it is just some of the bitter sore loser democrats that embarrass the rest.

i have to remind myself. most people couldn't care less about politics, that's people in general.

then you have the voters, most of they have car payments, a kid in college.

then there are the political people.

at the top of the pyramid, is occupy wall street for the dems and the T party for republicans.
there is an undefined group in between that no one cares about, let's call them indifferent.

the democrats are very upset right now, and i get that. however, they need to own the loss and move on.

instead of persecuting Donald Trump jr. or the macedonians, they can fix murderland in Chicago.

from my perspective it's relatively few people that pump the drama, mostly "journalists" from radio and TV lefty. the aggressive left i.e all the networks pbs, the red journels: new york time, post... and so forth.

one time obama smugly told john mccain, "the election's over senator" to which john mccain replied "i know, i am painfully reminded of that every day".

me too, so now the American voters have said it's our turn, so let Trump be Trump and give peace a chance democrats, because if you don't soon none of us will be voting for anything or anyone.

Synonyms and Antonyms of embarrass - Merriam-Webster
Thesaurus results for EMBARRASS
1 to throw into a state of self-conscious distress the young soldier was embarrassed by the public praise for his heroism Synonyms abash, confound, confuse, discomfit, disconcert, discountenance, faze, fluster, mortify, nonplus, rattle Related Words agitate, bother, chagrin, discomfort, discompose, dismay, disquiet, ...
I love it when ignorant Republicans bring up Chicago. When you look at the dozen or so states that make up Appalachia and how so many millions of poor whites live in that area and how they support Republicans because of race it's tragic. Truly tragic.

For many of those people, their rural hospital is the largest employer and their only source of care that's close. They don't know that Trump care will cut so much medicaid, many of those rural hospital are not only at risk of closing, but will close devastating those communities in ways not seen since the great depression. Trump is trying to bully the GOP leadership into balls deep f*cking over their own base.

And, Trump tries to blame it all on Democrats when Democrats can't do anything. They don't have enough votes.
Progressive policies are not in the best interest of most Americans… fact
The civil rights act, a progressive policy, was absolutely in the best interest of Americans. Fact. Your statement = False
in the pbs doc i wish they had made clear that it was legal to vote, it was the poll tax that inhibited their vote.
LBJ was great because of that.
Progressive policies are not in the best interest of most Americans… fact
Yup, SS, Medicare/aid, UE, workers comp, FDIC, democracy and republic, free speech, independent judiciary etc- just horrible.
All of which our kids/grand kids have to pay for... too bad they can't afford it. Lol
...because the rich and many giant corps don't pay their fair share, dupe. Thanks GOP
No one should be on the hook to pay for socialism… It is pure evil
and have we ever seen Chuck Schumer cry for any of the 33 Million People shot/killed in Chicago over these last two years? it seems that Miss Schumer only cries when he thinks people might die under Trump-Care.....he must buy a lot of onions
it's the twilight zone.... generation after generation...
i have to remind myself. most people couldn't care less about politics, that's people in general.

then you have the voters, most of they have car payments, a kid in college.

then there are the political people.

at the top of the pyramid, is occupy wall street for the dems and the T party for republicans.
there is an undefined group in between that no one cares about, let's call them indifferent.

the democrats are very upset right now, and i get that. however, they need to own the loss and move on.

instead of persecuting Donald Trump jr. or the macedonians, they can fix murderland in Chicago.

from my perspective it's relatively few people that pump the drama, mostly "journalists" from radio and TV lefty. the aggressive left i.e all the networks pbs, the red journels: new york time, post... and so forth.

one time obama smugly told john mccain, "the election's over senator" to which john mccain replied "i know, i am painfully reminded of that every day".

me too, so now the American voters have said it's our turn, so let Trump be Trump and give peace a chance democrats, because if you don't soon none of us will be voting for anything or anyone.

Synonyms and Antonyms of embarrass - Merriam-Webster
Thesaurus results for EMBARRASS
1 to throw into a state of self-conscious distress the young soldier was embarrassed by the public praise for his heroism Synonyms abash, confound, confuse, discomfit, disconcert, discountenance, faze, fluster, mortify, nonplus, rattle Related Words agitate, bother, chagrin, discomfort, discompose, dismay, disquiet, ...
I love it when ignorant Republicans bring up Chicago. When you look at the dozen or so states that make up Appalachia and how so many millions of poor whites live in that area and how they support Republicans because of race it's tragic. Truly tragic.

