases? How many are criminals, drug dealers, gang members, or potential terrorists?

President Trump was the first President who truly got a handle on our immigration problem. And that idiot Biden undid that it.
Does anyone not see the potential for a monumental catastrophe, in Biden's immigration policy? Throwing the borders wide open is going to create a logistical nightmare, and it's already begun.

How are they going to house, feed, and process those hundreds of thousands of illegals currently swarming the border? How many of them are infected with COVID or other diseases? How many are criminals, drug dealers, gang members, or potential terrorists?

President Trump was the first President who truly got a handle on our immigration problem. And that idiot Biden undid that it.

Its one of the main reasons rome went down.
E/Os isn't getting a handle on's just willy nilly over reach from presidents on both sides...

getting a handle on it, is Congressional actions, emblazoned in the Law.... and consistent procedures on immigration sealed in the law, and inter country cooperation governed by the law.... it's new immigration quotas allocated by the law, etc etc etc etc

congress needs to act, on Immigration law and reform.

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