Jack Smith asked for protective order

Tucker Exposed It: 18 FBI and 20 DHS Agents – all at Jan 6 Fedsurrection – For sure.​

Plenty to instigate the violence or stop the violence. They stopped nothing.

In over 30 years as a police officer, Sund says he's never seen that number of undercover agents across multiple government agencies for similar events.
MAGA was waving their flags.

He is seeking to prevent sharing of evidence that may intimidate witnesses. What caused it? "You go. after me, I am coming for you."

Who is gonna control trump?
Jack Smith is a pussy.
The FBI is investigating violence...and all threats of violence on social media.
trump is one of the main perpetrators of violent threats on social media. He won't stop until someone else is killed...and even then he WON'T SHUT UP!

He is seeking to prevent sharing of evidence that may intimidate witnesses. What caused it? "You go. after me, I am coming for you."

Who is gonna control trump?
Trump is missing a gene; he can't keep his big mouth shut, it ain't possible, no, nada!!! Odds are that his big mouth will get him behind bars for contempt of court prior to any trial, with his phone taken away, rendering him silent. It would be the best thing that could happen not only to him, but for him.
The judge is ordering a response by the defense by Monday. Thats a bad sign for Trump.

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