For many of those people, their rural hospital is the largest employer and their only source of care that's close. They don't know that Trump care will cut so much medicaid, many of those rural hospital are not only at risk of closing, but will close devastating those communities in ways not seen since the great depression. Trump is trying to bully the GOP leadership into balls deep f*cking over their own base.

And, Trump tries to blame it all on Democrats when Democrats can't do anything. They don't have enough votes.
Progressive policies are not in the best interest of most Americans… fact
Yup, SS, Medicare/aid, UE, workers comp, FDIC, democracy and republic, free speech, independent judiciary etc- just horrible.
All of which our kids/grand kids have to pay for... too bad they can't afford it. Lol
...because the rich and many giant corps don't pay their fair share, dupe. Thanks GOP
who decides fair share ?
"The democrats are very upset right now" eight freaking months after the election ....and you get that? What else about anger and hatred do you get? Do you get the fact that democrats smashed windows and torched cars on inauguration day? Do you get the fact a Sanders supporter tried to kill conservative republicans at a baseball game? The democrat party has become psychotic with hatred and anger and the sooner you get that the better off you will be.
I love it when ignorant Republicans bring up Chicago. When you look at the dozen or so states that make up Appalachia and how so many millions of poor whites live in that area and how they support Republicans because of race it's tragic. Truly tragic.

For many of those people, their rural hospital is the largest employer and their only source of care that's close. They don't know that Trump care will cut so much medicaid, many of those rural hospital are not only at risk of closing, but will close devastating those communities in ways not seen since the great depression. Trump is trying to bully the GOP leadership into balls deep f*cking over their own base.

And, Trump tries to blame it all on Democrats when Democrats can't do anything. They don't have enough votes.
Progressive policies are not in the best interest of most Americans… fact
Yup, SS, Medicare/aid, UE, workers comp, FDIC, democracy and republic, free speech, independent judiciary etc- just horrible.
All of which our kids/grand kids have to pay for... too bad they can't afford it. Lol
...because the rich and many giant corps don't pay their fair share, dupe. Thanks GOP
who decides fair share ?
To the progressive it's the federal government, which the progressives own.
See that's the problem, there is no room for any sort of individuality and freedom in the socialist/progressive government. The federal government will not allow It... fuck socialism/globalism/progressivism…
Last edited:
"The democrats are very upset right now" eight freaking months after the election ....and you get that? What else about anger and hatred do you get? Do you get the fact that democrats smashed windows and torched cars on inauguration day? Do you get the fact a Sanders supporter tried to kill conservative republicans at a baseball game? The democrat party has become psychotic with hatred and anger and the sooner you get that the better off you will be.
is that for me ?
i have to remind myself. most people couldn't care less about politics, that's people in general.

then you have the voters, most of they have car payments, a kid in college.

then there are the political people.

at the top of the pyramid, is occupy wall street for the dems and the T party for republicans.
there is an undefined group in between that no one cares about, let's call them indifferent.

the democrats are very upset right now, and i get that. however, they need to own the loss and move on.

instead of persecuting Donald Trump jr. or the macedonians, they can fix murderland in Chicago.

from my perspective it's relatively few people that pump the drama, mostly "journalists" from radio and TV lefty. the aggressive left i.e all the networks pbs, the red journels: new york time, post... and so forth.

one time obama smugly told john mccain, "the election's over senator" to which john mccain replied "i know, i am painfully reminded of that every day".

me too, so now the American voters have said it's our turn, so let Trump be Trump and give peace a chance democrats, because if you don't soon none of us will be voting for anything or anyone.

Synonyms and Antonyms of embarrass - Merriam-Webster
Thesaurus results for EMBARRASS
1 to throw into a state of self-conscious distress the young soldier was embarrassed by the public praise for his heroism Synonyms abash, confound, confuse, discomfit, disconcert, discountenance, faze, fluster, mortify, nonplus, rattle Related Words agitate, bother, chagrin, discomfort, discompose, dismay, disquiet, ...
I love it when ignorant Republicans bring up Chicago. When you look at the dozen or so states that make up Appalachia and how so many millions of poor whites live in that area and how they support Republicans because of race it's tragic. Truly tragic.

For many of those people, their rural hospital is the largest employer and their only source of care that's close. They don't know that Trump care will cut so much medicaid, many of those rural hospital are not only at risk of closing, but will close devastating those communities in ways not seen since the great depression. Trump is trying to bully the GOP leadership into balls deep f*cking over their own base.

