Jeff Sessions recused himself for SPEAKING to a Russian Diplomat while he was a SENATOR...


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
...why shouldn't ANY investigators into the TRUMP/PUTIN collusion to rig the election with EVEN A POTENTIAL BIAS recuse THEMSELVES?

Doesn't that only seem reasonable?

Sessions could have been UNBIASED, so he shouldn't have recused himself, right?

Thats the PROG LOGIC.....the Progs say that even if FBI investigators HATE TRUMP and donated to Hillary, they are NOT BIASED.
Last Thursday ABC journalist asked Putin a question.

Terry Moran: How would you explain the connection between the government, your government, and the Trump campaign? How would you explain it to Americans?

Vladimir Putin: You know that all this was invented by the people who stand in opposition to Mr Trump to present his work as illegitimate. It seems strange to me, and I mean it, that the people who are doing this do not seem to realise that they are damaging the internal political climate in the country, that they are decimating the possibilities of the elected head of state. This means that they do not respect the people who voted for him.

How do you see any election process worldwide? Do we need to ban any contacts at all? Our ambassador has been accused of meeting with someone. But this is standard international practice when a diplomatic representative and even Government members meet with all the candidates, their teams, when they discuss various issues and development prospects, when they want to understand what certain people will do after assuming power and how to respond to this. What kind of extraordinary things did anyone see in this? And why should all this take on the nature of spy mania?
Vladimir Putin’s annual news conference
So Sessions was biased because he spoke to a Russian Diplomat as a Senator, but FBI investigators who DONATED to Hillary and ADMIT they HATE Trump are NOT biased.

Seems like another Prog double standard.
Dems say its OK to have a conflict of interest because they will be professional and unbiased, so its OK if Hillary donors are investigating Trump.

Sessions recuses himself at the POSSIBILITY of the APPEARANCE of a conflict of interest.

Trump should fire sessions.....he fucking sucks. The Clinton Foundation and the connection to Uranium ONe should be assigned a special investigator.

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