"It's ok to be white" flyers spark outrage for promoting hate

and it was probably the 'muslims' doing the drive by shooting i guess as i see NO link to info . --------------------------- plus , hey --- the slogan of Its fine to be White is simply Free Speech same as 'MAGA' is simply FREE Speech Lysis .
What this report is lacking is context..

Apparently, there is ongoing racial tension in this town, particularly following a brawl in a park between whites and Somali immigrants, which may have stemmed from a drive-by shooting. The brawl resulted in one death, that of a white man. The police don't seem to have found out what happened yet.

Somehow, a white-supremacist group called "World Church of the Creator" has been in town trying to stir things up against the immigrant community. This seemingly innocuous slogan appears to a slogan of the neo-nazi movement.

I don't care if the flyers were posted by satanic pedophiles from hell, there's nothing wrong with the message. This is not the first time these flyers were posted, it's happened several times in college towns across the nation. There's always some lame ass lefty adding "context" to attempt justify the hysterical overreaction. It's always those pesky white supremacists stirring up trouble. This is also how the MSM and the left justifies censoring content on the internet- just cry "white supremacist".
What this report is lacking is context..

Apparently, there is ongoing racial tension in this town, particularly following a brawl in a park between whites and Somali immigrants, which may have stemmed from a drive-by shooting. The brawl resulted in one death, that of a white man. The police don't seem to have found out what happened yet.

Somehow, a white-supremacist group called "World Church of the Creator" has been in town trying to stir things up against the immigrant community. This seemingly innocuous slogan appears to a slogan of the neo-nazi movement.
------------------------------------------- this link might smarten YOU up a bit if its the corrct link --- Tense times in downtown Lewiston in wake of killing --- Are YOU from 'lewiston' and 'lewiston' must be a somali zhithole eh Lysis ??
What this report is lacking is context..

Apparently, there is ongoing racial tension in this town, particularly following a brawl in a park between whites and Somali immigrants, which may have stemmed from a drive-by shooting. The brawl resulted in one death, that of a white man. The police don't seem to have found out what happened yet.

Somehow, a white-supremacist group called "World Church of the Creator" has been in town trying to stir things up against the immigrant community. This seemingly innocuous slogan appears to a slogan of the neo-nazi movement.

I don't care if the flyers were posted by satanic pedophiles from hell, there's nothing wrong with the message. This is not the first time these flyers were posted, it's happened several times in college towns across the nation. There's always some lame ass lefty adding "context" to attempt justify the hysterical overreaction. It's always those pesky white supremacists stirring up trouble. This is also how the MSM and the left justifies censoring content on the internet- just cry "white supremacist".

Why are you so against telling the whole story? What are you afraid of? You seem to be comfortable with scumbags sneaking around somebody's neighborhood anonymously.

No little bitch-boy with a swastika needs to tell me it's okay to be white. He does need to grow up and act like an American. My family fought the nazis in every way they could, on the ground and in aircraft factories.To tolerate nazism in the U.S. would be to spit on their graves.
What this report is lacking is context..

Apparently, there is ongoing racial tension in this town, particularly following a brawl in a park between whites and Somali immigrants, which may have stemmed from a drive-by shooting. The brawl resulted in one death, that of a white man. The police don't seem to have found out what happened yet.

Somehow, a white-supremacist group called "World Church of the Creator" has been in town trying to stir things up against the immigrant community. This seemingly innocuous slogan appears to a slogan of the neo-nazi movement.
------------------------------------------- this link might smarten YOU up a bit if its the corrct link --- Tense times in downtown Lewiston in wake of killing --- Are YOU from 'lewiston' and 'lewiston' must be a somali zhithole eh Lysis ??

I saw that article already. I'm just having trouble posting links. There is a lot of disgusting behavior and language going on. The cops have to stay on top of the situation.
What this report is lacking is context..

Apparently, there is ongoing racial tension in this town, particularly following a brawl in a park between whites and Somali immigrants, which may have stemmed from a drive-by shooting. The brawl resulted in one death, that of a white man. The police don't seem to have found out what happened yet.

