It's The Timeframe That Makes It Difficult To Place The Blame

8. Before WW II, the same folks who championed Progressivism, viewed fascism as a noble economic agenda, and praised Mussolini. It was the horrors of the Holocaust that required both the rapid retreat from associations with the term fascism, and the rebranding by John Dewey of progressivism as liberalism.

American progressives, for the most part, did not disavow fascism until the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust became manifest during World War II. After the war, those progressives who had praised Mussolini and Hitler in the 1920s and 1930s had no choice but to dissociate themselves from fascism. “Accordingly,” writes Jonah Goldberg, “leftist intellectuals redefined fascism as 'right-wing' and projected their own sins onto conservatives, even as they continued to borrow heavily from fascist and pre-fascist thought.” This progressive campaign to recast fascism as the "right-wing" antithesis of communism was aided by Joseph Stalin, ....

The characteristics of Progressivism included a belief in eugenics, imperialism, proudly hostile to individualism, the conviction that the state could, though planning and pressure, create a society of ‘new men.’ Compare this to another totalist philosophy:
Parallel ideological movements germinated in various fertile grounds: called Fascism in Italy; National Socialism in Germany; Progressivism in America.

In short…..the Democrat Party.
9. Hegel introduced a system for understanding the history of philosophy and the world itself, often described as a "progression in which each successive movement emerges as a resolution to the contradictions inherent in the preceding movement.” “Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - Wikipedia

In their need to make themselves different, unique in the pack, intellectuals, academicians, jumped at the chance to apply Hegel in America… more . individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.
“free markets, free voices, free people”

…instead, the Germanic, the European, the opposite to America’s heritage….
the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

Hence…. Fascists, Nazis, Liberals, Progressives, Socialists, Communists, Democrats

10. Alexander Trachtenberg... longtime activist in the Socialist Party of America and later in the Communist Party USA....

“When we get ready to take the United States, we will not take it under the label of communism; we will not take it under the label socialism. These labels are unpleasant to the American people, and have been speared too much. We will take the United States under labels we have made very lovable; we will take it under liberalism, under progressivism, under democracy. But, take it we will.” ~ Alexander Trachtenberg, at the National Convention of Communist Parties, Madison Square Garden, 1944
Trachtenberg worked tirelessly to gain a strangle hold on the culture....and to hide terms like Communist and Socialist.

That was spoken in 1944...if it were today, he might have added 'social justice.'
Biden and the Democrats are not an American party.

Biden was born in America and the Democrats are part of the political structure of America for years. Established in America for America.

You whole point is to point to one man and claim that he was relevant. He was an early person who supported equal rights for black people on par with white people.

That is when he became a central figure in equal rights. Eventually the government accused him of being communist during the McCarthy era and he lost support from black people because of his socialist and communist leanings. He became disillusion with the political system that failed to grant equal rights to black people. They talked the good talk but in reality it was only talk. It took LBJ and Kennedy for it to be a reality.

Still the history of America has people who had socialist and communist leanings but it means nothing in a democracy. It is the price of free speech.

The US has never had a communist, socialist, fascist, nationalist, or Marxist elected president or a a majority of Senate that leaned towards the previous parties listed.

Freedom of speech is so misunderstood to the point that people like to wrap it in one size that fits all.

The blame game that never dies.
->Biden and the Democrats are not an American party.<-

"Biden was born in America and the Democrats are part of the political structure of America for years. Established in America for America."

You left out the essential quotation marks, dolt.

The OP was written for folks more educated.....and more intelligent, than you.

The phrase does not refer to where anyone was born......I wasn't born here, but am far more American than you are.

Have someone better equipped than you are, explain this to you......any third grader will do.

1. The election of the Chinese Communist asset, Quid Pro Joe, didn't begin in began mid 19th century, when the influence of Germanic modes of thinking prevailed pretty much worldwide.

Political science in the writing of Hegel and Karl Marx was the flavor of the day to intellectuals and academics.... Hegel said “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest."
One can't miss that view in the work of the Democrats today.

This is not an American view of the relationship between citizens and government....and Biden and the Democrats are not an American party. It is the authoritarian, collectivist view found in Fascism, Nazism, and Bolshevism. And you Democrats voted it in.

Oh you were not born in the US?

Difficult for those not conversant with history, that is.

How did they get you to vote for this:

The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest."
One can't miss that view in the work of the Democrats today.

This is not an American view of the relationship between citizens and government....and Biden and the Democrats are not an American party. It is the authoritarian, collectivist view found in Fascism, Nazism, and Bolshevism. And you Democrats voted it in.

The state and government say you must obey the laws of the land. Hmm, changing the wording to say "you must obey" period. But it doesn't make it true when you obviously leave things out or try to frame your argument in a limited way. It just means you have free speech. Have they thrown you in jail yet. IF no, then the system works.

if you disagree with obeying the laws then that could be part of the problem.

You can protest if you thing that there is injustice. You can take it to court. You can write in any media stating you concerns. You can write lies.

You can write and speak criticism of the government without retaliation. Now if you incite violence then that is another story. So there are limitations. It is not authoritarian it is just equal rights for everyone.

If that is a problem for you? Do you feel the need to incite? IF so then there may be consequences. Consequences that cause bodily harm to others, damage to others property, etc. is not protected and can lead to jail time.

Demos are an American party. They have the same rights as Repubs. If they were authoritarian then there would be no repubs.

Now freedom of speech also means that you do not have to say anything.

So if you want to you do not have to say or write anything and still have freedom of speech.

No body will come an arrest you for not saying anything.
Biden and the Democrats are not an American party.

Biden was born in America and the Democrats are part of the political structure of America for years. Established in America for America.

You whole point is to point to one man and claim that he was relevant. He was an early person who supported equal rights for black people on par with white people.

That is when he became a central figure in equal rights. Eventually the government accused him of being communist during the McCarthy era and he lost support from black people because of his socialist and communist leanings. He became disillusion with the political system that failed to grant equal rights to black people. They talked the good talk but in reality it was only talk. It took LBJ and Kennedy for it to be a reality.

Still the history of America has people who had socialist and communist leanings but it means nothing in a democracy. It is the price of free speech.

The US has never had a communist, socialist, fascist, nationalist, or Marxist elected president or a a majority of Senate that leaned towards the previous parties listed.

Freedom of speech is so misunderstood to the point that people like to wrap it in one size that fits all.

