It Was Only A Matter Of Time Before Voter ID Law Enforcement Became Voting Quizzes

They are asking for names, addresses and date of birth.
Some motherfuckers are so stupid they'll have trouble with that. Why should they be voting?
Here's what the law states they should do...
  • 1st ask for their name and address
  • 2nd ask for their id to verify what they said.

Here's what these RW SCUMBAGS are actually doing
  • 1st asking for their names and addresses
  • 2nd asking for their ids
  • 3rd asking to spell names and addresses
  • 4th asking additional questions based on the ids like age, weight, height, etc.

Basically HARASSING non-Republican voters.

THAT is voter fraud.

You should be as outraged as I am.

How do you know that the questions are being asked only of democrat voters?
BTW, where democrat voters are the majority, the local democrat party usually hires the poll workers.
Those questions are NOT harassment. They are designed to validate the presented ID...
I'd welcome the opportunity to verify. It takes 30 seconds.
Where's the problem?
Leave it to a flaming lib to find a "problem"...
This is nonsense. Wanna know why? Because the lefty main stream media has not picked up on this. That's because it is a NON STORY...It's rubbish.
I liked the comment from the person who complained that they took away the drivers license
and they could not see it.Then they were asked questions about where they lived and stuff.

I don't know about anyone else but I can answer questions about where I live and stuff without the
need to check my drivers license.

Check out the big brain on Brad!
Here's what the law states they should do...
  • 1st ask for their name and address
  • 2nd ask for their id to verify what they said.

Here's what these RW SCUMBAGS are actually doing
  • 1st asking for their names and addresses
  • 2nd asking for their ids
  • 3rd asking to spell names and addresses
  • 4th asking additional questions based on the ids like age, weight, height, etc.

Basically HARASSING non-Republican voters.

THAT is voter fraud.

You should be as outraged as I am.

Basically HARASSING non-Republican voters.

How did they know the person was a non republican?
They know which precincts are mostly Republican and which are mostly Democrats.

Yeah..So it's democrats asking democrats....And how do you know the GOP controlled districts are not doing the same thing?
Ya know what? The source is lefty moonbat blog.
Nothing to see here. Move along.
Seems like the RW politicos in Arkansas are going back to an America of yesterday. An America of the Jim Crow laws and segregation. An America where blacks had to pass "How many beans are in that jar" quizzes in order to cast a vote.

Arkansas Voters Complain About Quizzing By Poll Workers Checking IDs

So is that what they mean by "We want to take our country back?"

What do the USMB RWers have to say about this?

ID's can be fake.
This is nothing but a few individuals who have a chip on their shoulder looking to make trouble.
It is the OPINION of the blogger that the questions are not part of the law.
More lib clap trap....Stow it.
So you're suggesting that the dictates that these polling people become certified fake ID checkers too? Is that it?

YES! This kind of thing happens everywhere.
When I worked as a bartender, I did the same thing. We had a code. JDLR....Just Doesn't Look Right...I caught countless instances of minors using fake ID's to get served.
Many financial institutions, DMV's and other agencies require TWO forms of ID.
You no what, you all didn't care about all the money and problems with OScamCare

so don't give us all this faux outrage over frkken having to have an ID to vote or having to answer some questions

grow up if you don't have an Id and know where and how to vote by now, tough

You cannot buy health insurance without proper ID...You have to show your ID or an agent acting on your behalf has to produce ID to receive medical care.
I have to show my ID and my insurance card at my doctor's office every time I visit.
You no what, you all didn't care about all the money and problems with OScamCare

so don't give us all this faux outrage over frkken having to have an ID to vote

grow up if you don't have an Id and know where and how to vote by now, tough

Sometimes I am taken aback by how ignorant some posters are. They read the thread title, post their dumb, uninformed opinion, and make a complete ass of themselves because they didn't read vital information contained within the OP and the rest of the thread.

Then there's you, who apparently didn't even read the thread title. This isn't about having an ID to vote, this is about ID checkers now violating voter ID laws and conducting their own Jim Crow-esque quizzing of voters in a deliberate, undeniable attempt at voter suppression.

Besides all of that, asking someone to spell their own name is clearly a literacy test, which is illegal. For every one Wrongpublican on this board bragging about how "hurr durr we da party dat ended slavery," there are at least a one hundred Wrongpublican pollworkers out there actively seeking to either bring it back or reinstitute the discriminatory, unconstitutional policies that immediately followed it.

