Israeli forces shoot unarmed protesters from across Gaza security fence, killing at least 15

Technically, the Arab Palestine did not exist in the sense of a competent government. Therefore, technically, they cannot be considered defeated.
Indeed, but Israel's attacks on the Palestinians continue.

What we're seeing is precisely the opposite of your ill-informed banter.

It is Arabs-Moslems who are instigating hostilities. Does the prayer leader at your madrassah write the nonsense you cut and paste?
I just don’t understand how anyone can call this an attack on pals. I don’t think any of the posters here are stupid enough to believe that, therefore it’s deliberate lying. Why they bother when anyone with two brain cells to rub together can see exactly what has happened here, with Hamas again using people and their deaths for propaganda purposes, is also beyond me <sigh>
It is Arabs-Moslems who are instigating hostilities.

And the Palestinian who was shot BEFORE the march whilst working on his land?

Ah, the IDF didn't like the way he was digging I guess!

Whilst you have personal knowledge of the facts surrounding that event, please share those facts.
Israel has a long history in shooting at unarmed farmers. There is no reason to believe that Israel is not doing it again.
It is Arabs-Moslems who are instigating hostilities.

And the Palestinian who was shot BEFORE the march whilst working on his land?

Ah, the IDF didn't like the way he was digging I guess!

Whilst you have personal knowledge of the facts surrounding that event, please share those facts.
Israel has a long history in shooting at unarmed farmers. There is no reason to believe that Israel is not doing it again.

I understand your long history of Jew hatreds which is why your unsupported claims are not taken seriously.
It is Arabs-Moslems who are instigating hostilities.

And the Palestinian who was shot BEFORE the march whilst working on his land?

Ah, the IDF didn't like the way he was digging I guess!

Whilst you have personal knowledge of the facts surrounding that event, please share those facts.
Israel has a long history in shooting at unarmed farmers. There is no reason to believe that Israel is not doing it again.

I understand your long history of Jew hatreds which is why your unsupported claims are not taken seriously.
israel shoots farmer - Google Search
It is Arabs-Moslems who are instigating hostilities.

And the Palestinian who was shot BEFORE the march whilst working on his land?

Ah, the IDF didn't like the way he was digging I guess!

Whilst you have personal knowledge of the facts surrounding that event, please share those facts.
Israel has a long history in shooting at unarmed farmers. There is no reason to believe that Israel is not doing it again.

I understand your long history of Jew hatreds which is why your unsupported claims are not taken seriously.
israel shoots farmer - Google Search

Palestinian farmer in Gaza killed by Israeli army

Mar 3, 2018 · Mohammed Atta Abdel Mawla was killed by Israeli forces in the besieged Gaza Strip after he allegedly entered a 'forbidden zone'.
Israel has a long history in shooting at unarmed farmers. There is no reason to believe that Israel is not doing it again.

And, of course, there is no history at all of Palestinians using violence. /sarcasm
Gee whiz. Those poor, misunderstood “Peaceful Inner Strugglers™️

Israel Highlights Armed Assaults by Palestinian Terror Groups During Gaza Border Protest

Israel has continued to push back firmly against Palestinian claims that the IDF used excessive force after a protest march on the Gaza-Israel border last Friday turned violent, stressing that terrorist groups had deliberately provoked a confrontation.

On Monday, the Palestinian Health Ministry claimed that the death of a 29-year-old demonstrator raised the Palestinian toll to 18 killed and more than 700 wounded. Israel has pointed out that at least ten of those killed were members of terrorist groups.

Eight of the dead men belonged to Hamas — the Islamist faction that has ruled in Gaza since 2007 — while the other two belonged respectively to the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, affiliated with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah movement, and the Palestinian branch of Islamic Jihad.

Gee whiz. Peaceful Inner Strugglers from various franchises of
Islamic Terrorism Intl. Inc.: Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, Hamas and Islamic Gee-had.

I’m sure they were in attendance to hand out coffee and donuts falafel, make everyone comfortable and assist with crowd safety.
RE: Israeli forces shoot unarmed protesters from across Gaza security fence, killing at least 15
※→ P F Tinmore, et at,

Now your are just being stubborn! As usual, you are clinging to a century old past reality. No matter what you would like to believe is true, ⇒ what counts is only that solutions are crafted by the reality of day.

