*Its Time To Invest In A Generator*

*Are The Power Companies Getting Too Much Power?*

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Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. But here in Texas the powers that be, *Oncor* have installed a *smart meter* at my home, same as my neighbors, and this *smart meter* can *smart*, they can control if I get power or not, with *roving blackouts*, which is just another way they will be able to piss down my back and say, *its raining*, which is just bullshit!:evil:
2. So it looks like the best defense, is to make plans for a *back up*.:clap2:
3. Get a generator that works off natural gas, and when them bastards shut my power off, then *my generator* will automactically kick in running off natural gas.:clap2:
4. Its something worth looking into, so when the *tree huggers* *AL Gore Types* want to teach the people a lesson in my hood, with a *roving blackout*, my machine, kicks in and keeps my stuff powered up.
5. I see no other way to do it!:evil:
6. Link:Standby Generator Buyer's Guide - How to Pick the Perfect Home Standby Generator – How to Advice from the Product Experts at Electric Generators Direct

"Just a few years ago, the thought of owning an emergency standby generator seemed preposterous.

Now, living without electricity is all too common.

Many homeowners simply cannot afford to ride out another power outage. Instead, they are installing home standby generators in record numbers to protect their families and investments."

To anyone considering this, PLEASE get a professional to do the installation. If you don't, you could wind up backfeeding the lines coming into your house and killing linemen working on lines they think are de-energized.
Sorry bout that,

To anyone considering this, PLEASE get a professional to do the installation. If you don't, you could wind up backfeeding the lines coming into your house and killing linemen working on lines they think are de-energized.

1. Yes, always a good idea to hire a pro to do this set up.:clap2:
2. I would never atempt it myself.

Great idea if one can afford them.
Here in southern La. many/most people have generators...although most are the portable 5-8k watts...
We're used to hurricanes and loss of power.
It's not a bad idea. I used to have a problem up here with occasional outages with heavy snowstorms. My solution was to install a wood stove, which is now my primary heat source. My oil furnace requires electricity to work We still use it in the morning and to keep the house above freezing while we're gone.

We don't need air conditioning here
Smart meters so they can turn off your power, welcome to Alternative, Green, Clean, Renewable Energy.

So Obama's, the Democrat's, the Republican's, all gave us a great energy plan in which you get less power and its all controlled by the State, in a national emergency they can now shut down the internet and our power, which means they most likely have plans to turn off your water as well.

More Government control with the input of Liberal's, I can not wait to compromise on the next issue.
They did that smart meter thing in FL years ago.
You had to agree to it though and in exchange you got a cheaper power rate.

It is mandatory in Texas the freedom state?
The whole idea of rolling blackouts is to avoid a general blackout. It's to decrease the total load on the power grid during peak times. It's needed because of increasing population, and the use of air conditioning in hot places. Otherwise, power plants would need to expand their capacity in order to meet the demands of peak usage.
Sorry bout that,

They did that smart meter thing in FL years ago.
You had to agree to it though and in exchange you got a cheaper power rate.

It is mandatory in Texas the freedom state?

1. Its a crime what they do, I met the meter guy the first time he came to change my meter, and I told him not to remove my old meter, which he didn't.
2. But they may have well come in the middle of the night, but they came during the day, I was in the shower, they rang the door bell but we didn't answer the door, so they whipped around to the side of my house and kidnapped my old meter, and threw on thier new shiny meter.
3. I have no recourse, the bastards are following the Utility Commision, set up by themselves to screw us over.
4. And Texans are so slow to do anything, they expect to get a fair shake, they get ripped off all the time.
5. Anyway, its a cruel world we live in, but its all we got.:evil:
6. We here in the DFW area are having our natural gas tapped, by drilling, I have a lot of land leased to them, and hope some day it will pay enough so I can retire comfortable.
7. Which I guess will offset my anger what they are doing to me now, we will see though.:evil:
8. And no they didn't offer a discount in the rates either!:evil:

Last edited:
Sorry bout that,

The whole idea of rolling blackouts is to avoid a general blackout. It's to decrease the total load on the power grid during peak times. It's needed because of increasing population, and the use of air conditioning in hot places. Otherwise, power plants would need to expand their capacity in order to meet the demands of peak usage.

1. The standard liberal *Al Gore* statement.
2. Its all good, they say, and its to benefit us all.
3. I call *bullshit!*.:evil:

To anyone considering this, PLEASE get a professional to do the installation. If you don't, you could wind up backfeeding the lines coming into your house and killing linemen working on lines they think are de-energized.

ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. As someone who works for an electric utility company, there is little that scares our linemen more than going into a neighborhood that is supposed to be "dead" and hearing that generator running. Especially if they see lights in multiple homes.

As for the "smart meters" that were the basis for this thread.... They really aren't truly intended for "rolling blackouts" so much as the technology is intended for something MUCH, MUCH MORE sinister. They're designed to promote a conservation agenda that makes less sense than AGW does right now. Those meters are designed to determine how much load is on a feeder and then, if the feeder is running too "hot" to first inform you that you will be charged additional fees for continuing to use electricity, and then if "necessary", to shut you off in order to ensure that other feeders are not affected by the draw on your feeder.

I'm sure that means very little to most of you, so let me try and give you an example of what their eventual plan for this system is.......

Let's say that the town of "Fred" has a single substation with 2 feeders (L1 & L3). That's the equivelant of having a house with just 2 circuits feeding it. In the middle of the summer, feeder L1 has a high demand at 3 pm because everyone turns their air conditioners on at that time. On the REALLY hot days, if you go to run your washing machine at 3:30pm, your new "smart" washing machine (which talks to the meter outside your house) may tell you that due to the current electrical demand on your feeder, you will be charged an additional $0.05 per Kh if you run the machine. If the load is too high, it may not allow you to run the washing machine at all. Additionally, the L3 feeder has most of the town's industrial customers on it. Including the State Prison, which is a mandated customer (must be maintained at all costs). If the load on the two feeders gets too high for the substation to handle, some portion of the L1 or L3 may be "browned out" to ensure that the State Prison still maintains their necessary service.

Sounds like a whole lot of fun, doesn't it boys and girls? Oh, and did they forget to tell you that your FEDERAL TAX DOLLARS are going to support this program?
Sorry bout that,

The whole idea of rolling blackouts is to avoid a general blackout. It's to decrease the total load on the power grid during peak times. It's needed because of increasing population, and the use of air conditioning in hot places. Otherwise, power plants would need to expand their capacity in order to meet the demands of peak usage.

1. The standard liberal *Al Gore* statement.
2. Its all good, they say, and its to benefit us all.
3. I call *bullshit!*.:evil:


You sound like you have a huge sense of entitlement there. Why don't you buy yourself a generator, eh? Then you can quit whining about what a victim you are. :rolleyes:
They did that smart meter thing in FL years ago.
You had to agree to it though and in exchange you got a cheaper power rate.

It is mandatory in Texas the freedom state?

This is headed towards becoming a MANDATORY NATIONAL STANDARD, if the test areas work out like they want them to. There is no "cheaper rate" attached to them, though. It's about INCREASING rates when "necessary", not reducing them.
The whole idea of rolling blackouts is to avoid a general blackout. It's to decrease the total load on the power grid during peak times. It's needed because of increasing population, and the use of air conditioning in hot places. Otherwise, power plants would need to expand their capacity in order to meet the demands of peak usage.

Industry uses much more power than the population, during the week, most people are at work, during peak usage times, how is it that in the past when we were expanding the power we produced we never had this problem.

We have not had a rolling black out in California since the government quit playing with the market, so why smart meters now.

Is it we have lost so much industry to include industrial scale energy plants that the new technology, Green/Clean/Renewable energy cannot supply what is needed. Last time I checked peak usage is when Wind is best so why a shortage in power.

Otherwise power plants would have to expand their capacity? You mean the idea is we will live with a shortage of energy? The Smart Meter is simply so that they can turn off non-essential usage, which means your home, and keep power going to run government which has expanded more than industry.

Power Plants, our Nuclear Power Plants run at 100% power, 24 hours a day for as long as a year without interuption. That is baseline power, smart meters are simply because we have ran out of power, we have nothing reliable above, hence to keep government and government run hospitals operating you and I will pay more money for electricity.

Funny I have to explain that despite Cap and Trade not passing, with Global Warming proved a fraud, Congress, the President, the Oil Companies, George Bush jr. and sr., Al Gore, they have all shoved this tyrannical energy policy down our throats and we are suffering. Not just California, but everywhere.

I want a leader to step forth and produce energy in the USA not smart meters and Windmills that are proven failures.

Build 400 Nuclear power plants, pipe natural gas to every house and business in the USA, have a TARP program for something smart, like making the most advanced steel in the world, the best cotton, the finest silk, the best cheese.

Create energy and industry.

Close our markest to any country that is not as free and secure as the USA.

Instead, the cry babies of America elect Obama, after Bush, after Clinton, after Bush, and can anyone state that any of these Presidents led us into lasting prosperity.

