its not the Trump virus its the lefts virus !


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
all we've been hearing from the left and their msm propagandist lately is the corona virus is Trumps virus .from blaming Trump for the outbreak and spread to fomenting panic and concern by saying the Trump administration is unable to properly address the outbreak . in reality Trump enforced a travel ban from parts of China when news of the virus started leaking out ! he's also appointed and assembled a team of the best minds in the world to address the situation ! he's also streamlined the process of getting testing out and in the development of vaccine's ! in other words hes cut left wing red tape and regs [remember the left is the party of gov regulations and red tape ] so that Americans can get the tests and medication they may need in the short future !
none of these proactive measures can be accredited to the vile leftwing socialist big gov democratic party ! instead of helping the dems are doing everything in their power to politicize the situation and cause panic and concern to hurt the economy and gain an advantage in nov . disgusting is the kindest way to describe the vile socialist killers of the unborn ! in reality its not Trumps virus nor is he to blame for the outbreak ! nor is it the president of Italy's fault or the president of South Korea's fault for the outbreak in their countries . ! the fault of the virus lies squarely on a left wing communist or socialist Country called China ! a country with gov controlled health care ! thats right the Chinese gov is a far left system of government ! they withheld valuable info on the bug that cost other countries like the US precious time to study and develop a response to the bug ! and when Trump did enforce a travel ban he was called a racist and a xenophobe by the China's leftwing allies in the democratic party ! proof of this is the lefts labeling the the virus Trumps virus while in the same breath crying foul and racism when people call it the Wuhan virus ! in reality it is a bug from a far left country that is being weaponized politically by a left wing party in the US other words its a leftwing virus ! and yes they are using it as a political weapon ! for example where was the lefts outrage over Obama's weak reaction to h1n1 a virus that killed nearly 20 thousand Americans ! you see in reality folkes this is not Trumps virus it the lefts virus ! a virus that was born in a leftwingcommunist country where info and stats were withheld from said leftwing country that spread from a leftwing country that is being used as a political weapon by a leftwing party in the US ! its a leftwing virus !
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and its also the lefts popular leader Bill Clinton that enable China dominance as our main supplier of medicine and antibiotic's he welcomed his left wing comrades into the WHO and gave the slave labor dictatorship most favored nation status !
all we've been hearing from the left and their msm propagandist lately is the corona virus is Trumps virus .from blaming Trump for the outbreak and spread to fomenting panic and concern by saying the Trump administration is unable to properly address the outbreak . in reality Trump enforced a travel ban from parts of China when news of the virus started leaking out ! he's also appointed and assembled a team of the best minds in the world to address the situation ! he's also streamlined the process of getting testing out and in the development of vaccine's ! in other words hes cut left wing red tape and regs [remember the left is the party of gov regulations and red tape ] so that Americans can get the tests and medication they may need in the short future ! none of these proactive measures can be accredited to the vile leftwing socialist big gov democratic party ! instead of helping the dems are doing everything in their power to politicize the situation and cause panic and concern to hurt the economy and gain an advantage in nov . disgusting is the kindest way to describe the vile socialist killers of the unborn ! in reality its not Trumps virus nor is he to blame for the outbreak ! nor is it the president of Italy's fault or the president of South Korea's fault for the outbreak in their countries . ! the fault of the virus lies squarely on a left wing communist or socialist Country called China ! a country with gov controlled health care ! thats right the Chinese gov is a far left system of government ! they withheld valuable info on the bug that cost other countries like the US precious time to study and develop a response to the bug ! and when Trump did enforce a travel ban he was called a racist and a xenophobe by the China's leftwing allies in the democratic party ! proof of this is the lefts labeling the the virus Trumps virus while in the same breath crying foul and racism when people call it the Wuhan virus ! in reality it is a bug from a far left country that is being weaponized politically by a left wing party in the US other words its a leftwing virus ! and yes they are using it as a political weapon ! for example where was the lefts outrage over Obama's weak reaction to h1n1 a virus that killed nearly 20 thousand Americans ! you see in reality folkes this is not Trumps virus it the lefts virus ! a virus that was born in a leftwingcommunist country where info and stats were withheld from said leftwing country that spread from a leftwing country that is being used as a political weapon by a leftwing party in the US ! its a leftwing virus !
