It's the Most Deadly Virus In History (According to some in the media)....But Soap And Water Destroys It.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Okay....let me get this straight......this new super virus has been said to be able to hang around for days on end....can be transmitted from over 21 feet away....and is 100 times more contagious and deadly than the flu.....but dish-washing liquid destroys it. WTF is going on here?

I keep seeing coincidences here....and I really wonder if this isn't just another Social-Democrat hoax like all of the others. Yes the virus is probably real, but it's not even close to being as deadly as the media claims.

Isn't it a huge coincidence that James Carvell called for shutting down Joe Biden's campaign due to the fact that it was only going to get worse the more their hand picked Dementia patient was allowed to be seen in public....and within 48 hours this virus became a national catastrophe. So what better way to shut it down (and at the same time shut down Trump rallies) than to institute "SOCIAL DISTANCING". This just doesn't pass the smell test. Trust me....if the virus was as deadly as they're saying it is...they wouldn't be able to keep the television programming on the air. You can bet on that. But for some strange reason they're still able to keep it going.....keep it pumping out tons of garbage to fan the flames of fear and depression.

In Feb. Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone in SF to rub elbows with Chinese folks in Chinatown because she wanted us to be friendly to Chuck Schumer holed up in his mansion telling us now is the time to start instituting their insane Green Jobs programs as a possible solution to the crisis. Yes folks....desperate times call for desperate measures....and now is the time to install their retarded "NEW GREEN DEAL" that everyone said was so insane when AOC mentioned it out loud last year. Now Senator Schumer is sounding like Greta Thunberg. Yep....that's the solution folks. Completely destroy the economy to save the planet.

Just about everyone is practicing SOCIAL-DISTANCING, but now Democrats are trying to fund all of their pet projects in coronavirus relief bills. They're making Christian Churches illegal in one state (Virginia). No mention of shutting down Mosques tho. They're actually preventing the sale of seeds to stop people from starting their own gardens. If you live in one of the 12 Democrat controlled states you're one cough away from being a Communist State. And all it took was a virus intentionally spread by their friends in China. Believe it or not there are videos on YouTube of old Asian women intentionally spreading the virus by spitting on surfaces people touch in their daily lives. Door handles...park benches....ready tellers.

Late last night I saw a video of some guy drinking out of dozens of containers in the grocery store. This continues a trend of jackasses licking the contents of ice cream containers that was strangely the fad last year. For some crazy reason...spreading germs was really cool to leftist assholes last year. It was very popular amongst Blacks and Homosexuals. Lately just about every time I go to the store I find loose caps on bottles and containers. Yesterday half a bottle of handsoap leaked onto my steps when I came home from the store before I could catch it. Another fell off while I was putting it on the conveyor at the register.

Look me crazy....but I've been noticing a trend. Why is it every time the left starts doing something or talking about becomes a serious problem that involves everyone. Last year congress started talking about white nationalism and the lone gunman scenerio....and all of the sudden white millennials started shooting people everywhere. We haven't had a shooting in months. What new law caused this trend to stop? Now....somehow a virus in China has been spread to every state in less than 2 weeks. This just doesn't happen without help from someone. Either it's real or it's just another hoax created by the media. Yes....another hoax in an extremely long list of known hoaxes. The media has become extremely untrustworthy by design.

I think a form of the current Coronavirus has been here for at least 2-3 years. It took the media to identify the name COVID-19 and identify the source to turn into a catastrophic event. But don't you dare mention that the virus came from Wuhan God that's racist stuff folks. You can't impugn our commie friends in China. Sure...they've been poisoning us for close to a decade but they would never release a deadly bio-agent on us in an attempt to take over the world.

Yes....take every precaution.....but don't let federal and local government officials turn us all into the Borg doing everything they say no matter what it is. Some of these folks are up to no good. And whatever you do....don't watch the national news. Pay attention to announcements in your area and be wary of politicians that attempt to overreach during this crisis. Keep informed...but weed thru the rubbish that is being pumped out. 90% of it is speculation and fearmongering.

So....remember to wash your hands.....and don't you dare touch your face.
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And then they make sure it all fits by putting China in the mix
I do recall that at first when Trump pushed the travel ban the media was downplaying the disease, and I was glad they weren't stoking the hysteria. A few weeks later it was world war z according to CNN and the usual suspects. I'm still highly skeptical that this is nearly as serious as SARs, and we did nothing about that. SE Asians were all running around in masks, but hey do that because of the pollution too.

At this point I'd rather just get the disease and deal with it than continue this hysterical over reaction.


Okay....let me get this straight......this new super virus has been said to be able to hang around for days on end....can be transmitted from over 21 feet away....and is 100 times more contagious and deadly than the flu.....but dish-washing liquid destroys it. WTF is going on here?

I keep seeing coincidences here....and I really wonder if this isn't just another Social-Democrat hoax like all of the others. Yes the virus is probably real, but it's not even close to being as deadly as the media claims.

Isn't it a huge coincidence that James Carvell called for shutting down Joe Biden's campaign due to the fact that it was only going to get worse the more their hand picked Dementia patient was allowed to be seen in public....and within 48 hours this virus became a national catastrophe. So what better way to shut it down (and at the same time shut down Trump rallies) than to institute "SOCIAL DISTANCING". This just doesn't pass the smell test. Trust me....if the virus was as deadly as they're saying it is...they wouldn't be able to keep the television programming on the air. You can bet on that. But for some strange reason they're still able to keep it going.....keep it pumping out tons of garbage to fan the flames of fear and depression.