What about the lousy Congress, how many of them have been in office more than 40 years, I bet at least 100 to 168 have served 40 years and are now pushing 80 years old.

All failures leaving us with our lights flickering on and off, and while we are away at work, on the hottest day of the year, they will turn off our fish tanks killing our fish, they will unplug our refridgerator leaving us with warm beer, I will have to walk outside, drink warm beer, and pick up the dead birds the giant useless Modern Marvel of a childs toy has killed.

Its been a long time since we had a government that has done any of us any good.
To anyone considering this, PLEASE get a professional to do the installation. If you don't, you could wind up backfeeding the lines coming into your house and killing linemen working on lines they think are de-energized.

ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. As someone who works for an electric utility company, there is little that scares our linemen more than going into a neighborhood that is supposed to be "dead" and hearing that generator running. Especially if they see lights in multiple homes.
Yup. Purpose-built transfer switches, whether manual or automatic, have an interlock to prevent backfeed -- only one source, commercial power or generator, can be connected to the load at any time.

Uncle Joe Bob thinks he can wire the genset to the breaker box using a single-throw switch to power the box from the generator...but there's no interlock to prevent backfeed. Good way to kill linemen, and toast your generator if it's running when commercial power is restored.
Sorry bout that,

To anyone considering this, PLEASE get a professional to do the installation. If you don't, you could wind up backfeeding the lines coming into your house and killing linemen working on lines they think are de-energized.

ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. As someone who works for an electric utility company, there is little that scares our linemen more than going into a neighborhood that is supposed to be "dead" and hearing that generator running. Especially if they see lights in multiple homes.

As for the "smart meters" that were the basis for this thread.... They really aren't truly intended for "rolling blackouts" so much as the technology is intended for something MUCH, MUCH MORE sinister. They're designed to promote a conservation agenda that makes less sense than AGW does right now. Those meters are designed to determine how much load is on a feeder and then, if the feeder is running too "hot" to first inform you that you will be charged additional fees for continuing to use electricity, and then if "necessary", to shut you off in order to ensure that other feeders are not affected by the draw on your feeder.

I'm sure that means very little to most of you, so let me try and give you an example of what their eventual plan for this system is.......

Let's say that the town of "Fred" has a single substation with 2 feeders (L1 & L3). That's the equivelant of having a house with just 2 circuits feeding it. In the middle of the summer, feeder L1 has a high demand at 3 pm because everyone turns their air conditioners on at that time. On the REALLY hot days, if you go to run your washing machine at 3:30pm, your new "smart" washing machine (which talks to the meter outside your house) may tell you that due to the current electrical demand on your feeder, you will be charged an additional $0.05 per Kh if you run the machine. If the load is too high, it may not allow you to run the washing machine at all. Additionally, the L3 feeder has most of the town's industrial customers on it. Including the State Prison, which is a mandated customer (must be maintained at all costs). If the load on the two feeders gets too high for the substation to handle, some portion of the L1 or L3 may be "browned out" to ensure that the State Prison still maintains their necessary service.

Sounds like a whole lot of fun, doesn't it boys and girls? Oh, and did they forget to tell you that your FEDERAL TAX DOLLARS are going to support this program?

1. Yeah, we are getting more and more screwed by the minute, while the so-called smart people say "Everythings fine, its for our collective good, to have roaming brown outs."
2. Thats crazy talk, and you have proven it so easyly.
3. Problem is what are we going to do about it now?
4. Bastards have already taken my old meter!:evil:

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

The whole idea of rolling blackouts is to avoid a general blackout. It's to decrease the total load on the power grid during peak times. It's needed because of increasing population, and the use of air conditioning in hot places. Otherwise, power plants would need to expand their capacity in order to meet the demands of peak usage.

1. The standard liberal *Al Gore* statement.
2. Its all good, they say, and its to benefit us all.
3. I call *bullshit!*.:evil:


You sound like you have a huge sense of entitlement there. Why don't you buy yourself a generator, eh? Then you can quit whining about what a victim you are. :rolleyes:

1. I should be entitled not to get screwed!
2. I don't care if you get screwed, but NOT ME!!!!!
3. You deserve a *good screwing*!:evil:
4. This isn't a whine, its just stating the facts how screwed up things are, and getting worse, and I notice injustice, and I raise hell about injustice!:evil::evil::evil:
5. You on the other hand, have the mind and brain power of a *pawn*.:evil:
6. As long as you're getting your gruel, everythings fine with your type!:lol:

Sorry bout that,

They did that smart meter thing in FL years ago.
You had to agree to it though and in exchange you got a cheaper power rate.

