Jeff Sessions is a racist!!

In an 'unprecedented' move, the party who was exposed with their own e-mails as being racists, sexists, homophobic anti-Semites are going to send out Cory Booker to try to convince people Sessions is a racist.

That's funny...and sad all at the same time.

You are a racist and posted lot of lies........ So what's new?

You should check out Wikileaks and find out how your Party leaders talk when they think no one's listening. Pretty shameful stuff.

I'm talking about your fellow liar.
Lay off the Fake News kid.
Prove it is fake...

You're regurgitating it. Enough proof.
Moon is a straight shooter (I shudder to think what he'll make of that); Sessions said it. It isn't going to strengthen your argument to start that nonsense.

Again, lay off the Fake News. Sessions isn't a racist and he will be confirmed as our next Attorney General. You heard it from me here at USMB. I gave you just the facts. But hey, you wanna buy into Fake News propaganda, go for it i guess. Enjoy.

I thought for a day or two that you were actually going to be a sensible conservative. Don't let me down now.
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

By "sensible conservative," you mean the losers in the #NeverTrump GOP Establishment. Sessions had the political courage to defy his bosses and come up for Trump way back in August, 2015. The Democratic fraternity brothers of the RINOs will never forgive him for breaking out of the chain gang run by the bipartisan Establishment.
"educating the black man simply renders him unfit for the work which the white man has prescribed. the only effect is to spoil a good field hand, and to make an insolent cook" - Jeff Sessions

"Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever" - Jeff Sessions

"now that Roosevelt has eaten with that n**** Booker T Washington, we shall have to kill a thousand n****s to get them back into their place" - Jeff Sessions' grandfather
In an 'unprecedented' move, the party who was exposed with their own e-mails as being racists, sexists, homophobic anti-Semites are going to send out Cory Booker to try to convince people Sessions is a racist.

That's funny...and sad all at the same time.

You are a racist and posted lot of lies........ So what's new?

You should check out Wikileaks and find out how your Party leaders talk when they think no one's listening. Pretty shameful stuff.

I'm talking about your fellow liar.

Apparently, you've conveniently chosen to ignore Wikileaks info. Your Party leaders are pretty disgraceful folks. You really should check it out.
Wow i gotta say, the Democrats are failing miserably at trying to paint Sessions as an evil 'KKK Grand Wizard.' Definitely didn't bring their Race-Baiting A-Game.
Sessions 'done more to protect jobs & enhance wages of black workers than anyone in either house of Congress'-Civil Rights Comm Peter Kirsanow
The belief by The Left that every American who talks with a Southern drawl is automatically racist is why Trump won.
"blacks sold their soul to the progressives for cash benefits" - Jeff Sessions

he's not 'racist', he merely speaks the truth about blacks!
I hear the democrats had the KKK out protesting for them in full garb. Somehow I don't think that will help them
Prove it is fake...

You're regurgitating it. Enough proof.
Moon is a straight shooter (I shudder to think what he'll make of that); Sessions said it. It isn't going to strengthen your argument to start that nonsense.

Again, lay off the Fake News. Sessions isn't a racist and he will be confirmed as our next Attorney General. You heard it from me here at USMB. I gave you just the facts. But hey, you wanna buy into Fake News propaganda, go for it i guess. Enjoy.

I thought for a day or two that you were actually going to be a sensible conservative. Don't let me down now.
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

By "sensible conservative," you mean the losers in the #NeverTrump GOP Establishment. Sessions had the political courage to defy his bosses and come up for Trump way back in August, 2015. The Democratic fraternity brothers of the RINOs will never forgive him for breaking out of the chain gang run by the bipartisan Establishment.

That's one way to look at it. Another way to look at it is Sessions jumping on Trump wagon and compromising his principles because Trump was the only one that had any interest in dealing with him. The rest of candidates didn't even bother filling out his little questioner.
The Democrat Party, home to KKK Grand Dragon Robert Byrd who they adored.. WHAT a damn joke. LOL You idiots have almost pissed away all of your power losing over 1900 seats in both federal and state elections in the age of FAR WACKED OUT OBAMA LEFTIST politics.. you dirtbags here on the left are the epitome of far left quackpots.. YOU FUCKING own it. LMAO Now lie in it dumbos..
The Democrat Party, home to KKK Grand Dragon Robert Byrd who they adored.. WHAT a damn joke. LOL You idiots have almost pissed away all of your power losing over 1900 seats in both federal and state elections in the age of FAR WACKED OUT OBAMA LEFTIST politics.. you dirtbags here on the left are the epitome of far left quackpots.. YOU FUCKING own it. LMAO Now lie in it dumbos..
There is no such animal called the Democrat party, there is a Democratic party...
I think it was a poor choice by whomever merged the Sessions threads to use the Racist one as the home thread... it should have just been the Sessions hearing thread.

Senator Leahy has pointed out Sessions is a state's rights person... that is a big deal.
Sessions’ response to Trump’s comments on women: “I don’t characterize that as sexual assault.” He won't protect women
Sessions’ response to Trump’s comments on women: “I don’t characterize that as sexual assault.” He won't protect women

That's not what he said...

He said that if it is unwanted then it is sexual assault. What he di say however when asked if Trump or someone high up in the government did grab a woman by the pussy unwantedly, if he would prosecute them, and he danced around it saying the President has special privileges.
"he danced around it saying the President has special privileges."

REALLY? that's awesome!
I'm waiting for Senator Hatch to give Sessions a blow job right there in the hearing... he just wasted time by doing nothing but complimenting Sessions and asking zero substantive questions.
Nah, he's not. Just thought i'd get this post out of the way before all the Trump-Hater nutters start flooding the forum with it. You know the numerous repetitive 'Sessions is a Racist!' posts are coming. Thought i'd provide a merge-point. Ok, let the loony Race-Baiting begin!...

Jeff Sessions' record sharply contradicts the left's claims about his character. They are shameless. They promised to fight every single thing Trump does and even though they are wrong, they'll keep it up. That's what immature sore losers do.

From bashing him for having an Asian granddaughter to outright lying about him being a racist, the liberal hate machine is running at full speed.

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