It's going to get crazier out there.


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013

Criminals are being released so they don't get the CHINESE VIRUS being in a cell, yet they arrest a guy for paddle the ocean..where nobody else is around.

Pelosi and Schumer are going to start yet another investigation on Trump for his lack of acting quickly for the CHINESE VIRUS. Yet, when he stopped flights early on, he was accused of (_______insert crime here).

Hospitals are saying its a war zone in their institutions, yet people have gone there to verify and no war zone with dying people in hallways. The navy hospital ship has only 3 patients.

Doctors offices are now canceling appointments and state they will only see patients in certain terms...i.e. only a few at a time if any at all.

China makes all our meds. China is also sending many masks...and we trust them enough to accept them?

Businesses are folding, people are without jobs and can't support themselves or their families, homeless are given a place to be able to get off the street and some folks are having a fit about that because its by the ocean and they are no humans that need help...they are pond scum for being homeless.

I could go on and on and on, but why bother?

I hope y'all are stocked up with more than toilet paper and food. I hope y'all are stocked up with weapons and ammo because I think we are headed in that direction to have to protect ourselves from morons as well as government officials that think they are God and they don't have to abide by the constitution.

And...when its time for voting for a potus, it may be someone is voted in that has dementia via crooked vote counting. If this will be the kickstart to a new civil war with american against american due to party affiliations
Add assinine things happening that I have not mentioned. Its a good way to vent.

Philipines president announced people not following the Stay At Home mantra will be shot dead. Yes. Shot dead.
China has attacked the whole world. What will be done, if anything?

ISIS is instructing followers how to invade/attack people during this crisis.

NY (I think it was) announces for people to call 911 if anyone says something considers hateful. If you are being murdered, don't wait for police. They are busy arresting people for insults.

Churches are shut down because going to Gods house is a no no.

Criminals are being released so they don't get the CHINESE VIRUS being in a cell, yet they arrest a guy for paddle the ocean..where nobody else is around.

Pelosi and Schumer are going to start yet another investigation on Trump for his lack of acting quickly for the CHINESE VIRUS. Yet, when he stopped flights early on, he was accused of (_______insert crime here).

Hospitals are saying its a war zone in their institutions, yet people have gone there to verify and no war zone with dying people in hallways. The navy hospital ship has only 3 patients.

Doctors offices are now canceling appointments and state they will only see patients in certain terms...i.e. only a few at a time if any at all.

China makes all our meds. China is also sending many masks...and we trust them enough to accept them?

Businesses are folding, people are without jobs and can't support themselves or their families, homeless are given a place to be able to get off the street and some folks are having a fit about that because its by the ocean and they are no humans that need help...they are pond scum for being homeless.

I could go on and on and on, but why bother?

I hope y'all are stocked up with more than toilet paper and food. I hope y'all are stocked up with weapons and ammo because I think we are headed in that direction to have to protect ourselves from morons as well as government officials that think they are God and they don't have to abide by the constitution.

And...when its time for voting for a potus, it may be someone is voted in that has dementia via crooked vote counting. If this will be the kickstart to a new civil war with american against american due to party affiliations
:cuckoo: How can they justify that?

Criminals are being released so they don't get the CHINESE VIRUS being in a cell, yet they arrest a guy for paddle the ocean..where nobody else is around.

Pelosi and Schumer are going to start yet another investigation on Trump for his lack of acting quickly for the CHINESE VIRUS. Yet, when he stopped flights early on, he was accused of (_______insert crime here).

Hospitals are saying its a war zone in their institutions, yet people have gone there to verify and no war zone with dying people in hallways. The navy hospital ship has only 3 patients.

Doctors offices are now canceling appointments and state they will only see patients in certain terms...i.e. only a few at a time if any at all.

China makes all our meds. China is also sending many masks...and we trust them enough to accept them?

Businesses are folding, people are without jobs and can't support themselves or their families, homeless are given a place to be able to get off the street and some folks are having a fit about that because its by the ocean and they are no humans that need help...they are pond scum for being homeless.

I could go on and on and on, but why bother?

