It's time, again


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
I've posted several articles (ALONG WITH MY OPINION) that illustrate where the real danger to this Country lies- I get a few reactions but very few responses. I can only surmise there are no legitimate defenses for the articles I post- emoji eye rolls are really not a counter argument. That lack of response tells me no one ( a few at the very least) reads the articles - so, what I get is personal criticism and stupid emoji's or memes- not really erudite if you think about it- and they most certainly are not compelling, or credible, as a counter-

I'm baffled why, with so much evidence, citizens are still stuck on "terrorist", Drugs, Iran, China, Russia and Mexico- the argument is often brought up, Sharia Law- well, any law has to be legislated- correct? Communism! Socialism! - what I see is, Fearism- based on what you're told, by 2 of the lyingist entities on the planet- the MSM (foreign and Domestic) and the US Gov't.

It stands to reason that one would back the other considering who finances both- follow the money, see the agenda- (I've posted articles pointing out campaign funding to BOTH sides- it ain't none of the below (with the exception of maybe, Mexican Drug Cartels)- a drop in the bucket comparatively speaking- or, Corporations! Who heads corporations? Especially the MSM- can you say, Amazon? Can you say, facebook? Twitter? Yeah the other side cries, The Koch Bothers- that's but one. How about George Soros? Where do his loyalties lie? Yeah, but, Antifa! Who funds it?

Now, I suppose I'm going to read, "we're being invaded, illegally"- by Mexicans- well, not really- we have been infiltrated by people whose loyalty lies elsewhere, and it's not by Mexicans- that's been posted too- it's not Iran, or China or Russia- follow the money, see the agenda

The planted fear of a world wide take over, by 7th century camel jockeys- people who live nearly in the stone age. Really?
Are they going to make their camels swim here? Or their war ravaged Toyota pick-ups gonna float them here?
But, 9/11! - follow the money, see the agenda-

I know there will be the usual, so-called, higher educated, maybe weigh in- with opinion, but no legitimate, or logical, common sense counter argument- but, here goes anyway-

Mark Leibler: Powerbroker for Australia’s Jewish Plutocracy

There is some interesting history in the article-

In writing about the pivotal Jewish role in Australia’s demographic revolution (triggered by the liberalization of immigration laws and institutionalization of multiculturalism), I have had regular occasion to mention the name “Leibler.” Among Jewish leaders in Australia in recent decades, none have enjoyed greater prominence than brothers Isi and Mark Leibler. I had long intended to devote an entire essay to the Leiblers and their impact on Australian politics and society, and was recently prompted to do so by the publication of the book The Powerbroker: Mark Leibler, An Australian Jewish Life by the Jewish journalist Michael Gawenda. After sampling some excerpts, I ordered the book and powered through it in a couple of days. While already familiar with the most of its contents, the biography contains some fascinating (and surprisingly revealing) material.
follow the money, see the agenda
Economic World Forum for one of the global puppeteers?

"Corporations! Who heads corporations? Especially the MSM- can you say, Amazon? Can you say, facebook? Twitter?"

Those mega corps need to be legally forced to stop acting like monopolies. Preferably, they'd be broken up but I won't hold my breath on that one. That kind of money buys a lot of power and they are their abuse of that power is growing.

If MSM promoted true journalism with a non-partisan format, it would help keep things honest and be a great help to the country. Not going to hold my breath there either, but competition is a-coming! Sure, these news SHOWS would lose half of their audience who thinks watching the news should be a form of entertainment, but they'd make up for it with new viewers interested in the news. I blame the narrowed minded partisans who own the media outlets for their intentional misinformation, and rant frequently about their antics. I'll now add MSM - domestic and foreign - to my diatribes. Thanks:)

I haven't read the book you've suggested so I can't comment. Hopefully, you'll get a worthwhile reply as opposed to a nothing burger lol that expression. I just found out it's been used since the '50's and used Louella Parsons, a Hollywood gossip columnist...lovely! Oh well, it fits so I'll stand by it lol
Oh look, another anti-Semitic troll thread by the brainless, obsessed, 6th grade dropout. Haven't seen one of these in.....seconds.... there a doctor in the house?
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Thank you Claire- a cogent response as opposed to the idiot that reacted right after you-