The blame game that never dies.
->Biden and the Democrats are not an American party.<-

"Biden was born in America and the Democrats are part of the political structure of America for years. Established in America for America."

You left out the essential quotation marks, dolt.

The OP was written for folks more educated.....and more intelligent, than you.

The phrase does not refer to where anyone was born......I wasn't born here, but am far more American than you are.

Have someone better equipped than you are, explain this to you......any third grader will do.

1. The election of the Chinese Communist asset, Quid Pro Joe, didn't begin in began mid 19th century, when the influence of Germanic modes of thinking prevailed pretty much worldwide.

Political science in the writing of Hegel and Karl Marx was the flavor of the day to intellectuals and academics.... Hegel said “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest."
One can't miss that view in the work of the Democrats today.

This is not an American view of the relationship between citizens and government....and Biden and the Democrats are not an American party. It is the authoritarian, collectivist view found in Fascism, Nazism, and Bolshevism. And you Democrats voted it in.

Oh you were not born in the US?

Difficult for those not conversant with history, that is.

How did they get you to vote for this:

The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest."
One can't miss that view in the work of the Democrats today.

This is not an American view of the relationship between citizens and government....and Biden and the Democrats are not an American party. It is the authoritarian, collectivist view found in Fascism, Nazism, and Bolshevism. And you Democrats voted it in.

The state and government say you must obey the laws of the land. Hmm, changing the wording to say "you must obey" period. But it doesn't make it true when you obviously leave things out or try to frame your argument in a limited way. It just means you have free speech. Have they thrown you in jail yet. IF no, then the system works.

if you disagree with obeying the laws then that could be part of the problem.

You can protest if you thing that there is injustice. You can take it to court. You can write in any media stating you concerns. You can write lies.

You can write and speak criticism of the government without retaliation. Now if you incite violence then that is another story. So there are limitations. It is not authoritarian it is just equal rights for everyone.

If that is a problem for you? Do you feel the need to incite? IF so then there may be consequences. Consequences that cause bodily harm to others, damage to others property, etc. is not protected and can lead to jail time.

Demos are an American party. They have the same rights as Repubs. If they were authoritarian then there would be no repubs.

Now freedom of speech also means that you do not have to say anything.

So if you want to you do not have to say or write anything and still have freedom of speech.

No body will come an arrest you for not saying anything.

I can help.

The Founders, classical liberals, conservatives
a. individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.
“free markets, free voices, free people”

Fascists, Nazis, Liberals, Progressives, Socialists, Communists, Democrats
b. the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

None of the totalitarian forms of political plague have the slightest concern for human life: not communism (gulags), not Nazism (concentration camps), not Liberalism (abortion), not Progressivism (eugenics), not socialism (theft), not fascism (murder).

The Democrats check every one of those boxes.

They only differ in the final outcome: slavery, serfdom, or death.

They all follow Trotsky: "We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."

Yet with all the talk of freedom then why was their slavery ?

when the stock markets crashed in 1930 and depression hit for the next 10 year then you would say that the government should not have done nothing to turn thing around. Free markets caused the problem and they should fix the problem.

Sounds a little self serving

Repub Party platform create 10 million new jobs. Did they want the government to create those jobs or the free market was just going to do it.

Protect unborn life through every means available

Does that mean at the expense of the individual person who has to do all the work? Making choices for the individual.
Yet with all the talk of freedom then why was their slavery ?

when the stock markets crashed in 1930 and depression hit for the next 10 year then you would say that the government should not have done nothing to turn thing around. Free markets caused the problem and they should fix the problem.

Sounds a little self serving

Repub Party platform create 10 million new jobs. Did they want the government to create those jobs or the free market was just going to do it.

Protect unborn life through every means available

Does that mean at the expense of the individual person who has to do all the work? Making choices for the individual.

"Yet with all the talk of freedom then why was their slavery ?"


Democrat’s Bountiful Gifts To Out Black Brethren

1.Doubling down on their support for slavery and segregation, the Democrat Party blocked every anti-lynching to come to the Senate.

2. Dragging their feet on post-war freedom for their slaves, they imposed poll taxes and Jim Crow laws.

3. The Obama ‘Promise Program’ made it almost impossible to remove thugs and criminals from ghetto schools, to make certain that learning was impeded.

4. Authored gun laws that only law abiding citizens would obey, preventing black citizens in crime ridden neighborhood from protecting themselves.

5. Promoted bogus anti-police hatred, while ignoring some 350,000 blacks killed by lawless blacks. 324,000 U.S. Blacks Killed by Blacks In Only 35 Years – American Free Press

6. In nearing a century of Democrat welfare, blacks remain as the lowest income racial group.

7. Allied with the International Left, the Democrat party makes certain that racial animosity never dies down.

8. The Democrats made and make certain that religion and morality is barred from the schools and from the public arena. “…will America be made better by curbing religion in the name of secularism, of vice versa?” Ben Shapiro

9. The Democrat judicial system is based on the idea that all blacks are felons, so felons must be released from jails. Carter-appointed judge Norma Shapiro “ is one of the worst offenders among that influential cadre of federal judges who have substituted the ACLU's prisoners' rights wish list for the Bill of Rights and have trifled with public safety concerns. …” In 1992, black youths were nine times more likely to be murdered than white youths. Democrats lied, kids died.

10. But wait…..they did manage to ban one single word from common parlance.
There was an election.
The blob lost.
Joe Biden won.

Those are the back to whatever wall of BS the OP will post next.

I must voted for the individual who most mirrors your characteristics.

The Beatles gave the requirement for being a Liberal in their song ‘Strawberry Fields:’ “Living is easy with eyes closed…Misunderstanding all you see.”
I see you live by that.
Yet with all the talk of freedom then why was their slavery ?

when the stock markets crashed in 1930 and depression hit for the next 10 year then you would say that the government should not have done nothing to turn thing around. Free markets caused the problem and they should fix the problem.

Sounds a little self serving

Repub Party platform create 10 million new jobs. Did they want the government to create those jobs or the free market was just going to do it.

Protect unborn life through every means available

Does that mean at the expense of the individual person who has to do all the work? Making choices for the individual.

"Yet with all the talk of freedom then why was their slavery ?"


Democrat’s Bountiful Gifts To Out Black Brethren

1.Doubling down on their support for slavery and segregation, the Democrat Party blocked every anti-lynching to come to the Senate.

