Its all "Trump" to separate families, not the Democrats , Proof.


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Family Separation and “Zero-Tolerance” Policies Rolled Out to Stem Unwanted Migrants, But May Face Challenges

May 24, 2018

Policy Beat

These include a de facto policy of separating families apprehended between ports of entry, possibly housing the children on military bases, as well as changing the definition of who qualifies as an unaccompanied minor. The administration also announced that all those apprehended crossing the border illegally will be criminally prosecuted for illegal entry or re-entry.


Family Separation

Because immigrant children apprehended at the border cannot legally be held in federal criminal detention facilities, they will inevitably be separated from their parents when the adults are criminally prosecuted. Children will be referred to the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), the agency within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) that handles unaccompanied minors, and will be treated as though they arrived on their own. ORR will release them to an adult sponsor in the United States (a relative or family friend) if one is available, and if not, to a foster family; otherwise, the children will be held in an ORR shelter. The Obama administration generally detained families together in ICE custody (which is administrative, not criminal), or released them with a notice to appear in immigration court.

Family Separation and “Zero-Tolerance” Policies Rolled Out to Stem Unwanted Migrants, But May Face Challenges

Now when trump blames it on Democrats, you know its not true, all Trump.
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It takes a really dense person to think like you do.

Maybe these people should stay home and stop doing ILLEGAL things???
since you can't remember...we do have LEGAL means of immigration.

Indoctrination causes gullible people to post the most ridiculous threads.
It takes a really dense person to think like you do.

Maybe these people should stay home and stop doing ILLEGAL things???
since you can't remember...we do have LEGAL means of immigration.

Indoctrination causes gullible people to post the most ridiculous threads.

Maybe they would rather their boys not join gangs and their females not be chain raped. You moron.
Perhaps Trump should have a talk with the Honduras Potus instead of just congratulating him on his win. Of course he'd probably like him, I read he is a dictator.
Eh, I wouldn't worry about it too much, Dems/fake media will blow it out of proportion, Democrats will refuse compromise solutions and Trump will do his best to solve it and get blamed either way in the coming election... Wish Trump some luck

Sheesh,we've been through this cycle before... hate politics with zero solutions, the potato head Democrat way..
Trump has been lying to the American public by declaring the separation of kids from their mothers and fathers was caused by "Democrat Laws". Rather than conceding the leader is lying once again, his followers are ignoring his lies and echoing his confusing and misinformed propaganda to cover up his lies.

This issue of removing kids from their parents is the fault of Trump and his administration. He is too much of a coward to take responsibility.
Trump has been lying to the American public by declaring the separation of kids from their mothers and fathers was caused by "Democrat Laws". Rather than conceding the leader is lying once again, his followers are ignoring his lies and echoing his confusing and misinformed propaganda to cover up his lies.

This issue of removing kids from their parents is the fault of Trump and his administration. He is too much of a coward to take responsibility.

They ignore all his lies , because they themselves believe in his ways.
It takes a really dense person to think like you do.

Maybe these people should stay home and stop doing ILLEGAL things???
since you can't remember...we do have LEGAL means of immigration.

Indoctrination causes gullible people to post the most ridiculous threads.

Maybe they would rather their boys not join gangs and their females not be chain raped. You moron.

It's likely they would rather that. But it's their responsibility to face their own issues and change the situation in their own country, not to lay their troubles at the feet of others who have no such responsibility.
whatever discourages the invasion by third worlders to the USA is fine with me though i think that the USA is too soft on these third worlders .
whatever discourages the invasion by third worlders to the USA is fine with me though i think that the USA is too soft on these third worlders .
But you see, there is absolutely no evidence that bullying or mistreating kids being brought into the country has had or will have any kind of effect on worker ages border crossers and illegals. Tent cities full of kids (concentration camps) in the desert are not going to scare away the workers wanting to come to America to find work. At best it is an ineffective method and far more expensive than other methods like have more judges and prosecutors available for make the hearings and determinations of the refugees more quicker through the system and legal procedures.
The Congress, both House and Senate were controlled by Republicans when the law was passed.
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we aren't being tough enough . Third worlders should be turned away as the approach the border Camp .
Eh, I wouldn't worry about it too much, Dems/fake media will blow it out of proportion, Democrats will refuse compromise solutions and Trump will do his best to solve it and get blamed either way in the coming election... Wish Trump some luck

Sheesh,we've been through this cycle before... hate politics with zero solutions, the potato head Democrat way..