Pure bullshit troll thread, as usual enabled by USMB
all we've been hearing from the left and their msm propagandist lately is the corona virus is Trumps virus .from blaming Trump for the outbreak and spread to fomenting panic and concern by saying the Trump administration is unable to properly address the outbreak . in reality Trump enforced a travel ban from parts of China when news of the virus started leaking out ! he's also appointed and assembled a team of the best minds in the world to address the situation ! he's also streamlined the process of getting testing out and in the development of vaccine's ! in other words hes cut left wing red tape and regs [remember the left is the party of gov regulations and red tape ] so that Americans can get the tests and medication they may need in the short future ! none of these proactive measures can be accredited to the vile leftwing socialist big gov democratic party ! instead of helping the dems are doing everything in their power to politicize the situation and cause panic and concern to hurt the economy and gain an advantage in nov . disgusting is the kindest way to describe the vile socialist killers of the unborn ! in reality its not Trumps virus nor is he to blame for the outbreak ! nor is it the president of Italy's fault or the president of South Korea's fault for the outbreak in their countries . ! the fault of the virus lies squarely on a left wing communist or socialist Country called China ! a country with gov controlled health care ! thats right the Chinese gov is a far left system of government ! they withheld valuable info on the bug that cost other countries like the US precious time to study and develop a response to the bug ! and when Trump did enforce a travel ban he was called a racist and a xenophobe by the China's leftwing allies in the democratic party ! proof of this is the lefts labeling the the virus Trumps virus while in the same breath crying foul and racism when people call it the Wuhan virus ! in reality it is a bug from a far left country that is being weaponized politically by a left wing party in the US other words its a leftwing virus ! and yes they are using it as a political weapon ! for example where was the lefts outrage over Obama's weak reaction to h1n1 a virus that killed nearly 20 thousand Americans ! you see in reality folkes this is not Trumps virus it the lefts virus ! a virus that was born in a leftwingcommunist country where info and stats were withheld from said leftwing country that spread from a leftwing country that is being used as a political weapon by a leftwing party in the US ! its a leftwing virus !

Somehow the Clinton’s master plan avoided 2 administrations and hit the blob? Damn you guys are dumb.
people have been complaining about nafta for yrs ! and with this virus that broke out among leftist in China we are being made soberly aware of how it has hurt and may hurt us in the future if we dont abandon leftwing policies and start producing in our county again especially meds !
all we've been hearing from the left and their msm propagandist lately is the corona virus is Trumps virus .from blaming Trump for the outbreak and spread to fomenting panic and concern by saying the Trump administration is unable to properly address the outbreak . in reality Trump enforced a travel ban from parts of China when news of the virus started leaking out ! he's also appointed and assembled a team of the best minds in the world to address the situation ! he's also streamlined the process of getting testing out and in the development of vaccine's ! in other words hes cut left wing red tape and regs [remember the left is the party of gov regulations and red tape ] so that Americans can get the tests and medication they may need in the short future ! none of these proactive measures can be accredited to the vile leftwing socialist big gov democratic party ! instead of helping the dems are doing everything in their power to politicize the situation and cause panic and concern to hurt the economy and gain an advantage in nov . disgusting is the kindest way to describe the vile socialist killers of the unborn ! in reality its not Trumps virus nor is he to blame for the outbreak ! nor is it the president of Italy's fault or the president of South Korea's fault for the outbreak in their countries . ! the fault of the virus lies squarely on a left wing communist or socialist Country called China ! a country with gov controlled health care ! thats right the Chinese gov is a far left system of government ! they withheld valuable info on the bug that cost other countries like the US precious time to study and develop a response to the bug ! and when Trump did enforce a travel ban he was called a racist and a xenophobe by the China's leftwing allies in the democratic party ! proof of this is the lefts labeling the the virus Trumps virus while in the same breath crying foul and racism when people call it the Wuhan virus ! in reality it is a bug from a far left country that is being weaponized politically by a left wing party in the US other words its a leftwing virus ! and yes they are using it as a political weapon ! for example where was the lefts outrage over Obama's weak reaction to h1n1 a virus that killed nearly 20 thousand Americans ! you see in reality folkes this is not Trumps virus it the lefts virus ! a virus that was born in a leftwingcommunist country where info and stats were withheld from said leftwing country that spread from a leftwing country that is being used as a political weapon by a leftwing party in the US ! its a leftwing virus !
