It's Sad That They Even Have To Make This A Law

Road Runner

Gold Supporting Member
Jun 16, 2021
Reaction score
When it should just be common sense.

When it should just be common sense.

What do they do now without this law, if an abortion goes wrong and the baby arrives born alive, healthy, smiling and kicking?

Throw a bag over its head and suffocate it while holding the head under water? Maybe hit it a few times with a hammer just to be sure? Wait for the bubbles to stop and the feet to stop kicking? Throw it down the waste chute into the dumpster out back? Put it in the freezer until you can sell all the parts to science?
What do they do now without this law, if an abortion goes wrong and the baby arrives born alive, healthy, smiling and kicking?

Throw a bag over its head and suffocate it while holding the head under water? Maybe hit it a few times with a hammer just to be sure? Wait for the bubbles to stop and the feet to stop kicking? Throw it down the waste chute into the dumpster out back? Put it in the freezer until you can sell all the parts to science?
Guv'ner Northam up in VA says the docs need to "make them comfortable" until they have a chat with momma and see what she wants to do. He actually condoned killing a breathing baby, IF the mother said to do so.
It's like that sign...

Do not eat the large mint.

The one placed over the urinal in the men's room... you would think that people would already know not to do that.
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