It's here: Zika Goes Local in the U.S.

abu afak

Mar 3, 2006
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It's been overrunning Puerto Rico, and more than 1600 US citizens had it, but gotten it overseas.
South Florida has hundreds of thousands of Latin American 'commuters'.
Now, for the first time, 4 locally contracted cases.

Zika Goes Local in the U.S.
State officials link cases of the virus to local mosquitoes in the mainland U.S. for the first time, setting off a new phase of public response
INTERACTIVE GRAPHIC: Zika Goes Local in the U.S.
(Graphics within)

Controlling the Zika virus in the United States just got harder. The mosquito- and sexually-transmitted disease has now likely gone local, according to federal public health officials. In at least four instances patients have apparently contracted the virus via a bite from a mosquito in the continental U.S.

This first recorded instances of local transmission—reported in Florida—signal a shift in the burden of Zika in the mainland U.S., where more than 1,600 people have been diagnosed with it after traveling elsewhere in the Americas or the Caribbean and returning with the virus in their systems. As of July 27 another 15 had acquired the virus via sexual contact with a person who was infected with the virus outside of the mainland U.S.​

This could negatively effect the Economy of the USA as well.
As once there are a few hundred cases, the whole Southeast will be reluctant to be out as much.
I think it could also hit the Midlantic, and they say as far North as NY.
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The mosquitoes and the virus have been found in Florida.
England urges pregnant women not to travel to Florida, citing Zika
Sunday, July 31, 2016
England urges pregnant women not to travel to Florida.

England is urging pregnant women to postpone trips to Florida now the state has confirmed people can catch the Zika virus — likely from mosquito bites — while within its borders, the BBC reported.
Florida is a popular travel destination for people from England, and local hotels and restaurants could see limited effects from Saturday’s warning from Public Health England
10 new Zika cases in Miami; governor to feds: Send in emergency team
AUGUST 1, 2016 12:26 PM
Miami Herald

A Zika outbreak in Miami has led to 10 more local cases spread by mosquitoes in the same neighborhood north of downtown andidentified last week as having been the source of the nation’s first locally transmitted cases, Florida Gov. Rick Scott announced on Monday.
Scott said he called on the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to dispatch an emergency response team to Miami to help the state’s health department in their investigation of the local cases, believed to have been spread in a one-square-mile area in early July.

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It is quite possible that Zika has nothing to do with what is happening to the babies.

In light of this evidence, NECSI says the cause of microcephaly in Brazil should be reconsidered. One possibility that has been raised is the pesticide pyriproxyfen, which is applied to drinking water in some parts of Brazil to kill the larvae of the mosquitos that transmit Zika. Pyriproxyfen is an analogue for insect juvenile hormone which is cross reactive with retinoic acid, which is known to cause microcephaly. A physicians group in Brazil and Argentina, the Swedish Toxicology Sciences Research Center, and NECSI have called for further studies of the potential link between pyriproxyfen and microcephaly.
It's been overrunning Puerto Rico, and more than 1600 US citizens had it, but gotten it overseas.
South Florida has hundreds of thousands of Latin American 'commuters'.
Now, for the first time, 4 locally contracted cases.

Zika Goes Local in the U.S.
State officials link cases of the virus to local mosquitoes in the mainland U.S. for the first time, setting off a new phase of public response
INTERACTIVE GRAPHIC: Zika Goes Local in the U.S.
(Graphics within)

Controlling the Zika virus in the United States just got harder. The mosquito- and sexually-transmitted disease has now likely gone local, according to federal public health officials. In at least four instances patients have apparently contracted the virus via a bite from a mosquito in the continental U.S.

This first recorded instances of local transmission—reported in Florida—signal a shift in the burden of Zika in the mainland U.S., where more than 1,600 people have been diagnosed with it after traveling elsewhere in the Americas or the Caribbean and returning with the virus in their systems. As of July 27 another 15 had acquired the virus via sexual contact with a person who was infected with the virus outside of the mainland U.S.​

This could negatively effect the Economy of the USA as well.
As once there are a few hundred cases, the whole Southeast will be reluctant to be out as much.
I think it could also hit the Midlantic, and they say as far North as NY.
Once again you can place blame on the fuckin Congress....Republicans in the House support about half of the Senate funding, which House Appropriations Chairman Hal Rogers called a “bridge too far at this point.”

