Its not just lamestream media that lies.

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que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
I have had troubles the past 5 years or so. Losing my home, becoming homeless, desperate to find a place to live with my remaining dog and husband that has heart issues, then finally finding a place that would accept TWO people and a dog in Paradise, then Paradise burns down and we lose all we owned again, wind up in another town, then wind up in another apartment that is for folks much older than us, and still worrying about our future at our ages and not once..EVER..have we asked for financial help.

Someone here in USMB started up a gofundme..and I didn't even know about it until she told me. I was at first, afraid. I KNEW it would eventually be fodder. But I was grateful too. We had nothing. And I still have not read the thread where it was discussed before and even after I got another laptop. I was told people in other forums, (one of which I am blocked from), donated. I swore I would never say anything bad about the folks that hang out there, or speak ill of that forum because I was so amazed and thankful they donated. Those funds bought tires, which melted. Shoes. Coats. Clothing. Toothbrushes, toothpaste, hair brushes, the laptop so I could keep in touch, motels, gas, food. It was a tremendous help for which I am STILL grateful.

So those who read this garbage that I begged for money and talk about my woes and I am stupid for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, if you are unsure of what lies are being told, ASK ME in pm or wherever and I will be as honest as most know I am except the dregs who use my misfortunes against as if its my fault. I have made poor choices in life, but who hasn't? But I didn't ask to lose the life I used to have and was so happy in...twice...and when I get depressed, I talk about it from time to time. It helps. But SOME people like to follow whatever I say, then make fun of me or say I'm stupid. Obviously I am not stupid. I found us a place, lost it, found another one, lost it, and now I am concerned about the future as we ALL should be. To make fun of someone for their horrible experiences not of their own making and then needing companionship and talking about it when overwhelmed is the lowest of the low. So I ask you to take what is said about me, or to me, with a grain of salt. I didn't start that fire. I didn't "beg" for money. I have a husband I have to look out for and all this shit landed in MY lap because I don't land in the ER as much as he does (heart). I lost more than just "stuff". I lost alot of myself as well and now I am paying for it with depression and ptsd.

Its not funny. Its not something to ridicule someone over. And it damn sure isn't appreciated. And final words are...I don't go where those who ridicule me are. I can't. Even if I could, I wouldn't. THEY read my posts in the Coffee Shop, or when someone else is talking about doing something bad to themselves and I'm commiserating with them so they don't feel alone, and they take what happened to me down there to laugh and snicker at or flat out say I lied about it all or come in a thread that hasnothing to do with the topic being discussed just to throw it in my face what I experienced....then come where I am and say the nasty things they say knowing full well they are kicking someone already down.

So there it is. If this shit keeps up...then I don't belong here any more. I will miss it here, but I won't stay if it continues.

I asked Kat if I should even post this thread and she said go ahead..say my piece. So here it is. She can close it when she is ready. I don't want grief sent back in responses and she said she would close it if I wanted her to. And I want her to. But I wanted those who were not here November 8th and onwards to know the TRUTH.
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We lost our house and just about everything in 2015. I was actually a fire fighter but our dept was in an area too far away and by the time we got back in our neighborhood I could hear my ammo cooking off. We got a few thousand in donations, but the insurance covered us well enough to get by. Other people in the area got free houses built for them but we declined.

Keep your chin up.
Great Minds Discuss Ideas. Average Minds Discuss Events. Small Minds Discuss People.

Congratulations. You have given meaning to other's lives. Consider that they don't really have anything else and it's necessary to focus on you. They aren't going to change and this is the best that they can achieve. No matter where you post they are going to fan out and search for any tidbit of information like cockroaches. It's what they do.

Fuck 'em.
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