2. Dragging their feet on post-war freedom for their slaves, they imposed poll taxes and Jim Crow laws.

3. The Obama ‘Promise Program’ made it almost impossible to remove thugs and criminals from ghetto schools, to make certain that learning was impeded.

4. Authored gun laws that only law abiding citizens would obey, preventing black citizens in crime ridden neighborhood from protecting themselves.

5. Promoted bogus anti-police hatred, while ignoring some 350,000 blacks killed by lawless blacks. 324,000 U.S. Blacks Killed by Blacks In Only 35 Years – American Free Press

6. In nearing a century of Democrat welfare, blacks remain as the lowest income racial group.

7. Allied with the International Left, the Democrat party makes certain that racial animosity never dies down.

8. The Democrats made and make certain that religion and morality is barred from the schools and from the public arena. “…will America be made better by curbing religion in the name of secularism, of vice versa?” Ben Shapiro

9. The Democrat judicial system is based on the idea that all blacks are felons, so felons must be released from jails. Carter-appointed judge Norma Shapiro “ is one of the worst offenders among that influential cadre of federal judges who have substituted the ACLU's prisoners' rights wish list for the Bill of Rights and have trifled with public safety concerns. …” In 1992, black youths were nine times more likely to be murdered than white youths. Democrats lied, kids died.

10. But wait…..they did manage to ban one single word from common parlance.

It was the democrats who pushed thru the civil rights act which placed black people and all races on the same playing field.

The republicans may have freed the slaves but all they did was make them second class citizens with no rights. Subject to lynching on a Saturday night. Separate food establishments, bathrooms, schools, etc. Doesn't sound like democracy to me. Sounds much like the current repubs when dealing with others who do not fit the image.

This was mostly in the south.

Once the civil rights bill passed then they (the South() who were opposed to it quickly became republicans and make up the current republican base

So when you go down you little lesson of history it because quite the conundrum

It is the repub party which is currently talking about succession. Why because they cannot share but insist upon ruling. Trump won under the same rules and now when he loses then it a fraudulent election., Having like minded people with the same thought processes would make the perfect union. It was the republicans who predominantly stormed the capitol. Something that will define them in history as doing something that clearly does not support democracy in one of the most important institutions of democracy.
Yet with all the talk of freedom then why was their slavery ?

when the stock markets crashed in 1930 and depression hit for the next 10 year then you would say that the government should not have done nothing to turn thing around. Free markets caused the problem and they should fix the problem.

Sounds a little self serving

Repub Party platform create 10 million new jobs. Did they want the government to create those jobs or the free market was just going to do it.

Protect unborn life through every means available

Does that mean at the expense of the individual person who has to do all the work? Making choices for the individual.

"Yet with all the talk of freedom then why was their slavery ?"


Democrat’s Bountiful Gifts To Out Black Brethren

1.Doubling down on their support for slavery and segregation, the Democrat Party blocked every anti-lynching to come to the Senate.

2. Dragging their feet on post-war freedom for their slaves, they imposed poll taxes and Jim Crow laws.

3. The Obama ‘Promise Program’ made it almost impossible to remove thugs and criminals from ghetto schools, to make certain that learning was impeded.

4. Authored gun laws that only law abiding citizens would obey, preventing black citizens in crime ridden neighborhood from protecting themselves.

5. Promoted bogus anti-police hatred, while ignoring some 350,000 blacks killed by lawless blacks. 324,000 U.S. Blacks Killed by Blacks In Only 35 Years – American Free Press

6. In nearing a century of Democrat welfare, blacks remain as the lowest income racial group.

7. Allied with the International Left, the Democrat party makes certain that racial animosity never dies down.

8. The Democrats made and make certain that religion and morality is barred from the schools and from the public arena. “…will America be made better by curbing religion in the name of secularism, of vice versa?” Ben Shapiro

9. The Democrat judicial system is based on the idea that all blacks are felons, so felons must be released from jails. Carter-appointed judge Norma Shapiro “ is one of the worst offenders among that influential cadre of federal judges who have substituted the ACLU's prisoners' rights wish list for the Bill of Rights and have trifled with public safety concerns. …” In 1992, black youths were nine times more likely to be murdered than white youths. Democrats lied, kids died.

10. But wait…..they did manage to ban one single word from common parlance.

It was the democrats who pushed thru the civil rights act which placed black people and all races on the same playing field.

The republicans may have freed the slaves but all they did was make them second class citizens with no rights. Subject to lynching on a Saturday night. Separate food establishments, bathrooms, schools, etc. Doesn't sound like democracy to me. Sounds much like the current repubs when dealing with others who do not fit the image.

This was mostly in the south.

Once the civil rights bill passed then they (the South() who were opposed to it quickly became republicans and make up the current republican base

So when you go down you little lesson of history it because quite the conundrum

It is the repub party which is currently talking about succession. Why because they cannot share but insist upon ruling. Trump won under the same rules and now when he loses then it a fraudulent election., Having like minded people with the same thought processes would make the perfect union. It was the republicans who predominantly stormed the capitol. Something that will define them in history as doing something that clearly does not support democracy in one of the most important institutions of democracy.

So you are unable to respond to the truth of each and every item here????

....but still will try to humble yourself before the slavery and segregation party????

Democrat’s Bountiful Gifts To Out Black Brethren

1.Doubling down on their support for slavery and segregation, the Democrat Party blocked every anti-lynching to come to the Senate.

2. Dragging their feet on post-war freedom for their slaves, they imposed poll taxes and Jim Crow laws.

3. The Obama ‘Promise Program’ made it almost impossible to remove thugs and criminals from ghetto schools, to make certain that learning was impeded.

4. Authored gun laws that only law abiding citizens would obey, preventing black citizens in crime ridden neighborhood from protecting themselves.

5. Promoted bogus anti-police hatred, while ignoring some 350,000 blacks killed by lawless blacks. 324,000 U.S. Blacks Killed by Blacks In Only 35 Years – American Free Press

6. In nearing a century of Democrat welfare, blacks remain as the lowest income racial group.

7. Allied with the International Left, the Democrat party makes certain that racial animosity never dies down.

8. The Democrats made and make certain that religion and morality is barred from the schools and from the public arena. “…will America be made better by curbing religion in the name of secularism, of vice versa?” Ben Shapiro

9. The Democrat judicial system is based on the idea that all blacks are felons, so felons must be released from jails. Carter-appointed judge Norma Shapiro “ is one of the worst offenders among that influential cadre of federal judges who have substituted the ACLU's prisoners' rights wish list for the Bill of Rights and have trifled with public safety concerns. …” In 1992, black youths were nine times more likely to be murdered than white youths. Democrats lied, kids died.