I hope y'all are stocked up with more than toilet paper and food. I hope y'all are stocked up with weapons and ammo because I think we are headed in that direction to have to protect ourselves from morons as well as government officials that think they are God and they don't have to abide by the constitution.

And...when its time for voting for a potus, it may be someone is voted in that has dementia via crooked vote counting. If this will be the kickstart to a new civil war with american against american due to party affiliations
More nonsense from Fox ‘news.’

The only thing crazy is reckless, irresponsible individuals who refuse to acknowledge the facts, and act only to endanger themselves and others.

From the coments...lolol...

Hey you! Yeah you! Way out there away from other people. You need to be practicing social distancing. We need you to get in this boat with all these other people. Hold on, let us get closer. Yeah. Go to shore. Then we will put you in someone else's car and take you to a processing center where thousands of other people are...
When the people fear the government, it's tyranny.

But when the government fears the people, it's liberty.

There are more of us than there are them.

Remember that.
Government acting responsibly in accordance with facts and the truth is not ‘tyranny.’

And the people enact tyranny upon themselves when as a consequence of their, arrogance, stupidity, and partisanism they ignore facts and the truth and conduct themselves in a reckless, irresponsible manner.

Criminals are being released so they don't get the CHINESE VIRUS being in a cell, yet they arrest a guy for paddle the ocean..where nobody else is around.

Pelosi and Schumer are going to start yet another investigation on Trump for his lack of acting quickly for the CHINESE VIRUS. Yet, when he stopped flights early on, he was accused of (_______insert crime here).

Hospitals are saying its a war zone in their institutions, yet people have gone there to verify and no war zone with dying people in hallways. The navy hospital ship has only 3 patients.

Doctors offices are now canceling appointments and state they will only see patients in certain terms...i.e. only a few at a time if any at all.

China makes all our meds. China is also sending many masks...and we trust them enough to accept them?

Businesses are folding, people are without jobs and can't support themselves or their families, homeless are given a place to be able to get off the street and some folks are having a fit about that because its by the ocean and they are no humans that need help...they are pond scum for being homeless.

I could go on and on and on, but why bother?

I hope y'all are stocked up with more than toilet paper and food. I hope y'all are stocked up with weapons and ammo because I think we are headed in that direction to have to protect ourselves from morons as well as government officials that think they are God and they don't have to abide by the constitution.

And...when its time for voting for a potus, it may be someone is voted in that has dementia via crooked vote counting. If this will be the kickstart to a new civil war with american against american due to party affiliations
More nonsense from Fox ‘news.’

The only thing crazy is reckless, irresponsible individuals who refuse to acknowledge the facts, and act only to endanger themselves and others.

Here is a fact for you: we lost 6.6 million jobs in one WEEK. That is not worthless "modeling", the kind we're basing all of this one. It's FACT

We can't sustain that. Not even for two more weeks, let alone a month.

Criminals are being released so they don't get the CHINESE VIRUS being in a cell, yet they arrest a guy for paddle the ocean..where nobody else is around.

Pelosi and Schumer are going to start yet another investigation on Trump for his lack of acting quickly for the CHINESE VIRUS. Yet, when he stopped flights early on, he was accused of (_______insert crime here).

Hospitals are saying its a war zone in their institutions, yet people have gone there to verify and no war zone with dying people in hallways. The navy hospital ship has only 3 patients.

Doctors offices are now canceling appointments and state they will only see patients in certain terms...i.e. only a few at a time if any at all.

China makes all our meds. China is also sending many masks...and we trust them enough to accept them?

Businesses are folding, people are without jobs and can't support themselves or their families, homeless are given a place to be able to get off the street and some folks are having a fit about that because its by the ocean and they are no humans that need help...they are pond scum for being homeless.

I could go on and on and on, but why bother?

I hope y'all are stocked up with more than toilet paper and food. I hope y'all are stocked up with weapons and ammo because I think we are headed in that direction to have to protect ourselves from morons as well as government officials that think they are God and they don't have to abide by the constitution.