In Feb. Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone in SF to rub elbows with Chinese folks in Chinatown because she wanted us to be friendly to Chuck Schumer holed up in his mansion telling us now is the time to start instituting their insane Green Jobs programs as a possible solution to the crisis. Yes folks....desperate times call for desperate measures....and now is the time to install their retarded "NEW GREEN DEAL" that everyone said was so insane when AOC mentioned it out loud last year. Now Senator Schumer is sounding like Greta Thunberg. Yep....that's the solution folks. Completely destroy the economy to save the planet.

Just about everyone is practicing SOCIAL-DISTANCING, but now Democrats are trying to fund all of their pet projects in coronavirus relief bills. They're making Christian Churches illegal in one state (Virginia). No mention of shutting down Mosques tho. They're actually preventing the sale of seeds to stop people from starting their own gardens. If you live in one of the 12 Democrat controlled states you're one cough away from being a Communist State. And all it took was a virus intentionally spread by their friends in China. Believe it or not there are videos on YouTube of old Asian women intentionally spreading the virus by spitting on surfaces people touch in their daily lives. Door handles...park benches....ready tellers.

Late last night I saw a video of some guy drinking out of dozens of containers in the grocery store. This continues a trend of jackasses licking the contents of ice cream containers that was strangely the fad last year. For some crazy reason...spreading germs was really cool to leftist assholes last year. It was very popular amongst Blacks and Homosexuals. Lately just about every time I go to the store I find loose caps on bottles and containers. Yesterday half a bottle of handsoap leaked onto my steps when I came home from the store before I could catch it. Another fell off while I was putting it on the conveyor at the register.

Look me crazy....but I've been noticing a trend. Why is it every time the left starts doing something or talking about becomes a serious problem that involves everyone. Last year congress started talking about white nationalism and the lone gunman scenerio....and all of the sudden white millennials started shooting people everywhere. We haven't had a shooting in months. What new law caused this trend to stop? Now....somehow a virus in China has been spread to every state in less than 2 weeks. This just doesn't happen without help from someone. Either it's real or it's just another hoax created by the media. Yes....another hoax in an extremely long list of known hoaxes. The media has become extremely untrustworthy by design.

I think a form of the current Coronavirus has been here for at least 2-3 years. It took the media to identify the name COVID-19 and identify the source to turn into a catastrophic event. But don't you dare mention that the virus came from Wuhan God that's racist stuff folks. You can't impugn our commie friends in China. Sure...they've been poisoning us for close to a decade but they would never release a deadly bio-agent on us in an attempt to take over the world.

Yes....take every precaution.....but don't let federal and local government officials turn us all into the Borg doing everything they say no matter what it is. Some of these folks are up to no good. And whatever you do....don't watch the national news. Pay attention to announcements in your area and be wary of politicians that attempt to overreach during this crisis. Keep informed...but weed thru the rubbish that is being pumped out. 90% of it is speculation and fearmongering.

So....remember to wash your hands.....and don't you dare touch your face.

Soap and water reduce the chances you’ll spread the virus. It doesn’t kill the virus.

Okay....let me get this straight......this new super virus has been said to be able to hang around for days on end....can be transmitted from over 21 feet away....and is 100 times more contagious and deadly than the flu.....but dish-washing liquid destroys it. WTF is going on here?

I keep seeing coincidences here....and I really wonder if this isn't just another Social-Democrat hoax like all of the others. Yes the virus is probably real, but it's not even close to being as deadly as the media claims.

Isn't it a huge coincidence that James Carvell called for shutting down Joe Biden's campaign due to the fact that it was only going to get worse the more their hand picked Dementia patient was allowed to be seen in public....and within 48 hours this virus became a national catastrophe. So what better way to shut it down (and at the same time shut down Trump rallies) than to institute "SOCIAL DISTANCING". This just doesn't pass the smell test. Trust me....if the virus was as deadly as they're saying it is...they wouldn't be able to keep the television programming on the air. You can bet on that. But for some strange reason they're still able to keep it going.....keep it pumping out tons of garbage to fan the flames of fear and depression.

In Feb. Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone in SF to rub elbows with Chinese folks in Chinatown because she wanted us to be friendly to Chuck Schumer holed up in his mansion telling us now is the time to start instituting their insane Green Jobs programs as a possible solution to the crisis. Yes folks....desperate times call for desperate measures....and now is the time to install their retarded "NEW GREEN DEAL" that everyone said was so insane when AOC mentioned it out loud last year. Now Senator Schumer is sounding like Greta Thunberg. Yep....that's the solution folks. Completely destroy the economy to save the planet.

Just about everyone is practicing SOCIAL-DISTANCING, but now Democrats are trying to fund all of their pet projects in coronavirus relief bills. They're making Christian Churches illegal in one state (Virginia). No mention of shutting down Mosques tho. They're actually preventing the sale of seeds to stop people from starting their own gardens. If you live in one of the 12 Democrat controlled states you're one cough away from being a Communist State. And all it took was a virus intentionally spread by their friends in China. Believe it or not there are videos on YouTube of old Asian women intentionally spreading the virus by spitting on surfaces people touch in their daily lives. Door handles...park benches....ready tellers.