10. But wait…..they did manage to ban one single word from common parlance.
Yet with all the talk of freedom then why was their slavery ?

when the stock markets crashed in 1930 and depression hit for the next 10 year then you would say that the government should not have done nothing to turn thing around. Free markets caused the problem and they should fix the problem.

Sounds a little self serving

Repub Party platform create 10 million new jobs. Did they want the government to create those jobs or the free market was just going to do it.

Protect unborn life through every means available

Does that mean at the expense of the individual person who has to do all the work? Making choices for the individual.

"Yet with all the talk of freedom then why was their slavery ?"


Democrat’s Bountiful Gifts To Out Black Brethren

1.Doubling down on their support for slavery and segregation, the Democrat Party blocked every anti-lynching to come to the Senate.

2. Dragging their feet on post-war freedom for their slaves, they imposed poll taxes and Jim Crow laws.

3. The Obama ‘Promise Program’ made it almost impossible to remove thugs and criminals from ghetto schools, to make certain that learning was impeded.

4. Authored gun laws that only law abiding citizens would obey, preventing black citizens in crime ridden neighborhood from protecting themselves.

5. Promoted bogus anti-police hatred, while ignoring some 350,000 blacks killed by lawless blacks. 324,000 U.S. Blacks Killed by Blacks In Only 35 Years – American Free Press

6. In nearing a century of Democrat welfare, blacks remain as the lowest income racial group.

7. Allied with the International Left, the Democrat party makes certain that racial animosity never dies down.

8. The Democrats made and make certain that religion and morality is barred from the schools and from the public arena. “…will America be made better by curbing religion in the name of secularism, of vice versa?” Ben Shapiro

9. The Democrat judicial system is based on the idea that all blacks are felons, so felons must be released from jails. Carter-appointed judge Norma Shapiro “ is one of the worst offenders among that influential cadre of federal judges who have substituted the ACLU's prisoners' rights wish list for the Bill of Rights and have trifled with public safety concerns. …” In 1992, black youths were nine times more likely to be murdered than white youths. Democrats lied, kids died.

10. But wait…..they did manage to ban one single word from common parlance.

It was the democrats who pushed thru the civil rights act which placed black people and all races on the same playing field.

The republicans may have freed the slaves but all they did was make them second class citizens with no rights. Subject to lynching on a Saturday night. Separate food establishments, bathrooms, schools, etc. Doesn't sound like democracy to me. Sounds much like the current repubs when dealing with others who do not fit the image.

This was mostly in the south.

Once the civil rights bill passed then they (the South() who were opposed to it quickly became republicans and make up the current republican base

So when you go down you little lesson of history it because quite the conundrum

It is the repub party which is currently talking about succession. Why because they cannot share but insist upon ruling. Trump won under the same rules and now when he loses then it a fraudulent election., Having like minded people with the same thought processes would make the perfect union. It was the republicans who predominantly stormed the capitol. Something that will define them in history as doing something that clearly does not support democracy in one of the most important institutions of democracy.

"....all races on the same playing field"

Your sort lies about everything.

"Kristen Clarke, Joe Biden’s choice to lead the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, believes black people are superior to white people because they possess more melanin.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson obtained shocking statements Clarke made in 1994.

“Melanin endows blacks with greater mental, physical, and spiritual abilities — something which cannot be measured by Eurocentric standards.” Kristen Clarke wrote."

“Melanin Endows Blacks with Greater Mental, Physical and Spiritual Abilities” (VIDEO)
Kristen Clarke, Joe Biden’s choice to lead the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, believes black people are superior to white people because they possess more melanin. Fox News host Tucker Carlson obtained shocking statements Clarke made in 1994. “Melanin endows blacks with greater ment ...

Biden DOJ Greenlights Higher Ed Discrimination Against Asians and Whites, Drops Yale Lawsuit

Posted by William A. Jacobson Wednesday, February 3, 2021 at 11:39am

DOJ lawsuit had alleged: “Yale’s race discrimination includes imposing undue and unlawful penalties on racially-disfavored applicants, including in particular most Asian, and White applicants.” Biden DOJ Greenlights Higher Ed Discrimination Against Asians and Whites, Drops Yale Lawsuit

“Experts” Say Vulnerable Elderly Shouldn’t Have Vaccine Priority Because They Are Mostly White

The New York Times published an article this month citing “experts” who claimed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) were right to suggest millions of essential workers should receive a COVID-19 vaccine ahead of the most vulnerable elderly because “older populations are whiter.”
Although deaths from the virus are overwhelmingly concentrated among the elderly, 65-years and older, the CDC’s report says the ethical reason behind the guidance is to “mitigate health inequities.”
Harald Schmidt, an “expert” in ethics and health policy at the University of Pennsylvania, told the Times the CDC’s judgment was reasonable because “older populations are whiter.” "Experts" Say Vulnerable Elderly Shouldn't Have Vaccine Priority Because They Are Mostly White · Caldron Pool

Sen. Schumer Proposes $350 Billion COVID Aid Package, But Not for White People

Warnock’s Spiritual Mentor Called for the ‘Destruction of Everything White’

Democratic Senate candidate Rev. Raphael Warnock has praised his religious mentor, Dr. James Hal Cone, as a "poignant and powerful voice" of high "spiritual magnitude."
Cone, however, was a controversial theologian who argued that white Christians are "satanic" and advocated for the "destruction of everything white" in society.
Warnock has described Cone, who served as his academic adviser at the Union Theological Seminary, as his "mentor." Warnock’s Spiritual Mentor Called for the 'Destruction of Everything White'

"White men targeted again: ‘Pale, male, and Yale’ faces at State Dept. must go in pursuit of ‘diversity’

U.S. Rep. Karen Bass, D-Calif., who is not pale, male or from Yale, penned an op-ed calling for the State Department to shy away from highly-educated white males.

“The stereotype that the State Department is overwhelmingly “pale, male, and Yale” has persisted through both Democratic and Republican administrations,” she wrote, noting that between 2002 and 2018, State Department staff identifying as racial or ethnic minorities increased by only 4%, and actually fell among black employees."

"Woke Tech Tyrants Won’t Be Policing All Bigoted Speech Equally…Guess Who Gets Shafted?

they’re making room for open bigotry on their site.

