Israeli Cowards Raid Gaza Hospital, fabricate evidence

The Israeli military’s repeated, apparently unlawful attacks on medical facilities, personnel, and transport are further destroying the Gaza Strip’s healthcare system and should be investigated as war crimes, Human Rights Watch said today. Despite the Israeli military’s claims on November 5, 2023, of “Hamas’s cynical use of hospitals,” no evidence put forward would justify depriving hospitals and ambulances of their protected status under international humanitarian law.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has reported that at least 521 people, including 16 medical workers, have been killed in 137 “attacks on health care” in Gaza as of November 12. These attacks, alongside Israel’s decisions to cut off electricity and water and block humanitarian aid to Gaza, have severely impeded health care access. The United Nations found as of November 10 that two-thirds of primary care facilities and half of all hospitals in Gaza are not functioning at a time when medical personnel are dealing with unprecedented numbers of severely injured patients. Hospitals have run out of medicine and basic equipment, and doctors told Human Rights Watch that they were forced to operate without anesthesia and to use vinegar as an antiseptic.

The WHO director general has said that “it’s impossible to evacuate hospitals full of patients without endangering their lives.”

The Israeli government should immediately end unlawful attacks on hospitals, ambulances, and other civilian objects, as well as its total blockade of the Gaza Strip, which amounts to the war crime of collective punishment, Human Rights Watch said.

WHO reported that as of November 10, 18 out of 36 hospitals and 46 out of 72 primary care clinics were forced to shut down. The forced closure of these facilities stems from damage caused by attacks as well as the lack of electricity and fuel.

The ICC’s Rome Statute prohibits as a war crime “ntentionally directing attacks against … medical units and transport.” Israeli and Palestinian officials should cooperate with the commission and the ICC in their work, Human Rights Watch said.


The United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, and other countries should suspend military assistance and arms sales to Israel as long as its forces continue to commit widespread, serious abuses amounting to war crimes against Palestinian civilians with impunity. All governments should demand that Israel restore the flow of electricity and water to Gaza and allow in fuel and humanitarian aid, ensuring that water, food, and medication reach Gaza’s civilian population.

WHO reported that “hospitals are on the brink of collapse due to the shortage of electricity, medicine, equipment and specialized personnel.”

OCHA expressed concern that “thousands of patients and medical staff, as well as about 117,000 IDPs, are staying in these facilities.” Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders or MSF) general director Meinie Nicolai said: “Israel’s 24-hour notice that people in Northern Gaza must leave their land, homes and hospitals is outrageous—this represents an attack on medical care and on humanity.”

As of November 13, all but one of the hospitals in Gaza city and northern Gaza are reportedly out of service, according to OCHA.

All ICU patients who were on Oxygen are officially murdered by Israelis due to cutting of Oxygen, fuel, water and electricity from the hospital according to the hospital Director.
CNN on evidence manipulation by Israeli war criminals:

Director-General of the World Health Organization:

"Today WHO led a very high risk UN assessment mission to Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza.
The team saw a hospital no longer able to function: no water, no food, no electricity, no fuel, medical supplies depleted.
Given this deplorable situation and the condition of many patients, including babies, health workers requested support to evacuate patients who cannot receive lifesaving care there anymore.
We are working with partners to develop an urgent evacuation plan and ask for full facilitation of this plan.
We continue to call for protection of health and of civilians.
The current situation is unbearable and unjustifiable.
Ceasefire. NOW."

Israel has used this sniper drone to shoot Palestinians outside of hospitals in Gaza.

It is manufactured by Israeli arms firm Smart Shooter.

Who cares? The tunnels are used for terror.
the article posted by the OLD PUSS---is meaningless-----"shows no evidence" does not exclude the LIKELY POSSIBILITY that there is extensive evidence---just not revealed in a short
report. Be patient----OIL tends to rise to the surface
The tunnels were not connected to the Al Shifa hospital!

Washington post says the IOF lied!

View attachment 876720

You are aware, are you not, that posting just an image of an article without posting a link to the entire article is essentially bullshit, right?

But because you were too lazy to do so, here is a link to the article itself.

Oh, and the article itself is almost nonsensical.

But the evidence presented by the Israeli government falls short of showing that Hamas had been using the hospital as a command and control center, according to a Washington Post analysis of open-source visuals, satellite imagery and all of the publicly released IDF materials.

OK, now wait a minute. They attacked the hospitals, and used them in the attack to move between the buildings. Yet, the tunnels were not connected to the hospital or any other buildings?

Yea, that "article" already sounds like a big steaming pile of coprolite. But here, what can we learn about those who wrote it? Any obvious bias in their previous writings?

Well, we can start with Louisa Loveluck, their Bureau chief in Baghdad. And it is rather, interesting. Almost every single article she has posted has a strong slant against Israel, and attacking nations outside the Middle East. Attacking Twitter, attacking the US, attacking Greece, it just goes on and on and on. Even trying to link the deaths of flooding in Libya and deaths after an Earthquake in Morocco on the West. So yeah, enough said about her. Nothing she writes should be considered as anything but propaganda.