Somehow, a white-supremacist group called "World Church of the Creator" has been in town trying to stir things up against the immigrant community. This seemingly innocuous slogan appears to a slogan of the neo-nazi movement.

I don't care if the flyers were posted by satanic pedophiles from hell, there's nothing wrong with the message. This is not the first time these flyers were posted, it's happened several times in college towns across the nation. There's always some lame ass lefty adding "context" to attempt justify the hysterical overreaction. It's always those pesky white supremacists stirring up trouble. This is also how the MSM and the left justifies censoring content on the internet- just cry "white supremacist".

Why are you so against telling the whole story? What are you afraid of? You seem to be comfortable with scumbags sneaking around somebody's neighborhood anonymously.

No little bitch-boy with a swastika needs to tell me it's okay to be white. He does need to grow up and act like an American. My family fought the nazis in every way they could, on the ground and in aircraft factories.To tolerate nazism in the U.S. would be to spit on their graves.

The men who fought and died in WWII would roll over in their graves if they knew their sacrifice was being used to target and demonize white people in this way.
Why are white supremacists so fucking insecure??

If these idiots believe they are the supreme race, why the fuck do they have to keep on giving themselves pep talks all the time..

"Soon it will be illegal to be white..." --- which is code for "Damn, we cant be overtly racist and have our racist delusions codified by law anymore..."
Why are the PC race baiters so insecure that they cannot ignore what they proclaim to be "white supremacist" propaganda? Why are you so afraid that such amateurish posters might gain some traction among the people? Whachu scared about, boi?
Why are white supremacists so fucking insecure??

If these idiots believe they are the supreme race, why the fuck do they have to keep on giving themselves pep talks all the time..

"Soon it will be illegal to be white..." --- which is code for "Damn, we cant be overtly racist and have our racist delusions codified by law anymore..."
Why does Hollywood always have a red carpet event? You would think that just being a rich liberal elite would be enough, but they have to flaunt their riches with said events? Or is it so they can be political infront of TV?
Ask Hollywood......

Or are you saying that you white supremacists and Hollywood types have a lot in common? If so, you are just looking worse

Now, back to white supremacists and their fragile feelings....here is what it means when neo-Nazi types say shit like "it's ok to be white" -- what they are really whining about is not being able to be overtly racist and have their racist delusions codified by law.....so the more they think they are "pissing off the libs" by saying its ok to be white, the only people they are pissing off are equally fragile white libs....the rest of us are laughing at how pathetic you are...
Laugh away, little brother. But the knife cuts both ways. Why are minorities so insecure that they have to have loud, obnoxious organizations (La Raza, BLW, Hamas, etc) that stage violent marches and make overtly racist statements while actively trying to limit "white" expression? First Amendment protections are not limited to only "brown" people, you know.
What this report is lacking is context..

Apparently, there is ongoing racial tension in this town, particularly following a brawl in a park between whites and Somali immigrants, which may have stemmed from a drive-by shooting. The brawl resulted in one death, that of a white man. The police don't seem to have found out what happened yet.

Somehow, a white-supremacist group called "World Church of the Creator" has been in town trying to stir things up against the immigrant community. This seemingly innocuous slogan appears to a slogan of the neo-nazi movement.

I don't care if the flyers were posted by satanic pedophiles from hell, there's nothing wrong with the message. This is not the first time these flyers were posted, it's happened several times in college towns across the nation. There's always some lame ass lefty adding "context" to attempt justify the hysterical overreaction. It's always those pesky white supremacists stirring up trouble. This is also how the MSM and the left justifies censoring content on the internet- just cry "white supremacist".

Why are you so against telling the whole story? What are you afraid of? You seem to be comfortable with scumbags sneaking around somebody's neighborhood anonymously.

No little bitch-boy with a swastika needs to tell me it's okay to be white. He does need to grow up and act like an American. My family fought the nazis in every way they could, on the ground and in aircraft factories.To tolerate nazism in the U.S. would be to spit on their graves.
Yet you would dishonor the sacrifice of so many and not only tolerate creeping Islam in this country, you would celebrate it as "diversity" of culture. To allow further incursion of Islam in this country is to spit on many graves, too...or is that OK because leftists like Muslims but not white people?
What this report is lacking is context..

