Israel’s plan to secretly fund pro-Israel groups in the U.S.

Yeah they are. And getting away with it for so long. The recent Beirut bombing was them. Followed up with more Gaza bombings. You know that US taxpayers unknowingly give $10 million a day to those dirt bags.

I don't have a problem with the people of Israel (or any country), as long as they're not complicit in crimes against humanity. I don't know what the average of Israeli's are, 50/50? There are gangs of bloodthirsty Israeli "settlers."

I'm more concerned with their political lobby infiltrating state governments and functioning in synergy with lawmakers to undermine our 1st amendment and tell us what we can and can't say and whatnot. Stuff like that.

They can blow each other sky high so far as I care, so long as they keep it over there and I don't get stuck with the bill. Their squabbles are none of my business.
If Israel's offensive operations against Palestine continue, their stronghold on US policy will grow. I put 'Free Palestine' stickers on my truck when I heard about them trying to influence my 1A rights.
As if the AIPAC virus wasn't enough, Israel is even more blatant in defiance of US Law. Behind backs, bribing, favors, vacations for US politicians, trying to influence US Law, probably some blackmail, extortion, theft and murders in there... is nothing new. But now that the FARA offices are closed, Israeli zionist's can operate in the open, sucking US taxpayers dry for their endgame of Palestinian genocide.

The Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) offices are closed "due to health concerns regarding COVID-19." How convenient.

I donate to several pro-Israel groups and nobody is bribing or forcing me so sue me.
They probably own Billy Bob's by now. How about some bbq motzah balls.

You'd be thinking different if invaders from another country tried to demolish, evict, rape and murder Texans. That's what Israel is doing to Palestine beginning 1948.

That's a load of poppycock.
OK, why... do you support Israel?
As if the AIPAC virus wasn't enough, Israel is even more blatant in defiance of US Law. Behind backs, bribing, favors, vacations for US politicians, trying to influence US Law, probably some blackmail, extortion, theft and murders in there... is nothing new. But now that the FARA offices are closed, Israeli zionist's can operate in the open, sucking US taxpayers dry for their endgame of Palestinian genocide.

The Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) offices are closed "due to health concerns regarding COVID-19." How convenient.

I donate to several pro-Israel groups and nobody is bribing or forcing me so sue me.
They probably own Billy Bob's by now. How about some bbq motzah balls.

You'd be thinking different if invaders from another country tried to demolish, evict, rape and murder Texans. That's what Israel is doing to Palestine beginning 1948.

That's a load of poppycock.
OK, why... do you support Israel?
Check out the 7 letter word under my avatar and name.
As if the AIPAC virus wasn't enough, Israel is even more blatant in defiance of US Law. Behind backs, bribing, favors, vacations for US politicians, trying to influence US Law, probably some blackmail, extortion, theft and murders in there... is nothing new. But now that the FARA offices are closed, Israeli zionist's can operate in the open, sucking US taxpayers dry for their endgame of Palestinian genocide.

The Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) offices are closed "due to health concerns regarding COVID-19." How convenient.

I donate to several pro-Israel groups and nobody is bribing or forcing me so sue me.
They probably own Billy Bob's by now. How about some bbq motzah balls.

You'd be thinking different if invaders from another country tried to demolish, evict, rape and murder Texans. That's what Israel is doing to Palestine beginning 1948.

That's a load of poppycock.
OK, why... do you support Israel?
Check out the 7 letter word under my avatar and name.
And so what? What made you a 'zionut'? it's six letters btw. Are you a "Christian zionist?" Jewish?
As if the AIPAC virus wasn't enough, Israel is even more blatant in defiance of US Law. Behind backs, bribing, favors, vacations for US politicians, trying to influence US Law, probably some blackmail, extortion, theft and murders in there... is nothing new. But now that the FARA offices are closed, Israeli zionist's can operate in the open, sucking US taxpayers dry for their endgame of Palestinian genocide.

The Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) offices are closed "due to health concerns regarding COVID-19." How convenient.

I donate to several pro-Israel groups and nobody is bribing or forcing me so sue me.
They probably own Billy Bob's by now. How about some bbq motzah balls.

You'd be thinking different if invaders from another country tried to demolish, evict, rape and murder Texans. That's what Israel is doing to Palestine beginning 1948.

That's a load of poppycock.
OK, why... do you support Israel?
Check out the 7 letter word under my avatar and name.
And so what? What made you a 'zionut'? it's six letters btw. Are you a "Christian zionist?" Jewish?

No religion. I'm a Hossflyologist.
Yeah they are. And getting away with it for so long. The recent Beirut bombing was them. Followed up with more Gaza bombings. You know that US taxpayers unknowingly give $10 million a day to those dirt bags.

I don't have a problem with the people of Israel (or any country), as long as they're not complicit in crimes against humanity. I don't know what the average of Israeli's are, 50/50? There are gangs of bloodthirsty Israeli "settlers."

I'm more concerned with their political lobby infiltrating state governments and functioning in synergy with lawmakers to undermine our 1st amendment and tell us what we can and can't say and whatnot. Stuff like that.

They can blow each other sky high so far as I care, so long as they keep it over there and I don't get stuck with the bill. Their squabbles are none of my business.
If Israel's offensive operations against Palestine continue, their stronghold on US policy will grow. I put 'Free Palestine' stickers on my truck when I heard about them trying to influence my 1A rights.

If Israel's offensive operations against Palestine continue

Palestine? What that?
Yeah they are. And getting away with it for so long. The recent Beirut bombing was them. Followed up with more Gaza bombings. You know that US taxpayers unknowingly give $10 million a day to those dirt bags.

