It seems there are actually people that want to leave a dirty planet to their children.


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
It seems there are actually people that want to leave a dirty planet to their children.

I don’t understand it. If you have kids why would you want to leave them a dirty planet?

There are people that want to abolish the EPA. They say clean air and clean water cost too much money.

If you don’t have kids it’s almost understandable that you just wanna rip off the country for whatever you can get whenever you can. That is just a greedy person. If you have kids, what is it you’re gonna leave them? What’s your legacy?

Some people say that is stupid. We don’t want to leave a dirty planet to our kids. But the EPA is too expensive. And there’s plenty of air and water. We don’t need to fine companies for making them dirty.
I don’t have kids but I have 13 nieces and nephews. I don’t care s out the Global Climate Change bologna because none of it will be a major factor before I die (20-30 years) and I don’t actually believe humanity can do anything that the planet itself can’t fix.

Besides, I live in MA. I’d love to see some Global Warming around here.
It seems there are actually people that want to leave a dirty planet to their children.

I don’t understand it. If you have kids why would you want to leave them a dirty planet?

There are people that want to abolish the EPA. They say clean air and clean water cost too much money.

If you don’t have kids it’s almost understandable that you just wanna rip off the country for whatever you can get whenever you can. That is just a greedy person. If you have kids, what is it you’re gonna leave them? What’s your legacy?

Some people say that is stupid. We don’t want to leave a dirty planet to our kids. But the EPA is too expensive. And there’s plenty of air and water. We don’t need to fine companies for making them dirty.

I don’t understand it. If you have kids why would you want to leave them a dirty planet?

It's awful!!

Your posts are polluting the planet. When will you stop?

For the children...…...
It seems there are actually people who want their children to grow up as despised minorities.
It seems there are actually people that want to leave a dirty planet to their children.

It seems that there are some people who don't grasp the difference between climate change and pollution. Personally, I am very concerned about a number of environmental issues...pollution among them. I support draconian laws and zero tolerance enforcement for people who dump illegally. I believe that fines, and prison sentences should be sufficient to bankrupt any business engaged in such activities. The punishments should be so harsh that no one but the most foolish would even try.

There are a host of other environmental problems that we could be addressing as well if the man made climate change scam were not sucking all of the air out of the room and all of the treasure out of the coffers...Over the past 30 years, billions upon billions, upon billions have been flushed down the climate change toilet...can you name any environmental problem that all that money has made better? Didn't think so..

And chances are that none of the serious issues, that actually have solutions will be dealt with till the man made climate change hypothesis is swept into the dust bin of history where it belongs.
Could you dumbasses start by cleaning up LA and San Fran? Your children are shitting in the streets and leaving hypodermic syringes lying about. They are bringing in rats, their friends, and contacting thypus Please send a cleaning crew!

True enough...wherever liberals congregate in large numbers, they foul the environment...
I don’t care s out the Global Climate Change bologna because none of it will be a major factor before I die

I don't want history to look back on the people of our era with disgust and disappointment.

History is going to look back on climate alarmists with the same disgust as we look back on medicine that believed that bleeding people was the cure for all ills...

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