Jeb Bush's 'Big Tent' Welcomes Iraq War Screw-Ups


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
This week, the 2016 campaign takes us back to Iraq as the media grapples with the emerging foreign policy philosophy and advisory team of Jeb Bush. The potential presidential candidate is laden with the burden of memory -- specifically, the memory of his brother's misadventures in Iraq. The early indication is that Jeb reckons he may as well turn into the skid. As the Washington Post's Philip Bump explains, "If Bush's goal is to present himself as his 'own man,' that list of advisers undermines the point somewhat: 19 of the 21 people on it worked in the administrations of his father or brother."

More: Jeb Bush's 'Big Tent' Welcomes Iraq War Screw-Ups

If Jeb wants to be his 'own man' - then why is he using the same old Bush family advisers?
This week, the 2016 campaign takes us back to Iraq as the media grapples with the emerging foreign policy philosophy and advisory team of Jeb Bush. The potential presidential candidate is laden with the burden of memory -- specifically, the memory of his brother's misadventures in Iraq. The early indication is that Jeb reckons he may as well turn into the skid. As the Washington Post's Philip Bump explains, "If Bush's goal is to present himself as his 'own man,' that list of advisers undermines the point somewhat: 19 of the 21 people on it worked in the administrations of his father or brother."

More: Jeb Bush's 'Big Tent' Welcomes Iraq War Screw-Ups

If Jeb wants to be his 'own man' - then why is he using the same old Bush family advisers?
Oh that's easy, every successful criminal enterprise needs reliable criminals.
For the same reason Hillary is using people from her and Bills past the same reason Obama used people he had known for years the same reason every politician who is considering running or running for President does this.
For the same reason Hillary is using people from her and Bills past the same reason Obama used people he had known for years the same reason every politician who is considering running or running for President does this.
Since the first two Bush presidencies were disastrous in their criminality it's a valid concern that the same criminals might get near the levers of power again.
they get more desperate every day. We haven't seen anything yet and they evidently haven't learned anything either. the people had their fill of them after they put in Obama and then lost Congress in ONLY SIX year under his and their rein of terror and dirty ugly politics.

no more progressives/dems/commies for president folks.

so keep it up.... you're only helping Republicans like you did the last two elections
Democrats are vowing to tether him to the controversial decisions of his brother, President George W. Bush, who they blame for starting a war in Iraq on false pretenses and for presiding over a disastrous occupation that cost trillions of dollars, thousands of U.S. and Iraqi lives and destabilized the region.

From the OP link.
For the same reason Hillary is using people from her and Bills past the same reason Obama used people he had known for years the same reason every politician who is considering running or running for President does this.
Since the first two Bush presidencies were disastrous in their criminality it's a valid concern that the same criminals might get near the levers of power again.
The only thing criminal is these kind of stupid far left talking points. I shudder to use logic in response as that tends to go over the far lefts head but here goes a Democratic President followed both the Bush Presidency's yet neither had their Attorney Generals launch any investigations or file any criminal charges against them kind of strange if they were as criminal as you claim. In fact the only criminal action I recall was the Scooter Libby scandal and he was investigated, charged and convicted under the Bush administration.
How many states did Holder sue and if you look at if folks. He was suing you and your votes of the state you live in.

think about it

You want more of this from a party who is going around saying your choice for candidate for President is stupid because he didn't finish college?

they did the same thing to Mrs. Palin and she was a Governor as is Walker. Obambam wasn't even a ONE TERM Senator in our Congress and they put in him as President and then got his party kicked out power because of it. SO JUST who is the stupid ones?

way past time to wake up to these people and start standing up to it.
This week, the 2016 campaign takes us back to Iraq as the media grapples with the emerging foreign policy philosophy and advisory team of Jeb Bush. The potential presidential candidate is laden with the burden of memory -- specifically, the memory of his brother's misadventures in Iraq. The early indication is that Jeb reckons he may as well turn into the skid. As the Washington Post's Philip Bump explains, "If Bush's goal is to present himself as his 'own man,' that list of advisers undermines the point somewhat: 19 of the 21 people on it worked in the administrations of his father or brother."

More: Jeb Bush's 'Big Tent' Welcomes Iraq War Screw-Ups

If Jeb wants to be his 'own man' - then why is he using the same old Bush family advisers?

They aren't through trying to rewrite the history of the Bush Presidency.
This week, the 2016 campaign takes us back to Iraq as the media grapples with the emerging foreign policy philosophy and advisory team of Jeb Bush. The potential presidential candidate is laden with the burden of memory -- specifically, the memory of his brother's misadventures in Iraq. The early indication is that Jeb reckons he may as well turn into the skid. As the Washington Post's Philip Bump explains, "If Bush's goal is to present himself as his 'own man,' that list of advisers undermines the point somewhat: 19 of the 21 people on it worked in the administrations of his father or brother."

More: Jeb Bush's 'Big Tent' Welcomes Iraq War Screw-Ups

If Jeb wants to be his 'own man' - then why is he using the same old Bush family advisers?

They aren't through trying to rewrite the history of the Bush Presidency.

I totally agree! Do they really think jeb can help them do that? I think they do...
Here are the main topics that I hope Jeb is repeatedly grilled on:

1. His brother's wars.
Glad you brought that up again on another thread you talked about the wars his brother started I acknowledged Iraq but never got a response on what the second war he started was care to give one now?
2. His father's war (suckering Saddam into Kuwait).
He suckered Saddam into Kuwait? I'm sure you have something to support that claim but just forgot to link it.
3. Terri Schiavo.
What about her?

4. His role in the 2000 Florida presidential election.
If you mean the Florida recount he recused himself so he had no role.
His brothers war, Hillary supported, as for WMD's Hillary and her hubby agreed he had em.
Suckering Saddam into Kuwait, So the decline and economic devastation resulting from his failed war with Iran had nothing to do with it? Bush's fault? Come now not everyone is that brain dead.
Terri Schiavo, so you would pull the plug? Speaks volumes. Sanctity of life? regardless a tragedy for all involved, simply no winners.
His role in the 2000 election, I think the US Supreme court settled this one, once and for all, but your welcome to relive it as you see fit.
No fan of #3 Bush but why not let him state his case as a candidate. The media will determine the outcome, so let him have his day, sort of like Hillary, and her baggage lord knows it will all come out one way or another.
Here are the main topics that I hope Jeb is repeatedly grilled on:

1. His brother's wars.
Glad you brought that up again on another thread you talked about the wars his brother started I acknowledged Iraq but never got a response on what the second war he started was care to give one now?
2. His father's war (suckering Saddam into Kuwait).
He suckered Saddam into Kuwait? I'm sure you have something to support that claim but just forgot to link it.
3. Terri Schiavo.
What about her?

4. His role in the 2000 Florida presidential election.
If you mean the Florida recount he recused himself so he had no role.

Only after all the voter suppression and unleashing then-Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris. Surely you remember her...

they get more desperate every day. We haven't seen anything yet and they evidently haven't learned anything either. the people had their fill of them after they put in Obama and then lost Congress in ONLY SIX year under his and their rein of terror and dirty ugly politics.

no more progressives/dems/commies for president folks.

so keep it up.... you're only helping Republicans like you did the last two elections
Please, crawl back under your trailer you ignorant twat.

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