Israeli tries hard to avoid collateral damage with IRON STING

christians, Muslims, Jews

I guess it’s the first word sometimes when you talk like that into the program.
I use the voice application program and it automatically does That sometimes.


That time It did not,

jews, Christian, Muslims

It just did it right there though

We all know there’s bad people on both sides of the conflict. And I’ve seen pro Israel people here refused to condemn this guy

I condemn Hamas

Do you condemn Goldstein?
Never heard of him, but I assume in the antisemitic sites you frequent he’s come up.

And are you comparing what I assume is one bad Jew to an entire army of barbaric, savage Muslim terrorists who tortured 1400 Jewish men, women, children, and babies to death?
Never heard of him, but I assume in the antisemitic sites you frequent he’s come up.

And are you comparing what I assume is one bad Jew to an entire army of barbaric, savage Muslim terrorists who tortured 1400 Jewish men, women, children, and babies to death?
That’s uncalled for Lisa.

I said, probably 100 times how much I respect the Soviet an American Jews, who fought against the Germans in World War II

this issue goes back decades, and there’s millions of people on both sides. Common sense tells us there’s going to be bad players on both sides. I’m neutral here. It seems like you are vehemently against Palestine

Im not against Israel
And stop with the “bad people on both sides” shit. Jews are delaying their invasion to allow Jew-hating Muslims to escape, while Muslim terrorists set Jewish children on fire and cut off the heads of infants with a kitchen knife.

No comparison.
It’s gotten really bad since the Muslim terrorist attack on innocent Jews.
I wonder what has happened to my country.

Jews are slaughtered by Nazi-inspired genocidal maniacs, and people come out right in left to support the killers. This site, then comes out very strongly in favor of those people.

For the first week or so after the attack, it looked as USMB was staying pretty neutral, but now it is coming on like gangbusters to set the narrative,
That’s uncalled for Lisa.

I said, probably 100 times how much I respect the Soviet an American Jews, who fought against the Germans in World War II

this issue goes back decades, and there’s millions of people on both sides. Common sense tells us there’s going to be bad players on both sides. I’m neutral here. It seems like you are vehemently against Palestinians

Translation: "Let me spew my anti Israel crap and be nice to me"

That’s uncalled for Lisa.

I said, probably 100 times how much I respect the Soviet an American Jews, who fought against the Germans in World War II

this issue goes back decades, and there’s millions of people on both sides. Common sense tells us there’s going to be bad players on both sides. I’m neutral here. It seems like you are vehemently against Palestine

Im not against Israel
You’re not neutral.

And there’s no country called Palestine. But yes, I do hate Muslims who teach their children to want to kill Jews, and get paid if they sacrifice their child with a suicide bomb.
That’s uncalled for Lisa.

I said, probably 100 times how much I respect the Soviet an American Jews, who fought against the Germans in World War II

this issue goes back decades, and there’s millions of people on both sides. Common sense tells us there’s going to be bad players on both sides. I’m neutral here. It seems like you are vehemently against Palestine

Im not against Israel
If you were actually neutral, your threads would not all be trying to cast Israel as uniquely perfidious by finding extremely rare examples that you offer as a false moral equivalence to what they just experienced.

Anybody with a three-digit IQ can see through the act.
I wonder what has happened to my country.

Jews are slaughtered by Nazi-inspired genocidal maniacs, and people come out right in left to support the killers. This site, then comes out very strongly in favor of those people.

For the first week or so after the attack, it looked as USMB was staying pretty neutral, but now it is coming on like gangbusters to set the narrative,
It’s enough to make me throw up.

USMB are defending the Nazi-type killers, and vilifying the Jews. It’s like Bizarro World. When I think of that pregnant woman who had her baby cut out of her womb, only to have its head cut off with the umbilical cord still attached, and then beheaded herself….or the burned bodies of family members whose charred bodies were found clinging to each other as their agony yielded to death… infants whose heads were cut off with a rudimentary knife….well, again, I could just throw up.

And what happens? People come out of the woodwork, spewing their antisemitic venom. Even posters I thought were decent are doing it. It’s like people have become possessed by the devil.
If you were actually neutral, your threads would not all be trying to cast Israel as uniquely perfidious by finding extremely rare examples that you offer as a false moral equivalence to what they just experienced.

Anybody with a three-digit IQ can see through the act.
Yes, apparently he searched high and low to find a Jew who must be terrible - something Goldstein - as if to say that Jews are just as bad as an army of Muslim savages who set Jewish toddlers on fire.
Yeah Right! i wouldn't like to see what this scene would look like if they were trying to avoid collateral damage you sad individual.
View attachment 847034
Hi fuckstick.

I realize you’re blinded by hate and being a dipshit libturd. But try to follow along.

My OP linked to a story about a new development in weaponry. Israel obtained it and is deploying it.

Note the word “new.” You moron. I don’t recall claiming that they have always done this. I don’t know of any way — in the past — where any nation fighting the kind of savage enemies Israel faces all the time could have survived by waging war in the utopian fashion you scumbags demand.
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I was just thread banned from the thread about Jewish babies being beheaded and so was another poster sympathetic to the victims instead of the peps.

The moderator present in that thread claimed it was all an IDF false flag operation. There were no messages received about these thread bans, though, as it was done in secret.

As it always does, the site is now exercising editorial control over the subject.
Link to thread? Hehehehe
I got your substance. 4,500 Palestinians killed. A child dying every 15 minutes. How many Hamas fighters killed? The IDF is the biggest bunch of pussies that ever walked the earth. Bombing Gaza? Man the fuck up and go in, house to house. But oh hell no, them bunch of panty waste have to "soften the target". The IDF ain't good for nothing but harassing women and attacking kids. Again, how many soldiers did they send to Iraq or Afghanistan? ZERO, ZIPSHIT, bunch of damn pussies. The thought of fighting real men, real soldiers, the IDF actually shits in their pants.

So much for “avoiding collateral damage “ huh?
It's war they wanted, fucktards. And it's war they are going to get.
It’s enough to make me throw up.

USMB are defending the Nazi-type killers, and vilifying the Jews. It’s like Bizarro World. When I think of that pregnant woman who had her baby cut out of her womb, only to have its head cut off with the umbilical cord still attached, and then beheaded herself….or the burned bodies of family members whose charred bodies were found clinging to each other as their agony yielded to death… infants whose heads were cut off with a rudimentary knife….well, again, I could just throw up.

And what happens? People come out of the woodwork, spewing their antisemitic venom. Even posters I thought were decent are doing it. It’s like people have become possessed by the devil.
USMB believes it is all a Jewish false flag operations.
I have locked this thread to clean out violations of forum complaints about moderation, and trolling.

Once unlocked, any further violations, trolling and derailing will result in a thread ban.

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