And, Trump tries to blame it all on Democrats when Democrats can't do anything. They don't have enough votes.
Progressive policies are not in the best interest of most Americans… fact
The civil rights act, a progressive policy, was absolutely in the best interest of Americans. Fact. Your statement = False
in the pbs doc i wish they had made clear that it was legal to vote, it was the poll tax that inhibited their vote.
LBJ was great because of that.

.You could not vote unless you met the requirements of the poll tax. So let's not try revising history. This things were really not so bad crap needs to go.

Conservatives can stop making this clam that what's happening to Trump is because democrats are mad at losing an election. Especially when republicans ;led by Trump tried bitherism.
i have to remind myself. most people couldn't care less about politics, that's people in general.

then you have the voters, most of they have car payments, a kid in college.

then there are the political people.

at the top of the pyramid, is occupy wall street for the dems and the T party for republicans.
there is an undefined group in between that no one cares about, let's call them indifferent.

the democrats are very upset right now, and i get that. however, they need to own the loss and move on.

instead of persecuting Donald Trump jr. or the macedonians, they can fix murderland in Chicago.

from my perspective it's relatively few people that pump the drama, mostly "journalists" from radio and TV lefty. the aggressive left i.e all the networks pbs, the red journels: new york time, post... and so forth.

one time obama smugly told john mccain, "the election's over senator" to which john mccain replied "i know, i am painfully reminded of that every day".

me too, so now the American voters have said it's our turn, so let Trump be Trump and give peace a chance democrats, because if you don't soon none of us will be voting for anything or anyone.

Synonyms and Antonyms of embarrass - Merriam-Webster
Thesaurus results for EMBARRASS
1 to throw into a state of self-conscious distress the young soldier was embarrassed by the public praise for his heroism Synonyms abash, confound, confuse, discomfit, disconcert, discountenance, faze, fluster, mortify, nonplus, rattle Related Words agitate, bother, chagrin, discomfort, discompose, dismay, disquiet, ...
I love it when ignorant Republicans bring up Chicago. When you look at the dozen or so states that make up Appalachia and how so many millions of poor whites live in that area and how they support Republicans because of race it's tragic. Truly tragic.

For many of those people, their rural hospital is the largest employer and their only source of care that's close. They don't know that Trump care will cut so much medicaid, many of those rural hospital are not only at risk of closing, but will close devastating those communities in ways not seen since the great depression. Trump is trying to bully the GOP leadership into balls deep f*cking over their own base.

And, Trump tries to blame it all on Democrats when Democrats can't do anything. They don't have enough votes.
Progressive policies are not in the best interest of most Americans… fact
The civil rights act, a progressive policy, was absolutely in the best interest of Americans. Fact. Your statement = False
in the pbs doc i wish they had made clear that it was legal to vote, it was the poll tax that inhibited their vote.
LBJ was great because of that.

.You could not vote unless you met the requirements of the poll tax. So let's not try revising history. This things were really not so bad crap needs to go.

Conservatives can stop making this clam that what's happening to Trump is because democrats are mad at losing an election. Especially when republicans ;led by Trump tried bitherism.
Birthism is immaterial... barry was just a really shitty president. Fact
Yup, SS, Medicare/aid, UE, workers comp, FDIC, democracy and republic, free speech, independent judiciary etc- just horrible.
All of which our kids/grand kids have to pay for... too bad they can't afford it. Lol
...because the rich and many giant corps don't pay their fair share, dupe. Thanks GOP
who decides fair share ?
To the progressive it's the federal government, which the progressives own.
See that's the problem, there is no room for any sort of individuality and freedom in the socialist/progress government. The federal government will not allow It... fuck socialism/globalism/progressivism…

The conservative people in America are an embarrassment to the same America they live in. Demos are just adamant about the root cause of any problem so it can be fixed.
i have to remind myself. most people couldn't care less about politics, that's people in general.

then you have the voters, most of they have car payments, a kid in college.

then there are the political people.

at the top of the pyramid, is occupy wall street for the dems and the T party for republicans.
there is an undefined group in between that no one cares about, let's call them indifferent.

the democrats are very upset right now, and i get that. however, they need to own the loss and move on.

instead of persecuting Donald Trump jr. or the macedonians, they can fix murderland in Chicago.

from my perspective it's relatively few people that pump the drama, mostly "journalists" from radio and TV lefty. the aggressive left i.e all the networks pbs, the red journels: new york time, post... and so forth.

one time obama smugly told john mccain, "the election's over senator" to which john mccain replied "i know, i am painfully reminded of that every day".

me too, so now the American voters have said it's our turn, so let Trump be Trump and give peace a chance democrats, because if you don't soon none of us will be voting for anything or anyone.

