It's time to update the Bible

"When it comes to the origin of life, we have only two possibilities as to how life arose. One is spontaneous generation arising to evolution; the other is a supernatural creative act of God. There is no third

It could be that the evolutionary process is infused with a spiritual element.
God's word doesn't evolve, moron
Don't be a dick. Of course it does. God Himself changes and evolves right in His Word. In Genesis God is hanging out with talking snakes, turning women into salt, incinerating entire cities, and commanding the Jews to slaughter children. By the end of the Old Testament, God is safely ensconced in Heaven and desires mercy, not vengeance.

It is hard to fathom the enormous damage fundamentalists have done with their insistence that, while mankind has made breathtaking progress in Science and Art, in Religion--the most important and complex way in which humans express rationality--we locked into the final and permanent understanding 2000 some years ago and that was that because "it is written".

No one is holding a gun to your head to force your acceptance. The choice is all yours to make.
The problem is, as Matthew pointed out, fundamentalists make religion ridiculous by insisting on taking the old stories literally. A young person runs across a "religious person" who insists with a straight face, yep, the the fish swallowed him until he decided, three days later, to obey God and go to Ninevah. Then the fish swam up to the beach and vomited and out popped Jonah alive, if chastened. And the young person is like, so, religion believes that that actually happened? It took him THREE DAYS INSIDE A FISH for him to decide to obey God. And the fundamentalist is like, yep. It's God's Word which means God Himself literally and actually and really really wrote It His Ownself. So every Word is the God's honest truth, no matter what, because It Is Written.

For the rest of his life that kid, when asked what religion he is, remembers that wild-eyed earnest fundy and says, uh, yeah, I'm not religious.

Yes, most folks do progress from being childlike to adulthood. We all have the freedom and mental ability to choose. What you folks really want to do is take away a person's right to choose.
“I have concluded that we are in a world made by rules created by an intelligence. Believe me, everything that we call chance today won’t make sense anymore” -- Michio Kaku
The first rule of biology is that it requires life to create life.

The largest living organism is a mushroom in Oregon. Early Greeks, believed men came from fish, which is why we have the story of Jonah and the big fish. Rebirth of Jonah.

What came first the chicken or the egg?
God's word doesn't evolve, moron
Don't be a dick. Of course it does. God Himself changes and evolves right in His Word. In Genesis God is hanging out with talking snakes, turning women into salt, incinerating entire cities, and commanding the Jews to slaughter children. By the end of the Old Testament, God is safely ensconced in Heaven and desires mercy, not vengeance.

It is hard to fathom the enormous damage fundamentalists have done with their insistence that, while mankind has made breathtaking progress in Science and Art, in Religion--the most important and complex way in which humans express rationality--we locked into the final and permanent understanding 2000 some years ago and that was that because "it is written".
Pretty sure it says same today yesterday and forever
God's word doesn't evolve, moron
Don't be a dick. Of course it does. God Himself changes and evolves right in His Word. In Genesis God is hanging out with talking snakes, turning women into salt, incinerating entire cities, and commanding the Jews to slaughter children. By the end of the Old Testament, God is safely ensconced in Heaven and desires mercy, not vengeance.

It is hard to fathom the enormous damage fundamentalists have done with their insistence that, while mankind has made breathtaking progress in Science and Art, in Religion--the most important and complex way in which humans express rationality--we locked into the final and permanent understanding 2000 some years ago and that was that because "it is written".
Pretty sure it says same today yesterday and forever

Exactly, there is nothing more hilarious than some dipshit atheist trying to school a Christian on Biblical matters
It's time to update the Bible as creationism is clearly wrong. We should replace the clearly made up fairly tale with the theory of Evolution.

God can be said to have developed evolution as his tool to make life on earth and to make his pride in joy humanity through it. The Bible needs to explain that the earth came together because god was a master of math and physics!!! He used his knowledge to put things together...

God didn't want his pride in joy to eat the apple of the tree of knowledge as he didn't want us to have this ability! But we did it anyways and became what we're today!!! Sea level raised as the ice age ended caused a great flood around 10 thousand years ago ending many a coastal city...People had to go to higher ground.

People warred before this great ice age ending sea level rise and warned and separated once again afterwards into our own separate klans(nations)...Israel of course could remain an important part of this.

