It appears the state has won.

When the Speaker of the House tears up a president's state of the union speech after a sham impeachment attempt along with a completely orchestrated false charge of sedition involving a foreign enemy and then preside over a rigged election, why on Earth would American citizens storm the nation's Capitol?

Shouldn't the the 75 million people who voted for Trump have just walked away like whipped slaves? What was the matter with these people?
They don't understand the dynamic yet.....
But democrats set a new high (low) standard and precedent for corruption.

When a State is led by the corrupt and chosen by corrupt processes, freedom ceases to exist and only bad things can come next.

ANYONE celebrating Biden's victory is in for a shocking awakening sooner or later.
Then again, many adore wearing the Chains of a Communist State.
It means they never have to think for themselves.
When talking about corrupt processes you mean being able to vote, those votes being counted by people of both parties, those result being able to be contested both by recounts and if necessary by the courts, where they're ruled upon by judges again of both parties, after which the individual states certify those results?

I wonder what process would be more to your liking? Is it a process where only you amd those who share your ideology can vote? Or is it one where you can simply disregard voting altogether and the president simply being appointed by... well the president I guess?

Feel free to give a precise answer to what you would consider a non corrupt process?

If you really believe our system is not corrupt.........from the election halls all the way up to the SCOTUS. that's your ignorance and no one elses.

And your approval of the November elections is all the proof needed to understand your extreme bias.

I'm not going to re list all the fraudulent ways the Left cheated on this election. But they are MANY.
put away your tin foil bias hat and look for them.
HINT: investigate the methodology of the 5 swing states during the election. PURE FRAUD

Here, this man explains it from a LEGAL point of view
The question is how many imbeciles will dismiss it simply because of their ignorance and unwillingness to know the TRUTH ??

And that fact is crystal clear in the minds of a rational thinker, that does not seem to help or matter.

They are ---- In the words of Barbra Streisand from the song "The Way we Were" ---- "That which is too painful to remember, we simply choose to forget."
The government won a long time ago. It has been over. You can't beat them.

Actually it was Big Business that won a long time ago. They got big enough to buy governments out from under the people. Big Business has the ability to develop the most powerful algorithms for analyzing how to use a population for profit. And they also have the ability to put those same tools to task in influencing voters, votes...and most of all the media which influences them. The media which creates this phony polarity of left vs right, white vs black, conservative vs liberal...not to mention all the other little opposites which have been hopelessly attached to political parties to create division WITHIN political parties and other groups!

100's of years ago there was already globalism in the form of the East India Company, etc, which sought to exploit and incorporate other lands for their resources and virtual slave labor. You may argue that said countries benefitted from being let in on the profits....but they did not do so by their own industry, they did so by becoming gofers for the big boys of global business. Today we see (or shall I say most of us DON'T see?) that the globalists have united into their self-described New World Order. They have risen above flags and nations to develop their own global shadow government which is really just an alliance of extremely rich people. If one looks back at the caste system in place 100's of years ago, royal families and rich nobility were already conspiring to keep their bloodlines pure, swapping children amongst their dynasties spread over 1000's of miles.

What we have today is the result of that. It has reached critical mass. They control EVERYTHING, even that which they don't legally own....which goes to show that private ownership and democracy have become a mere Reality Show. These 1% are our landlords no matter what. There is a pyramid of servitude not unlike what was seen in most of the ancient empires all the way through to recent history, and they have a system for making sure only those who can handle new levels of secrecy about it all are able to move up.

This battle left vs right we've all been pulled into is nothing but a game imposed on us by the 1%. We are dealing collectivist capitalists. Corporations and the people who sit in their highest offices. They are ones who pull all the strings of the world today. And we are all the herd, at varying levels which empower them and make them rich with our appetites, needs and very existence.
In the end....The truth won

Biden won the election
In the end, the swamp fraudulently stole the election------don't think for a moment that we haven't noticed.

Your side lost

Yesterday demonstrated what low class losers they are

Antifa had a head start on violence several years ago now. Don't think we haven't noticed that either. And don't think for second that we believe that the storming of the capitol didn't happen because "someones" within LET it happen so they could get it on film for their anti-trump propaganda. There are right wing and left wing extremists who both exploited by the media to make examples of the other side.
In the end....The truth won

Biden won the election
In the end, the swamp fraudulently stole the election------don't think for a moment that we haven't noticed.

Your side lost

Yesterday demonstrated what low class losers they are

Antifa had a head start on violence several years ago now. Don't think we haven't noticed that either. And don't think for second that we believe that the storming of the capitol didn't happen because "someones" within LET it happen so they could get it on film for their anti-trump propaganda. There are right wing and left wing extremists who both exploited by the media to make examples of the other side.
Save it

I’m done placating RW fantasies

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