Synonyms and Antonyms of embarrass - Merriam-Webster
Thesaurus results for EMBARRASS
1 to throw into a state of self-conscious distress the young soldier was embarrassed by the public praise for his heroism Synonyms abash, confound, confuse, discomfit, disconcert, discountenance, faze, fluster, mortify, nonplus, rattle Related Words agitate, bother, chagrin, discomfort, discompose, dismay, disquiet, ...
I love it when ignorant Republicans bring up Chicago. When you look at the dozen or so states that make up Appalachia and how so many millions of poor whites live in that area and how they support Republicans because of race it's tragic. Truly tragic.

For many of those people, their rural hospital is the largest employer and their only source of care that's close. They don't know that Trump care will cut so much medicaid, many of those rural hospital are not only at risk of closing, but will close devastating those communities in ways not seen since the great depression. Trump is trying to bully the GOP leadership into balls deep f*cking over their own base.

And, Trump tries to blame it all on Democrats when Democrats can't do anything. They don't have enough votes.
Progressive policies are not in the best interest of most Americans… fact
The civil rights act, a progressive policy, was absolutely in the best interest of Americans. Fact. Your statement = False
in the pbs doc i wish they had made clear that it was legal to vote, it was the poll tax that inhibited their vote.
LBJ was great because of that.

.You could not vote unless you met the requirements of the poll tax. So let's not try revising history. This things were really not so bad crap needs to go.

Conservatives can stop making this clam that what's happening to Trump is because democrats are mad at losing an election. Especially when republicans ;led by Trump tried bitherism.
that's what i'm saying, the pbs documentary said blacks couldn't vote before the civil rights act, but the fifteenth amendment was right after the civil war. they should mention the fifteenth amendment, it's kind of confusing. not for me, but perhaps by others.

"right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude."

just the men:

The 15th Amendment, granting African-American men the right to vote, was formally adopted into the U.S. Constitution on March 30, 1870. Passed by Congress ...
i have to remind myself. most people couldn't care less about politics, that's people in general.

then you have the voters, most of they have car payments, a kid in college.

then there are the political people.

at the top of the pyramid, is occupy wall street for the dems and the T party for republicans.
there is an undefined group in between that no one cares about, let's call them indifferent.

the democrats are very upset right now, and i get that. however, they need to own the loss and move on.

instead of persecuting Donald Trump jr. or the macedonians, they can fix murderland in Chicago.

from my perspective it's relatively few people that pump the drama, mostly "journalists" from radio and TV lefty. the aggressive left i.e all the networks pbs, the red journels: new york time, post... and so forth.

one time obama smugly told john mccain, "the election's over senator" to which john mccain replied "i know, i am painfully reminded of that every day".

me too, so now the American voters have said it's our turn, so let Trump be Trump and give peace a chance democrats, because if you don't soon none of us will be voting for anything or anyone.

Synonyms and Antonyms of embarrass - Merriam-Webster
Thesaurus results for EMBARRASS
1 to throw into a state of self-conscious distress the young soldier was embarrassed by the public praise for his heroism Synonyms abash, confound, confuse, discomfit, disconcert, discountenance, faze, fluster, mortify, nonplus, rattle Related Words agitate, bother, chagrin, discomfort, discompose, dismay, disquiet, ...
I love it when ignorant Republicans bring up Chicago. When you look at the dozen or so states that make up Appalachia and how so many millions of poor whites live in that area and how they support Republicans because of race it's tragic. Truly tragic.

For many of those people, their rural hospital is the largest employer and their only source of care that's close. They don't know that Trump care will cut so much medicaid, many of those rural hospital are not only at risk of closing, but will close devastating those communities in ways not seen since the great depression. Trump is trying to bully the GOP leadership into balls deep f*cking over their own base.

