Israeli Prime minsister meeting with Saudi Saudi Arabia.....MAGA, thank you President Trump.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Well...hopefully the peace that President Trump has helped initiate in the middle east will hold, but doubtful since China puppet, joe biden, is likely putting billions of dollars in cash on pallets to deliver to Iran. They will then use that money to murder innocent people around the middle east, including U.S. military members..........

Hopefully, the work Trump has done will be enough to see the responsible muslim countries to keep the peace going with Israel to counter the biden/iran pact....

Well...hopefully the peace that President Trump has helped initiate in the middle east will hold, but doubtful since China puppet, joe biden, is likely putting billions of dollars in cash on pallets to deliver to Iran. They will then use that money to murder innocent people around the middle east, including U.S. military members..........

Hopefully, the work Trump has done will be enough to see the responsible muslim countries to keep the peace going with Israel to counter the biden/iran pact....

It will be the 2 of them against Iran. It was Iran's money.

I hope Biden gets us in the Iran deal again.
On the meeting...

President Trump is one of the most consequential presidents in American history.

He accomplished great good under constant attack, including from enemies at the FBI, the CIA, and the National Security Council from day 1 of his administration. I am referring to the Russia hoax, of course, and to the related impeachment hoax, but there is much more.

It turns out that Trump’s diplomacy has unleashed previously unthinkable progress toward peace in the Middle East. The contrast with the Obama administration on this score could not be more striking. Obama aligned the United States with the “Death to America” folks running the Iranian regime and financing terrorism around the world. Indeed, Obama chipped in a fortune to support them.

I didn't think the Crown Prince would normalize relations while his father was alive but maybe i am wrong.
Well...hopefully the peace that President Trump has helped initiate in the middle east will hold, but doubtful since China puppet, joe biden, is likely putting billions of dollars in cash on pallets to deliver to Iran. They will then use that money to murder innocent people around the middle east, including U.S. military members..........

Hopefully, the work Trump has done will be enough to see the responsible muslim countries to keep the peace going with Israel to counter the biden/iran pact....

It will be the 2 of them against Iran. It was Iran's money.

Moron, you don't give the worlds leading sponsor of state terrorism 150 billion dollars in cash so they can get around banking laws to give money to their terrorist groups and militias......groups that are murdering innocent people around the middle east and American doofus.......

And yet obama and biden did just that...supplying these terrorists with the bombs and bullets they used to murder American soldiers.....
Well...hopefully the peace that President Trump has helped initiate in the middle east will hold, but doubtful since China puppet, joe biden, is likely putting billions of dollars in cash on pallets to deliver to Iran. They will then use that money to murder innocent people around the middle east, including U.S. military members..........

Hopefully, the work Trump has done will be enough to see the responsible muslim countries to keep the peace going with Israel to counter the biden/iran pact....

It will be the 2 of them against Iran. It was Iran's money.

Moron, you don't give the worlds leading sponsor of state terrorism 150 billion dollars in cash so they can get around banking laws to give money to their terrorist groups and militias......groups that are murdering innocent people around the middle east and American doofus.......

And yet obama and biden did just that...supplying these terrorists with the bombs and bullets they used to murder American soldiers.....

THE FACTS: It’s the kind of deal that did not actually take place.

When Iran signed the multinational deal to restrain its nuclear development in return for being freed from sanctions, it regained access to its own assets, which had been frozen abroad. There was no $150 billion gift from the U.S. treasury or other countries. Iran was allowed to get its money back.

The $1.8 billion refers to a separate matter, also misstated by the president going back to before the 2016 election.

A payout of roughly that amount did come from the U.S. treasury. It was to pay an old IOU.

In the 1970s, Iran paid the U.S. $400 million for military equipment that was never delivered because the government was overthrown and diplomatic relations ruptured. After the nuclear deal, the U.S. and Iran announced they had settled the matter, with the U.S. agreeing to pay the $400 million principal along with about $1.3 billion in interest.
AP FACT CHECK: Trump's mistold tale of Obama and Iran (

You can believe all lies if you want. You have every right to believe what ever you want, even lies.
Well...hopefully the peace that President Trump has helped initiate in the middle east will hold, but doubtful since China puppet, joe biden, is likely putting billions of dollars in cash on pallets to deliver to Iran. They will then use that money to murder innocent people around the middle east, including U.S. military members..........

Hopefully, the work Trump has done will be enough to see the responsible muslim countries to keep the peace going with Israel to counter the biden/iran pact....

It will be the 2 of them against Iran. It was Iran's money.

Moron, you don't give the worlds leading sponsor of state terrorism 150 billion dollars in cash so they can get around banking laws to give money to their terrorist groups and militias......groups that are murdering innocent people around the middle east and American doofus.......

And yet obama and biden did just that...supplying these terrorists with the bombs and bullets they used to murder American soldiers.....