The button on the right of the keyboard with a left pointing image creates paragraphs. Learn to use.
all we've been hearing from the left and their msm propagandist lately is the corona virus is Trumps virus .from blaming Trump for the outbreak and spread to fomenting panic and concern by saying the Trump administration is unable to properly address the outbreak . in reality Trump enforced a travel ban from parts of China when news of the virus started leaking out ! he's also appointed and assembled a team of the best minds in the world to address the situation ! he's also streamlined the process of getting testing out and in the development of vaccine's ! in other words hes cut left wing red tape and regs [remember the left is the party of gov regulations and red tape ] so that Americans can get the tests and medication they may need in the short future ! none of these proactive measures can be accredited to the vile leftwing socialist big gov democratic party ! instead of helping the dems are doing everything in their power to politicize the situation and cause panic and concern to hurt the economy and gain an advantage in nov . disgusting is the kindest way to describe the vile socialist killers of the unborn ! in reality its not Trumps virus nor is he to blame for the outbreak ! nor is it the president of Italy's fault or the president of South Korea's fault for the outbreak in their countries . ! the fault of the virus lies squarely on a left wing communist or socialist Country called China ! a country with gov controlled health care ! thats right the Chinese gov is a far left system of government ! they withheld valuable info on the bug that cost other countries like the US precious time to study and develop a response to the bug ! and when Trump did enforce a travel ban he was called a racist and a xenophobe by the China's leftwing allies in the democratic party ! proof of this is the lefts labeling the the virus Trumps virus while in the same breath crying foul and racism when people call it the Wuhan virus ! in reality it is a bug from a far left country that is being weaponized politically by a left wing party in the US other words its a leftwing virus ! and yes they are using it as a political weapon ! for example where was the lefts outrage over Obama's weak reaction to h1n1 a virus that killed nearly 20 thousand Americans ! you see in reality folkes this is not Trumps virus it the lefts virus ! a virus that was born in a leftwingcommunist country where info and stats were withheld from said leftwing country that spread from a leftwing country that is being used as a political weapon by a leftwing party in the US ! its a leftwing virus !
Pure bullshit troll thread, as usual enabled by USMB
are you saying that the virus didnt come from China ? are you saying China is not a leftwing country ? are you saying the left has not been calling the leftwing virus the Trump virus ? defend your post idiot !