Late last night I saw a video of some guy drinking out of dozens of containers in the grocery store. This continues a trend of jackasses licking the contents of ice cream containers that was strangely the fad last year. For some crazy reason...spreading germs was really cool to leftist assholes last year. It was very popular amongst Blacks and Homosexuals. Lately just about every time I go to the store I find loose caps on bottles and containers. Yesterday half a bottle of handsoap leaked onto my steps when I came home from the store before I could catch it. Another fell off while I was putting it on the conveyor at the register.

Look me crazy....but I've been noticing a trend. Why is it every time the left starts doing something or talking about becomes a serious problem that involves everyone. Last year congress started talking about white nationalism and the lone gunman scenerio....and all of the sudden white millennials started shooting people everywhere. We haven't had a shooting in months. What new law caused this trend to stop? Now....somehow a virus in China has been spread to every state in less than 2 weeks. This just doesn't happen without help from someone. Either it's real or it's just another hoax created by the media. Yes....another hoax in an extremely long list of known hoaxes. The media has become extremely untrustworthy by design.

I think a form of the current Coronavirus has been here for at least 2-3 years. It took the media to identify the name COVID-19 and identify the source to turn into a catastrophic event. But don't you dare mention that the virus came from Wuhan God that's racist stuff folks. You can't impugn our commie friends in China. Sure...they've been poisoning us for close to a decade but they would never release a deadly bio-agent on us in an attempt to take over the world.

Yes....take every precaution.....but don't let federal and local government officials turn us all into the Borg doing everything they say no matter what it is. Some of these folks are up to no good. And whatever you do....don't watch the national news. Pay attention to announcements in your area and be wary of politicians that attempt to overreach during this crisis. Keep informed...but weed thru the rubbish that is being pumped out. 90% of it is speculation and fearmongering.

So....remember to wash your hands.....and don't you dare touch your face.

Soap and water reduce the chances you’ll spread the virus. It doesn’t kill the virus.

Science is not a Trumper strong point.

Okay....let me get this straight......this new super virus has been said to be able to hang around for days on end....can be transmitted from over 21 feet away....and is 100 times more contagious and deadly than the flu.....but dish-washing liquid destroys it. WTF is going on here?

I keep seeing coincidences here....and I really wonder if this isn't just another Social-Democrat hoax like all of the others. Yes the virus is probably real, but it's not even close to being as deadly as the media claims.

Isn't it a huge coincidence that James Carvell called for shutting down Joe Biden's campaign due to the fact that it was only going to get worse the more their hand picked Dementia patient was allowed to be seen in public....and within 48 hours this virus became a national catastrophe. So what better way to shut it down (and at the same time shut down Trump rallies) than to institute "SOCIAL DISTANCING". This just doesn't pass the smell test. Trust me....if the virus was as deadly as they're saying it is...they wouldn't be able to keep the television programming on the air. You can bet on that. But for some strange reason they're still able to keep it going.....keep it pumping out tons of garbage to fan the flames of fear and depression.

In Feb. Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone in SF to rub elbows with Chinese folks in Chinatown because she wanted us to be friendly to Chuck Schumer holed up in his mansion telling us now is the time to start instituting their insane Green Jobs programs as a possible solution to the crisis. Yes folks....desperate times call for desperate measures....and now is the time to install their retarded "NEW GREEN DEAL" that everyone said was so insane when AOC mentioned it out loud last year. Now Senator Schumer is sounding like Greta Thunberg. Yep....that's the solution folks. Completely destroy the economy to save the planet.

Just about everyone is practicing SOCIAL-DISTANCING, but now Democrats are trying to fund all of their pet projects in coronavirus relief bills. They're making Christian Churches illegal in one state (Virginia). No mention of shutting down Mosques tho. They're actually preventing the sale of seeds to stop people from starting their own gardens. If you live in one of the 12 Democrat controlled states you're one cough away from being a Communist State. And all it took was a virus intentionally spread by their friends in China. Believe it or not there are videos on YouTube of old Asian women intentionally spreading the virus by spitting on surfaces people touch in their daily lives. Door handles...park benches....ready tellers.

Late last night I saw a video of some guy drinking out of dozens of containers in the grocery store. This continues a trend of jackasses licking the contents of ice cream containers that was strangely the fad last year. For some crazy reason...spreading germs was really cool to leftist assholes last year. It was very popular amongst Blacks and Homosexuals. Lately just about every time I go to the store I find loose caps on bottles and containers. Yesterday half a bottle of handsoap leaked onto my steps when I came home from the store before I could catch it. Another fell off while I was putting it on the conveyor at the register.

Look me crazy....but I've been noticing a trend. Why is it every time the left starts doing something or talking about becomes a serious problem that involves everyone. Last year congress started talking about white nationalism and the lone gunman scenerio....and all of the sudden white millennials started shooting people everywhere. We haven't had a shooting in months. What new law caused this trend to stop? Now....somehow a virus in China has been spread to every state in less than 2 weeks. This just doesn't happen without help from someone. Either it's real or it's just another hoax created by the media. Yes....another hoax in an extremely long list of known hoaxes. The media has become extremely untrustworthy by design.

I think a form of the current Coronavirus has been here for at least 2-3 years. It took the media to identify the name COVID-19 and identify the source to turn into a catastrophic event. But don't you dare mention that the virus came from Wuhan God that's racist stuff folks. You can't impugn our commie friends in China. Sure...they've been poisoning us for close to a decade but they would never release a deadly bio-agent on us in an attempt to take over the world.

