Its offical ! New York times declares the great reset a right wing conspiracy

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Triple shot
Triple snips

To paraphrase Hermann Göring*: When I hear the word “sustainable”, I reach for my Luger.
The term “Great Reset” is causing such a buzz in the deplorable fever swamps of the intertubes that even the august New York Times has been compelled to mention it. Just in order to dismiss it as a “conspiracy theory”, mind you; but still, they had to pay attention to it.

Is the Great Reset a myth? Is it a Right wing fantasy? A global climate conspiracy?
According to the World Economic Forum website, the Great Reset is an initiative to build a fairer, more sustainable world, through international cooperation. An attempt to reassert the authority of governments over capitalism, to close remaining tax loopholes, and to ensure fairer outcomes for everyone. There’s just one problem. If the WEF Great Reset initiative succeeds, civilisation could end.

Good read and links here

They Think You’re Stupid
Never mind about the Great Reset. If you are horrified by this totalitarian transnational power grab, it doesn’t exist. Only if you approve of it is it real.

If you can believe that, you can also believe that repressive coronavirus restrictions make sense for us, but need not apply to those who impose them.

You can believe that the 2020 election was as fraud-free as the “mainstream” media categorically asserts.

You can believe that Conservative Inc is committed to winning.

You can believe that the Democrat Party is not the establishment.

You can believe all of these lies if you are stupid, and as Paul Joseph Watson observes, the ruling class believes that you are:

All links highlighted
Where is the link to the NYT article that calls it a "conspiracy theory?"
Where is the link to the NYT article that calls it a "conspiracy theory?"

Remeber only follow the experts advice

They listen to the correct science

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