THE FACTS: It’s the kind of deal that did not actually take place.

When Iran signed the multinational deal to restrain its nuclear development in return for being freed from sanctions, it regained access to its own assets, which had been frozen abroad. There was no $150 billion gift from the U.S. treasury or other countries. Iran was allowed to get its money back.

The $1.8 billion refers to a separate matter, also misstated by the president going back to before the 2016 election.

A payout of roughly that amount did come from the U.S. treasury. It was to pay an old IOU.

In the 1970s, Iran paid the U.S. $400 million for military equipment that was never delivered because the government was overthrown and diplomatic relations ruptured. After the nuclear deal, the U.S. and Iran announced they had settled the matter, with the U.S. agreeing to pay the $400 million principal along with about $1.3 billion in interest.
AP FACT CHECK: Trump's mistold tale of Obama and Iran (

You can believe all lies if you want. You have every right to believe what ever you want, even lies.

Again, you moron.....what part of not giving a terrorist state killing American soldiers 150 billion dollars in easily moved cash is so hard for you to get into your tiny brain?

You do not give them 150 billion dollars in cash........
Trade with all, ally with none- words of wisdom from wise men- in the west.
Well...hopefully the peace that President Trump has helped initiate in the middle east will hold, but doubtful since China puppet, joe biden, is likely putting billions of dollars in cash on pallets to deliver to Iran. They will then use that money to murder innocent people around the middle east, including U.S. military members..........

Hopefully, the work Trump has done will be enough to see the responsible muslim countries to keep the peace going with Israel to counter the biden/iran pact....

It will be the 2 of them against Iran. It was Iran's money.

Moron, you don't give the worlds leading sponsor of state terrorism 150 billion dollars in cash so they can get around banking laws to give money to their terrorist groups and militias......groups that are murdering innocent people around the middle east and American doofus.......

And yet obama and biden did just that...supplying these terrorists with the bombs and bullets they used to murder American soldiers.....

THE FACTS: It’s the kind of deal that did not actually take place.

When Iran signed the multinational deal to restrain its nuclear development in return for being freed from sanctions, it regained access to its own assets, which had been frozen abroad. There was no $150 billion gift from the U.S. treasury or other countries. Iran was allowed to get its money back.

The $1.8 billion refers to a separate matter, also misstated by the president going back to before the 2016 election.

A payout of roughly that amount did come from the U.S. treasury. It was to pay an old IOU.

In the 1970s, Iran paid the U.S. $400 million for military equipment that was never delivered because the government was overthrown and diplomatic relations ruptured. After the nuclear deal, the U.S. and Iran announced they had settled the matter, with the U.S. agreeing to pay the $400 million principal along with about $1.3 billion in interest.
AP FACT CHECK: Trump's mistold tale of Obama and Iran (

You can believe all lies if you want. You have every right to believe what ever you want, even lies.

Again, you moron.....what part of not giving a terrorist state killing American soldiers 150 billion dollars in easily moved cash is so hard for you to get into your tiny brain?

You do not give them 150 billion dollars in cash........
They didn't.

The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) is a detailed, 159-page agreement with five annexes reached by Iran and the P5+1 (China France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States) on July 14, 2015.
The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) at a Glance | Arms Control Association

Expect Israel and SA to attack Iran, they will do preemptive strike. Also the USA will get involved, anything for Israel.
Well...hopefully the peace that President Trump has helped initiate in the middle east will hold, but doubtful since China puppet, joe biden, is likely putting billions of dollars in cash on pallets to deliver to Iran. They will then use that money to murder innocent people around the middle east, including U.S. military members..........

Hopefully, the work Trump has done will be enough to see the responsible muslim countries to keep the peace going with Israel to counter the biden/iran pact....

It will be the 2 of them against Iran. It was Iran's money.

Moron, you don't give the worlds leading sponsor of state terrorism 150 billion dollars in cash so they can get around banking laws to give money to their terrorist groups and militias......groups that are murdering innocent people around the middle east and American doofus.......

And yet obama and biden did just that...supplying these terrorists with the bombs and bullets they used to murder American soldiers.....

THE FACTS: It’s the kind of deal that did not actually take place.

When Iran signed the multinational deal to restrain its nuclear development in return for being freed from sanctions, it regained access to its own assets, which had been frozen abroad. There was no $150 billion gift from the U.S. treasury or other countries. Iran was allowed to get its money back.

The $1.8 billion refers to a separate matter, also misstated by the president going back to before the 2016 election.

A payout of roughly that amount did come from the U.S. treasury. It was to pay an old IOU.