Yes....take every precaution.....but don't let federal and local government officials turn us all into the Borg doing everything they say no matter what it is. Some of these folks are up to no good. And whatever you do....don't watch the national news. Pay attention to announcements in your area and be wary of politicians that attempt to overreach during this crisis. Keep informed...but weed thru the rubbish that is being pumped out. 90% of it is speculation and fearmongering.

So....remember to wash your hands.....and don't you dare touch your face.

Soap and water reduce the chances you’ll spread the virus. It doesn’t kill the virus.

Science is not a Trumper strong point.

the irony

Okay....let me get this straight......this new super virus has been said to be able to hang around for days on end....can be transmitted from over 21 feet away....and is 100 times more contagious and deadly than the flu.....but dish-washing liquid destroys it. WTF is going on here?

I keep seeing coincidences here....and I really wonder if this isn't just another Social-Democrat hoax like all of the others. Yes the virus is probably real, but it's not even close to being as deadly as the media claims.

Isn't it a huge coincidence that James Carvell called for shutting down Joe Biden's campaign due to the fact that it was only going to get worse the more their hand picked Dementia patient was allowed to be seen in public....and within 48 hours this virus became a national catastrophe. So what better way to shut it down (and at the same time shut down Trump rallies) than to institute "SOCIAL DISTANCING". This just doesn't pass the smell test. Trust me....if the virus was as deadly as they're saying it is...they wouldn't be able to keep the television programming on the air. You can bet on that. But for some strange reason they're still able to keep it going.....keep it pumping out tons of garbage to fan the flames of fear and depression.

In Feb. Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone in SF to rub elbows with Chinese folks in Chinatown because she wanted us to be friendly to Chuck Schumer holed up in his mansion telling us now is the time to start instituting their insane Green Jobs programs as a possible solution to the crisis. Yes folks....desperate times call for desperate measures....and now is the time to install their retarded "NEW GREEN DEAL" that everyone said was so insane when AOC mentioned it out loud last year. Now Senator Schumer is sounding like Greta Thunberg. Yep....that's the solution folks. Completely destroy the economy to save the planet.

Just about everyone is practicing SOCIAL-DISTANCING, but now Democrats are trying to fund all of their pet projects in coronavirus relief bills. They're making Christian Churches illegal in one state (Virginia). No mention of shutting down Mosques tho. They're actually preventing the sale of seeds to stop people from starting their own gardens. If you live in one of the 12 Democrat controlled states you're one cough away from being a Communist State. And all it took was a virus intentionally spread by their friends in China. Believe it or not there are videos on YouTube of old Asian women intentionally spreading the virus by spitting on surfaces people touch in their daily lives. Door handles...park benches....ready tellers.

Late last night I saw a video of some guy drinking out of dozens of containers in the grocery store. This continues a trend of jackasses licking the contents of ice cream containers that was strangely the fad last year. For some crazy reason...spreading germs was really cool to leftist assholes last year. It was very popular amongst Blacks and Homosexuals. Lately just about every time I go to the store I find loose caps on bottles and containers. Yesterday half a bottle of handsoap leaked onto my steps when I came home from the store before I could catch it. Another fell off while I was putting it on the conveyor at the register.

Look me crazy....but I've been noticing a trend. Why is it every time the left starts doing something or talking about becomes a serious problem that involves everyone. Last year congress started talking about white nationalism and the lone gunman scenerio....and all of the sudden white millennials started shooting people everywhere. We haven't had a shooting in months. What new law caused this trend to stop? Now....somehow a virus in China has been spread to every state in less than 2 weeks. This just doesn't happen without help from someone. Either it's real or it's just another hoax created by the media. Yes....another hoax in an extremely long list of known hoaxes. The media has become extremely untrustworthy by design.

I think a form of the current Coronavirus has been here for at least 2-3 years. It took the media to identify the name COVID-19 and identify the source to turn into a catastrophic event. But don't you dare mention that the virus came from Wuhan God that's racist stuff folks. You can't impugn our commie friends in China. Sure...they've been poisoning us for close to a decade but they would never release a deadly bio-agent on us in an attempt to take over the world.

Yes....take every precaution.....but don't let federal and local government officials turn us all into the Borg doing everything they say no matter what it is. Some of these folks are up to no good. And whatever you do....don't watch the national news. Pay attention to announcements in your area and be wary of politicians that attempt to overreach during this crisis. Keep informed...but weed thru the rubbish that is being pumped out. 90% of it is speculation and fearmongering.

So....remember to wash your hands.....and don't you dare touch your face.

Soap and water reduce the chances you’ll spread the virus. It doesn’t kill the virus.

it reduces it? how? tell us. give us the technical explanation.
The technical explanation on how soap kills a virus.

This is why we're being told it's more effective than hand sanitizer, which is typically isopropyl alcohol.


Okay....let me get this straight......this new super virus has been said to be able to hang around for days on end....can be transmitted from over 21 feet away....and is 100 times more contagious and deadly than the flu.....but dish-washing liquid destroys it. WTF is going on here?

I keep seeing coincidences here....and I really wonder if this isn't just another Social-Democrat hoax like all of the others. Yes the virus is probably real, but it's not even close to being as deadly as the media claims.

Isn't it a huge coincidence that James Carvell called for shutting down Joe Biden's campaign due to the fact that it was only going to get worse the more their hand picked Dementia patient was allowed to be seen in public....and within 48 hours this virus became a national catastrophe. So what better way to shut it down (and at the same time shut down Trump rallies) than to institute "SOCIAL DISTANCING". This just doesn't pass the smell test. Trust me....if the virus was as deadly as they're saying it is...they wouldn't be able to keep the television programming on the air. You can bet on that. But for some strange reason they're still able to keep it going.....keep it pumping out tons of garbage to fan the flames of fear and depression.