all we've been hearing from the left and their msm propagandist lately is the corona virus is Trumps virus .from blaming Trump for the outbreak and spread to fomenting panic and concern by saying the Trump administration is unable to properly address the outbreak . in reality Trump enforced a travel ban from parts of China when news of the virus started leaking out ! he's also appointed and assembled a team of the best minds in the world to address the situation ! he's also streamlined the process of getting testing out and in the development of vaccine's ! in other words hes cut left wing red tape and regs [remember the left is the party of gov regulations and red tape ] so that Americans can get the tests and medication they may need in the short future ! none of these proactive measures can be accredited to the vile leftwing socialist big gov democratic party ! instead of helping the dems are doing everything in their power to politicize the situation and cause panic and concern to hurt the economy and gain an advantage in nov . disgusting is the kindest way to describe the vile socialist killers of the unborn ! in reality its not Trumps virus nor is he to blame for the outbreak ! nor is it the president of Italy's fault or the president of South Korea's fault for the outbreak in their countries . ! the fault of the virus lies squarely on a left wing communist or socialist Country called China ! a country with gov controlled health care ! thats right the Chinese gov is a far left system of government ! they withheld valuable info on the bug that cost other countries like the US precious time to study and develop a response to the bug ! and when Trump did enforce a travel ban he was called a racist and a xenophobe by the China's leftwing allies in the democratic party ! proof of this is the lefts labeling the the virus Trumps virus while in the same breath crying foul and racism when people call it the Wuhan virus ! in reality it is a bug from a far left country that is being weaponized politically by a left wing party in the US other words its a leftwing virus ! and yes they are using it as a political weapon ! for example where was the lefts outrage over Obama's weak reaction to h1n1 a virus that killed nearly 20 thousand Americans ! you see in reality folkes this is not Trumps virus it the lefts virus ! a virus that was born in a leftwingcommunist country where info and stats were withheld from said leftwing country that spread from a leftwing country that is being used as a political weapon by a leftwing party in the US ! its a leftwing virus !
The button on the right of the keyboard with a left pointing image creates paragraphs. Learn to use.
thanks is that al ya got ???can you deny that China is a far left country ? can you deny that they are responsible for withholding info and stats from the rest of the world ?
Trump is the first non asshole in charge of our dealings with communist China. Every defective President since Kennedy contributed to this China debacle.
all we've been hearing from the left and their msm propagandist lately is the corona virus is Trumps virus .from blaming Trump for the outbreak and spread to fomenting panic and concern by saying the Trump administration is unable to properly address the outbreak . in reality Trump enforced a travel ban from parts of China when news of the virus started leaking out ! he's also appointed and assembled a team of the best minds in the world to address the situation ! he's also streamlined the process of getting testing out and in the development of vaccine's ! in other words hes cut left wing red tape and regs [remember the left is the party of gov regulations and red tape ] so that Americans can get the tests and medication they may need in the short future !
none of these proactive measures can be accredited to the vile leftwing socialist big gov democratic party ! instead of helping the dems are doing everything in their power to politicize the situation and cause panic and concern to hurt the economy and gain an advantage in nov . disgusting is the kindest way to describe the vile socialist killers of the unborn ! in reality its not Trumps virus nor is he to blame for the outbreak ! nor is it the president of Italy's fault or the president of South Korea's fault for the outbreak in their countries . ! the fault of the virus lies squarely on a left wing communist or socialist Country called China ! a country with gov controlled health care ! thats right the Chinese gov is a far left system of government ! they withheld valuable info on the bug that cost other countries like the US precious time to study and develop a response to the bug ! and when Trump did enforce a travel ban he was called a racist and a xenophobe by the China's leftwing allies in the democratic party ! proof of this is the lefts labeling the the virus Trumps virus while in the same breath crying foul and racism when people call it the Wuhan virus ! in reality it is a bug from a far left country that is being weaponized politically by a left wing party in the US other words its a leftwing virus ! and yes they are using it as a political weapon ! for example where was the lefts outrage over Obama's weak reaction to h1n1 a virus that killed nearly 20 thousand Americans ! you see in reality folkes this is not Trumps virus it the lefts virus ! a virus that was born in a leftwingcommunist country where info and stats were withheld from said leftwing country that spread from a leftwing country that is being used as a political weapon by a leftwing party in the US ! its a leftwing virus !