There are few solutions to societal conflicts that can be applied universally or are valid indefinitely. Adaptation is the key.

“the international boundary between Israel and Lebanon was established pursuant to the 1923 Agreement between France and Great Britain ...”,
Uhhhh, there was no Israel in 1923.

Yes, in 1923, there was no Israel as an active government; that is stating the obvious. BUT in the 21st Century, the UN and Lebanon (as well as other) have agreed to maintain the boundary as stipulated.

BUT, relative to our discussion, all that needs to be understood is that there is a recognized boundary between Lebanon and Israel. Israel has boundaries.

In the current century, solving international disputes, including territorial disputes and problems concerning frontiers, is a demand for the 21st Century Solutions. This means to learn from the past, but apply the lessons to the progressive development and codification of the principles of international law concerning political and diplomatic relations on an international scale.

Most Respectfully,
Last edited:
Yes, in 1923, there was no Israel as an active government; that is stating the obvious. BUT in the 21st Century, the UN and Lebanon (as well as other) have agreed to maintain the boundary as stipulated.
The UN used a green line in 1949 and a blue line in 2000 because Israel has no border there.
Yes, in 1923, there was no Israel as an active government; that is stating the obvious. BUT in the 21st Century, the UN and Lebanon (as well as other) have agreed to maintain the boundary as stipulated.
The UN used a green line in 1949 and a blue line in 2000 because Israel has no border there.

Oh, come on, Tinmore. If there is no border between Lebanon and Israel then there is no border between Lebanon and Palestine. What argument do you always use when discussing the borders of "Palestine"?
Yes, in 1923, there was no Israel as an active government; that is stating the obvious. BUT in the 21st Century, the UN and Lebanon (as well as other) have agreed to maintain the boundary as stipulated.
The UN used a green line in 1949 and a blue line in 2000 because Israel has no border there.

Oh, come on, Tinmore. If there is no border between Lebanon and Israel then there is no border between Lebanon and Palestine. What argument do you always use when discussing the borders of "Palestine"?
Can you provide proof for what you say or are you just blowing smoke out your ass again?
Yes, in 1923, there was no Israel as an active government; that is stating the obvious. BUT in the 21st Century, the UN and Lebanon (as well as other) have agreed to maintain the boundary as stipulated.
The UN used a green line in 1949 and a blue line in 2000 because Israel has no border there.

Oh, come on, Tinmore. If there is no border between Lebanon and Israel then there is no border between Lebanon and Palestine. What argument do you always use when discussing the borders of "Palestine"?
Can you provide proof for what you say or are you just blowing smoke out your ass again?

Oh please. So are you admitting that "Palestine" has no borders? If not, where did those borders come from?
The sacrificial reading of the New Testament is an unfortunate holdover from the barbarism of Judaism. I don't subscribe to the idea that a real God would demand the shedding of innocent blood. "Sacrifice" is as ignorant and primitive an idea as the absurdity that any real God would have a "chosen people".
Please explain the barbarism of Judaism.
It is virtually impossible in Jewish law to find someone guilty of a capital crime.
I understand you do not know the complexities of Jewish law and arriving at a guilty verdict.
In the meantime, the RCC was using the Roman Empire to murder at will.
So much for Catholicism being the religion of love.
I would be happy to engage you in debate over whether the sacrifice of an innocent played a role in the development of Judaic law, but you are not an honest debater. You don't have the strength of character to grant a debate opponent a point earned, as I've learned.
Which innocent?
I have no clue as to who you are referring.
We could start with the appalling story of Abraham willing to sacrifice his son to please "god".
You mean God, the creator and sustainer of existence, asking a 100+ year old Avraham to offer his healthy 37 year old son as a sacrifice and his 37 year old son, who believes in God and is a prophet, goes along with God’s request?
Yeah, we can discuss that.

