January 6 is Patriots Day ------ January 6 Will Forever Be Ashli Babbitt Day


To which Samuel Johnson as far back as 1775 noted: " ‘Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel.’

And an illustration of MAGA Man's idea of 'unbridled patriotism usefully employed to assault a uniformed police officer with toxic chemicals.

In MAGAMan's patriotic worldview Blue Lives Matter....not very much.

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Looks like they learned it from you guys Screenshot_20231208-163248_X.jpg
Remember Ashli Babbitt, never forgive those who took her life at the point of a discharged handgun carried by a thug. MAGA2024 is coming - and remember Ashli Babbitt when you vote.
Trump got her killed and you guys will never make him answer for it. Not a cult at all.

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