Just like a Trumper to blame his inefficiencies on everyone but Trump. Now listen, it's clear as the nose on your face....Trump denies he will cut Social Security, yet first minimized the threat of the virus, and delayed this day. Now think...what do payroll taxes cover? Social Security, the program Republicans have been trying to eliminate or privatize for years. Well now there's a way... let the virus kill off the vulnerable elderly with pre-existing conditions. That's two birds with one stone. I'm sure the very thought causes many Republicans to go orgasmic. Then, after Mom and Pop and a lot of people who drop dead from lack of care and can't take off work, Republicans can have a Jubilee, eliminating both SS and Medicaid due to lack of need because they died off. All that's left is to blame those who said an unkind word about the Presidential lack of care for people over his care for the Stock Market as his re-election hope
all we've been hearing from the left and their msm propagandist lately is the corona virus is Trumps virus .from blaming Trump for the outbreak and spread to fomenting panic and concern by saying the Trump administration is unable to properly address the outbreak . in reality Trump enforced a travel ban from parts of China when news of the virus started leaking out ! he's also appointed and assembled a team of the best minds in the world to address the situation ! he's also streamlined the process of getting testing out and in the development of vaccine's ! in other words hes cut left wing red tape and regs [remember the left is the party of gov regulations and red tape ] so that Americans can get the tests and medication they may need in the short future !
none of these proactive measures can be accredited to the vile leftwing socialist big gov democratic party ! instead of helping the dems are doing everything in their power to politicize the situation and cause panic and concern to hurt the economy and gain an advantage in nov . disgusting is the kindest way to describe the vile socialist killers of the unborn ! in reality its not Trumps virus nor is he to blame for the outbreak ! nor is it the president of Italy's fault or the president of South Korea's fault for the outbreak in their countries . ! the fault of the virus lies squarely on a left wing communist or socialist Country called China ! a country with gov controlled health care ! thats right the Chinese gov is a far left system of government ! they withheld valuable info on the bug that cost other countries like the US precious time to study and develop a response to the bug ! and when Trump did enforce a travel ban he was called a racist and a xenophobe by the China's leftwing allies in the democratic party ! proof of this is the lefts labeling the the virus Trumps virus while in the same breath crying foul and racism when people call it the Wuhan virus ! in reality it is a bug from a far left country that is being weaponized politically by a left wing party in the US other words its a leftwing virus ! and yes they are using it as a political weapon ! for example where was the lefts outrage over Obama's weak reaction to h1n1 a virus that killed nearly 20 thousand Americans ! you see in reality folkes this is not Trumps virus it the lefts virus ! a virus that was born in a leftwingcommunist country where info and stats were withheld from said leftwing country that spread from a leftwing country that is being used as a political weapon by a leftwing party in the US ! its a leftwing virus !
Just like a Trumper to blame his inefficiencies on everyone but Trump. Now listen, it's clear as the nose on your face....Trump denies he will cut Social Security, yet first minimized the threat of the virus, and delayed this day. Now think...what do payroll taxes cover? Social Security, the program Republicans have been trying to eliminate or privatize for years. Well now there's a way... let the virus kill off the vulnerable elderly with pre-existing conditions. That's two birds with one stone. I'm sure the very thought causes many Republicans to go orgasmic. Then, after Mom and Pop and a lot of people who drop dead from lack of care and can't take off work, Republicans can have a Jubilee, eliminating both SS and Medicaid due to lack of need because they died off. All that's left is to blame those who said an unkind word about the Presidential lack of care for people over his care for the Stock Market as his re-election hope
You lie!
all we've been hearing from the left and their msm propagandist lately is the corona virus is Trumps virus .from blaming Trump for the outbreak and spread to fomenting panic and concern by saying the Trump administration is unable to properly address the outbreak . in reality Trump enforced a travel ban from parts of China when news of the virus started leaking out ! he's also appointed and assembled a team of the best minds in the world to address the situation ! he's also streamlined the process of getting testing out and in the development of vaccine's ! in other words hes cut left wing red tape and regs [remember the left is the party of gov regulations and red tape ] so that Americans can get the tests and medication they may need in the short future !