Well, they’re making room for SOME open bigotry, so long as it’s being expressed AGAINST white American males and not BY Them, it’s A-OK.

Facebook has de-prioritized removing hateful slurs against white people, men and Americans, instead focusing on blocking slurs against black people, gays, Jews and other groups.

The change on Thursday in Facebook’s algorithm is a shift from the social network’s ‘race-blind’ system that previously removed anti-white insults as well posts such as ‘men are dumb’ or ‘Americans are stupid.’"

It’s Not ‘Identity Politics,’ It’s Anti-White Politics

It’s Not ‘Identity Politics,’ It’s Anti-White Politics

"With Thomas Perez As DNC Chairthing, Democrats Go Full Anti-White

… Mr. Perez is a dedicated Social Justice Warrior, a key enforcer of the Obama administration’s anti-white programswhen serving in key positions in the Justice Department and the Department of Labor across almost all of the eight Obama years."
With Thomas Perez As DNC Chairthing, Democrats Go Full Anti-White

“White men are now the Democratic Party's punching bag. That's a dangerous bet to make.”

NYT Pulitzer Prize Winner: White Race ‘Barbaric’
Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times writer Nikole Hannah-Jones once penned a polemical letter to her college newspaper denouncing the white race as "barbaric."
"The white race is the biggest murderer, rapist, pillager, and thief of the modern world," she wrote in a 1995 letter published in the Notre Dame Observer, according to a report by the Federalist. She added that white Europeans "committed genocide … in their greed and insatiable desire to destroy every non-white culture." NYT Pulitzer Prize Winner: White Race ‘Barbaric’

“In dramatic, urgent language, K-12 schools across the country – both public and private – professed solidarity with Black Lives Matter and vowed to dismantle white supremacy, as they scrambled to introduce anti-racist courses and remake themselves into racism-free zones. “We need to eradicate white supremacy and heteropatriarchy in all of our institutions.” In Maine, a coastal public school district where 3.7% of the 2,100 students are African American or Hispanic, the superintendent declared war on “the intentional barriers white people have built to harm Black people.” The top administrator added: “We grieve for all of the Black lives taken by white supremacy.”Teachers are introducing critical race theory, which views U.S. history through the prism of racial conflict, and assigning readings from Ibram X. Kendi, the academic and author who contends race-neutral policies are the bulwark of the “White ethnostate.” “They are using very positive words like diversity, equity and inclusivity to mislead you, but the message behind these words is horrifying,” said Elana Yaron Fishbein, a suburban Philadelphia mom who created the No Left Turn in Education organization. "They are grouping and stereotyping human beings by skin color, and they are attributing characteristics to your personality based on skin color.” Post-George Floyd, a Wave of 'Anti-Racist' Teaching Sweeps K-12 Schools Targeting 'Whiteness' | RealClearInvestigations

“NYC official promotes division on MLK Day, tells white people ‘go back to Iowa’ in fear-mongering speech

More and more, it seems Democrats are proving to be exactly who many conservatives always thought they were.

Offering a disturbingly divisive message Monday to mark the Martin Luther King Jr. national holiday, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams let newcomers know that they are not welcome in New York City, according to the New York Post.

White newcomers from the nation’s heartland, of course — as those coming illegally from south of the border continue to receive a warm embrace in the sanctuary city. NYC official promotes division on MLK Day, tells white people ‘go back to Iowa’ in fear-mongering speech

"The Lawless Anti-White Identity Politics of the Democratic Party Is on Full Display in Philly"

"Democrats Unify Around Shutting Down White People"

This, the result of the work of Democrats and their apologists.

BLM rioters shout 'Beat up every white person!' and 'Black power!'

"Shoot the white folks!!"

“BLM Leader: We'll 'Burn' the System Down If U.S. Won't Give Us What We Want”
BLM leader: we'll "burn" the system down if U.S. won't give us what we want

“Black Georgia Man Who Stabbed Stranger Says He ‘Felt the Need to Find a White Male to Kill’”

your the one who started a topic based on one man who became disillusioned with the process at the turn of the century and tried to connect the dots to the current environment. Again you point to comments people have made to indicated that it is relevant and holding it out as the truth. It is just free speech and taken out of context.

Peoples views change over time and yes some do not. The civil right bill was important. No one says that everyone has to be on the same page because of it. Obvious things would be better if they were.

So do you support the civil rights act as important ?

Do you believe the storming of the capitol was appropriate ?
your the one who started a topic based on one man who became disillusioned with the process at the turn of the century and tried to connect the dots to the current environment. Again you point to comments people have made to indicated that it is relevant and holding it out as the truth. It is just free speech and taken out of context.

Peoples views change over time and yes some do not. The civil right bill was important. No one says that everyone has to be on the same page because of it. Obvious things would be better if they were.

So do you support the civil rights act as important ?

Do you believe the storming of the capitol was appropriate ?

"your the one..."

No,'s 'you're the one.....'

So you were indoctrinated in government school, huh?

Are you ready to admit that you were lying when you tried to claim this:
"....all races on the same playing field"

Your sort lies about everything.
There was an election.
The blob lost.
Joe Biden won.

Those are the back to whatever wall of BS the OP will post next.

I must voted for the individual who most mirrors your characteristics.

The Beatles gave the requirement for being a Liberal in their song ‘Strawberry Fields:’ “Living is easy with eyes closed…Misunderstanding all you see.”
I see you live by that.

Biden is your President.
Eat another donut and cry about it. It's all you can do you giant tub of goo.
There was an election.
The blob lost.
Joe Biden won.

Those are the back to whatever wall of BS the OP will post next.

I must voted for the individual who most mirrors your characteristics.

The Beatles gave the requirement for being a Liberal in their song ‘Strawberry Fields:’ “Living is easy with eyes closed…Misunderstanding all you see.”
I see you live by that.

Biden is your President.
Eat another donut and cry about it. It's all you can do you giant tub of goo.

Everyone can look at the pic in the upper left and see you are lying.....I suppose they draw the same conclusion about your defense of the Chinese Communist asset, Biden.

But I am certain that everyone appreciates you not inflicting a picture of yourself on all of us.
There was an election.
The blob lost.
Joe Biden won.

Those are the back to whatever wall of BS the OP will post next.

I must voted for the individual who most mirrors your characteristics.

The Beatles gave the requirement for being a Liberal in their song ‘Strawberry Fields:’ “Living is easy with eyes closed…Misunderstanding all you see.”
I see you live by that.