In Feb. Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone in SF to rub elbows with Chinese folks in Chinatown because she wanted us to be friendly to Chuck Schumer holed up in his mansion telling us now is the time to start instituting their insane Green Jobs programs as a possible solution to the crisis. Yes folks....desperate times call for desperate measures....and now is the time to install their retarded "NEW GREEN DEAL" that everyone said was so insane when AOC mentioned it out loud last year. Now Senator Schumer is sounding like Greta Thunberg. Yep....that's the solution folks. Completely destroy the economy to save the planet.

Just about everyone is practicing SOCIAL-DISTANCING, but now Democrats are trying to fund all of their pet projects in coronavirus relief bills. They're making Christian Churches illegal in one state (Virginia). No mention of shutting down Mosques tho. They're actually preventing the sale of seeds to stop people from starting their own gardens. If you live in one of the 12 Democrat controlled states you're one cough away from being a Communist State. And all it took was a virus intentionally spread by their friends in China. Believe it or not there are videos on YouTube of old Asian women intentionally spreading the virus by spitting on surfaces people touch in their daily lives. Door handles...park benches....ready tellers.

Late last night I saw a video of some guy drinking out of dozens of containers in the grocery store. This continues a trend of jackasses licking the contents of ice cream containers that was strangely the fad last year. For some crazy reason...spreading germs was really cool to leftist assholes last year. It was very popular amongst Blacks and Homosexuals. Lately just about every time I go to the store I find loose caps on bottles and containers. Yesterday half a bottle of handsoap leaked onto my steps when I came home from the store before I could catch it. Another fell off while I was putting it on the conveyor at the register.

Look me crazy....but I've been noticing a trend. Why is it every time the left starts doing something or talking about becomes a serious problem that involves everyone. Last year congress started talking about white nationalism and the lone gunman scenerio....and all of the sudden white millennials started shooting people everywhere. We haven't had a shooting in months. What new law caused this trend to stop? Now....somehow a virus in China has been spread to every state in less than 2 weeks. This just doesn't happen without help from someone. Either it's real or it's just another hoax created by the media. Yes....another hoax in an extremely long list of known hoaxes. The media has become extremely untrustworthy by design.

I think a form of the current Coronavirus has been here for at least 2-3 years. It took the media to identify the name COVID-19 and identify the source to turn into a catastrophic event. But don't you dare mention that the virus came from Wuhan God that's racist stuff folks. You can't impugn our commie friends in China. Sure...they've been poisoning us for close to a decade but they would never release a deadly bio-agent on us in an attempt to take over the world.

Yes....take every precaution.....but don't let federal and local government officials turn us all into the Borg doing everything they say no matter what it is. Some of these folks are up to no good. And whatever you do....don't watch the national news. Pay attention to announcements in your area and be wary of politicians that attempt to overreach during this crisis. Keep informed...but weed thru the rubbish that is being pumped out. 90% of it is speculation and fearmongering.

So....remember to wash your hands.....and don't you dare touch your face.

Soap and water reduce the chances you’ll spread the virus. It doesn’t kill the virus.

it reduces it? how? tell us. give us the technical explanation.

It takes it off your hands so Trump can rest assured when you give him your daily reach around.

Okay....let me get this straight......this new super virus has been said to be able to hang around for days on end....can be transmitted from over 21 feet away....and is 100 times more contagious and deadly than the flu.....but dish-washing liquid destroys it. WTF is going on here?

I keep seeing coincidences here....and I really wonder if this isn't just another Social-Democrat hoax like all of the others. Yes the virus is probably real, but it's not even close to being as deadly as the media claims.

Isn't it a huge coincidence that James Carvell called for shutting down Joe Biden's campaign due to the fact that it was only going to get worse the more their hand picked Dementia patient was allowed to be seen in public....and within 48 hours this virus became a national catastrophe. So what better way to shut it down (and at the same time shut down Trump rallies) than to institute "SOCIAL DISTANCING". This just doesn't pass the smell test. Trust me....if the virus was as deadly as they're saying it is...they wouldn't be able to keep the television programming on the air. You can bet on that. But for some strange reason they're still able to keep it going.....keep it pumping out tons of garbage to fan the flames of fear and depression.

In Feb. Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone in SF to rub elbows with Chinese folks in Chinatown because she wanted us to be friendly to Chuck Schumer holed up in his mansion telling us now is the time to start instituting their insane Green Jobs programs as a possible solution to the crisis. Yes folks....desperate times call for desperate measures....and now is the time to install their retarded "NEW GREEN DEAL" that everyone said was so insane when AOC mentioned it out loud last year. Now Senator Schumer is sounding like Greta Thunberg. Yep....that's the solution folks. Completely destroy the economy to save the planet.

Just about everyone is practicing SOCIAL-DISTANCING, but now Democrats are trying to fund all of their pet projects in coronavirus relief bills. They're making Christian Churches illegal in one state (Virginia). No mention of shutting down Mosques tho. They're actually preventing the sale of seeds to stop people from starting their own gardens. If you live in one of the 12 Democrat controlled states you're one cough away from being a Communist State. And all it took was a virus intentionally spread by their friends in China. Believe it or not there are videos on YouTube of old Asian women intentionally spreading the virus by spitting on surfaces people touch in their daily lives. Door handles...park benches....ready tellers.