Talk about ignorant. You're going off the deep end and you don't even know the facts.
Ya got that there Madcow?
ID's can be fake.
This is nothing but a few individuals who have a chip on their shoulder looking to make trouble.
It is the OPINION of the blogger that the questions are not part of the law.
More lib clap trap....Stow it.
So you're suggesting that the dictates that these polling people become certified fake ID checkers too? Is that it?

YES! This kind of thing happens everywhere.
When I worked as a bartender, I did the same thing. We had a code. JDLR....Just Doesn't Look Right...I caught countless instances of minors using fake ID's to get served.
Many financial institutions, DMV's and other agencies require TWO forms of ID.

gawd these people are clueless and they think this is going to win them something...just like they wail about voters being suppressed by having to have an ID... when the majority of the people polled are for having ID's for voting...
You no what, you all didn't care about all the money and problems with OScamCare

so don't give us all this faux outrage over frkken having to have an ID to vote or having to answer some questions

grow up if you don't have an Id and know where and how to vote by now, tough


This ISN'T about not having IDs, as ALL the voters had VALID IDs.


You're the one who is making it about that.
This is about validating the presented ID. Common practice.
I know I'll be accused of racism and god knows what other nonsense but I'll say it anyway...

Is it just me...or does it seem wrong to have people voting who don't know their own name? I'm gonna go WAY out on a limb here and say that if you don't know who YOU're probably not going to have a fucking clue about who's running in a national election!!!
Why do these American citizens trying to cast a vote have to go through ADDITIONAL hoops to do so?

Isn't PROVIDING their VALID ID more than enough?

Why HARASS them further?

As you get ready to pass through security at the airport, do you question the TSA for carefully examining your ID and making simple inquiries? When you get to the boarding gate and are asked for your ID, do you believe the ramp agent is harassing you?
Do you accuse them of racism?
I know I'll be accused of racism and god knows what other nonsense but I'll say it anyway...

Is it just me...or does it seem wrong to have people voting who don't know their own name? I'm gonna go WAY out on a limb here and say that if you don't know who YOU're probably not going to have a fucking clue about who's running in a national election!!!
Why do these American citizens trying to cast a vote have to go through ADDITIONAL hoops to do so?

Isn't PROVIDING their VALID ID more than enough?

Why HARASS them further?
Come on Marc, you know the answer to that as well as any sane individual that isn't wearing blinders.

It has been about voter suppression since day one. It has nothing to do with fraud. It never did.

These poll workers have no right to be interrogating these people. It is disgraceful.
ID's can be fake.
This is nothing but a few individuals who have a chip on their shoulder looking to make trouble.
It is the OPINION of the blogger that the questions are not part of the law.
More lib clap trap....Stow it.
So you're suggesting that the dictates that these polling people become certified fake ID checkers too? Is that it?

YES! This kind of thing happens everywhere.
When I worked as a bartender, I did the same thing. We had a code. JDLR....Just Doesn't Look Right...I caught countless instances of minors using fake ID's to get served.
Many financial institutions, DMV's and other agencies require TWO forms of ID.
In Florida? Try this? (And I'll bet most people will produce it to get a DL...But to VOTE? Oh NO! YOU can't do that...)

Whether you're applying to renew a Florida drivers license online, in person or by mail, you will be required to provide the following documents:

Proof of Identification:

  • U.S. birth certificate or registration of birth (must be issued by an authorized United States government agency such as the Bureau of Vital Statistics or State Board of Health.)
  • U.S. Valid Passport or Passport Card
  • Unexpired foreign passport with a valid, unexpired U.S. visa affixed accompanied by the approved I-94 form documenting applicant's most recent admittance to the U.S. (See additional document requirements listed in the Non-U.S. Citizen section below).
  • Valid U.S. citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) documents
    • Certificate of Naturalization
    • Certificate of Citizenship
    • Permanent Resident Card
Proof of Residency:
Note: Your current driver license or ID card may not be used as proof of residential address. Proof must come from two different types of source.

  • Utility bill or Credit bill within the last 90 days
  • Federal, state or local government documents, such as receipts, licenses or assessments
  • Other documents containing your name and address may be accepted with manager approval.
  • Account statement from a bank or other financial institution issued within the last 90 days.
Social Security Documents (must contain the SSN):

  • Social security card (Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers are not accepted.)
  • Annual social security statement
  • U.S. Internal Revenue Service tax reporting W-2 form or 1099 form
  • Payroll check stub issued by employer
  • Unexpired U.S. Active Duty/Retiree/Reservist Military ID Card (DD-2 or Common Access Card) (ID cards of military dependents are not accepted.)
Renew Florida Drivers License | Renew a Drivers License Florida

And you know? I even produced my DD-214...and have a Veteran's Endorsement on my license! How cool is that?