Biden is your President.
Eat another donut and cry about it. It's all you can do you giant tub of goo.

Everyone can look at the pic in the upper left and see you are lying.....I suppose they draw the same conclusion about your defense of the Chinese Communist asset, Biden.

But I am certain that everyone appreciates you not inflicting a picture of yourself on all of us.

Constantly crying about the blob losing an election has made you uglier than normal.
your the one who started a topic based on one man who became disillusioned with the process at the turn of the century and tried to connect the dots to the current environment. Again you point to comments people have made to indicated that it is relevant and holding it out as the truth. It is just free speech and taken out of context.

Peoples views change over time and yes some do not. The civil right bill was important. No one says that everyone has to be on the same page because of it. Obvious things would be better if they were.

So do you support the civil rights act as important ?

Do you believe the storming of the capitol was appropriate ?

"your the one..."

No,'s 'you're the one.....'

So you were indoctrinated in government school, huh?

Are you ready to admit that you were lying when you tried to claim this:
"....all races on the same playing field"

Your sort lies about everything.

You sound like an old lady who likes to correct grammar as your only point in life. Well who am I to take away your purpose in life. correct away.

All races on the same playing field. What is your point do you disagree with all races being equal?
your the one who started a topic based on one man who became disillusioned with the process at the turn of the century and tried to connect the dots to the current environment. Again you point to comments people have made to indicated that it is relevant and holding it out as the truth. It is just free speech and taken out of context.

Peoples views change over time and yes some do not. The civil right bill was important. No one says that everyone has to be on the same page because of it. Obvious things would be better if they were.

So do you support the civil rights act as important ?

Do you believe the storming of the capitol was appropriate ?

"your the one..."

No,'s 'you're the one.....'

So you were indoctrinated in government school, huh?

Are you ready to admit that you were lying when you tried to claim this:
"....all races on the same playing field"

Your sort lies about everything.

You sound like an old lady who likes to correct grammar as your only point in life. Well who am I to take away your purpose in life. correct away.

All races on the same playing field. What is your point do you disagree with all races being equal?

Actually, I'm prepared to correct your posts in two languages.

It is the Democrats who don't believe in the equality of races. They also make similar divisions based on religion.
That makes you nothing more than lying scum.

I'll prove it again.

"Kristen Clarke, Joe Biden’s choice to lead the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, believes black people are superior to white people because they possess more melanin.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson obtained shocking statements Clarke made in 1994.

“Melanin endows blacks with greater mental, physical, and spiritual abilities — something which cannot be measured by Eurocentric standards.” Kristen Clarke wrote."

“Melanin Endows Blacks with Greater Mental, Physical and Spiritual Abilities” (VIDEO)
Kristen Clarke, Joe Biden’s choice to lead the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, believes black people are superior to white people because they possess more melanin. Fox News host Tucker Carlson obtained shocking statements Clarke made in 1994. “Melanin endows blacks with greater ment ...

Biden DOJ Greenlights Higher Ed Discrimination Against Asians and Whites, Drops Yale Lawsuit

Posted by William A. Jacobson Wednesday, February 3, 2021 at 11:39am

DOJ lawsuit had alleged: “Yale’s race discrimination includes imposing undue and unlawful penalties on racially-disfavored applicants, including in particular most Asian, and White applicants.” Biden DOJ Greenlights Higher Ed Discrimination Against Asians and Whites, Drops Yale Lawsuit

“Experts” Say Vulnerable Elderly Shouldn’t Have Vaccine Priority Because They Are Mostly White

The New York Times published an article this month citing “experts” who claimed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) were right to suggest millions of essential workers should receive a COVID-19 vaccine ahead of the most vulnerable elderly because “older populations are whiter.”
Although deaths from the virus are overwhelmingly concentrated among the elderly, 65-years and older, the CDC’s report says the ethical reason behind the guidance is to “mitigate health inequities.”
Harald Schmidt, an “expert” in ethics and health policy at the University of Pennsylvania, told the Times the CDC’s judgment was reasonable because “older populations are whiter.” "Experts" Say Vulnerable Elderly Shouldn't Have Vaccine Priority Because They Are Mostly White · Caldron Pool

Sen. Schumer Proposes $350 Billion COVID Aid Package, But Not for White People

Warnock’s Spiritual Mentor Called for the ‘Destruction of Everything White’

Democratic Senate candidate Rev. Raphael Warnock has praised his religious mentor, Dr. James Hal Cone, as a "poignant and powerful voice" of high "spiritual magnitude."
Cone, however, was a controversial theologian who argued that white Christians are "satanic" and advocated for the "destruction of everything white" in society.
Warnock has described Cone, who served as his academic adviser at the Union Theological Seminary, as his "mentor." Warnock’s Spiritual Mentor Called for the 'Destruction of Everything White'

"White men targeted again: ‘Pale, male, and Yale’ faces at State Dept. must go in pursuit of ‘diversity’

U.S. Rep. Karen Bass, D-Calif., who is not pale, male or from Yale, penned an op-ed calling for the State Department to shy away from highly-educated white males.

“The stereotype that the State Department is overwhelmingly “pale, male, and Yale” has persisted through both Democratic and Republican administrations,” she wrote, noting that between 2002 and 2018, State Department staff identifying as racial or ethnic minorities increased by only 4%, and actually fell among black employees."

"Woke Tech Tyrants Won’t Be Policing All Bigoted Speech Equally…Guess Who Gets Shafted?

they’re making room for open bigotry on their site.

Well, they’re making room for SOME open bigotry, so long as it’s being expressed AGAINST white American males and not BY Them, it’s A-OK.

Facebook has de-prioritized removing hateful slurs against white people, men and Americans, instead focusing on blocking slurs against black people, gays, Jews and other groups.

The change on Thursday in Facebook’s algorithm is a shift from the social network’s ‘race-blind’ system that previously removed anti-white insults as well posts such as ‘men are dumb’ or ‘Americans are stupid.’"

It’s Not ‘Identity Politics,’ It’s Anti-White Politics

It’s Not ‘Identity Politics,’ It’s Anti-White Politics

"With Thomas Perez As DNC Chairthing, Democrats Go Full Anti-White

… Mr. Perez is a dedicated Social Justice Warrior, a key enforcer of the Obama administration’s anti-white programswhen serving in key positions in the Justice Department and the Department of Labor across almost all of the eight Obama years."
With Thomas Perez As DNC Chairthing, Democrats Go Full Anti-White

“White men are now the Democratic Party's punching bag. That's a dangerous bet to make.”

