Israeli Christian Congregation


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
I subscribed to their mails letter, and after some time the executive pastor of the congregation added me on linkedin, he found me somehow on linkedin and added me as contact. His surname is Liebenberg, obviously he is a christian not jewish but do you think he is of ashkenazi origins, is liebenberg a name of ashkenazi origins? And do you think the congregation is of "israeli/ashkenazi/sephardi/mizrahi" origins or consists of non-israelis?

gif hochladen
People frequently try to give me "the gift" of the gospel...

... I always end up returning it for store credit.

In terms of demographics, adherents to Christianity make up around two percent of the population in Israel (177,000 people) as of the end of 2019

Currently there are at least 600 churches and 500,000–1,000,000 Christians in Iran.[1]

Are you sure it's not 144,000?

Actually, the 144,000 will be Israelite martyrs after the rapture (Catching Away) of the CHURCH (at the end of the CHURCH AGE, also known as the AGE of GRACE). They will be murdered by the Anti-Christ.
Why not just do a search for Messianic Jewish congregations in Israel, or search the Israeli news services for stories on them? Don't believe the rubbish put out by the racist bigot cultists that they can't be Jews, that's just silly crap the racists feed themselves and their kids. A couple of links to start you off.

Read a survey a couple of years ago in one of the Israeli news sites that claimed over 50% of Israeli Jews under 25 think Jesus existed in real life and was a Rabbi, even if they don't believe him to be a Messiah. There is a political effort underway in Israel to change marriage laws to eliminate the influence of rabbis over questions of 'legitimacy' re inter-marriages and the like, i.e. to modernize the laws and get away from the 2nd Century moronism currently in the legal codes.

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