He/she is one of the idiots here who feel they're intelligent, yet come by stupid so easily- they can never form a cogent response, for reasons I've stated numerous times- all they have are talking point inflammatory and derogatory, snarky bullshit- with absolutely no legitimate rebuttal- and this particular idiot says it's a teacher?!
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I notice it got some positive reactions from intellectual cowards- that have no legitimate rebuttal- birds of a feather and all that- intellectual cowards-
I notice it got some positive reactions from intellectual cowards- that have no legitimate rebuttal- birds of a feather and all that- intellectual cowards-

Yeah, cowardly bigotry is so intellectually courageous. ^^^^^ Another anti-Semitic clown who expects to be taken seriously. Damn fool.
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intellectually courageous.
Intellectually honest, ass wipe- you ain't- you're a coward and a phony troll derailing a thread you don't like the contents of and cannot legitimately rebutt anything I post- trolling my threads trying to derail them is all you have-
Damn fool.
How so? Explain, in some detail, why you feel that is the case.

Hmmm.... a supposedly grown man who experiences every moment of every day in abject terror of his boogeyman is a damn fool. You go out of your way to proclaim how weak and stupid you are every day, and then take offense when it occurs to you that your failure as a man has been pointed out. It may not be your fault that you dropped out of school before your balls dropped, but it is your fault that you've been holding them in ever since.

Watch out! Here come DA JOOOOOOOOOOOS!!!!!!!!!!
Hmmm.... a supposedly grown man who experiences every moment of every day in abject terror of his boogeyman is a damn fool. You go out of your way to proclaim how weak and stupid you are every day, and then take offense when it occurs to you that your failure as a man has been pointed out. It may not be your fault that you dropped out of school before your balls dropped, but it is your fault that you've been holding them in ever since.

Watch out! Here come DA JOOOOOOOOOOOS!!!!!!!!!!
So, as per trolling guide lines, you have no cogent, or legitimate rebuttal to either my opinion, or the article- and your reaction, above, indicates you have only a self serving opinion of the messenger who doesn't buy your phony bullshit, troll.
Hmmm.... a supposedly grown man who experiences every moment of every day in abject terror of his boogeyman is a damn fool. You go out of your way to proclaim how weak and stupid you are every day, and then take offense when it occurs to you that your failure as a man has been pointed out. It may not be your fault that you dropped out of school before your balls dropped, but it is your fault that you've been holding them in ever since.

Watch out! Here come DA JOOOOOOOOOOOS!!!!!!!!!!
So, as per trolling guide lines, you have no cogent, or legitimate rebuttal to either my opinion, or the article- and your reaction, above, indicates you have only a self serving opinion of the messenger who doesn't buy your phony bullshit, troll.

Hmmmmm....let's see...

Are you scared of DA JOOOOOOOOS? Yes or no?
Hmmmmm....let's see...

Are you scared of DA JOOOOOOOOS? Yes or no?
So, as per troll guide lines, as I've already stated, you have no legitimate rebuttal- I suspect that comes from several different places. The most glaring is the refusal to read- and from an alleged educator, that speaks volumes- not flattering either.
Imagine how sad it must be to reach a 'mature' period of life and still be limited to the emotional and rational tools of a frightened child. It's just pathetic.
Hmmmmm....let's see...

Are you scared of DA JOOOOOOOOS? Yes or no?
So, as per troll guide lines, as I've already stated, you have no legitimate rebuttal- I suspect that comes from several different places. The most glaring is the refusal to read- and from an alleged educator, that speaks volumes- not flattering either.

I don't see a "yes" or a "no" there, little boy.
I don't see a "yes" or a "no" there, little boy.
I've never seen a cogent, or legitimate rebuttal, from anyone here, especially you, to anything I've ever posted, little girl. And you call yourself an educator- you should be ashamed of yourself in your refusal to read, never mind having the intellectual capacity to keep up with a self educated person-

What I have seen, and continue to see, from you is an attempt to be something you ain't while displaying what you are, a troll.

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