Late last night I saw a video of some guy drinking out of dozens of containers in the grocery store. This continues a trend of jackasses licking the contents of ice cream containers that was strangely the fad last year. For some crazy reason...spreading germs was really cool to leftist assholes last year. It was very popular amongst Blacks and Homosexuals. Lately just about every time I go to the store I find loose caps on bottles and containers. Yesterday half a bottle of handsoap leaked onto my steps when I came home from the store before I could catch it. Another fell off while I was putting it on the conveyor at the register.

Look me crazy....but I've been noticing a trend. Why is it every time the left starts doing something or talking about becomes a serious problem that involves everyone. Last year congress started talking about white nationalism and the lone gunman scenerio....and all of the sudden white millennials started shooting people everywhere. We haven't had a shooting in months. What new law caused this trend to stop? Now....somehow a virus in China has been spread to every state in less than 2 weeks. This just doesn't happen without help from someone. Either it's real or it's just another hoax created by the media. Yes....another hoax in an extremely long list of known hoaxes. The media has become extremely untrustworthy by design.

I think a form of the current Coronavirus has been here for at least 2-3 years. It took the media to identify the name COVID-19 and identify the source to turn into a catastrophic event. But don't you dare mention that the virus came from Wuhan God that's racist stuff folks. You can't impugn our commie friends in China. Sure...they've been poisoning us for close to a decade but they would never release a deadly bio-agent on us in an attempt to take over the world.

Yes....take every precaution.....but don't let federal and local government officials turn us all into the Borg doing everything they say no matter what it is. Some of these folks are up to no good. And whatever you do....don't watch the national news. Pay attention to announcements in your area and be wary of politicians that attempt to overreach during this crisis. Keep informed...but weed thru the rubbish that is being pumped out. 90% of it is speculation and fearmongering.

So....remember to wash your hands.....and don't you dare touch your face.

Soap and water reduce the chances you’ll spread the virus. It doesn’t kill the virus.

it reduces it? how? tell us. give us the technical explanation.

It takes it off your hands so Trump can rest assured when you give him your daily reach around.

it does? how? if it's in your cells, how does it remove it?

Okay....let me get this straight......this new super virus has been said to be able to hang around for days on end....can be transmitted from over 21 feet away....and is 100 times more contagious and deadly than the flu.....but dish-washing liquid destroys it. WTF is going on here?

I keep seeing coincidences here....and I really wonder if this isn't just another Social-Democrat hoax like all of the others. Yes the virus is probably real, but it's not even close to being as deadly as the media claims.

Isn't it a huge coincidence that James Carvell called for shutting down Joe Biden's campaign due to the fact that it was only going to get worse the more their hand picked Dementia patient was allowed to be seen in public....and within 48 hours this virus became a national catastrophe. So what better way to shut it down (and at the same time shut down Trump rallies) than to institute "SOCIAL DISTANCING". This just doesn't pass the smell test. Trust me....if the virus was as deadly as they're saying it is...they wouldn't be able to keep the television programming on the air. You can bet on that. But for some strange reason they're still able to keep it going.....keep it pumping out tons of garbage to fan the flames of fear and depression.

In Feb. Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone in SF to rub elbows with Chinese folks in Chinatown because she wanted us to be friendly to Chuck Schumer holed up in his mansion telling us now is the time to start instituting their insane Green Jobs programs as a possible solution to the crisis. Yes folks....desperate times call for desperate measures....and now is the time to install their retarded "NEW GREEN DEAL" that everyone said was so insane when AOC mentioned it out loud last year. Now Senator Schumer is sounding like Greta Thunberg. Yep....that's the solution folks. Completely destroy the economy to save the planet.

Just about everyone is practicing SOCIAL-DISTANCING, but now Democrats are trying to fund all of their pet projects in coronavirus relief bills. They're making Christian Churches illegal in one state (Virginia). No mention of shutting down Mosques tho. They're actually preventing the sale of seeds to stop people from starting their own gardens. If you live in one of the 12 Democrat controlled states you're one cough away from being a Communist State. And all it took was a virus intentionally spread by their friends in China. Believe it or not there are videos on YouTube of old Asian women intentionally spreading the virus by spitting on surfaces people touch in their daily lives. Door handles...park benches....ready tellers.

Late last night I saw a video of some guy drinking out of dozens of containers in the grocery store. This continues a trend of jackasses licking the contents of ice cream containers that was strangely the fad last year. For some crazy reason...spreading germs was really cool to leftist assholes last year. It was very popular amongst Blacks and Homosexuals. Lately just about every time I go to the store I find loose caps on bottles and containers. Yesterday half a bottle of handsoap leaked onto my steps when I came home from the store before I could catch it. Another fell off while I was putting it on the conveyor at the register.

Look me crazy....but I've been noticing a trend. Why is it every time the left starts doing something or talking about becomes a serious problem that involves everyone. Last year congress started talking about white nationalism and the lone gunman scenerio....and all of the sudden white millennials started shooting people everywhere. We haven't had a shooting in months. What new law caused this trend to stop? Now....somehow a virus in China has been spread to every state in less than 2 weeks. This just doesn't happen without help from someone. Either it's real or it's just another hoax created by the media. Yes....another hoax in an extremely long list of known hoaxes. The media has become extremely untrustworthy by design.