In the 1970s, Iran paid the U.S. $400 million for military equipment that was never delivered because the government was overthrown and diplomatic relations ruptured. After the nuclear deal, the U.S. and Iran announced they had settled the matter, with the U.S. agreeing to pay the $400 million principal along with about $1.3 billion in interest.
AP FACT CHECK: Trump's mistold tale of Obama and Iran (

You can believe all lies if you want. You have every right to believe what ever you want, even lies.

Again, you moron.....what part of not giving a terrorist state killing American soldiers 150 billion dollars in easily moved cash is so hard for you to get into your tiny brain?

You do not give them 150 billion dollars in cash........
They didn't.

The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) is a detailed, 159-page agreement with five annexes reached by Iran and the P5+1 (China France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States) on July 14, 2015.
The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) at a Glance | Arms Control Association

Expect Israel and SA to attack Iran, they will do preemptive strike. Also the USA will get involved, anything for Israel.
Biden has chosen Antony J. Blinken as Sec. of State if the cheater wins. So does are policy towards Israel change? Will Iran become so called most favored nation? Blinken is Jewish. Will he sell out Israel? Israel may be a bit concerned.
Well...hopefully the peace that President Trump has helped initiate in the middle east will hold, but doubtful since China puppet, joe biden, is likely putting billions of dollars in cash on pallets to deliver to Iran. They will then use that money to murder innocent people around the middle east, including U.S. military members..........

Hopefully, the work Trump has done will be enough to see the responsible muslim countries to keep the peace going with Israel to counter the biden/iran pact....

One brutal, lawless, and authoritarian regime meets with another brutal, lawless, and authoritarian regime – not much of an ‘accomplishment.’

Trump doesn’t merit ‘thanks’ for coddling dictators and appeasing oppressive governments.
Well...hopefully the peace that President Trump has helped initiate in the middle east will hold, but doubtful since China puppet, joe biden, is likely putting billions of dollars in cash on pallets to deliver to Iran. They will then use that money to murder innocent people around the middle east, including U.S. military members..........

Hopefully, the work Trump has done will be enough to see the responsible muslim countries to keep the peace going with Israel to counter the biden/iran pact....

One brutal, lawless, and authoritarian regime meets with another brutal, lawless, and authoritarian regime – not much of an ‘accomplishment.’

Trump doesn’t merit ‘thanks’ for coddling dictators and appeasing oppressive governments.

How is Israel Authoritarian....? Are you really this stupid...of all the countries in the middle east, Israel is the most open and accepting of muslims...considering how many muslims in the region want to commit genocide against them....they have muslims in the Israeli dumb ass

There have been Israeli Arab members of the Knesset ever since the first Knesset elections in 1949. The following is a list of the 86 past and present members. Some Israeli Druze dispute the label "Arab" and consider Druze to be a separate ethnic group. However, as they speak Arabic as their first language they are still included in this list.

If the Israeli government was authoritarian i would know. I live here. Try protesting in Iran or Iraq or Syria or any other country in this region the way Israelis protest and see what happens. We are a democracy and our political debates are as crazy as American ones.
If the Israeli government was authoritarian i would know. I live here. Try protesting in Iran or Iraq or Syria or any other country in this region the way Israelis protest and see what happens. We are a democracy and our political debates are as crazy as American ones.

Only morons call Israel authoritarian or apartheid.....they are blind, and simply hate the Jewish people....
Well...hopefully the peace that President Trump has helped initiate in the middle east will hold, but doubtful since China puppet, joe biden, is likely putting billions of dollars in cash on pallets to deliver to Iran. They will then use that money to murder innocent people around the middle east, including U.S. military members..........

Hopefully, the work Trump has done will be enough to see the responsible muslim countries to keep the peace going with Israel to counter the biden/iran pact....

One brutal, lawless, and authoritarian regime meets with another brutal, lawless, and authoritarian regime – not much of an ‘accomplishment.’

Trump doesn’t merit ‘thanks’ for coddling dictators and appeasing oppressive governments.

How is Israel Authoritarian....? Are you really this stupid...of all the countries in the middle east, Israel is the most open and accepting of muslims...considering how many muslims in the region want to commit genocide against them....they have muslims in the Israeli dumb ass

There have been Israeli Arab members of the Knesset ever since the first Knesset elections in 1949. The following is a list of the 86 past and present members. Some Israeli Druze dispute the label "Arab" and consider Druze to be a separate ethnic group. However, as they speak Arabic as their first language they are still included in this list.


I see they list Christian in that as well!!
If the Israeli government was authoritarian i would know. I live here. Try protesting in Iran or Iraq or Syria or any other country in this region the way Israelis protest and see what happens. We are a democracy and our political debates are as crazy as American ones.

Only morons call Israel authoritarian or apartheid.....they are blind, and simply hate the Jewish people....

Netanyahu stands trial on charges of bribery, fraud and breach of trust (

The PM is corrupt just like our Potus. Nothing came of it, just like our Potus.

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