And, Trump tries to blame it all on Democrats when Democrats can't do anything. They don't have enough votes.
Progressive policies are not in the best interest of most Americans… fact

Progressive policies are not in the best interests of the Western world, not just America.
i have to remind myself. most people couldn't care less about politics, that's people in general.

then you have the voters, most of they have car payments, a kid in college.

then there are the political people.

at the top of the pyramid, is occupy wall street for the dems and the T party for republicans.
there is an undefined group in between that no one cares about, let's call them indifferent.

the democrats are very upset right now, and i get that. however, they need to own the loss and move on.

instead of persecuting Donald Trump jr. or the macedonians, they can fix murderland in Chicago.

from my perspective it's relatively few people that pump the drama, mostly "journalists" from radio and TV lefty. the aggressive left i.e all the networks pbs, the red journels: new york time, post... and so forth.

one time obama smugly told john mccain, "the election's over senator" to which john mccain replied "i know, i am painfully reminded of that every day".

me too, so now the American voters have said it's our turn, so let Trump be Trump and give peace a chance democrats, because if you don't soon none of us will be voting for anything or anyone.

Synonyms and Antonyms of embarrass - Merriam-Webster
Thesaurus results for EMBARRASS
1 to throw into a state of self-conscious distress the young soldier was embarrassed by the public praise for his heroism Synonyms abash, confound, confuse, discomfit, disconcert, discountenance, faze, fluster, mortify, nonplus, rattle Related Words agitate, bother, chagrin, discomfort, discompose, dismay, disquiet, ...
I love it when ignorant Republicans bring up Chicago. When you look at the dozen or so states that make up Appalachia and how so many millions of poor whites live in that area and how they support Republicans because of race it's tragic. Truly tragic.

For many of those people, their rural hospital is the largest employer and their only source of care that's close. They don't know that Trump care will cut so much medicaid, many of those rural hospital are not only at risk of closing, but will close devastating those communities in ways not seen since the great depression. Trump is trying to bully the GOP leadership into balls deep f*cking over their own base.

And, Trump tries to blame it all on Democrats when Democrats can't do anything. They don't have enough votes.
Progressive policies are not in the best interest of most Americans… fact
The civil rights act, a progressive policy, was absolutely in the best interest of Americans. Fact. Your statement = False
Na, what about those who want nothing to do with progressive policies because it is 100% dependent on the nanny state?

You progressives just keep that shit to yourself… LOL

Progressive policies are detrimental to successful and productive societies, Progressive policies are primarily geared toward keeping as many people as possible dependant on the State and that's not either productive or healthy, however Leftists need that because they rely so heavily on State dependants as one of their voting blocs.
i have to remind myself. most people couldn't care less about politics, that's people in general.

then you have the voters, most of they have car payments, a kid in college.

then there are the political people.

at the top of the pyramid, is occupy wall street for the dems and the T party for republicans.
there is an undefined group in between that no one cares about, let's call them indifferent.

the democrats are very upset right now, and i get that. however, they need to own the loss and move on.

instead of persecuting Donald Trump jr. or the macedonians, they can fix murderland in Chicago.

from my perspective it's relatively few people that pump the drama, mostly "journalists" from radio and TV lefty. the aggressive left i.e all the networks pbs, the red journels: new york time, post... and so forth.

one time obama smugly told john mccain, "the election's over senator" to which john mccain replied "i know, i am painfully reminded of that every day".

me too, so now the American voters have said it's our turn, so let Trump be Trump and give peace a chance democrats, because if you don't soon none of us will be voting for anything or anyone.

Synonyms and Antonyms of embarrass - Merriam-Webster
Thesaurus results for EMBARRASS
1 to throw into a state of self-conscious distress the young soldier was embarrassed by the public praise for his heroism Synonyms abash, confound, confuse, discomfit, disconcert, discountenance, faze, fluster, mortify, nonplus, rattle Related Words agitate, bother, chagrin, discomfort, discompose, dismay, disquiet, ...
I love it when ignorant Republicans bring up Chicago. When you look at the dozen or so states that make up Appalachia and how so many millions of poor whites live in that area and how they support Republicans because of race it's tragic. Truly tragic.

For many of those people, their rural hospital is the largest employer and their only source of care that's close. They don't know that Trump care will cut so much medicaid, many of those rural hospital are not only at risk of closing, but will close devastating those communities in ways not seen since the great depression. Trump is trying to bully the GOP leadership into balls deep f*cking over their own base.

And, Trump tries to blame it all on Democrats when Democrats can't do anything. They don't have enough votes.
Progressive policies are not in the best interest of most Americans… fact
The civil rights act, a progressive policy, was absolutely in the best interest of Americans. Fact. Your statement = False
Na, what about those who want nothing to do with progressive policies because it is 100% dependent on the nanny state?