I don't have a problem with the people of Israel (or any country), as long as they're not complicit in crimes against humanity. I don't know what the average of Israeli's are, 50/50? There are gangs of bloodthirsty Israeli "settlers."

I'm more concerned with their political lobby infiltrating state governments and functioning in synergy with lawmakers to undermine our 1st amendment and tell us what we can and can't say and whatnot. Stuff like that.

They can blow each other sky high so far as I care, so long as they keep it over there and I don't get stuck with the bill. Their squabbles are none of my business.
If Israel's offensive operations against Palestine continue, their stronghold on US policy will grow. I put 'Free Palestine' stickers on my truck when I heard about them trying to influence my 1A rights.

If Israel's offensive operations against Palestine continue

Palestine? What that?
Here find it yourself.
31°56'50.46" N 35°13'37.79" E


  • palestine_map_19225_2469.jpg
    239.6 KB · Views: 27
Yeah they are. And getting away with it for so long. The recent Beirut bombing was them. Followed up with more Gaza bombings. You know that US taxpayers unknowingly give $10 million a day to those dirt bags.

I don't have a problem with the people of Israel (or any country), as long as they're not complicit in crimes against humanity. I don't know what the average of Israeli's are, 50/50? There are gangs of bloodthirsty Israeli "settlers."

I'm more concerned with their political lobby infiltrating state governments and functioning in synergy with lawmakers to undermine our 1st amendment and tell us what we can and can't say and whatnot. Stuff like that.

They can blow each other sky high so far as I care, so long as they keep it over there and I don't get stuck with the bill. Their squabbles are none of my business.
If Israel's offensive operations against Palestine continue, their stronghold on US policy will grow. I put 'Free Palestine' stickers on my truck when I heard about them trying to influence my 1A rights.

If Israel's offensive operations against Palestine continue

Palestine? What that?
Here find it yourself.
31°56'50.46" N 35°13'37.79" E

Thanks for the funny maps.
There was no country of Palestine in 1917. Or today.
Yeah they are. And getting away with it for so long. The recent Beirut bombing was them. Followed up with more Gaza bombings. You know that US taxpayers unknowingly give $10 million a day to those dirt bags.

I don't have a problem with the people of Israel (or any country), as long as they're not complicit in crimes against humanity. I don't know what the average of Israeli's are, 50/50? There are gangs of bloodthirsty Israeli "settlers."

I'm more concerned with their political lobby infiltrating state governments and functioning in synergy with lawmakers to undermine our 1st amendment and tell us what we can and can't say and whatnot. Stuff like that.

They can blow each other sky high so far as I care, so long as they keep it over there and I don't get stuck with the bill. Their squabbles are none of my business.
If Israel's offensive operations against Palestine continue, their stronghold on US policy will grow. I put 'Free Palestine' stickers on my truck when I heard about them trying to influence my 1A rights.

If Israel's offensive operations against Palestine continue

Palestine? What that?
Here find it yourself.
31°56'50.46" N 35°13'37.79" E

Thanks for the funny maps.
There was no country of Palestine in 1917. Or today.
Palestine and Palestinians existed long before Jewish diaspora of Europe amassed in their country. It was and is the db zionist plan of ethnic cleansing dating from the late 1800s but really began in 1948. You are complicit in the rewriting of History. Get the hell out of here.
The Palestinians will never give up. Fake Jews of "Israel" have already lost.
Palestine and Palestinians existed long before Jewish diaspora of Europe amassed in their country.

When did this country exist? What was their currency?

It was and is the db zionist plan of ethnic cleansing dating from the late 1800s but really began in 1948.

Ethnic cleansing? More of those pesky Arabs today than ever before.

The Palestinians will never give up.

You mean the Arabs? Before that gay Egyptian guy invented Palestinians.

Fake Jews of "Israel" have already lost.

Meanwhile, in the real world, fake Palestine keeps getting smaller.
When did this country exist? What was their currency?
"Browsing Ancient Coinage of Samaria (Palestine)"

Meanwhile, in the real world, fake Palestine keeps getting smaller.
"The Palestinian population in Palestine is growing at about 2.4% per year, which is 33% higher than Israel's growth rate."

Your comments have no basis in reality.
When did this country exist? What was their currency?
"Browsing Ancient Coinage of Samaria (Palestine)"

Meanwhile, in the real world, fake Palestine keeps getting smaller.
"The Palestinian population in Palestine is growing at about 2.4% per year, which is 33% higher than Israel's growth rate."

Your comments have no basis in reality.

Now Samaria is Palestine? LOL!
Get the fuck out of here.

"The Palestinian population in Palestine is growing at about 2.4% per year,

And yet, their territory keeps shrinking.
When did this country exist? What was their currency?
"Browsing Ancient Coinage of Samaria (Palestine)"

Meanwhile, in the real world, fake Palestine keeps getting smaller.
"The Palestinian population in Palestine is growing at about 2.4% per year, which is 33% higher than Israel's growth rate."

Your comments have no basis in reality.

Even your fake map agrees.

Now Samaria is Palestine? LOL!
For anyone who is not obtuse...
The word Palestine derives from Philistia, the name given by Greek writers to the land of the Philistines, who in the 12th century bce occupied a small pocket of land on the southern coast, between modern Tel Aviv–Yafo and Gaza. The name was revived by the Romans in the 2nd century ce in “Syria Palaestina,” designating the southern portion of the province of Syria, and made its way thence into Arabic, where it has been used to describe the region at least since the early Islamic era.
And yet, their territory keeps shrinking.
And yet, they're still standing in it.

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