It's time to update the Bible

Destiny is neither cause-and-effect, nor random chance. Nothing is "destined" in nature. Btw, is God in Nature?
Everything is cause and effect. There has never been an uncaused event. Therefore, everything happens for a purpose.
That's the classic error of pre-modern thinking, the teleological view of the world. It's the Aristotelian view that shackled western science for two millennia until Francis Bacon pointed out science doesn't concern itself with motive. A dog doesn't grow legs for the purpose of walking any more than rain falls because it wants to make the crops grow. Rain is a function of evaporation and condensation and gravity; we can make predictions about rain by observing those phenomena, not by ascertaining a rain cloud's desire to help farmers.

The primitive mind wants to see purposes and destinies. To the primitive, if there is a time of drought, it's because the tribe didn't throw enough virgins in the volcano and the rain god wants to punish it. Or, because the farmer didn't tithe enough at church, and God is punishing him. We see this frequently after a hurricane, some fundy preacher somewhere will claim God was pissed at the area's homos so He sent the hurricane as punishment.

We need a Sir Francis Bacon of religion to help guys like you modernize your religious views. Just like primitive scientists were hobbled by approaching the physical world from the position that a dog grows legs so it can walk, religious primitives approach the question of God from the position of what the purpose of a God would be.

Well, obviously, He should be the Creator of the universe, because how we got here is a big huge question we'd like answered.
But, you don't seem like an honest debater interested in wrestling with the eternal questions to gain real understanding. It's like you are just trying to score points so that "your side" can win, and I'm not interested in that.
I don't see it like that and that's not even close to what I am discussing. I don't live in pre-modern times and I am not constrained by what you have read in a book. Everything is connected through cause and effect. There are equal and opposite reactions. Cycles do exist. Consciousness is evolving just as all the other phases of the evolution of matter has evolved before it. Just because you are any of the books you have read don't see it or understand it does not mean it isn't happening or doesn't exist. The reality of the situation is that the natural physical laws and natural moral laws do exist. I am more than happy for you to be oblivious to your normalization of deviance.
Everything is connected through cause and effect.

the certainty after death included, the moment of Singularity - the Apex of Knowledge, sub Atomic particles ... you've got to be kidding, the Almighty.

they should deduct for post gouging ...

It's time to update the Bible as creationism is clearly wrong. We should replace the clearly made up fairly tale with the theory of Evolution.

God can be said to have developed evolution as his tool to make life on earth and to make his pride in joy humanity through it. The Bible needs to explain that the earth came together because god was a master of math and physics!!! He used his knowledge to put things together...

God didn't want his pride in joy to eat the apple of the tree of knowledge as he didn't want us to have this ability! But we did it anyways and became what we're today!!! Sea level raised as the ice age ended caused a great flood around 10 thousand years ago ending many a coastal city...People had to go to higher ground.

People warred before this great ice age ending sea level rise and warned and separated once again afterwards into our own separate klans(nations)...Israel of course could remain an important part of this.

What I am saying is the bible needs to be modernized with the reality! Teaching something to our children that is clearly made up with stuff that goes against reality is bad for civilization.
You're being silly, it is a metaphoric/mystical text that can be interpreted in different ways. It is not to be all taken literally.

Now I wouldn't be surprised if new religions will pop up based on the Bible with added texts, but there's no reason to change the Bible.
Destiny is neither cause-and-effect, nor random chance. Nothing is "destined" in nature. Btw, is God in Nature?
Everything is cause and effect. There has never been an uncaused event. Therefore, everything happens for a purpose.
That's the classic error of pre-modern thinking, the teleological view of the world. It's the Aristotelian view that shackled western science for two millennia until Francis Bacon pointed out science doesn't concern itself with motive. A dog doesn't grow legs for the purpose of walking any more than rain falls because it wants to make the crops grow. Rain is a function of evaporation and condensation and gravity; we can make predictions about rain by observing those phenomena, not by ascertaining a rain cloud's desire to help farmers.