Just as they cut funding for Ambassadors security in Bengazi, always cutting and fuckin shit up
Another obama success. He's been stuffing sick people into this country as hard as he can. Now his efforts are finally paying off.
And you can be sure it has already spread wider in Miami
They just surveyed one squarish area, which is surely not the full range of the mosquitoes.

CDC issues historic travel warning over Miami Zika outbreak
by Sandee LaMotte, CNN
Updated 9:28 PM ET, Mon August 1, 2016

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued an unprecedented travel warning Monday, advising pregnant women and their partners not to travel to a small community just north of downtown Miami, where Zika is actively circulating. This is the first time the CDC has warned people not to travel to an American neighborhood for fear of catching an infectious disease, according to agency spokesman Tom Skinner.

The warning came after 10 additional people in Florida were found to have been infected with Zika virus after being bitten by local mosquitoes, bringing the total to 14.
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Zika alert around Miami...

CDC Advises Pregnant Women to Avoid One Square Mile of Miami
August 2, 2016 - The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is telling pregnant women to avoid a one-square mile area in Miami, Florida where Zika-carrying mosquitos are known to be present.
The one-square-mile zone surrounds a specific 500-foot area where 12 cases of Zika infection have now been diagnosed, mostly in men. "Mosquitoes only fly about 500 feet maximum in their entire life," CDC Director Tom Friedan told Fox News on Monday. "So, there's actually a small area within that one-mile block where we have seen all of the cases. But Florida and we with our emergency response team will be looking to see if there are additional cases. "But it's very important for any pregnant woman anywhere in the Southern U.S., where there are this type of mosquito present, to use mosquito repellent and protect herself from mosquito bites."

Interestingly, the travel "guidance" posted on the CDC website does not say what specific area in Miami pregnant women should avoid. But the Miami Herald identified it as Wynwood, which it described as "an urban neighborhood tightly packed with aging homes bordering a busy commercial district." Friedan explained that mosquitos spread Zika by biting someone who carries the virus, then biting and infecting someone else. "It doesn't get into the mosquito population. It's not in nature, in the environment, as, for example, the West Nile virus is. So it's a very different entity than other mosquito-borne diseases."

Frieden said a vaccine is at least a year or two away, and in the meantime, the best way to slow Zika's spread is to kill the mosquitoes that carry it: "But we have ways to control mosquitoes, and we also need to work on that, because mosquito control can protect us not just against Zika, but against other infections as well. And even with a vaccine, we are going to need better ways to track and control mosquitoes." Frieden said if pregnant women have been to the neighborhood in question, they should see their doctor and get tested for Zika. Men infected with the virus can spread it to women.

CDC Advises Pregnant Women to Avoid One Square Mile of Miami
Florida to begin sprayin' insecticide to kill zika mosquitoes...

Florida to begin aerial spraying of insecticides to control Zika
Tue Aug 2, 2016 - Florida will conduct an aerial insecticide spraying campaign at dawn on Wednesday in an effort to kill mosquitoes carrying the Zika virus, officials in Miami-Dade County said.
The campaign will cover a 10-mile area that includes the one-mile-square area just north of downtown Miami that health officials have identified as the hub of Zika transmission in the state, the officials said on Tuesday. On Monday, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued an unprecedented travel warning, urging pregnant women to avoid travel to the Miami neighborhood at the center of the investigation.

The Zika outbreak was first detected last year in Brazil, where it has been linked to more than 1,700 cases of microcephaly, a birth defect marked by small head size that can lead to severe developmental problems in babies. The virus has spread rapidly through the Americas and Caribbean and its arrival in the continental United States has been widely anticipated. Florida health officials announced another non-travel related case of Zika on Tuesday, bringing the total to 15. The aerial spraying campaign was recommended by the CDC in conjunction with the Florida Health Department to reduce adult mosquito populations that might be capable of carrying the Zika virus.


Aedes aegypti mosquitoes are seen inside Oxitec laboratory in Campinas, Brazil​

In a conference call on Tuesday, CDC Director Dr. Thomas Frieden expressed concern that vector control efforts so far have not been as effective as hoped. A CDC expert is currently conducting tests in Miami to see if mosquitoes in the area have developed insecticide resistance. Florida had been using two products in the pyrethroid class of insecticides. In its aerial campaign, the state will use a chemical called Naled that has been approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, according to Joseph Conlon, a spokesman for the American Mosquito Control Association.