Apparently, there is ongoing racial tension in this town, particularly following a brawl in a park between whites and Somali immigrants, which may have stemmed from a drive-by shooting. The brawl resulted in one death, that of a white man. The police don't seem to have found out what happened yet.

Somehow, a white-supremacist group called "World Church of the Creator" has been in town trying to stir things up against the immigrant community. This seemingly innocuous slogan appears to a slogan of the neo-nazi movement.
------------------------------------------- this link might smarten YOU up a bit if its the corrct link --- Tense times in downtown Lewiston in wake of killing --- Are YOU from 'lewiston' and 'lewiston' must be a somali zhithole eh Lysis ??

I saw that article already. I'm just having trouble posting links. There is a lot of disgusting behavior and language going on. The cops have to stay on top of the situation.
Lots of disgusting behavior and language from both sides. Yet you will excuse one and condemn the other. Why is that?
What this report is lacking is context..

Apparently, there is ongoing racial tension in this town, particularly following a brawl in a park between whites and Somali immigrants, which may have stemmed from a drive-by shooting. The brawl resulted in one death, that of a white man. The police don't seem to have found out what happened yet.

Somehow, a white-supremacist group called "World Church of the Creator" has been in town trying to stir things up against the immigrant community. This seemingly innocuous slogan appears to a slogan of the neo-nazi movement.

I don't care if the flyers were posted by satanic pedophiles from hell, there's nothing wrong with the message. This is not the first time these flyers were posted, it's happened several times in college towns across the nation. There's always some lame ass lefty adding "context" to attempt justify the hysterical overreaction. It's always those pesky white supremacists stirring up trouble. This is also how the MSM and the left justifies censoring content on the internet- just cry "white supremacist".

Why are you so against telling the whole story? What are you afraid of? You seem to be comfortable with scumbags sneaking around somebody's neighborhood anonymously.

No little bitch-boy with a swastika needs to tell me it's okay to be white. He does need to grow up and act like an American. My family fought the nazis in every way they could, on the ground and in aircraft factories.To tolerate nazism in the U.S. would be to spit on their graves.

The men who fought and died in WWII would roll over in their graves if they knew their sacrifice was being used to target and demonize white people in this way.

In what way are white people being "targeted and demonized"? Why do you slobs try to make all of us white folk look like a bunch of assholes? Do you have to humiliate us all?
What this report is lacking is context..

Apparently, there is ongoing racial tension in this town, particularly following a brawl in a park between whites and Somali immigrants, which may have stemmed from a drive-by shooting. The brawl resulted in one death, that of a white man. The police don't seem to have found out what happened yet.

Somehow, a white-supremacist group called "World Church of the Creator" has been in town trying to stir things up against the immigrant community. This seemingly innocuous slogan appears to a slogan of the neo-nazi movement.

I don't care if the flyers were posted by satanic pedophiles from hell, there's nothing wrong with the message. This is not the first time these flyers were posted, it's happened several times in college towns across the nation. There's always some lame ass lefty adding "context" to attempt justify the hysterical overreaction. It's always those pesky white supremacists stirring up trouble. This is also how the MSM and the left justifies censoring content on the internet- just cry "white supremacist".

Why are you so against telling the whole story? What are you afraid of? You seem to be comfortable with scumbags sneaking around somebody's neighborhood anonymously.

No little bitch-boy with a swastika needs to tell me it's okay to be white. He does need to grow up and act like an American. My family fought the nazis in every way they could, on the ground and in aircraft factories.To tolerate nazism in the U.S. would be to spit on their graves.

The men who fought and died in WWII would roll over in their graves if they knew their sacrifice was being used to target and demonize white people in this way.

In what way are white people being "targeted and demonized"? Why do you slobs try to make all of us white folk look like a bunch of assholes? Do you have to humiliate us all?

Who's making who look like assholes?
white guilt.jpg
white guilt1.jpg
white guilt2.jpg
white guilt3.jpg
Why are white supremacists so fucking insecure??

If these idiots believe they are the supreme race, why the fuck do they have to keep on giving themselves pep talks all the time..