The primitive mind wants to see purposes and destinies. To the primitive, if there is a time of drought, it's because the tribe didn't throw enough virgins in the volcano and the rain god wants to punish it. Or, because the farmer didn't tithe enough at church, and God is punishing him. We see this frequently after a hurricane, some fundy preacher somewhere will claim God was pissed at the area's homos so He sent the hurricane as punishment.

We need a Sir Francis Bacon of religion to help guys like you modernize your religious views. Just like primitive scientists were hobbled by approaching the physical world from the position that a dog grows legs so it can walk, religious primitives approach the question of God from the position of what the purpose of a God would be.

Well, obviously, He should be the Creator of the universe, because how we got here is a big huge question we'd like answered.
But, you don't seem like an honest debater interested in wrestling with the eternal questions to gain real understanding. It's like you are just trying to score points so that "your side" can win, and I'm not interested in that.
I don't see it like that and that's not even close to what I am discussing. I don't live in pre-modern times and I am not constrained by what you have read in a book. Everything is connected through cause and effect. There are equal and opposite reactions. Cycles do exist. Consciousness is evolving just as all the other phases of the evolution of matter has evolved before it. Just because you are any of the books you have read don't see it or understand it does not mean it isn't happening or doesn't exist. The reality of the situation is that the natural physical laws and natural moral laws do exist. I am more than happy for you to be oblivious to your normalization of deviance.
Everything is connected through cause and effect.

the certainty after death included, the moment of Singularity - the Apex of Knowledge, sub Atomic particles ... you've got to be kidding, the Almighty.

they should deduct for post gouging ...

He knows all about it. He created it.
Destiny is neither cause-and-effect, nor random chance. Nothing is "destined" in nature. Btw, is God in Nature?
Everything is cause and effect. There has never been an uncaused event. Therefore, everything happens for a purpose.
That's the classic error of pre-modern thinking, the teleological view of the world. It's the Aristotelian view that shackled western science for two millennia until Francis Bacon pointed out science doesn't concern itself with motive. A dog doesn't grow legs for the purpose of walking any more than rain falls because it wants to make the crops grow. Rain is a function of evaporation and condensation and gravity; we can make predictions about rain by observing those phenomena, not by ascertaining a rain cloud's desire to help farmers.

The primitive mind wants to see purposes and destinies. To the primitive, if there is a time of drought, it's because the tribe didn't throw enough virgins in the volcano and the rain god wants to punish it. Or, because the farmer didn't tithe enough at church, and God is punishing him. We see this frequently after a hurricane, some fundy preacher somewhere will claim God was pissed at the area's homos so He sent the hurricane as punishment.

We need a Sir Francis Bacon of religion to help guys like you modernize your religious views. Just like primitive scientists were hobbled by approaching the physical world from the position that a dog grows legs so it can walk, religious primitives approach the question of God from the position of what the purpose of a God would be.

Well, obviously, He should be the Creator of the universe, because how we got here is a big huge question we'd like answered.
But, you don't seem like an honest debater interested in wrestling with the eternal questions to gain real understanding. It's like you are just trying to score points so that "your side" can win, and I'm not interested in that.
I don't see it like that and that's not even close to what I am discussing. I don't live in pre-modern times and I am not constrained by what you have read in a book. Everything is connected through cause and effect. There are equal and opposite reactions. Cycles do exist. Consciousness is evolving just as all the other phases of the evolution of matter has evolved before it. Just because you are any of the books you have read don't see it or understand it does not mean it isn't happening or doesn't exist. The reality of the situation is that the natural physical laws and natural moral laws do exist. I am more than happy for you to be oblivious to your normalization of deviance.
Everything is connected through cause and effect.

the certainty after death included, the moment of Singularity - the Apex of Knowledge, sub Atomic particles ... you've got to be kidding, the Almighty.

they should deduct for post gouging ...

He knows all about it. He created it.
He knows all about it. He created it.

They know all about it. They created it.

I fixed that for you, your welcome ... and you claim you are not misogynistic . :eusa_naughty:

and you are saying there is certainty after death, sounds good to me ...

