James Comey's very bad day....lolol!

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018

I warned him.

I told him back in April that then would probably have been a good time for him to leave the country. His malfeasance was already recognized:

Comey violated FBI protocols to try to nail Trump.
Comey exonerated Hillary Clinton long before she was even interviewed by the FBI.

Comey leaks, but when he does it he does not believe it is a leak.

To this day Comey says he doesn’t know who paid for the Russian dossier.

When a Chinese spy was found working for Dianne Feinstein she was given notice and she fired him. Comey never gave Donald Trump a heads-up about attempts by the Russians to corrupt the election.

Comey did not tell Trump that it was Hillary Clinton and the DNC who paid for the dossier. He said “it wasn’t necessary for my goal.” Which was to frame Trump, of course.

Three times Comey told Trump he was not under investigation but refused to say it publicly.

Too late. Keep that last one in mind.
Comey is guilty as hell. He knew in the spring of 2016 that Carter Page was a Confidential Human Source (CHS), July at the very latest.

Larsofhaus on Twitter

Catherine Herridge on Twitter

But they conveniently omitted that fact from their phony FISA application.

Comey also left this out

Chuck Ross on Twitter

Today all his blustering and pomposity vanished. Mostly.

A mere few days after claiming exoneration, Comey was admitting he was wrong, but it really wasn't his fault:

Former FBI Director James Comey admitted on "Fox News Sunday" that the recently released Justice Department Inspector General’s report on the launch of the FBI’s Russia investigation and their use of the surveillance process showed that he was "overconfident" when he defended his former agency's use of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).

This comes days after Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report and testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee detailed concerns that included 17 “significant errors and omissions” by the FBI’s investigative team when applying for a FISA warrant to monitor former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page. Horowitz referred “the entire chain of command” to the FBI and DOJ for “how to assess and address their performance failures” during the probe, which was conducted while Comey was in charge. "He's right, I was wrong," Comey said about how the FBI used the FISA process, adding, "I was overconfident as director in our procedures," and that what happened "was not acceptable."

Comey refused to have his security clearance reinstated so he wouldn't have to answer any questions from Michael Horowitz. How convenient. Watch as Comey dodges the facts:
Eddie Zipperer on Twitter

Did you catch it? Comey claimed that Trump wasn't under investigation. Monumental lie. Trump fired Comey precisely because while Comey three times told Trump privately that Trump was not a target of the investigation Comey would not say it publicly.

Trump was a target and I suspect this might be one of those things with which John Durham disagrees.

(Excerpt) Read more at Floppingaces.net...

I know many of us do not like Chris Wallace, but give him his due on this interview. It was brutal and Comey’s answers were inadequate at best and contradictory to his prior statements at worst. If this was a preview of his future, Comey is in a very bad spot as he seemed incapable of answering questions satisfactorily and on top of that, he was forced to acknowledge that his previous answers before congress and statements to the media were wrong.

The damage is done. Stop and consider the angst this man put the nation through with his swampy machinations to have Mueller appointed to investigate a crime that never existed and an investigation that never once corroborated the original allegation. His behavior and judgement will forever taint the investigation of Clinton in the minds of millions of Americans.

What a mess. We have lived with it drip by drip for 3 years, but when you step back and look at the entire picture beginning with the email investigation all the way through the Trump persecutions it is incredible.

Just wait until John durham
Is done .. and democrats in Congress better have a back bone not only arrest them but hang them for treason

I warned him.

I told him back in April that then would probably have been a good time for him to leave the country. His malfeasance was already recognized:

Comey violated FBI protocols to try to nail Trump.
Comey exonerated Hillary Clinton long before she was even interviewed by the FBI.

Comey leaks, but when he does it he does not believe it is a leak.

To this day Comey says he doesn’t know who paid for the Russian dossier.

When a Chinese spy was found working for Dianne Feinstein she was given notice and she fired him. Comey never gave Donald Trump a heads-up about attempts by the Russians to corrupt the election.

Comey did not tell Trump that it was Hillary Clinton and the DNC who paid for the dossier. He said “it wasn’t necessary for my goal.” Which was to frame Trump, of course.

Three times Comey told Trump he was not under investigation but refused to say it publicly.

Too late. Keep that last one in mind.
Comey is guilty as hell. He knew in the spring of 2016 that Carter Page was a Confidential Human Source (CHS), July at the very latest.

Larsofhaus on Twitter

Catherine Herridge on Twitter

But they conveniently omitted that fact from their phony FISA application.

Comey also left this out

Chuck Ross on Twitter

Today all his blustering and pomposity vanished. Mostly.

A mere few days after claiming exoneration, Comey was admitting he was wrong, but it really wasn't his fault:

Former FBI Director James Comey admitted on "Fox News Sunday" that the recently released Justice Department Inspector General’s report on the launch of the FBI’s Russia investigation and their use of the surveillance process showed that he was "overconfident" when he defended his former agency's use of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).