What I am saying is the bible needs to be modernized with the reality! Teaching something to our children that is clearly made up with stuff that goes against reality is bad for civilization.
Good Lord, are you really this stupid? Or are you intentionally deceitful. The account of Genesis is allegorical. God did not magically create the universe in one step. He set the rules of nature and let nature take its course. You cannot dispute that the laws of nature are such that at the moment space and time came into existence, beings that know and create were pre-destined to eventually arise. The reality is that the Bible correctly explains that the universe had a beginning and was created in steps. Science tells us that the universe did have a beginning and what we see today is a result of the evolution of matter and was a process that was done in steps. Subatomic particles evolved into hydrogen and helium. Hydrogen and helium formed cosmic structures. Supernovas created the other elements. Chemical evolution created all the compounds. Life made the leap from inorganic matter to organic matter. Life made the leap from single cells to multi cells and to eventually beings that know and create. The laws of nature came into existence at the time space and time were created. Those laws predestined that beings that know and create would eventually arise. Check mate.

You should consider Kabbalah. I knew the Bible stores were allegory, but it helps when you talk with people who know and can explain the allegory.
The first rule of biology is that it requires life to create life.

The largest living organism is a mushroom in Oregon. Early Greeks, believed men came from fish, which is why we have the story of Jonah and the big fish. Rebirth of Jonah.

What came first the chicken or the egg?

What came first the chicken or the egg?
The Creator
So you say the chicken came first?

The Creator came first. Does that help?
“I have concluded that we are in a world made by rules created by an intelligence. Believe me, everything that we call chance today won’t make sense anymore” -- Michio Kaku

The first rule of biology is that it requires life to create life.

The largest living organism is a mushroom in Oregon. Early Greeks, believed men came from fish, which is why we have the story of Jonah and the big fish. Rebirth of Jonah.

What came first the chicken or the egg?

What came first the chicken or the egg?
The Creator
So you say the chicken came first?

The Creator came first. Does that help?

No, can you describe the creator, is he or it an idea, or a human , or just what is the creator??
“I have concluded that we are in a world made by rules created by an intelligence. Believe me, everything that we call chance today won’t make sense anymore” -- Michio Kaku

The first rule of biology is that it requires life to create life.

The largest living organism is a mushroom in Oregon. Early Greeks, believed men came from fish, which is why we have the story of Jonah and the big fish. Rebirth of Jonah.

What came first the chicken or the egg?

What came first the chicken or the egg?
The Creator
So you say the chicken came first?

The Creator came first. Does that help?

No, can you describe the creator, is he or it an idea, or a human , or just what is the creator??

The Creator is in the realm of the Unknowable; humans lack the sensory perceptual capacity to interact with the Creator, we can only do that through feelings and only in the briefest of glimpses.

The Sun has a corona that's 200 times hotter than the surface, the Earth itself still retains it's magnetic field after 4.5 Billion years, the Moon has absolutely no business orbiting the Earth, yet they're all there and we're convinced we're the experts and have all the answers.

We're living in Flatlands, we're the Flatlanders living in a 4 dimensional world within a 10 dimensional Universe, yet we believe the Universe has to conform to our understanding. The Creator is chuckling

We're subject to Time, and that distorts our ability to understand the Universe
“I have concluded that we are in a world made by rules created by an intelligence. Believe me, everything that we call chance today won’t make sense anymore” -- Michio Kaku

The largest living organism is a mushroom in Oregon. Early Greeks, believed men came from fish, which is why we have the story of Jonah and the big fish. Rebirth of Jonah.

What came first the chicken or the egg?

What came first the chicken or the egg?
The Creator
So you say the chicken came first?

The Creator came first. Does that help?

No, can you describe the creator, is he or it an idea, or a human , or just what is the creator??

The Creator is in the realm of the Unknowable; humans lack the sensory perceptual capacity to interact with the Creator, we can only do that through feelings and only in the briefest of glimpses.

The Sun has a corona that's 200 times hotter than the surface, the Earth itself still retains it's magnetic field after 4.5 Billion years, the Moon has absolutely no business orbiting the Earth, yet they're all there and we're convinced we're the experts and have all the answers.

