It's Always the Radical Leftist Parents Who End Up With Trans Kids

Kudos for not “inducing” such a harmful ideology onto your kid and allowing them to make the decision once they are technically an adult. But where did they get this ideology? Because before like 7 years ago it was infinitely rare, like non-existent. The media, democrats, social media, Hollywood all have social engineered the young and impressionable into thinking this is normal and common..

I hope your youngest avoids the high rates of depression and suicide, and doesn’t get major regret years later like so many detransitioners are showing us is quite prevalent.

Like.. it’s their right to smoke cigarettes, but it’s risky, and not to be celebrated.

Prior to 7 years ago all these transgendered individuals just repressed their true identity. Oddly, them doing so lead to a lower suicide rate among teenagers.....
Why are you seeing more, they feel confident to expose themselves to society because people have abused them in the past and now they have the govt. assuring them it is safe, except for red states who seek to discriminate and hate.
As I've said before, a “trans” child is like a “vegetarian” cat. Any sane person knows damn well that it is not the cat making that call, and that the one who is making that call is not acting out of concern for the cat's bests interests.

A young child coming out as “trans”, or “gay” or any other fucked-up sexual perversion is prima facie proof that there's a pedophile filling the child's head with that sick shit.
Yeah, a perfect example was Joan of Arc, God came a calling and told her to become a man to help the French beat off the Britons...Now that's compelling. Then the French found out she was a he and burned her for talking to God and that is what you are trying to do to those that are transgendered, stop being the French.
Yeah, a perfect example was Joan of Arc, God came a calling and told her to become a man to help the French beat off the Britons...Now that's compelling. Then the French found out she was a he and burned her for talking to God and that is what you are trying to do to those that are transgendered, stop being the French.

That's no where near factual
I doubt any of you could handle kids much less a transkid, your idea would be to beat them until they are transgendered to YOUR ideology.

Which one? The Phd, the one with an MBA, the Iraqi war vet who owns a prospering business, or the State Champion who made 6 figures before college graduation.

None trans though
I don’t think you can deny it’s certainly a trend.

Meanwhile, Any kid under the age of at least 14-16 didn’t make any part of the decision on their own. The parent immorally and selfishly convinced them… and caused a high likelihood of depression and suicide for their child throughout their lives.

It’s bad parenting
You don't know shit about kids or humans much less the free spirit.

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