And...when its time for voting for a potus, it may be someone is voted in that has dementia via crooked vote counting. If this will be the kickstart to a new civil war with american against american due to party affiliations
You are very perceptive regarding the voting process Dems need or want to have to do their infamous vote fraud routine, I was fearing the same thing. Dems would love to cause or argue for a write in vote or at least a large portion to be write in ballots because they can control votes by cheating as they always do with write in votes including getting caught previously doing so (like in FL and those prefilled vote forms that were discovered).
Keep calm and carry on. That's what they said during the London Blitz. They had bombs falling from the sky, count yourself lucky. Since there is no one to rally the country we must be our own Churchill or Roosevelt.
Nibblin' on sponge cake
Watchin' the Gov make
All of the biz around me close down
Strummin' my six string ,as they do their thing
Smell those congresscritters
Tempers beginning to boil

Wasted away again in quarantine again
Searchin' for my N95 mask
Some people claim that China’s to blame
But I know it don’t pay to ask

Don't know the reason
worked all this season
With nothing to show but suspicions of flu
But it's a real beauty
A Corona cutie, and now they’ve bought it
without a test clue

Wasted away again in quarantine again
Searchin' for my essential pass
Some people claim that them Wuhans are to blame
Now I think, - what a pain in the ass

I love when they flip flop
and claim they’re all on top
just horde supplies and stay the f*ck home
But there’s relief to be rendered
Soon the Fed’s will see tendered
Their phony notes that helps me hang on

Wasted away again in quarantine again
Searchin' for my lost PPE
Some people claim that there’s some Russian to blame
But I know, it's our own damn fault
Yes, and some people claim it’s all for socialist gain
And I know it's our own damn fault

~S~w/apologies to Mr Buffet
Add assinine things happening that I have not mentioned. Its a good way to vent.

Philipines president announced people not following the Stay At Home mantra will be shot dead. Yes. Shot dead.

Gee, the same things you guys want for those crossing our border is suddenly “crazy”?

Blob supporters and the President of the Philippines have much in common
When the people fear the government, it's tyranny.

But when the government fears the people, it's liberty.

There are more of us than there are them.

Remember that.
Government acting responsibly in accordance with facts and the truth is not ‘tyranny.’

And the people enact tyranny upon themselves when as a consequence of their, arrogance, stupidity, and partisanism they ignore facts and the truth and conduct themselves in a reckless, irresponsible manner.
Irresposible? Reckless?

Eduardo Moreno, 44, was charged with one count of train wrecking, prosecutors said. It wasn't immediately known if he has an attorney.

CBS Los Angeles reports the affidavit states port police reviewed video footage from the train's cab, which showed the locomotive clearly moving at a fast clip before crashing through several barriers and nearly hitting at least three cars. A second video shows Moreno in the cab holding a lighted flare, the document alleges.

Add assinine things happening that I have not mentioned. Its a good way to vent.

Philipines president announced people not following the Stay At Home mantra will be shot dead. Yes. Shot dead.

oh - you mean the same president duterte who has assassination squads that go around killing drug addicts & pushers without any kind of due process, who has bragged about being part of those squads himself & that donny has applauded his 'crackdown' on them?
Add assinine things happening that I have not mentioned. Its a good way to vent.

Philipines president announced people not following the Stay At Home mantra will be shot dead. Yes. Shot dead.

Gee, the same things you guys want for those crossing our border is suddenly “crazy”?

Blob supporters and the President of the Philippines have much in common
What are you crying about? This pandemic is great for your global warming beliefs!
Criminals are being released so they don't get the CHINESE VIRUS being in a cell, yet they arrest a guy for paddle the ocean..where nobody else is around.
Obviously at least one rat was around, or he never would've been arrested.

God bless you and him always!!!

When the people fear the government, it's tyranny.

But when the government fears the people, it's liberty.

There are more of us than there are them.

Remember that.
Government acting responsibly in accordance with facts and the truth is not ‘tyranny.’

And the people enact tyranny upon themselves when as a consequence of their, arrogance, stupidity, and partisanism they ignore facts and the truth and conduct themselves in a reckless, irresponsible manner.

Yeah? Well, I got six likes and all you got was a bunch of thumbs down. Tee hee hee hee hee.

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