Israeli-Arabs riot - "We want Intifada"

About 500 Arab-Israelis demonstrated in 6 locations in the north of Israel, following the clashes (and terror attacks) in Jerusalem and against IDF operations in Judea and Smaria.
In Nazareth a stone was thrown on a bus, wheels set on fire and the entrance blocked.
Among other location are Sfaram, Baeina, Baka el-Garbiyah, Kana and Taiybe.

Demonstrators in Haifa-
"We'll sacrifice our lives for the Jihadists and Palestine"

The demonstrators raised the palestinian flag, similar to the face-covered demonstrators in East-Jerusalem during the weekend who clashed with the police shouting-

"We want a third Intifada to free Al-Aqsa"


These are the bravest people on earth fighting a modern army with only their bodies...They Will Not Bow!
Gratuitous Melodrama Alert!
A HolloWood whining session!

More rules of disinformation because you cant answer the points raised.
About 500 Arab-Israelis demonstrated in 6 locations in the north of Israel, following the clashes (and terror attacks) in Jerusalem and against IDF operations in Judea and Smaria.
In Nazareth a stone was thrown on a bus, wheels set on fire and the entrance blocked.
Among other location are Sfaram, Baeina, Baka el-Garbiyah, Kana and Taiybe.

Demonstrators in Haifa-
"We'll sacrifice our lives for the Jihadists and Palestine"

The demonstrators raised the palestinian flag, similar to the face-covered demonstrators in East-Jerusalem during the weekend who clashed with the police shouting-

"We want a third Intifada to free Al-Aqsa"


These are the bravest people on earth fighting a modern army with only their bodies...They Will Not Bow!
Gratuitous Melodrama Alert!
A HolloWood whining session!
I'm just disappointed that you convert wannabes aren't willing to pick up a Koran and a Kalashnikov instead of just flailing your Pom Poms for your Islamic terrorist heroes.
I'm a Unitarian who is sick and tired of seeing our government supporting Israeli Terrorism on Arabs and getting it back in our very shores! Fight your-own wars slimy.

Fuck Israel, no one on planet earth supports her in world polls.

So says the pretend Christian who is really called Abdul and was once a slave to mo'mad
About 500 Arab-Israelis demonstrated in 6 locations in the north of Israel, following the clashes (and terror attacks) in Jerusalem and against IDF operations in Judea and Smaria.
In Nazareth a stone was thrown on a bus, wheels set on fire and the entrance blocked.
Among other location are Sfaram, Baeina, Baka el-Garbiyah, Kana and Taiybe.

Demonstrators in Haifa-
"We'll sacrifice our lives for the Jihadists and Palestine"

The demonstrators raised the palestinian flag, similar to the face-covered demonstrators in East-Jerusalem during the weekend who clashed with the police shouting-

"We want a third Intifada to free Al-Aqsa"


These are the bravest people on earth fighting a modern army with only their bodies...They Will Not Bow!

Don't forget the knives, semi automatics, IED's, qassams and stones. So not exactly unarmed are they and they do a lot of killing
Make it a fair fight and give the Palestinians equal arms and training. You could sell tickets and make money, PhoeNut...

Once again you implement the rules of disinformation and make claims of mental health issues when you cant answer the points raised.
If you feel so strongly then why don't you go and help them to train and get the equal arms, or are you a cowardly armchair warrior
I did my service for my country as a very proud Marine.

Who did you serve besides tea, nut-cake?
About 500 Arab-Israelis demonstrated in 6 locations in the north of Israel, following the clashes (and terror attacks) in Jerusalem and against IDF operations in Judea and Smaria.
In Nazareth a stone was thrown on a bus, wheels set on fire and the entrance blocked.
Among other location are Sfaram, Baeina, Baka el-Garbiyah, Kana and Taiybe.

Demonstrators in Haifa-
"We'll sacrifice our lives for the Jihadists and Palestine"

The demonstrators raised the palestinian flag, similar to the face-covered demonstrators in East-Jerusalem during the weekend who clashed with the police shouting-

"We want a third Intifada to free Al-Aqsa"


These are the bravest people on earth fighting a modern army with only their bodies...They Will Not Bow!
Gratuitous Melodrama Alert!
A HolloWood whining session!
I'm just disappointed that you convert wannabes aren't willing to pick up a Koran and a Kalashnikov instead of just flailing your Pom Poms for your Islamic terrorist heroes.
I'm a Unitarian who is sick and tired of seeing our government supporting Israeli Terrorism on Arabs and getting it back in our very shores! Fight your-own wars slimy.

Fuck Israel, no one on planet earth supports her in world polls.
Ah. "Islamo-Unitarian"

Is that like Salafi islamism... without the glitz?

Really, sweetie. Don't be such a coward. Join your homies in Hamas and put your new found ideology into practice.
These are the bravest people on earth fighting a modern army with only their bodies...They Will Not Bow!
Gratuitous Melodrama Alert!
A HolloWood whining session!
I'm just disappointed that you convert wannabes aren't willing to pick up a Koran and a Kalashnikov instead of just flailing your Pom Poms for your Islamic terrorist heroes.
I'm a Unitarian who is sick and tired of seeing our government supporting Israeli Terrorism on Arabs and getting it back in our very shores! Fight your-own wars slimy.