The point of all of this is? If I have to produce documents to drive legally? Why is it so hard to produce ID to vote?

The whole issue is a non-starter with me. And the Democrats say it's voter suppression. NO it's not. It's a measure to ensure valid elections.

I wonder how many people whine about having to produce an ID to vote sure as HELL came up with the DOCS to get a license in Florida?
They are asking for names, addresses and date of birth.
Some motherfuckers are so stupid they'll have trouble with that. Why should they be voting?
Here's what the law states they should do...
  • 1st ask for their name and address
  • 2nd ask for their id to verify what they said.

Here's what these RW SCUMBAGS are actually doing
  • 1st asking for their names and addresses
  • 2nd asking for their ids
  • 3rd asking to spell names and addresses
  • 4th asking additional questions based on the ids like age, weight, height, etc.

Basically HARASSING non-Republican voters.

THAT is voter fraud.

You should be as outraged as I am.

But it's OK for the IRS to ask TEA Party groups for the names of all their donors?
Name.........Ugh ugh I can't remember without my license.....ugh ugh..............

Address..........ugh ugh..............

Birthday.............ugh ugh....................

Tuff dang questions. The world will never be the same again..............
They are asking for names, addresses and date of birth.
Some motherfuckers are so stupid they'll have trouble with that. Why should they be voting?
Here's what the law states they should do...
  • 1st ask for their name and address
  • 2nd ask for their id to verify what they said.

Here's what these RW SCUMBAGS are actually doing
  • 1st asking for their names and addresses
  • 2nd asking for their ids
  • 3rd asking to spell names and addresses
  • 4th asking additional questions based on the ids like age, weight, height, etc.

Basically HARASSING non-Republican voters.

THAT is voter fraud.

You should be as outraged as I am.

But it's OK for the IRS to ask TEA Party groups for the names of all their donors?

And all their future donors as well. Like who will donate to you next year...............

BS and abuse............

But it's terrible here to ask them who they are, where they live, and how old they are............:eek:
They are asking for names, addresses and date of birth.
Some motherfuckers are so stupid they'll have trouble with that. Why should they be voting?
Here's what the law states they should do...
  • 1st ask for their name and address
  • 2nd ask for their id to verify what they said.

Here's what these RW SCUMBAGS are actually doing
  • 1st asking for their names and addresses
  • 2nd asking for their ids
  • 3rd asking to spell names and addresses
  • 4th asking additional questions based on the ids like age, weight, height, etc.

Basically HARASSING non-Republican voters.

THAT is voter fraud.

You should be as outraged as I am.

But it's OK for the IRS to ask TEA Party groups for the names of all their donors?

That's just different somehow...MarcieATL is pissing in the wind as per-usual.
You got that folks, when they ask if your name and address has changed, it's voter suppression

I got asked that by the police that pulled me over for a traffic violation, next time I'm going to tell them they are trying to suppress me and I don't have to answer

I might need to be bailed out, but what the's worth a try eh....
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The IRS were doing their job.
When you CLAIM to be a certain organization that's, by LAW, NOT supposed to be involved in political activities and you do something to trigger an investigation, then the system is working.
We have to be DILIGENT in perusing crime in all forms, including, and especially, fraud.
Apples to oranges.
Seems like the RW politicos in Arkansas are going back to an America of yesterday. An America of the Jim Crow laws and segregation. An America where blacks had to pass "How many beans are in that jar" quizzes in order to cast a vote.

Arkansas Voters Complain About Quizzing By Poll Workers Checking IDs

So is that what they mean by "We want to take our country back?"

What do the USMB RWers have to say about this?

I've been asked to verify my name, address and dob here in TX every time I have voted. Even before the ID law too effect. Are you saying these people are too stupid to know this information. Personally I think anyone who can't name the two senators from their state shouldn't be allowed in a polling place.
The IRS were doing their job.
When you CLAIM to be a certain organization that's, by LAW, NOT supposed to be involved in political activities and you do something to trigger an investigation, then the system is working.
We have to be DILIGENT in perusing crime in all forms, including, and especially, fraud.
Apples to oranges.

Your thread is OVER. Give it up Marcie.:eusa_hand: