It's Always the Radical Leftist Parents Who End Up With Trans Kids

Nothing better than an illogical conclusion truthed by an opinion..I don't understand why you chicken shit bullies like to beat on the weak but that is just how assholes work.
I don’t think you can deny it’s certainly a trend.

Meanwhile, Any kid under the age of at least 14-16 didn’t make any part of the decision on their own. The parent immorally and selfishly convinced them… and caused a high likelihood of depression and suicide for their child throughout their lives.

It’s bad parenting
I don’t think you can deny it’s certainly a trend.

Meanwhile, Any kid under the age of at least 14-16 didn’t make any part of the decision on their own. The parent immorally and selfishly convinced them… and caused a high likelihood of depression and suicide for their child throughout their lives.

It’s bad parenting

Father of Trans Teen: I Left the GOP for My Daughter's Sake​

Time Magazine › Ideas › politics

Jul 20, 2016 — For the first time, they included a plank endorsing discrimination against people like my daughter. After years of Republican politicians ...

Trans kids say they have target on their back with GOP ...​

Atlanta Journal-Constitution › politics › trans-kids-say-they-have...

Mar 17, 2023 — The Atlanta Journal-Constitution is not identifying the families of transgender children, who said they are concerned for their safety.
I don’t think you can deny it’s certainly a trend.

Meanwhile, Any kid under the age of at least 14-16 didn’t make any part of the decision on their own. The parent immorally and selfishly convinced them… and caused a high likelihood of depression and suicide for their child throughout their lives.

It’s bad parenting
I never induced my youngest and she transitioned at eighteen, your ignorance is most glaring of the misinformation you provide.
I never induced my youngest and she transitioned at eighteen, your ignorance is most glaring of the misinformation you provide.

Some sick pervert fucked that poor kid up in a very bad way to produce that outcome. If it wasn't you that did it, then at best, as a parent, you failed to protect your own child.
Nothing better than an illogical conclusion truthed by an opinion..I don't understand why you chicken shit bullies like to beat on the weak but that is just how assholes work.
Is it the few that you classify as “beating” or the majority that find it morally wrong that you want to blame? When a woman is raped by one of these trans men, what’s your excuse then?
Society knows what’s right and wrong, what your agenda has become is to make this acceptable, all you do by maintaining this is cause more division…
Is it the few that you classify as “beating” or the majority that find it morally wrong that you want to blame? When a woman is raped by one of these trans men, what’s your excuse then?
Society knows what’s right and wrong, what your agenda has become is to make this acceptable, all you do by maintaining this is cause more division…
I make no excuses for those that break the law, they should be punished, what makes you think I do excuse criminal acts? My agenda is to have people live in freedom and liberty, to be able to make their own choices on whom they want to be in their lives, not yours only or the states... why do you hate freedom and liberty?
I never induced my youngest and she transitioned at eighteen, your ignorance is most glaring of the misinformation you provide.
Is the use of “transitioning” how you sleep with this outcome? Do you look in the mirror and ask yourself why she did this? Very sad to hear a parent say this about their child, we are to love them with all their faults, but somewhere along the way we have to recognize they look to us for guidance, understanding…
why do you hate freedom and liberty?
Freedom and Liberty is not to protect immorality, it is to defend from it. Are you so passive / aggressive that you cannot recognize that the majority of these individuals have serious mental health issues? Confronting this is the first step in the right direction, continuing to use this lame rebuttal doesn’t address the problem…

Father of Trans Teen: I Left the GOP for My Daughter's Sake

View attachment 777012
Time Magazine › Ideas › politics

Jul 20, 2016 — For the first time, they included a plank endorsing discrimination against people like my daughter. After years of Republican politicians ...

Trans kids say they have target on their back with GOP ...

View attachment 777013
Atlanta Journal-Constitution › politics › trans-kids-say-they-have...

Mar 17, 2023 — The Atlanta Journal-Constitution is not identifying the families of transgender children, who said they are concerned for their safety.
Based on what the media (and now many of our schools) are telling them, this isn’t surprising, although it’s tragic.

Since we’re doing anecdotes.. what do you think about Dwayne Wade having 2 kids who think they aren’t their biological sex, and are both below the age of 8-9…

Think the kids “knew” this internally?
Are you so passive / aggressive that you cannot recognize that the majority of these individuals have serious mental health issues?

Not merely “the majority”. Confusion over the difference between male and female, and especially over one's own sex, •IS•, in and of itself, a serious mental health issue, and usually goes along with other serious mental health issues.
I never induced my youngest and she transitioned at eighteen, your ignorance is most glaring of the misinformation you provide.
Kudos for not “inducing” such a harmful ideology onto your kid and allowing them to make the decision once they are technically an adult. But where did they get this ideology? Because before like 7 years ago it was infinitely rare, like non-existent. The media, democrats, social media, Hollywood all have social engineered the young and impressionable into thinking this is normal and common..

I hope your youngest avoids the high rates of depression and suicide, and doesn’t get major regret years later like so many detransitioners are showing us is quite prevalent.

Like.. it’s their right to smoke cigarettes, but it’s risky, and not to be celebrated.
Kudos for not “inducing” such a harmful ideology onto your kid and allowing them to make the decision once they are technically an adult. But where did they get this ideology? Because before like 7 years ago it was infinitely rare, like non-existent. The media, democrats, social media, Hollywood all have social engineered the young and impressionable into thinking this is normal and common..

I hope your youngest avoids the high rates of depression and suicide, and doesn’t get major regret years later like so many detransitioners are showing us is quite prevalent.

Like.. it’s their right to smoke cigarettes, but it’s risky, and not to be celebrated.
Transgenderism is in the Bible my friend you should educate yerself. What humans do, including my kids is theirs to choose, I don't not try to make my kids do what I want.

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