You progressives just keep that shit to yourself… LOL

Progressive policies are detrimental to successful and productive societies, Progressive policies are primarily geared toward keeping as many people as possible dependant on the State and that's not either productive or healthy, however Leftists need that because they rely so heavily on State dependants as one of their voting blocs.
you are wise. all true.
I love it when ignorant Republicans bring up Chicago. When you look at the dozen or so states that make up Appalachia and how so many millions of poor whites live in that area and how they support Republicans because of race it's tragic. Truly tragic.

For many of those people, their rural hospital is the largest employer and their only source of care that's close. They don't know that Trump care will cut so much medicaid, many of those rural hospital are not only at risk of closing, but will close devastating those communities in ways not seen since the great depression. Trump is trying to bully the GOP leadership into balls deep f*cking over their own base.

And, Trump tries to blame it all on Democrats when Democrats can't do anything. They don't have enough votes.
Progressive policies are not in the best interest of most Americans… fact
The civil rights act, a progressive policy, was absolutely in the best interest of Americans. Fact. Your statement = False
in the pbs doc i wish they had made clear that it was legal to vote, it was the poll tax that inhibited their vote.
LBJ was great because of that.

.You could not vote unless you met the requirements of the poll tax. So let's not try revising history. This things were really not so bad crap needs to go.

Conservatives can stop making this clam that what's happening to Trump is because democrats are mad at losing an election. Especially when republicans ;led by Trump tried bitherism.
Birthism is immaterial... barry was just a really shitty president. Fact

Thanks to Obama the world is now more dangerous a place than it was in 2008 and thanks to Obama the Middle East is even more fucked up than it was in 2008.
i have to remind myself. most people couldn't care less about politics, that's people in general.

then you have the voters, most of they have car payments, a kid in college.

then there are the political people.

at the top of the pyramid, is occupy wall street for the dems and the T party for republicans.
there is an undefined group in between that no one cares about, let's call them indifferent.

the democrats are very upset right now, and i get that. however, they need to own the loss and move on.

instead of persecuting Donald Trump jr. or the macedonians, they can fix murderland in Chicago.

from my perspective it's relatively few people that pump the drama, mostly "journalists" from radio and TV lefty. the aggressive left i.e all the networks pbs, the red journels: new york time, post... and so forth.

one time obama smugly told john mccain, "the election's over senator" to which john mccain replied "i know, i am painfully reminded of that every day".

me too, so now the American voters have said it's our turn, so let Trump be Trump and give peace a chance democrats, because if you don't soon none of us will be voting for anything or anyone.

Synonyms and Antonyms of embarrass - Merriam-Webster
Thesaurus results for EMBARRASS
1 to throw into a state of self-conscious distress the young soldier was embarrassed by the public praise for his heroism Synonyms abash, confound, confuse, discomfit, disconcert, discountenance, faze, fluster, mortify, nonplus, rattle Related Words agitate, bother, chagrin, discomfort, discompose, dismay, disquiet, ...
I love it when ignorant Republicans bring up Chicago. When you look at the dozen or so states that make up Appalachia and how so many millions of poor whites live in that area and how they support Republicans because of race it's tragic. Truly tragic.

For many of those people, their rural hospital is the largest employer and their only source of care that's close. They don't know that Trump care will cut so much medicaid, many of those rural hospital are not only at risk of closing, but will close devastating those communities in ways not seen since the great depression. Trump is trying to bully the GOP leadership into balls deep f*cking over their own base.

And, Trump tries to blame it all on Democrats when Democrats can't do anything. They don't have enough votes.
i have to remind myself. most people couldn't care less about politics, that's people in general.

then you have the voters, most of they have car payments, a kid in college.

then there are the political people.

at the top of the pyramid, is occupy wall street for the dems and the T party for republicans.
there is an undefined group in between that no one cares about, let's call them indifferent.

the democrats are very upset right now, and i get that. however, they need to own the loss and move on.

instead of persecuting Donald Trump jr. or the macedonians, they can fix murderland in Chicago.

from my perspective it's relatively few people that pump the drama, mostly "journalists" from radio and TV lefty. the aggressive left i.e all the networks pbs, the red journels: new york time, post... and so forth.

one time obama smugly told john mccain, "the election's over senator" to which john mccain replied "i know, i am painfully reminded of that every day".

me too, so now the American voters have said it's our turn, so let Trump be Trump and give peace a chance democrats, because if you don't soon none of us will be voting for anything or anyone.