"Soon it will be illegal to be white..." --- which is code for "Damn, we cant be overtly racist and have our racist delusions codified by law anymore..."
Where exactly are these white supremacists ?

There are no racist delusions codified by law and no one complains.

There are very few overt racists but they have every right to express their ideas while everyone else has the right to ignore, ridicule or ostracize them.

Exactly who are you talking about ?
"There are no racist delusions codified by law and no one complains." -- Yes they are plenty of complaints coming from reactionary racists because bullshit they relied on laws to reinforce, is no longer reinforced by law anymore....

"There are very few overt racists but they have every right to express their ideas while everyone else has the right to ignore, ridicule or ostracize them" -- Except when people ridicule or even so much as acknowledge them, they are the ones called racist....by the reactionary racists of course....

For example...when a white nationalist terrorist came out and admitted he murdered innocent people inside of a place of worship due to his racist beliefs -- the main thing reactionary racists did was attack anyone who accepted what the terrorist said -- in fact they were more passionate about defending that than they were about condemning what the terrorist did...they didn't even have the decency to call it an act of terrorism....

And by the way, if you think the white nationalist terrorist I was referring to was the guy in New Zealand....wrong one....pick another one.....No, not the guy in Pittsburgh...pick another one...you get my point now?

Your point is based on false hoods.

Show me a specific example of a reactionary racist wanting and asking for a return to racist laws.

You must be referring to Dylan roof and no one denied he was a racist mass murderer.

Once again you are dodging the question

Who is the racist in the example given in the op?
Why are white supremacists so fucking insecure??

If these idiots believe they are the supreme race, why the fuck do they have to keep on giving themselves pep talks all the time..

"Soon it will be illegal to be white..." --- which is code for "Damn, we cant be overtly racist and have our racist delusions codified by law anymore..."
Why does Hollywood always have a red carpet event? You would think that just being a rich liberal elite would be enough, but they have to flaunt their riches with said events? Or is it so they can be political infront of TV?
Ask Hollywood......

Or are you saying that you white supremacists and Hollywood types have a lot in common? If so, you are just looking worse

Now, back to white supremacists and their fragile feelings....here is what it means when neo-Nazi types say shit like "it's ok to be white" -- what they are really whining about is not being able to be overtly racist and have their racist delusions codified by law.....so the more they think they are "pissing off the libs" by saying its ok to be white, the only people they are pissing off are equally fragile white libs....the rest of us are laughing at how pathetic you are...
You do not know who posted this and it is very unlikely that they are neo Nazis.

Is it ok to be white or not?
What this report is lacking is context..

Apparently, there is ongoing racial tension in this town, particularly following a brawl in a park between whites and Somali immigrants, which may have stemmed from a drive-by shooting. The brawl resulted in one death, that of a white man. The police don't seem to have found out what happened yet.

Somehow, a white-supremacist group called "World Church of the Creator" has been in town trying to stir things up against the immigrant community. This seemingly innocuous slogan appears to a slogan of the neo-nazi movement.
Exactly what evidence connects it to a neo Nazi movement ?
What this report is lacking is context..

Apparently, there is ongoing racial tension in this town, particularly following a brawl in a park between whites and Somali immigrants, which may have stemmed from a drive-by shooting. The brawl resulted in one death, that of a white man. The police don't seem to have found out what happened yet.

Somehow, a white-supremacist group called "World Church of the Creator" has been in town trying to stir things up against the immigrant community. This seemingly innocuous slogan appears to a slogan of the neo-nazi movement.
------------------------------------------- this link might smarten YOU up a bit if its the corrct link --- Tense times in downtown Lewiston in wake of killing --- Are YOU from 'lewiston' and 'lewiston' must be a somali zhithole eh Lysis ??

I saw that article already. I'm just having trouble posting links. There is a lot of disgusting behavior and language going on. The cops have to stay on top of the situation.
Lots of disgusting behavior and language from both sides. Yet you will excuse one and condemn the other. Why is that?

So what is the Somali community doing in this town that is offensive? This "equivalency" thing has to be supported by credible evidence.

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