It is mandatory in Texas the freedom state?

This is headed towards becoming a MANDATORY NATIONAL STANDARD, if the test areas work out like they want them to. There is no "cheaper rate" attached to them, though. It's about INCREASING rates when "necessary", not reducing them.

1. Its just another way, that the powers that be can control every aspect out your pathetic lives.:evil:
2. Not you Anachronism, but people with a mind of a *pawn* and trust me, there are perhaps 97% of the people in America, are nothing but a *pawns*.:evil:
3. I could explain in detail how this whole *electronic metter* is bad, in a thousnad different ways, and these *pawns* in here would still defend its use, on us, against us, even them.:evil:
4. Thats how things have been for ages, most people have the IQ's of a donut.:lol:

Sorry bout that,

The whole idea of rolling blackouts is to avoid a general blackout. It's to decrease the total load on the power grid during peak times. It's needed because of increasing population, and the use of air conditioning in hot places. Otherwise, power plants would need to expand their capacity in order to meet the demands of peak usage.

Industry uses much more power than the population, during the week, most people are at work, during peak usage times, how is it that in the past when we were expanding the power we produced we never had this problem.

We have not had a rolling black out in California since the government quit playing with the market, so why smart meters now.

Is it we have lost so much industry to include industrial scale energy plants that the new technology, Green/Clean/Renewable energy cannot supply what is needed. Last time I checked peak usage is when Wind is best so why a shortage in power.

Otherwise power plants would have to expand their capacity? You mean the idea is we will live with a shortage of energy? The Smart Meter is simply so that they can turn off non-essential usage, which means your home, and keep power going to run government which has expanded more than industry.

Power Plants, our Nuclear Power Plants run at 100% power, 24 hours a day for as long as a year without interuption. That is baseline power, smart meters are simply because we have ran out of power, we have nothing reliable above, hence to keep government and government run hospitals operating you and I will pay more money for electricity.

Funny I have to explain that despite Cap and Trade not passing, with Global Warming proved a fraud, Congress, the President, the Oil Companies, George Bush jr. and sr., Al Gore, they have all shoved this tyrannical energy policy down our throats and we are suffering. Not just California, but everywhere.

I want a leader to step forth and produce energy in the USA not smart meters and Windmills that are proven failures.

Build 400 Nuclear power plants, pipe natural gas to every house and business in the USA, have a TARP program for something smart, like making the most advanced steel in the world, the best cotton, the finest silk, the best cheese.

Create energy and industry.

Close our markest to any country that is not as free and secure as the USA.

Instead, the cry babies of America elect Obama, after Bush, after Clinton, after Bush, and can anyone state that any of these Presidents led us into lasting prosperity.

What about the lousy Congress, how many of them have been in office more than 40 years, I bet at least 100 to 168 have served 40 years and are now pushing 80 years old.

All failures leaving us with our lights flickering on and off, and while we are away at work, on the hottest day of the year, they will turn off our fish tanks killing our fish, they will unplug our refridgerator leaving us with warm beer, I will have to walk outside, drink warm beer, and pick up the dead birds the giant useless Modern Marvel of a childs toy has killed.

Its been a long time since we had a government that has done any of us any good.

1. Yes I agree.
2. And I want to add this.
3. Here in the DFW area, one of the power plants that uses natural gas just drilled thier own *gas well* right next to thier two huge generators, which one is online at any givien time, the other ones is just a back up, and is never even used as far as I know, ever wonder why it isn't used during peak times?
4. Because they have to make it appear that they are doing a *scotty*, "Jim I'm doing everything I can to get up more thrust for the warp engines!", and old Star Trek anology, I am sure many get a kick out of it.
5. And it allows them to pad the *difficult factor ledger*, "This is so hard what we are doing, keeping all these things powered up!" I smell a rate increase!
6. These electric providers are a monopoly, and are now going to screw us to the highest degree that they can.
7. Most of you are just a *pawn* and wouldn't be able to figure it out, even after reading all this thread.

I heat my home with fossil fuel. It was a pretty good idea for about a hundred years until the communist revolutionaries decided that I was the bad guy and Hugo Chavez is the good guy. I have two generators but they rely on gasoline. Our economy relies on gas. The communist revolutionary who somehow became president tells me that fossil fuels are bad and China is good and Hugo Chavez deserves a standing ovation after telling the UN that the former (republican) president was the spawn of satan. "and you tell me over and over again my friend, yeah you don't believe we are on the eve of destruction"....Barry McGuire

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