none of these proactive measures can be accredited to the vile leftwing socialist big gov democratic party ! instead of helping the dems are doing everything in their power to politicize the situation and cause panic and concern to hurt the economy and gain an advantage in nov . disgusting is the kindest way to describe the vile socialist killers of the unborn ! in reality its not Trumps virus nor is he to blame for the outbreak ! nor is it the president of Italy's fault or the president of South Korea's fault for the outbreak in their countries . ! the fault of the virus lies squarely on a left wing communist or socialist Country called China ! a country with gov controlled health care ! thats right the Chinese gov is a far left system of government ! they withheld valuable info on the bug that cost other countries like the US precious time to study and develop a response to the bug ! and when Trump did enforce a travel ban he was called a racist and a xenophobe by the China's leftwing allies in the democratic party ! proof of this is the lefts labeling the the virus Trumps virus while in the same breath crying foul and racism when people call it the Wuhan virus ! in reality it is a bug from a far left country that is being weaponized politically by a left wing party in the US other words its a leftwing virus ! and yes they are using it as a political weapon ! for example where was the lefts outrage over Obama's weak reaction to h1n1 a virus that killed nearly 20 thousand Americans ! you see in reality folkes this is not Trumps virus it the lefts virus ! a virus that was born in a leftwingcommunist country where info and stats were withheld from said leftwing country that spread from a leftwing country that is being used as a political weapon by a leftwing party in the US ! its a leftwing virus !

I am SOOOOOO thankful I am not an idiot.....

like SOME people.....

I can't imagine actually proving to the whole world just what an idiot you are by posting your deranged opinions on a message board!

have you no shame?
all we've been hearing from the left and their msm propagandist lately is the corona virus is Trumps virus .from blaming Trump for the outbreak and spread to fomenting panic and concern by saying the Trump administration is unable to properly address the outbreak . in reality Trump enforced a travel ban from parts of China when news of the virus started leaking out ! he's also appointed and assembled a team of the best minds in the world to address the situation ! he's also streamlined the process of getting testing out and in the development of vaccine's ! in other words hes cut left wing red tape and regs [remember the left is the party of gov regulations and red tape ] so that Americans can get the tests and medication they may need in the short future ! none of these proactive measures can be accredited to the vile leftwing socialist big gov democratic party ! instead of helping the dems are doing everything in their power to politicize the situation and cause panic and concern to hurt the economy and gain an advantage in nov . disgusting is the kindest way to describe the vile socialist killers of the unborn ! in reality its not Trumps virus nor is he to blame for the outbreak ! nor is it the president of Italy's fault or the president of South Korea's fault for the outbreak in their countries . ! the fault of the virus lies squarely on a left wing communist or socialist Country called China ! a country with gov controlled health care ! thats right the Chinese gov is a far left system of government ! they withheld valuable info on the bug that cost other countries like the US precious time to study and develop a response to the bug ! and when Trump did enforce a travel ban he was called a racist and a xenophobe by the China's leftwing allies in the democratic party ! proof of this is the lefts labeling the the virus Trumps virus while in the same breath crying foul and racism when people call it the Wuhan virus ! in reality it is a bug from a far left country that is being weaponized politically by a left wing party in the US other words its a leftwing virus ! and yes they are using it as a political weapon ! for example where was the lefts outrage over Obama's weak reaction to h1n1 a virus that killed nearly 20 thousand Americans ! you see in reality folkes this is not Trumps virus it the lefts virus ! a virus that was born in a leftwingcommunist country where info and stats were withheld from said leftwing country that spread from a leftwing country that is being used as a political weapon by a leftwing party in the US ! its a leftwing virus !
The button on the right of the keyboard with a left pointing image creates paragraphs. Learn to use.
thanks is that al ya got ???can you deny that China is a far left country ? can you deny that they are responsible for withholding info and stats from the rest of the world ?
Can you deny that Trump is an incompetent idiot and is single handedly responsible for deaths in America by trying to tweet away the virus instead of distributing test kits in the country?

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