I think a form of the current Coronavirus has been here for at least 2-3 years. It took the media to identify the name COVID-19 and identify the source to turn into a catastrophic event. But don't you dare mention that the virus came from Wuhan God that's racist stuff folks. You can't impugn our commie friends in China. Sure...they've been poisoning us for close to a decade but they would never release a deadly bio-agent on us in an attempt to take over the world.

Yes....take every precaution.....but don't let federal and local government officials turn us all into the Borg doing everything they say no matter what it is. Some of these folks are up to no good. And whatever you do....don't watch the national news. Pay attention to announcements in your area and be wary of politicians that attempt to overreach during this crisis. Keep informed...but weed thru the rubbish that is being pumped out. 90% of it is speculation and fearmongering.

So....remember to wash your hands.....and don't you dare touch your face.

Soap and water reduce the chances you’ll spread the virus. It doesn’t kill the virus.

it reduces it? how? tell us. give us the technical explanation.

See those middle red rhings standing out like bushes or flowers. Those are called coronas. The soap and water softens them and the friction and agitation of rubbing your hands together when washing your hands cause the coronas to break while at the same time it is removed and flushed down the drain. The likelihood of you transferring contamination from your hands to your face are thus eliminated.
Strange how Democrat controlled cities have so many homeless who crap all over the sidewalks helping to spread diseases.
We should be upgrading infrastructure to include public facilities. And, we should have no homeless problem in our first world economy. Tax cut economics makes sure we can never afford it.
So is spending trillions on useless Obamacare or millions on a fake impeachment.

Okay....let me get this straight......this new super virus has been said to be able to hang around for days on end....can be transmitted from over 21 feet away....and is 100 times more contagious and deadly than the flu.....but dish-washing liquid destroys it. WTF is going on here?

I keep seeing coincidences here....and I really wonder if this isn't just another Social-Democrat hoax like all of the others. Yes the virus is probably real, but it's not even close to being as deadly as the media claims.

Isn't it a huge coincidence that James Carvell called for shutting down Joe Biden's campaign due to the fact that it was only going to get worse the more their hand picked Dementia patient was allowed to be seen in public....and within 48 hours this virus became a national catastrophe. So what better way to shut it down (and at the same time shut down Trump rallies) than to institute "SOCIAL DISTANCING". This just doesn't pass the smell test. Trust me....if the virus was as deadly as they're saying it is...they wouldn't be able to keep the television programming on the air. You can bet on that. But for some strange reason they're still able to keep it going.....keep it pumping out tons of garbage to fan the flames of fear and depression.

In Feb. Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone in SF to rub elbows with Chinese folks in Chinatown because she wanted us to be friendly to Chuck Schumer holed up in his mansion telling us now is the time to start instituting their insane Green Jobs programs as a possible solution to the crisis. Yes folks....desperate times call for desperate measures....and now is the time to install their retarded "NEW GREEN DEAL" that everyone said was so insane when AOC mentioned it out loud last year. Now Senator Schumer is sounding like Greta Thunberg. Yep....that's the solution folks. Completely destroy the economy to save the planet.

Just about everyone is practicing SOCIAL-DISTANCING, but now Democrats are trying to fund all of their pet projects in coronavirus relief bills. They're making Christian Churches illegal in one state (Virginia). No mention of shutting down Mosques tho. They're actually preventing the sale of seeds to stop people from starting their own gardens. If you live in one of the 12 Democrat controlled states you're one cough away from being a Communist State. And all it took was a virus intentionally spread by their friends in China. Believe it or not there are videos on YouTube of old Asian women intentionally spreading the virus by spitting on surfaces people touch in their daily lives. Door handles...park benches....ready tellers.

Late last night I saw a video of some guy drinking out of dozens of containers in the grocery store. This continues a trend of jackasses licking the contents of ice cream containers that was strangely the fad last year. For some crazy reason...spreading germs was really cool to leftist assholes last year. It was very popular amongst Blacks and Homosexuals. Lately just about every time I go to the store I find loose caps on bottles and containers. Yesterday half a bottle of handsoap leaked onto my steps when I came home from the store before I could catch it. Another fell off while I was putting it on the conveyor at the register.

Look me crazy....but I've been noticing a trend. Why is it every time the left starts doing something or talking about becomes a serious problem that involves everyone. Last year congress started talking about white nationalism and the lone gunman scenerio....and all of the sudden white millennials started shooting people everywhere. We haven't had a shooting in months. What new law caused this trend to stop? Now....somehow a virus in China has been spread to every state in less than 2 weeks. This just doesn't happen without help from someone. Either it's real or it's just another hoax created by the media. Yes....another hoax in an extremely long list of known hoaxes. The media has become extremely untrustworthy by design.

I think a form of the current Coronavirus has been here for at least 2-3 years. It took the media to identify the name COVID-19 and identify the source to turn into a catastrophic event. But don't you dare mention that the virus came from Wuhan God that's racist stuff folks. You can't impugn our commie friends in China. Sure...they've been poisoning us for close to a decade but they would never release a deadly bio-agent on us in an attempt to take over the world.

Yes....take every precaution.....but don't let federal and local government officials turn us all into the Borg doing everything they say no matter what it is. Some of these folks are up to no good. And whatever you do....don't watch the national news. Pay attention to announcements in your area and be wary of politicians that attempt to overreach during this crisis. Keep informed...but weed thru the rubbish that is being pumped out. 90% of it is speculation and fearmongering.

So....remember to wash your hands.....and don't you dare touch your face.