We're living in Flatlands, we're the Flatlanders living in a 4 dimensional world within a 10 dimensional Universe, yet we believe the Universe has to conform to our understanding. The Creator is chuckling

We're subject to Time, and that distorts our ability to understand the Universe

So you don't know either. I was waiting for Jesus, Allah or Yahweh, or heaven forbid,

Donald Trump.:)
“I have concluded that we are in a world made by rules created by an intelligence. Believe me, everything that we call chance today won’t make sense anymore” -- Michio Kaku

What came first the chicken or the egg?
The Creator
So you say the chicken came first?

The Creator came first. Does that help?

No, can you describe the creator, is he or it an idea, or a human , or just what is the creator??

The Creator is in the realm of the Unknowable; humans lack the sensory perceptual capacity to interact with the Creator, we can only do that through feelings and only in the briefest of glimpses.

The Sun has a corona that's 200 times hotter than the surface, the Earth itself still retains it's magnetic field after 4.5 Billion years, the Moon has absolutely no business orbiting the Earth, yet they're all there and we're convinced we're the experts and have all the answers.

We're living in Flatlands, we're the Flatlanders living in a 4 dimensional world within a 10 dimensional Universe, yet we believe the Universe has to conform to our understanding. The Creator is chuckling

We're subject to Time, and that distorts our ability to understand the Universe

So you don't know either. I was waiting for Jesus, Allah or Yahweh, or heaven forbid,

Donald Trump.:)

I thought this was a serious discussion
“I have concluded that we are in a world made by rules created by an intelligence. Believe me, everything that we call chance today won’t make sense anymore” -- Michio Kaku

So you say the chicken came first?

The Creator came first. Does that help?

No, can you describe the creator, is he or it an idea, or a human , or just what is the creator??

The Creator is in the realm of the Unknowable; humans lack the sensory perceptual capacity to interact with the Creator, we can only do that through feelings and only in the briefest of glimpses.

The Sun has a corona that's 200 times hotter than the surface, the Earth itself still retains it's magnetic field after 4.5 Billion years, the Moon has absolutely no business orbiting the Earth, yet they're all there and we're convinced we're the experts and have all the answers.

We're living in Flatlands, we're the Flatlanders living in a 4 dimensional world within a 10 dimensional Universe, yet we believe the Universe has to conform to our understanding. The Creator is chuckling

We're subject to Time, and that distorts our ability to understand the Universe

So you don't know either. I was waiting for Jesus, Allah or Yahweh, or heaven forbid,

Donald Trump.:)

I thought this was a serious discussion

It is, but no one knows anything. You think there is a God, I question it, its no different, if you dig deep down, we are all agnostic, because no one knows. I can't even describe and neither can you what God is like and we have no definition of God, other than what we have been raised with. Most of us want to believe in a God, but we do not know. Some do see Donald Trump as a savior, just like another King Cyrus.
“I have concluded that we are in a world made by rules created by an intelligence. Believe me, everything that we call chance today won’t make sense anymore” -- Michio Kaku

The Creator came first. Does that help?

No, can you describe the creator, is he or it an idea, or a human , or just what is the creator??

The Creator is in the realm of the Unknowable; humans lack the sensory perceptual capacity to interact with the Creator, we can only do that through feelings and only in the briefest of glimpses.

The Sun has a corona that's 200 times hotter than the surface, the Earth itself still retains it's magnetic field after 4.5 Billion years, the Moon has absolutely no business orbiting the Earth, yet they're all there and we're convinced we're the experts and have all the answers.

We're living in Flatlands, we're the Flatlanders living in a 4 dimensional world within a 10 dimensional Universe, yet we believe the Universe has to conform to our understanding. The Creator is chuckling

We're subject to Time, and that distorts our ability to understand the Universe

So you don't know either. I was waiting for Jesus, Allah or Yahweh, or heaven forbid,

Donald Trump.:)

I thought this was a serious discussion

It is, but no one knows anything. You think there is a God, I question it, its no different, if you dig deep down, we are all agnostic, because no one knows. I can't even describe and neither can you what God is like and we have no definition of God, other than what we have been raised with. Most of us want to believe in a God, but we do not know. Some do see Donald Trump as a savior, just like another King Cyrus.

There is a large Political Forum right here on USMB. You should take your butt hurt Trump bashing there.

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