The bible needs more hot chicks. Well, ok, SOME hot chicks.
Everything is cause and effect. There has never been an uncaused event. Therefore, everything happens for a purpose.
That's the classic error of pre-modern thinking, the teleological view of the world. It's the Aristotelian view that shackled western science for two millennia until Francis Bacon pointed out science doesn't concern itself with motive. A dog doesn't grow legs for the purpose of walking any more than rain falls because it wants to make the crops grow. Rain is a function of evaporation and condensation and gravity; we can make predictions about rain by observing those phenomena, not by ascertaining a rain cloud's desire to help farmers.

The primitive mind wants to see purposes and destinies. To the primitive, if there is a time of drought, it's because the tribe didn't throw enough virgins in the volcano and the rain god wants to punish it. Or, because the farmer didn't tithe enough at church, and God is punishing him. We see this frequently after a hurricane, some fundy preacher somewhere will claim God was pissed at the area's homos so He sent the hurricane as punishment.

We need a Sir Francis Bacon of religion to help guys like you modernize your religious views. Just like primitive scientists were hobbled by approaching the physical world from the position that a dog grows legs so it can walk, religious primitives approach the question of God from the position of what the purpose of a God would be.

Well, obviously, He should be the Creator of the universe, because how we got here is a big huge question we'd like answered.
But, you don't seem like an honest debater interested in wrestling with the eternal questions to gain real understanding. It's like you are just trying to score points so that "your side" can win, and I'm not interested in that.
I don't see it like that and that's not even close to what I am discussing. I don't live in pre-modern times and I am not constrained by what you have read in a book. Everything is connected through cause and effect. There are equal and opposite reactions. Cycles do exist. Consciousness is evolving just as all the other phases of the evolution of matter has evolved before it. Just because you are any of the books you have read don't see it or understand it does not mean it isn't happening or doesn't exist. The reality of the situation is that the natural physical laws and natural moral laws do exist. I am more than happy for you to be oblivious to your normalization of deviance.
Everything is connected through cause and effect.

the certainty after death included, the moment of Singularity - the Apex of Knowledge, sub Atomic particles ... you've got to be kidding, the Almighty.

they should deduct for post gouging ...

He knows all about it. He created it.
He knows all about it. He created it.

They know all about it. They created it.

I fixed that for you, your welcome ... and you claim you are not misogynistic . :eusa_naughty:

and you are saying there is certainty after death, sounds good to me ...

It didn't need fixing.
According to you - "God"
And according to you?

You're deflecting but my opinion is that a creator god isn't possible. Something that cannot be affected by events or causes, cannot function - cannot move - cannot even exist.
I don't see how I was deflecting. I understand that is your position. Do you have anything else you would like to add?
According to you - "God"
And according to you?

You're deflecting but my opinion is that a creator god isn't possible. Something that cannot be affected by events or causes, cannot function - cannot move - cannot even exist.
I don't see how I was deflecting. I understand that is your position. Do you have anything else you would like to add?

You're deflecting by not responding to the points I'm making. You're not defending your assertions. Nothing to add if you're giving up.
According to you - "God"
And according to you?

You're deflecting but my opinion is that a creator god isn't possible. Something that cannot be affected by events or causes, cannot function - cannot move - cannot even exist.
I don't see how I was deflecting. I understand that is your position. Do you have anything else you would like to add?

You're deflecting by not responding to the points I'm making. You're not defending your assertions. Nothing to add if you're giving up.
Why do I need to defend my assertions? I'm not trying to convince you of anything. This is me being an island unto myself. Are you desiring something from me? Are you trying to indulge yourself in conflict? Suffering is caused by desire. The cessation of desire eliminates suffering, and the stopping of desire comes by following ‘The Middle Way’ between the extremes of sensuousness and asceticism. "Buddha said, ‘If someone is suffering, that is his karma.’ You are not to interfere with another person’s karma because he is purging himself through suffering and reincarnation! Buddha said, ‘You are to be an island unto yourself.’" Is this how you are being an island unto yourself?

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