NYT Pulitzer Prize Winner: White Race ‘Barbaric’
Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times writer Nikole Hannah-Jones once penned a polemical letter to her college newspaper denouncing the white race as "barbaric."
"The white race is the biggest murderer, rapist, pillager, and thief of the modern world," she wrote in a 1995 letter published in the Notre Dame Observer, according to a report by the Federalist. She added that white Europeans "committed genocide … in their greed and insatiable desire to destroy every non-white culture." NYT Pulitzer Prize Winner: White Race ‘Barbaric’

“In dramatic, urgent language, K-12 schools across the country – both public and private – professed solidarity with Black Lives Matter and vowed to dismantle white supremacy, as they scrambled to introduce anti-racist courses and remake themselves into racism-free zones. “We need to eradicate white supremacy and heteropatriarchy in all of our institutions.” In Maine, a coastal public school district where 3.7% of the 2,100 students are African American or Hispanic, the superintendent declared war on “the intentional barriers white people have built to harm Black people.” The top administrator added: “We grieve for all of the Black lives taken by white supremacy.”Teachers are introducing critical race theory, which views U.S. history through the prism of racial conflict, and assigning readings from Ibram X. Kendi, the academic and author who contends race-neutral policies are the bulwark of the “White ethnostate.” “They are using very positive words like diversity, equity and inclusivity to mislead you, but the message behind these words is horrifying,” said Elana Yaron Fishbein, a suburban Philadelphia mom who created the No Left Turn in Education organization. "They are grouping and stereotyping human beings by skin color, and they are attributing characteristics to your personality based on skin color.” Post-George Floyd, a Wave of 'Anti-Racist' Teaching Sweeps K-12 Schools Targeting 'Whiteness' | RealClearInvestigations

“NYC official promotes division on MLK Day, tells white people ‘go back to Iowa’ in fear-mongering speech

More and more, it seems Democrats are proving to be exactly who many conservatives always thought they were.

Offering a disturbingly divisive message Monday to mark the Martin Luther King Jr. national holiday, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams let newcomers know that they are not welcome in New York City, according to the New York Post.

White newcomers from the nation’s heartland, of course — as those coming illegally from south of the border continue to receive a warm embrace in the sanctuary city. NYC official promotes division on MLK Day, tells white people ‘go back to Iowa’ in fear-mongering speech

"The Lawless Anti-White Identity Politics of the Democratic Party Is on Full Display in Philly"

"Democrats Unify Around Shutting Down White People"

This, the result of the work of Democrats and their apologists.

BLM rioters shout 'Beat up every white person!' and 'Black power!'

"Shoot the white folks!!"

“BLM Leader: We'll 'Burn' the System Down If U.S. Won't Give Us What We Want”
BLM leader: we'll "burn" the system down if U.S. won't give us what we want

“Black Georgia Man Who Stabbed Stranger Says He ‘Felt the Need to Find a White Male to Kill’”

And every time you lie I'll continue to ram the lie back down your throat.
your the one who started a topic based on one man who became disillusioned with the process at the turn of the century and tried to connect the dots to the current environment. Again you point to comments people have made to indicated that it is relevant and holding it out as the truth. It is just free speech and taken out of context.

Peoples views change over time and yes some do not. The civil right bill was important. No one says that everyone has to be on the same page because of it. Obvious things would be better if they were.

So do you support the civil rights act as important ?

Do you believe the storming of the capitol was appropriate ?

"your the one..."

No,'s 'you're the one.....'

So you were indoctrinated in government school, huh?

Are you ready to admit that you were lying when you tried to claim this:
"....all races on the same playing field"

Your sort lies about everything.

You sound like an old lady who likes to correct grammar as your only point in life. Well who am I to take away your purpose in life. correct away.

All races on the same playing field. What is your point do you disagree with all races being equal?

Actually, I'm prepared to correct your posts in two languages.

It is the Democrats who don't believe in the equality of races. They also make similar divisions based on religion.
That makes you nothing more than lying scum.

I'll prove it again.

"Kristen Clarke, Joe Biden’s choice to lead the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, believes black people are superior to white people because they possess more melanin.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson obtained shocking statements Clarke made in 1994.

“Melanin endows blacks with greater mental, physical, and spiritual abilities — something which cannot be measured by Eurocentric standards.” Kristen Clarke wrote."

“Melanin Endows Blacks with Greater Mental, Physical and Spiritual Abilities” (VIDEO)
Kristen Clarke, Joe Biden’s choice to lead the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, believes black people are superior to white people because they possess more melanin. Fox News host Tucker Carlson obtained shocking statements Clarke made in 1994. “Melanin endows blacks with greater ment ...

Biden DOJ Greenlights Higher Ed Discrimination Against Asians and Whites, Drops Yale Lawsuit

Posted by William A. Jacobson Wednesday, February 3, 2021 at 11:39am

DOJ lawsuit had alleged: “Yale’s race discrimination includes imposing undue and unlawful penalties on racially-disfavored applicants, including in particular most Asian, and White applicants.” Biden DOJ Greenlights Higher Ed Discrimination Against Asians and Whites, Drops Yale Lawsuit

“Experts” Say Vulnerable Elderly Shouldn’t Have Vaccine Priority Because They Are Mostly White

The New York Times published an article this month citing “experts” who claimed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) were right to suggest millions of essential workers should receive a COVID-19 vaccine ahead of the most vulnerable elderly because “older populations are whiter.”
Although deaths from the virus are overwhelmingly concentrated among the elderly, 65-years and older, the CDC’s report says the ethical reason behind the guidance is to “mitigate health inequities.”
Harald Schmidt, an “expert” in ethics and health policy at the University of Pennsylvania, told the Times the CDC’s judgment was reasonable because “older populations are whiter.” "Experts" Say Vulnerable Elderly Shouldn't Have Vaccine Priority Because They Are Mostly White · Caldron Pool

Sen. Schumer Proposes $350 Billion COVID Aid Package, But Not for White People

Warnock’s Spiritual Mentor Called for the ‘Destruction of Everything White’

Democratic Senate candidate Rev. Raphael Warnock has praised his religious mentor, Dr. James Hal Cone, as a "poignant and powerful voice" of high "spiritual magnitude."
Cone, however, was a controversial theologian who argued that white Christians are "satanic" and advocated for the "destruction of everything white" in society.
Warnock has described Cone, who served as his academic adviser at the Union Theological Seminary, as his "mentor." Warnock’s Spiritual Mentor Called for the 'Destruction of Everything White'

"White men targeted again: ‘Pale, male, and Yale’ faces at State Dept. must go in pursuit of ‘diversity’

U.S. Rep. Karen Bass, D-Calif., who is not pale, male or from Yale, penned an op-ed calling for the State Department to shy away from highly-educated white males.