Soap and water reduce the chances you’ll spread the virus. It doesn’t kill the virus.

it reduces it? how? tell us. give us the technical explanation.

See those middle red rhings standing out like bushes or flowers. Those are called coronas. The soap and water softens them and the friction and agitation of rubbing your hands together when washing your hands cause the coronas to break while at the same time it is removed and flushed down the drain. The likelihood of you transferring contamination from your hands to your face are thus eliminated.

The ball that holds that together is made of a greasy substance that can be dissolved by simple hand soap.
I do recall that at first when Trump pushed the travel ban the media was downplaying the disease, and I was glad they weren't stoking the hysteria. A few weeks later it was world war z according to CNN and the usual suspects. I'm still highly skeptical that this is nearly as serious as SARs, and we did nothing about that. SE Asians were all running around in masks, but hey do that because of the pollution too.

At this point I'd rather just get the disease and deal with it than continue this hysterical over reaction.

No one is stopping you....go get some

Okay....let me get this straight......this new super virus has been said to be able to hang around for days on end....can be transmitted from over 21 feet away....and is 100 times more contagious and deadly than the flu.....but dish-washing liquid destroys it. WTF is going on here?

I keep seeing coincidences here....and I really wonder if this isn't just another Social-Democrat hoax like all of the others. Yes the virus is probably real, but it's not even close to being as deadly as the media claims.

Isn't it a huge coincidence that James Carvell called for shutting down Joe Biden's campaign due to the fact that it was only going to get worse the more their hand picked Dementia patient was allowed to be seen in public....and within 48 hours this virus became a national catastrophe. So what better way to shut it down (and at the same time shut down Trump rallies) than to institute "SOCIAL DISTANCING". This just doesn't pass the smell test. Trust me....if the virus was as deadly as they're saying it is...they wouldn't be able to keep the television programming on the air. You can bet on that. But for some strange reason they're still able to keep it going.....keep it pumping out tons of garbage to fan the flames of fear and depression.

In Feb. Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone in SF to rub elbows with Chinese folks in Chinatown because she wanted us to be friendly to Chuck Schumer holed up in his mansion telling us now is the time to start instituting their insane Green Jobs programs as a possible solution to the crisis. Yes folks....desperate times call for desperate measures....and now is the time to install their retarded "NEW GREEN DEAL" that everyone said was so insane when AOC mentioned it out loud last year. Now Senator Schumer is sounding like Greta Thunberg. Yep....that's the solution folks. Completely destroy the economy to save the planet.

Just about everyone is practicing SOCIAL-DISTANCING, but now Democrats are trying to fund all of their pet projects in coronavirus relief bills. They're making Christian Churches illegal in one state (Virginia). No mention of shutting down Mosques tho. They're actually preventing the sale of seeds to stop people from starting their own gardens. If you live in one of the 12 Democrat controlled states you're one cough away from being a Communist State. And all it took was a virus intentionally spread by their friends in China. Believe it or not there are videos on YouTube of old Asian women intentionally spreading the virus by spitting on surfaces people touch in their daily lives. Door handles...park benches....ready tellers.

Late last night I saw a video of some guy drinking out of dozens of containers in the grocery store. This continues a trend of jackasses licking the contents of ice cream containers that was strangely the fad last year. For some crazy reason...spreading germs was really cool to leftist assholes last year. It was very popular amongst Blacks and Homosexuals. Lately just about every time I go to the store I find loose caps on bottles and containers. Yesterday half a bottle of handsoap leaked onto my steps when I came home from the store before I could catch it. Another fell off while I was putting it on the conveyor at the register.

Look me crazy....but I've been noticing a trend. Why is it every time the left starts doing something or talking about becomes a serious problem that involves everyone. Last year congress started talking about white nationalism and the lone gunman scenerio....and all of the sudden white millennials started shooting people everywhere. We haven't had a shooting in months. What new law caused this trend to stop? Now....somehow a virus in China has been spread to every state in less than 2 weeks. This just doesn't happen without help from someone. Either it's real or it's just another hoax created by the media. Yes....another hoax in an extremely long list of known hoaxes. The media has become extremely untrustworthy by design.

I think a form of the current Coronavirus has been here for at least 2-3 years. It took the media to identify the name COVID-19 and identify the source to turn into a catastrophic event. But don't you dare mention that the virus came from Wuhan God that's racist stuff folks. You can't impugn our commie friends in China. Sure...they've been poisoning us for close to a decade but they would never release a deadly bio-agent on us in an attempt to take over the world.

Yes....take every precaution.....but don't let federal and local government officials turn us all into the Borg doing everything they say no matter what it is. Some of these folks are up to no good. And whatever you do....don't watch the national news. Pay attention to announcements in your area and be wary of politicians that attempt to overreach during this crisis. Keep informed...but weed thru the rubbish that is being pumped out. 90% of it is speculation and fearmongering.

So....remember to wash your hands.....and don't you dare touch your face.

Strange how Democrat controlled cities have so many homeless who crap all over the sidewalks helping to spread diseases.
We should be upgrading infrastructure to include public facilities. And, we should have no homeless problem in our first world economy. Tax cut economics makes sure we can never afford it.
So is spending trillions on useless Obamacare or millions on a fake impeachment.
Americans like Obamacare and millions will reap its benefits fighting COVID-19, As far as to fake impeachment, Trump was impeached. One of three American Presidents in history. His impeachment wasn't fake.

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