It's Official: Legendary American Patriotic Journalist Tucker Carlson Has Just Interviewed Vladimir Putin

Benedict Arnold all over again. The republicans don't know what they're doing. Don't have a clue , helping to destroy America's greatness.
You can often see them here cheering on anything that annoys "the libs", and I swear, that appears to be their top priority.

They're so full of rage and retribution that they're not thinking. This is all emotion.
You can often see them here cheering on anything that annoys "the libs", and I swear, that appears to be their top priority.

They're so full of rage and retribution that they're not thinking. This is all emotion.
Can it be that simple , they've all become trolls. LOL. No wonder they blocked the border bill , it would have completely destroyed them if Biden got credit for real control of the border.
Can it be that simple , they've all become trolls. LOL. No wonder they blocked the border bill , it would have completely destroyed them if Biden got credit for real control of the border.
Well, look at the con man subject of their adoration. Has there ever been a troll like this in government? Not even close. Not within a million miles.

He is an obscene expression of their impotent rage.
You agree that Putin is a shitstain commie murdering fuck though, right? Tucker is free to interview him, but Putin sucks REALLY bad, right?

If i see any conservative praise Putin, im going to push their shit in. Ukraine can fuck off, but Russia can definitely fuck off too.
I fully agree with you. Putin is a REALLY bad guy. That said, he is still better than democrats.
Another good liar interviewing a liar and a murderer. Can't wait. Tucker should stay there permanently.
Did you have the same feelings when liberal commentator the Dan Rather interviewed liar and murderer Saddam Hussein in 2003? Be truthful in your answer.



Did you have the same feelings when liberal commentator the Dan Rather interviewed liar and murderer Saddam Hussein in 2003? Be truthful in your answer.
Dan didn't try to defend him. He asked the questions , didn't reach conclusions of his own. That's what newsmen do , they don't try to sensational it and entertain a " unique " mind-set of individuals.
Neither is Tucker trying to defend Putin!
You could have a made a slightly better argument IF you attempted to attack Rachel Madow. She is like Tucker ( a news commentator) but at least she presents articles with facts to back them up. Dan Rather was one of the best newsmen to ever live , he knew what his job was , to report the news not attempt to comment on it or attempt to create it.
You could have a made a slightly better argument IF you attempted to attack Rachel Madow. She is like Tucker ( a news commentator) but at least she presents articles with facts to back them up. Dan Rather was one of the best newsmen to ever live , he knew what his job was , to report the news not attempt to comment on it or attempt to create it.

Rachel Maddow, like Joe Biden, told you that vaccinated people can't get or spread covid. Did you believe her? You did, right?

You could have a made a slightly better argument IF you attempted to attack Rachel Madow. She is like Tucker ( a news commentator) but at least she presents articles with facts to back them up. Dan Rather was one of the best newsmen to ever live , he knew what his job was , to report the news not attempt to comment on it or attempt to create it.
Rather manipulated the news. That's why he was fired.
Rachel Maddow, like Joe Biden, told you that vaccinated people can't get or spread covid. Did you believe her? You did, right?

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Yes. Got my 4th. booster last month. I knew what the technology was based on. Real vaccines take 5 to 20 years to develop. remember it was a race against a global pandemic and trump wanted something developed very " fast ". You get what you pay for. A vaccine that you get periodically for protection.

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