Alright, you worship a God one of whose attributes is a demand to be appeased by the shedding of innocent blood. Appalling, primitive, and indefensible. Your turn.
The sacrificial reading of the New Testament is an unfortunate holdover from the barbarism of Judaism. I don't subscribe to the idea that a real God would demand the shedding of innocent blood. "Sacrifice" is as ignorant and primitive an idea as the absurdity that any real God would have a "chosen people".
Please explain the barbarism of Judaism.
It is virtually impossible in Jewish law to find someone guilty of a capital crime.
I understand you do not know the complexities of Jewish law and arriving at a guilty verdict.
In the meantime, the RCC was using the Roman Empire to murder at will.
So much for Catholicism being the religion of love.
I would be happy to engage you in debate over whether the sacrifice of an innocent played a role in the development of Judaic law, but you are not an honest debater. You don't have the strength of character to grant a debate opponent a point earned, as I've learned.
Which innocent?
I have no clue as to who you are referring.
We could start with the appalling story of Abraham willing to sacrifice his son to please "god".
Obviously a poser troll.

You atheist freak haters are hilarious.

View attachment 185943
I believe in God. I just don't believe in magic books.
Alright, you worship a God one of whose attributes is a demand to be appeased by the shedding of innocent blood. Appalling, primitive, and indefensible. Your turn.

Your understanding of Judaism is faulty. G-d requires no such appeasement. But check Christianity for that.
Please explain the barbarism of Judaism.
It is virtually impossible in Jewish law to find someone guilty of a capital crime.
I understand you do not know the complexities of Jewish law and arriving at a guilty verdict.
In the meantime, the RCC was using the Roman Empire to murder at will.
So much for Catholicism being the religion of love.
I would be happy to engage you in debate over whether the sacrifice of an innocent played a role in the development of Judaic law, but you are not an honest debater. You don't have the strength of character to grant a debate opponent a point earned, as I've learned.
Which innocent?
I have no clue as to who you are referring.
We could start with the appalling story of Abraham willing to sacrifice his son to please "god".
Obviously a poser troll.

You atheist freak haters are hilarious.

View attachment 185943
I believe in God. I just don't believe in magic books.
So? Satan believes in God too. And from your posts, looks like you agree with him a lot.
RE Israeli forces shoot unarmed protesters from across Gaza security fence, killing at least 15
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

WoW. You just don't get it.

Yes, in 1923, there was no Israel as an active government; that is stating the obvious. BUT in the 21st Century, the UN and Lebanon (as well as others) have agreed to maintain the boundary as stipulated.
The UN used a green line in 1949 and a blue line in 2000 because Israel has no border there.

Oh, come on, Tinmore. If there is no border between Lebanon and Israel then there is no border between Lebanon and Palestine. What argument do you always use when discussing the borders of "Palestine"?
Can you provide proof for what you say or are you just blowing smoke out your ass again?

Whatever name you want to call it, the demarcation is treated IAW A/RES/25/2625. You may not respect it, but then, most of the civilized world gets it. But it is people that don't get it that fight for the wrong reason.

Most Respectfully,
RE Israeli forces shoot unarmed protesters from across Gaza security fence, killing at least 15
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

WoW. You just don't get it.

Yes, in 1923, there was no Israel as an active government; that is stating the obvious. BUT in the 21st Century, the UN and Lebanon (as well as others) have agreed to maintain the boundary as stipulated.
The UN used a green line in 1949 and a blue line in 2000 because Israel has no border there.

Oh, come on, Tinmore. If there is no border between Lebanon and Israel then there is no border between Lebanon and Palestine. What argument do you always use when discussing the borders of "Palestine"?
Can you provide proof for what you say or are you just blowing smoke out your ass again?

Whatever name you want to call it, the demarcation is treated IAW A/RES/25/2625. You may not respect it, but then, most of the civilized world gets it. But it is people that don't get it that fight for the wrong reason.

Most Respectfully,
What are you trying to get at?
Oh goody, yet another lefty atheist who thinks she’s a theologian.
No fuckface, I'm a white Irish Catholic who thinks all this chosen crap is a bunch of bullshit. God would not choose a bunch of narcissistic assholes, who run around acting like their shit don't stink.

If God were to choose, he'd choose the Palestinian's.

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