This will only bring more attention to why we need a wall and stronger immigration policy. Sure people don't want to see children separated from families, but liberals will go overboard on protections and free stuff for these children and their families all paid for by US workers and their families.
Trump has been lying to the American public by declaring the separation of kids from their mothers and fathers was caused by "Democrat Laws". Rather than conceding the leader is lying once again, his followers are ignoring his lies and echoing his confusing and misinformed propaganda to cover up his lies.

This issue of removing kids from their parents is the fault of Trump and his administration. He is too much of a coward to take responsibility.

There is no such law and the bastard is basically holding these kids hostage to get what he wants. If these kids were not a member of a gang before being held hostage they certainly will form them in detention. Congressional repubs thought they had a plan until trump said he'd not accept it even though there was money to help fund the wall. He's playing games at kids expense.
we aren't being tough enough . Third worlders should be turned away as the approach the border Camp .
International and American law forbid the kind of action you suggest. A 2005 anti- sex trafficking law signed by G. W. Bush forbids turning children specifically from Central America away.
we aren't being tough enough . Third worlders should be turned away as the approach the border Camp .
International and American law forbid the kind of action you suggest. A 2005 anti- sex trafficking law signed by G. W. Bush forbids turning children specifically from Central America away.
--------------------------------- [do they have an Army Camp eh ??] Well , first off , feck international law and all associated bogus law making orgs and laws . USA has Sovereignty !! [does the international law making ilk have an Army eh ?? } 'international law can easily be ignored as the USA moves away from these bogus law making 'dotards' Camp !! Same as we are moving away from the 'canooks' , the brits , france and others as we put them under the USA thumb Camp . [tariffs]

The bold face lie every leftist here is trying to conceal is that they really don't give a damn about any of these children.
The illegals are instead nothing more than pawns used to further their agenda of over running America with Marxist, Socialist, Communist policies.
ANYTHING they say otherwise is just further evidence of their indoctrination and ignorance to how they are being manipulated by their handlers.



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and feck 'gwb' and haven't you heard . The 'bush' dynasty is Gone . The 'jebito' bush got sh1tcanned pretty impressively by The Trump . Haven't you heard Camp ??
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If the Beaners don't want their children taken away from them then they shouldn't bring the children to the scene of a crime, like illegal entry. Problem solved!

The bold face lie every leftist here is trying to conceal is that they really don't give a damn about any of these children.
The illegals are instead nothing more than pawns used to further their agenda of over running America with Marxist, Socialist, Communist policies.
ANYTHING they say otherwise is just further evidence of their indoctrination and ignorance to how they are being manipulated by their handlers.
--------------------------------------------------- indoctrination or ignorance . I say that its their fully understood PLAN . -------------- Just a comment !!
Trump has been lying to the American public by declaring the separation of kids from their mothers and fathers was caused by "Democrat Laws". Rather than conceding the leader is lying once again, his followers are ignoring his lies and echoing his confusing and misinformed propaganda to cover up his lies.

This issue of removing kids from their parents is the fault of Trump and his administration. He is too much of a coward to take responsibility.

There is no such law and the bastard is basically holding these kids hostage to get what he wants. If these kids were not a member of a gang before being held hostage they certainly will form them in detention. Congressional repubs thought they had a plan until trump said he'd not accept it even though there was money to help fund the wall. He's playing games at kids expense.
--------------------------------------------------------- GOOD , then newly formed Gangs will be dealt with appropriately as they go after YOUR widdle kids . See the example of 'ms13' that President Trump is targeting D .

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