Evan Hill is not much better. Among his reports are that Ukraine was preparing to attack Russia when the war broke out, but at least his reports tend to be a bit more balanced. Of course, his role seems to primarily be as a researcher and he does not seem to be an actual "reporter" per se.

Ahhh, Jonathan Baran. A... video reporter and editor covering technology, business and culture? That is his own description, but that is interesting. However, after going back for over three years of articles he posted there, every single one of them is about technology and business. Until December when he posted not one but two articles way outside of his normal area of reporting?

Now we come to the final one, and oh boy! Ellen Nakashima claims to be a "National Security Expert", and one of the first articles I read from her told me all I needed to know about what she actually knows about the topic.

The munitions in question are PAC-2 and PAC-3 interceptors. The former are designed to destroy some types of ballistic missiles by exploding nearby, and the latter are hit-to-kill munitions that take direct aim at missiles and aircraft and pack a larger explosive punch.

And that is completely contradictory and nonsensical. How can a kinetic kill weapon "pack a larger explosive punch" than one that actually uses an explosive warhead? That completely contradicts itself and is nonsensical. That tells me she is writing for sensationalism and does not really care about accuracy at all. And they try to infer some kind of three way trade deal between Japan, the US and Ukraine, but never actually give any evidence of such. Just speculation that has no real basis in anything.

And I looked through more of her articles, and found the exact same thing. Lots of innuendo, generalizations, and damned few actual facts. And that was the only article I was able to read before the pay wall slammed down. But I saw so many others that made me laugh. Like the claim that the Marine Corps is about to create a new Infantry Regiment and base them on Okinawa. That was a year ago, and quite obviously that never happened. So needless to say, I question her writings as well. Especially as she seems to be their expert on China and Russia, not the Middle East.

So in the end, what do we have? The main author has a strong Anti-Israel leaning in her articles, and most of the rest have never reported on such issues before and never in that area. So over-all, an article that should not be taken very seriously without verification.
You are aware, are you not, that posting just an image of an article without posting a link to the entire article is essentially bullshit, right?

But because you were too lazy to do so, here is a link to the article itself.

Oh, and the article itself is almost nonsensical.

OK, now wait a minute. They attacked the hospitals, and used them in the attack to move between the buildings. Yet, the tunnels were not connected to the hospital or any other buildings?

Yea, that "article" already sounds like a big steaming pile of coprolite. But here, what can we learn about those who wrote it? Any obvious bias in their previous writings?

Well, we can start with Louisa Loveluck, their Bureau chief in Baghdad. And it is rather, interesting. Almost every single article she has posted has a strong slant against Israel, and attacking nations outside the Middle East. Attacking Twitter, attacking the US, attacking Greece, it just goes on and on and on. Even trying to link the deaths of flooding in Libya and deaths after an Earthquake in Morocco on the West. So yeah, enough said about her. Nothing she writes should be considered as anything but propaganda.

Evan Hill is not much better. Among his reports are that Ukraine was preparing to attack Russia when the war broke out, but at least his reports tend to be a bit more balanced. Of course, his role seems to primarily be as a researcher and he does not seem to be an actual "reporter" per se.

Ahhh, Jonathan Baran. A... video reporter and editor covering technology, business and culture? That is his own description, but that is interesting. However, after going back for over three years of articles he posted there, every single one of them is about technology and business. Until December when he posted not one but two articles way outside of his normal area of reporting?

Now we come to the final one, and oh boy! Ellen Nakashima claims to be a "National Security Expert", and one of the first articles I read from her told me all I needed to know about what she actually knows about the topic.

And that is completely contradictory and nonsensical. How can a kinetic kill weapon "pack a larger explosive punch" than one that actually uses an explosive warhead? That completely contradicts itself and is nonsensical. That tells me she is writing for sensationalism and does not really care about accuracy at all. And they try to infer some kind of three way trade deal between Japan, the US and Ukraine, but never actually give any evidence of such. Just speculation that has no real basis in anything.

And I looked through more of her articles, and found the exact same thing. Lots of innuendo, generalizations, and damned few actual facts. And that was the only article I was able to read before the pay wall slammed down. But I saw so many others that made me laugh. Like the claim that the Marine Corps is about to create a new Infantry Regiment and base them on Okinawa. That was a year ago, and quite obviously that never happened. So needless to say, I question her writings as well. Especially as she seems to be their expert on China and Russia, not the Middle East.

So in the end, what do we have? The main author has a strong Anti-Israel leaning in her articles, and most of the rest have never reported on such issues before and never in that area. So over-all, an article that should not be taken very seriously without verification.
all true-----and keep in mind----it is THE WASHINGTON POST------For those who do

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