Naled is from a different class of insecticides known as organophosphates. According to the CDC, the chemical has been widely used to control mosquito populations in the United States, including in Miami, Tampa and New Orleans. The CDC recommended the same chemical for aerial spraying in Puerto Rico, but the recommendation has been met with protests from residents concerned about its impact on health, bees, agriculture and the environment. Miami-Dade health officials said residents do not need to take special precautions during the aerial spraying activities, but it has recommended that people with known allergies remain indoors.

Florida to begin aerial spraying of insecticides to control Zika
Naled can cause cholinesterase inhibition in humans, which in turn can overstimulate the nervous system causing nausea, dizziness, confusion, and at very high exposures, respiratory paralysis and death.[5]

^that is what they are spraying in Miami. It has a very low success rate on these mosquitos and the Mayor says it is safe for humans.

Fucking putz.
Miami is officially like Africa now. Retarded, ugly savages fucking each other while room and board is paid for by Whitey.
obama brought this here. This is by design.
This really is a Time Bomb, because most who get it don't have symptoms.
But they will be the carriers who feed the mosquitos a poison to others. (pregnant, immune prob, aged, etc)
Saw today some Florida Pregnant women are being insanely careful, and some even leaving the state until they give birth.
They say 1/4 of Puerto Rico will be infected by year end.
These people, and millions more Latin Americans/Caribs come and go daily.

With Zika outbreak in Florida, Congress must end its political games
With Zika outbreak in Florida, Congress must end its political games
LA Times

......Contrast the CDC’s response with that of Congress, which so far has done little more than play politics with the health and lives of Americans. The Obama administration sought $1.9 billion from Congress to combat the spread of the virus and to develop a vaccine, among other responses.

By the time congressional Republicans were down with it, the budget was whittled down to $1.1 billion, and included money set aside to fight the Ebola virus. They they also added some poison pills, including restrictions on access to birth control as part of their continuing attack on Planned Parenthood, and loosening some environmentally necessary guidelines on pesticide use.

So Democrats in the Senate blocked the measure and everyone went on holiday. Meanwhile, the Obama administration redirected more than $500 million to the fight against Zika, and has already spent about half of that.

This is a silly and dangerous way to deal with a public health issue such as an infectious disease. Now that mosquitoes are transmitting the Zika virus here in the U.S., Congress needs to stop playing political games with Americans’ health and make sure the administration has sufficient money to properly address the problem.
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This really is a Time Bomb, because most who get it don't have symptoms.
But they will be the carriers who feed the mosquitos a poison to others. (pregnant, immune prob, aged, etc)
Saw today some Florida Pregnant women are being insanely careful, and some even leaving the state until they give birth.
They say 1/4 of Puerto Rico will be infected by year end.
These people, and millions more Latin Americans/Caribs come and go daily.

With Zika outbreak in Florida, Congress must end its political games
With Zika outbreak in Florida, Congress must end its political games
LA Times

......Contrast the CDC’s response with that of Congress, which so far has done little more than play politics with the health and lives of Americans. The Obama administration sought $1.9 billion from Congress to combat the spread of the virus and to develop a vaccine, among other responses.

By the time congressional Republicans were down with it, the budget was whittled down to $1.1 billion, and included money set aside to fight the Ebola virus. They they also added some poison pills, including restrictions on access to birth control as part of their continuing attack on Planned Parenthood, and loosening some environmentally necessary guidelines on pesticide use.

So Democrats in the Senate blocked the measure and everyone went on holiday. Meanwhile, the Obama administration redirected more than $500 million to the fight against Zika, and has already spent about half of that.

This is a silly and dangerous way to deal with a public health issue such as an infectious disease. Now that mosquitoes are transmitting the Zika virus here in the U.S., Congress needs to stop playing political games with Americans’ health and make sure the administration has sufficient money to properly address the problem.
Zika virus is a man made product it was patented in 1947 by the Rockefeller Foundation. The better idea is to go after the ones buying and releasing this shit into the environment strip their finances and put their asses in jail or ship them back to their country of origin if they are not USA citizens.
Zika virus ATCC® VR-84™
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