“The stereotype that the State Department is overwhelmingly “pale, male, and Yale” has persisted through both Democratic and Republican administrations,” she wrote, noting that between 2002 and 2018, State Department staff identifying as racial or ethnic minorities increased by only 4%, and actually fell among black employees."

"Woke Tech Tyrants Won’t Be Policing All Bigoted Speech Equally…Guess Who Gets Shafted?

they’re making room for open bigotry on their site.

Well, they’re making room for SOME open bigotry, so long as it’s being expressed AGAINST white American males and not BY Them, it’s A-OK.

Facebook has de-prioritized removing hateful slurs against white people, men and Americans, instead focusing on blocking slurs against black people, gays, Jews and other groups.

The change on Thursday in Facebook’s algorithm is a shift from the social network’s ‘race-blind’ system that previously removed anti-white insults as well posts such as ‘men are dumb’ or ‘Americans are stupid.’"

It’s Not ‘Identity Politics,’ It’s Anti-White Politics

It’s Not ‘Identity Politics,’ It’s Anti-White Politics

"With Thomas Perez As DNC Chairthing, Democrats Go Full Anti-White

… Mr. Perez is a dedicated Social Justice Warrior, a key enforcer of the Obama administration’s anti-white programswhen serving in key positions in the Justice Department and the Department of Labor across almost all of the eight Obama years."
With Thomas Perez As DNC Chairthing, Democrats Go Full Anti-White

“White men are now the Democratic Party's punching bag. That's a dangerous bet to make.”

NYT Pulitzer Prize Winner: White Race ‘Barbaric’
Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times writer Nikole Hannah-Jones once penned a polemical letter to her college newspaper denouncing the white race as "barbaric."
"The white race is the biggest murderer, rapist, pillager, and thief of the modern world," she wrote in a 1995 letter published in the Notre Dame Observer, according to a report by the Federalist. She added that white Europeans "committed genocide … in their greed and insatiable desire to destroy every non-white culture." NYT Pulitzer Prize Winner: White Race ‘Barbaric’

“In dramatic, urgent language, K-12 schools across the country – both public and private – professed solidarity with Black Lives Matter and vowed to dismantle white supremacy, as they scrambled to introduce anti-racist courses and remake themselves into racism-free zones. “We need to eradicate white supremacy and heteropatriarchy in all of our institutions.” In Maine, a coastal public school district where 3.7% of the 2,100 students are African American or Hispanic, the superintendent declared war on “the intentional barriers white people have built to harm Black people.” The top administrator added: “We grieve for all of the Black lives taken by white supremacy.”Teachers are introducing critical race theory, which views U.S. history through the prism of racial conflict, and assigning readings from Ibram X. Kendi, the academic and author who contends race-neutral policies are the bulwark of the “White ethnostate.” “They are using very positive words like diversity, equity and inclusivity to mislead you, but the message behind these words is horrifying,” said Elana Yaron Fishbein, a suburban Philadelphia mom who created the No Left Turn in Education organization. "They are grouping and stereotyping human beings by skin color, and they are attributing characteristics to your personality based on skin color.” Post-George Floyd, a Wave of 'Anti-Racist' Teaching Sweeps K-12 Schools Targeting 'Whiteness' | RealClearInvestigations

“NYC official promotes division on MLK Day, tells white people ‘go back to Iowa’ in fear-mongering speech

More and more, it seems Democrats are proving to be exactly who many conservatives always thought they were.

Offering a disturbingly divisive message Monday to mark the Martin Luther King Jr. national holiday, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams let newcomers know that they are not welcome in New York City, according to the New York Post.

White newcomers from the nation’s heartland, of course — as those coming illegally from south of the border continue to receive a warm embrace in the sanctuary city. NYC official promotes division on MLK Day, tells white people ‘go back to Iowa’ in fear-mongering speech

"The Lawless Anti-White Identity Politics of the Democratic Party Is on Full Display in Philly"

"Democrats Unify Around Shutting Down White People"

This, the result of the work of Democrats and their apologists.

BLM rioters shout 'Beat up every white person!' and 'Black power!'

"Shoot the white folks!!"

“BLM Leader: We'll 'Burn' the System Down If U.S. Won't Give Us What We Want”
BLM leader: we'll "burn" the system down if U.S. won't give us what we want

“Black Georgia Man Who Stabbed Stranger Says He ‘Felt the Need to Find a White Male to Kill’”

And every time you lie I'll continue to ram the lie back down your throat.

Sorry the lie is that you take what one person says and believes and then apply it to others.

You like to take the comment and apply it universally or worse out of context.

You first statement about the young lady was taken out of context.

If you had read the whole paper you would understand that they were making a counter arguments about absurd theories. In this case to argue against " the bell curve theory" they started by making another absurd argument to show how the bell curve theory was ridiculous.

By saying that black people were superior because of melanin. Most people would understand that it is a false argument and there is no true in that statement. Thus it can be comparing it to the bell curve which is a false argument.

Most people would say that is absurd to take such a statement serious. But you seem to and Tucker seem to believe it that MELANIA is that potent. You take the argument seriously and want to apply it universally to democrats. Who are of people of many races.

KKK and like minded white supremacist constantly says that white people are superior.

:Your fuzzy logic would say that All white people believe that white people are superior because of what a few say. You are wrong when you try to apply it universally.

Common sense just says that some people have fucked up views . It doesn't mean that it can be applied universally.

Trump tweeted a guy in a golf cart who constantly shouted white superiority statements.

With your logic since Trump tweeted it he must believe white are superior because they only retweet stuff that they believe in.

That is a false assumption on your part but I would suspect that you just want to fit in and be liked.

So you take something said and believe it means something else.

I would suggest that you first stop and smell the roses before going down a path of twisting tales to satisfy your adoring public.

Melanin is just something that maker your hair and skin dark. It why people can get a suntan.

There is nothing about it that makes one superior.

DO you understand how using that one story make you appear.

You cannot understand simple things. Your more interested in proving a point. Using other people statements.

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