It has been nearly a year. Would you still vote the same way?

after a year, I think

  • It was a huge mistake voting for Johnson/stein

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Voting for Clinton embarrases me

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Snow White Hillary barely lost the electoral college by a mere 39K votes. Snow White Hillary won an historic popular vote landslide.

History will be very kind to Snow White Hillary.

History will be so brutal to the scum trump that you all will claim you never voted for him. You will treat him like you do GeeW now.

The worst failed one term president in US History will be known as The trump Error ~ the short period America went insane
Snow White Hillary?

Yeah, I can see that...

Whistle While You Whack

That's why she picked Dopey as her running mate.
So glad I voted for Trump. He was right about the swamp in DC that just wants to protect their own self interest. Hillary would have been a disaster and more of the "good 'ol boy" inside the beltway BS.
Well I didn't vote for Clinton or Trump. If I did it over I might vote Trump just so I could feel responsible for the left losing it's collective mind.

Trump is just what I expected

So you expected him to kick your Stalinist ass all over? :thup:

No I expected him to be overwhelmed by the responsibilities of the job

He is much worse than I expected

He's worse than what I expected as well. One of the things that really bothers me is that conservatives were all in a tizzy because they thought Obama was pissing on the Constitution whenever he did something.

Now? We actually have a president who is pissing all over the Constitution, and the conservatives are praising him for it. The first indication he didn't pay attention to or understand the Constitution was when he refused to divest himself of some of his properties (namely the DC hotel where foreign diplomats stay), as well as the many golf outings he's taken at his own places while he charges the government employees who have to travel with him for staying there.

Then, there was the little issue with the NFL where he was calling for the owners to fire the players because they took a knee during the anthem. Guess he forgot about the right to peaceful protest and the right to free speech. If they had done this while Obama was president, he would have said that while he may not agree with it, they have the right to free speech as provided in the Constitution.

Wonder if Trump actually paid attention to his oath of office when he said he would support and defend the Constitution, because he sure doesn't act like it.
Trump has exceeded my expectations.
Mine too, but in a negative way.

You thought the bill of rights and civil liberty would be a thing of the past by now, then Trump went and dashed all your hopes and dreams.
You know, I'm just here for fun. A lot of the time, I'm just playing devil's advocate. But Trump is the most undignified, unpresidential, chaotic person to ever hold the office. He's a walking clusterfuck. All he seems to care about is his popularity numbers. His childish tweets and feuds are ridiculous. Thank goodness he can't get anything done even when gifted with a right wing congress and supreme court. I thought Hillary would have been a bad president and didn't vote for her. I have to admit that she'd be far better than the buffoon. At least she wouldn't be a national embarrassment.

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