It's for the children.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Democrats in the House and Senate are prepared to withhold votes and shut down the government over DACA, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program that shields 750,000 illegals from deportation. You see, it’s for the children. Because most of the invited gate crashers that breached our borders in the last few decades dragged their children with them it’s apparently inhumane not to allow them to stay on the tab of taxpayers.

We’ve seen how the Democrats have championed children. We need only turn back the clock to 1965 when Daniel Patrick Moynihan, a trained sociologist and Assistant Secretary of Labor in the Johnson administration, issued a stern warning. The warning in the Moynihan Report was that handing a government reward to pregnant females for throwing the fathers of their children out of the household would have a chilling effect on American family structure.

Intellectuals and politicians quickly realized that managing millions of poor citizens by paying them to breed like wild animals was an excellent way to grow the government to proportions never before seen in the United States. Moynihan’s liberal friends quickly turned on him like hyenas at a fresh kill and he was roundly ostracized. He went on to a long and distinguished career in politics-after he learned to keep his mouth shut.

Today, in the midst of a nationwide opioid crisis ushered in by the poverty of single-parent families combined with the tolerated transport of illegal drugs over unprotected borders, the deadly legacy of the Great Society hangs over our children like a pall equaled only by the Black Plague in Europe during the middle ages.

Government-orphaned children are the tool of choice for American liberals. The only families they preserve are the families of government programs that transfer money out of the pockets of taxpayers and into the government coffers that are their pots of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Children make excellent human shields in a crusading war against ideas that put people in charge of their own destinies. Limousine liberals like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer bathe themselves in the filthy wealth of income redistribution and they fiercely protect it. Those DACA kids are just imported labor to work the goldmines of liberal politics.

The gall of these sleazy swindlers is immense as they pompously voice their threats to shut down the government. It’s for the children of course
Democrats in the House and Senate are prepared to withhold votes and shut down the government over DACA, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program that shields 750,000 illegals from deportation. You see, it’s for the children. Because most of the invited gate crashers that breached our borders in the last few decades dragged their children with them it’s apparently inhumane not to allow them to stay on the tab of taxpayers.

We’ve seen how the Democrats have championed children. We need only turn back the clock to 1965 when Daniel Patrick Moynihan, a trained sociologist and Assistant Secretary of Labor in the Johnson administration, issued a stern warning. The warning in the Moynihan Report was that handing a government reward to pregnant females for throwing the fathers of their children out of the household would have a chilling effect on American family structure.

Intellectuals and politicians quickly realized that managing millions of poor citizens by paying them to breed like wild animals was an excellent way to grow the government to proportions never before seen in the United States. Moynihan’s liberal friends quickly turned on him like hyenas at a fresh kill and he was roundly ostracized. He went on to a long and distinguished career in politics-after he learned to keep his mouth shut.

Today, in the midst of a nationwide opioid crisis ushered in by the poverty of single-parent families combined with the tolerated transport of illegal drugs over unprotected borders, the deadly legacy of the Great Society hangs over our children like a pall equaled only by the Black Plague in Europe during the middle ages.

Government-orphaned children are the tool of choice for American liberals. The only families they preserve are the families of government programs that transfer money out of the pockets of taxpayers and into the government coffers that are their pots of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Children make excellent human shields in a crusading war against ideas that put people in charge of their own destinies. Limousine liberals like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer bathe themselves in the filthy wealth of income redistribution and they fiercely protect it. Those DACA kids are just imported labor to work the goldmines of liberal politics.

The gall of these sleazy swindlers is immense as they pompously voice their threats to shut down the government. It’s for the children of course

Absolutely. Liberals use people like pawns to get their way.

For the 2018 elections, I hope Republicans use the message that Democrat representatives are for foreigners here and abroad while Republican representatives are here to represent Americans. If you want people that will represent non-Americans, vote Democrat. They are even willing to shut down the government to coddle to their existence.

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