Japan seeks record military spending in 2022 to counter Chinese influence


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Japan seeks record military spending in 2022 to counter Chinese influence

31 Aug 2021 ~~ By Zarrin Ahmed
The Japanese government on Tuesday proposed a record level of defense spending for next year -- almost $50 billion -- to counter rising influence and aggression from China in the region.
Japan's Ministry of Defense is requesting 5.48 trillion yen -- equivalent to $49.86 billion -- starting in April, a 2.6% increase over its 2021 amount.
If approved by the finance ministry and Japanese lawmakers later this year, the level for 2022 would be an all-time high and the steepest increase in a decade.
Some of the items included in the budget request include a dozen U.S. made F-35 fighters and funding to develop Japan's first new domestic fighter jet in three decades. The aircraft is expected to be completed in the 2030s and cost about $40 billion.
Japan's military also intends to spend some of the money on compact warships and longer-range missiles, and hopes to increase its arsenal of space-related forces.
The budget request will be reviewed by finance ministry officials, who can amend it before sending it to Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga's cabinet for approval. If approved, it would be the largest percentage increase in spending since 2014.
Even if it receives the entire amount, Japan's military spending pales in comparison to China's. Beijing plans to hike defense spending next year by almost 7%. The Chinese military is about four times larger than Japan's and is second in size only to the United States.

In the aftermath of this Bai Dung massive clusterfuck in Afghanistan, America's allies see that Democrat Presidents cannot be counted upon to honor their agreements or Alliances.
Now that China is pushing toward domination of the Pacific and Joey Xi Bai Dung is kowtowing to Xi Jinping Island governments like Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, The Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, and Singapore are now viewing America under Joey Xi Bai Dung in a different light as weak and incapable of honoring their words of alliances.
To top it off, North Korea has just fired up it's nuclear reactor to manufacture more nuclear warheads pointed at the good ole USA.

Japan seeks record military spending in 2022 to counter Chinese influence

31 Aug 2021 ~~ By Zarrin Ahmed
The Japanese government on Tuesday proposed a record level of defense spending for next year -- almost $50 billion -- to counter rising influence and aggression from China in the region.
Japan's Ministry of Defense is requesting 5.48 trillion yen -- equivalent to $49.86 billion -- starting in April, a 2.6% increase over its 2021 amount.
If approved by the finance ministry and Japanese lawmakers later this year, the level for 2022 would be an all-time high and the steepest increase in a decade.
Some of the items included in the budget request include a dozen U.S. made F-35 fighters and funding to develop Japan's first new domestic fighter jet in three decades. The aircraft is expected to be completed in the 2030s and cost about $40 billion.
Japan's military also intends to spend some of the money on compact warships and longer-range missiles, and hopes to increase its arsenal of space-related forces.
The budget request will be reviewed by finance ministry officials, who can amend it before sending it to Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga's cabinet for approval. If approved, it would be the largest percentage increase in spending since 2014.
Even if it receives the entire amount, Japan's military spending pales in comparison to China's. Beijing plans to hike defense spending next year by almost 7%. The Chinese military is about four times larger than Japan's and is second in size only to the United States.

In the aftermath of this Bai Dung massive clusterfuck in Afghanistan, America's allies see that Democrat Presidents cannot be counted upon to honor their agreements or Alliances.
Now that China is pushing toward domination of the Pacific and Joey Xi Bai Dung is kowtowing to Xi Jinping Island governments like Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, The Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, and Singapore are now viewing America under Joey Xi Bai Dung in a different light as weak and incapable of honoring their words of alliances.
To top it off, North Korea has just fired up it's nuclear reactor to manufacture more nuclear warheads pointed at the good ole USA.
Does not sound like that to me. It sounds like Japan takes seriously its own responsibility and commitment to defend Japanese territory and back it with their own money and manpower. Sounds like a good ally to me.
The Japanese are not restricted in the size of their military anymore they may build it as large as they deem necessary.
Weren't The Right pushing allies to take more responsibility for their own defence...ooohh...about 10 months ago?

Now they have no option under the incompetent Quisling Bai Dung.
ITMT, Australia and the rest of those in the Asian Pacific alliance could have used the $84 billion of materiel Joey Xi Bai Dung gifted the Taliban. :abgg2q.jpg:
ITMT, Australia and the rest of those in the Asian Pacific alliance could have used the $84 billion of materiel Joey Xi Bai Dung gifted the Taliban.
Used it for what, proxy fighting some US war?
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The Japanese are not restricted in the size of their military anymore they may build it as large as they deem necessary.

Just to be sure, I won't be vacationing in Hawaii for a while.

Japan seeks record military spending in 2022 to counter Chinese influence

31 Aug 2021 ~~ By Zarrin Ahmed
The Japanese government on Tuesday proposed a record level of defense spending for next year -- almost $50 billion -- to counter rising influence and aggression from China in the region.
Japan's Ministry of Defense is requesting 5.48 trillion yen -- equivalent to $49.86 billion -- starting in April, a 2.6% increase over its 2021 amount.
If approved by the finance ministry and Japanese lawmakers later this year, the level for 2022 would be an all-time high and the steepest increase in a decade.
Some of the items included in the budget request include a dozen U.S. made F-35 fighters and funding to develop Japan's first new domestic fighter jet in three decades. The aircraft is expected to be completed in the 2030s and cost about $40 billion.
Japan's military also intends to spend some of the money on compact warships and longer-range missiles, and hopes to increase its arsenal of space-related forces.
The budget request will be reviewed by finance ministry officials, who can amend it before sending it to Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga's cabinet for approval. If approved, it would be the largest percentage increase in spending since 2014.
Even if it receives the entire amount, Japan's military spending pales in comparison to China's. Beijing plans to hike defense spending next year by almost 7%. The Chinese military is about four times larger than Japan's and is second in size only to the United States.

In the aftermath of this Bai Dung massive clusterfuck in Afghanistan, America's allies see that Democrat Presidents cannot be counted upon to honor their agreements or Alliances.
Now that China is pushing toward domination of the Pacific and Joey Xi Bai Dung is kowtowing to Xi Jinping Island governments like Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, The Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, and Singapore are now viewing America under Joey Xi Bai Dung in a different light as weak and incapable of honoring their words of alliances.
To top it off, North Korea has just fired up it's nuclear reactor to manufacture more nuclear warheads pointed at the good ole USA.
They're gonna need it no one is coming to save them

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