Synonyms and Antonyms of embarrass - Merriam-Webster
Thesaurus results for EMBARRASS
1 to throw into a state of self-conscious distress the young soldier was embarrassed by the public praise for his heroism Synonyms abash, confound, confuse, discomfit, disconcert, discountenance, faze, fluster, mortify, nonplus, rattle Related Words agitate, bother, chagrin, discomfort, discompose, dismay, disquiet, ...

instead of persecuting Donald Trump jr. or the macedonians, they can fix murderland in Chicago.


1. It's Robert Mueller (a lifelong Republican) that's going to be prosecuting Donald Jr. not the Democrats.

2. In case you missed it, the Democrats lost the election of 2016. The GOP is in control of the government now, so it's the responsibility of the GOP to fix Chicago like they promised to do.

You're not getting any of this right....are you?? :bye1:
control of the government... i like that...

are you hoping for a kenneth star... i get that.
Kenneth Star has publicly said he is ashamed and regrets his involvement in the Clinton BJ debacle. I think because he is involved in his own sex scandal he is singing a different tune.
The embarrassment of a president lying under oath is the very essence of a Clinton... there are no more repugnant people than the clintons on the planet. Fact
...if you believe our justice system is a pro-Clinton CONSPIRACEE!!! and only bought off demagogue BS/Hate GOP propagandists know the truth, even though it's all been investigated and NOTHING. BTW, it was Monica's idea DUHHHHH. And she wasn't fat yet lol...
Progressive policies are not in the best interest of most Americans… fact
The civil rights act, a progressive policy, was absolutely in the best interest of Americans. Fact. Your statement = False
in the pbs doc i wish they had made clear that it was legal to vote, it was the poll tax that inhibited their vote.
LBJ was great because of that.

.You could not vote unless you met the requirements of the poll tax. So let's not try revising history. This things were really not so bad crap needs to go.

Conservatives can stop making this clam that what's happening to Trump is because democrats are mad at losing an election. Especially when republicans ;led by Trump tried bitherism.
Birthism is immaterial... barry was just a really shitty president. Fact

Thanks to Obama the world is now more dangerous a place than it was in 2008 and thanks to Obama the Middle East is even more fucked up than it was in 2008.
Has nothing to do with the GOP wrecking the ME for no reason, AND their corrupt world depression. Great job!
Progressive policies are not in the best interest of most Americans… fact
Yup, SS, Medicare/aid, UE, workers comp, FDIC, democracy and republic, free speech, independent judiciary etc- just horrible.
All of which our kids/grand kids have to pay for... too bad they can't afford it. Lol
...because the rich and many giant corps don't pay their fair share, dupe. Thanks GOP
who decides fair share ?
To the progressive it's the federal government, which the progressives own.
See that's the problem, there is no room for any sort of individuality and freedom in the socialist/progressive government. The federal government will not allow It... fuck socialism/globalism/progressivism…

The Leftists who push the Socialism crap, they just cannot comprehend why EVERY nation on the PLANET doesn't want to be like Venezuela and the Far Leftists aka Neo-Marxists cannot comprehend why EVERY nation on the PLANET doesn't want to be like Cuba and North Korea.

They say that Socialism allows for individuality and freedom, well it only allows for that IF you agree with the Group Think, it does not tolerate thinking outside of The Bubble or ANY differing opinions whatsoever.
There are a lot of sore losers and a lot of sore winners. one kinda is understandable the other I just don't get
The civil rights act, a progressive policy, was absolutely in the best interest of Americans. Fact. Your statement = False
in the pbs doc i wish they had made clear that it was legal to vote, it was the poll tax that inhibited their vote.
LBJ was great because of that.

.You could not vote unless you met the requirements of the poll tax. So let's not try revising history. This things were really not so bad crap needs to go.

Conservatives can stop making this clam that what's happening to Trump is because democrats are mad at losing an election. Especially when republicans ;led by Trump tried bitherism.
Birthism is immaterial... barry was just a really shitty president. Fact

Thanks to Obama the world is now more dangerous a place than it was in 2008 and thanks to Obama the Middle East is even more fucked up than it was in 2008.
Has nothing to do with the GOP wrecking the ME for no reason, AND their corrupt world depression. Great job!

Libya was fucked up by Obama and not Conservatives.

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