This comes days after Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report and testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee detailed concerns that included 17 “significant errors and omissions” by the FBI’s investigative team when applying for a FISA warrant to monitor former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page. Horowitz referred “the entire chain of command” to the FBI and DOJ for “how to assess and address their performance failures” during the probe, which was conducted while Comey was in charge. "He's right, I was wrong," Comey said about how the FBI used the FISA process, adding, "I was overconfident as director in our procedures," and that what happened "was not acceptable."

Comey refused to have his security clearance reinstated so he wouldn't have to answer any questions from Michael Horowitz. How convenient. Watch as Comey dodges the facts:
Eddie Zipperer on Twitter

Did you catch it? Comey claimed that Trump wasn't under investigation. Monumental lie. Trump fired Comey precisely because while Comey three times told Trump privately that Trump was not a target of the investigation Comey would not say it publicly.

Trump was a target and I suspect this might be one of those things with which John Durham disagrees.

(Excerpt) Read more at Floppingaces.net...

I know many of us do not like Chris Wallace, but give him his due on this interview. It was brutal and Comey’s answers were inadequate at best and contradictory to his prior statements at worst. If this was a preview of his future, Comey is in a very bad spot as he seemed incapable of answering questions satisfactorily and on top of that, he was forced to acknowledge that his previous answers before congress and statements to the media were wrong.

The damage is done. Stop and consider the angst this man put the nation through with his swampy machinations to have Mueller appointed to investigate a crime that never existed and an investigation that never once corroborated the original allegation. His behavior and judgement will forever taint the investigation of Clinton in the minds of millions of Americans.

What a mess. We have lived with it drip by drip for 3 years, but when you step back and look at the entire picture beginning with the email investigation all the way through the Trump persecutions it is incredible.
I think Comey and Clinton conspired together to get Donald Trump, and I think his alleged exoneration should be rescinded as they are both driven off into the sunset in a Prison bus to Solitary Confinement quarters where they can't hurt another American ever again.
Large Federal Prison that Houses Traitors:


I warned him.

I told him back in April that then would probably have been a good time for him to leave the country. His malfeasance was already recognized:

Comey violated FBI protocols to try to nail Trump.
Comey exonerated Hillary Clinton long before she was even interviewed by the FBI.

Comey leaks, but when he does it he does not believe it is a leak.

To this day Comey says he doesn’t know who paid for the Russian dossier.

When a Chinese spy was found working for Dianne Feinstein she was given notice and she fired him. Comey never gave Donald Trump a heads-up about attempts by the Russians to corrupt the election.

Comey did not tell Trump that it was Hillary Clinton and the DNC who paid for the dossier. He said “it wasn’t necessary for my goal.” Which was to frame Trump, of course.

Three times Comey told Trump he was not under investigation but refused to say it publicly.

Too late. Keep that last one in mind.
Comey is guilty as hell. He knew in the spring of 2016 that Carter Page was a Confidential Human Source (CHS), July at the very latest.

Larsofhaus on Twitter

Catherine Herridge on Twitter

But they conveniently omitted that fact from their phony FISA application.

Comey also left this out

Chuck Ross on Twitter

Today all his blustering and pomposity vanished. Mostly.

A mere few days after claiming exoneration, Comey was admitting he was wrong, but it really wasn't his fault:

Former FBI Director James Comey admitted on "Fox News Sunday" that the recently released Justice Department Inspector General’s report on the launch of the FBI’s Russia investigation and their use of the surveillance process showed that he was "overconfident" when he defended his former agency's use of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).

This comes days after Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report and testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee detailed concerns that included 17 “significant errors and omissions” by the FBI’s investigative team when applying for a FISA warrant to monitor former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page. Horowitz referred “the entire chain of command” to the FBI and DOJ for “how to assess and address their performance failures” during the probe, which was conducted while Comey was in charge. "He's right, I was wrong," Comey said about how the FBI used the FISA process, adding, "I was overconfident as director in our procedures," and that what happened "was not acceptable."

Comey refused to have his security clearance reinstated so he wouldn't have to answer any questions from Michael Horowitz. How convenient. Watch as Comey dodges the facts:
Eddie Zipperer on Twitter

Did you catch it? Comey claimed that Trump wasn't under investigation. Monumental lie. Trump fired Comey precisely because while Comey three times told Trump privately that Trump was not a target of the investigation Comey would not say it publicly.

Trump was a target and I suspect this might be one of those things with which John Durham disagrees.

(Excerpt) Read more at Floppingaces.net...

I know many of us do not like Chris Wallace, but give him his due on this interview. It was brutal and Comey’s answers were inadequate at best and contradictory to his prior statements at worst. If this was a preview of his future, Comey is in a very bad spot as he seemed incapable of answering questions satisfactorily and on top of that, he was forced to acknowledge that his previous answers before congress and statements to the media were wrong.

The damage is done. Stop and consider the angst this man put the nation through with his swampy machinations to have Mueller appointed to investigate a crime that never existed and an investigation that never once corroborated the original allegation. His behavior and judgement will forever taint the investigation of Clinton in the minds of millions of Americans.

What a mess. We have lived with it drip by drip for 3 years, but when you step back and look at the entire picture beginning with the email investigation all the way through the Trump persecutions it is incredible.

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