Fuck Israel, no one on planet earth supports her in world polls.
Ah. "Islamo-Unitarian"

Is that like Salafi islamism... without the glitz?

Really, sweetie. Don't be such a coward. Join your homies in Hamas and put your new found ideology into practice.
There are no Sicilian cowards like you slimy!
About 500 Arab-Israelis demonstrated in 6 locations in the north of Israel, following the clashes (and terror attacks) in Jerusalem and against IDF operations in Judea and Smaria.
In Nazareth a stone was thrown on a bus, wheels set on fire and the entrance blocked.
Among other location are Sfaram, Baeina, Baka el-Garbiyah, Kana and Taiybe.

Demonstrators in Haifa-
"We'll sacrifice our lives for the Jihadists and Palestine"

The demonstrators raised the palestinian flag, similar to the face-covered demonstrators in East-Jerusalem during the weekend who clashed with the police shouting-

"We want a third Intifada to free Al-Aqsa"


These are the bravest people on earth fighting a modern army with only their bodies...They Will Not Bow!

Don't forget the knives, semi automatics, IED's, qassams and stones. So not exactly unarmed are they and they do a lot of killing
Make it a fair fight and give the Palestinians equal arms and training. You could sell tickets and make money, PhoeNut...

This guy chose the right side and got all the toys you're talking about...
But even without those the Druze community has been the nightmare of those balestinian cowards...I know why, do you?

About 500 Arab-Israelis demonstrated in 6 locations in the north of Israel, following the clashes (and terror attacks) in Jerusalem and against IDF operations in Judea and Smaria.
In Nazareth a stone was thrown on a bus, wheels set on fire and the entrance blocked.
Among other location are Sfaram, Baeina, Baka el-Garbiyah, Kana and Taiybe.

Demonstrators in Haifa-
"We'll sacrifice our lives for the Jihadists and Palestine"

The demonstrators raised the palestinian flag, similar to the face-covered demonstrators in East-Jerusalem during the weekend who clashed with the police shouting-

"We want a third Intifada to free Al-Aqsa"


These are the bravest people on earth fighting a modern army with only their bodies...They Will Not Bow!

Don't forget the knives, semi automatics, IED's, qassams and stones. So not exactly unarmed are they and they do a lot of killing
Make it a fair fight and give the Palestinians equal arms and training. You could sell tickets and make money, PhoeNut...

Once again you implement the rules of disinformation and make claims of mental health issues when you cant answer the points raised.
If you feel so strongly then why don't you go and help them to train and get the equal arms, or are you a cowardly armchair warrior
I did my service for my country as a very proud Marine.

Who did you serve besides tea, nut-cake?

And again getting whupped so you use disinformation to win a point, you lose again. And I did not know that marines came from the desert ?
Gratuitous Melodrama Alert!
A HolloWood whining session!
I'm just disappointed that you convert wannabes aren't willing to pick up a Koran and a Kalashnikov instead of just flailing your Pom Poms for your Islamic terrorist heroes.
I'm a Unitarian who is sick and tired of seeing our government supporting Israeli Terrorism on Arabs and getting it back in our very shores! Fight your-own wars slimy.

Fuck Israel, no one on planet earth supports her in world polls.
Ah. "Islamo-Unitarian"

Is that like Salafi islamism... without the glitz?

Really, sweetie. Don't be such a coward. Join your homies in Hamas and put your new found ideology into practice.
There are no Sicilian cowards like you slimy!

Then why did their tanks have one forward gear and 20 reverse ?
Failed logic- it's like saying if criminals murder and steal then it means the state treats them badly. No they're treated equaly and they commit crimes because they chose so, then call for MORE MURDERS of fellow citizens-just proves their criminal moivation even more.

Yes they are treated well just like any other Israeli, better than in any other Arab country where they're not even allowed citizenship or basic rights.
But I see them raising the fake balestinian flag from within Israel- we don't see them changing/denouncing their Zionist citizenship, paying taxes and receiving all the services from that govt., the govt. which they oppose he existence of- WHY THEY CHOOSE TO KEEp THE ISRAELI CIIZENSHIp?




Israel’s Arab political parties have united
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You're full of shit!

People who have it good, don't riot just to be criminals.

People who are treated well, don't have anything to riot about.

The problem is you, not them.
Billo_Really, et al,

The propensity to "riot" as an outcome instigated by triggering chronic criminal behaviors, intentionally aggravated by group group dynamics as a politically induced or motivated by a dysfunctional influence. In this case, in the recent news, there were three psychological processes occurring within a social group of pathological perpetrators:

• The Islamic madness that accompanies the occurrence of any abnormal activity on the Temple Mount and the Old City of Jerusalem; as well as, the irrational fear that the Mosques of Omar and Al-Aqsa might be damaged or destroyed.
• Political personalities, under the cover of free speech, ratchet up anti-Zionist Rhetoric like that of Knesset Member Haneen Zoabi, amplification of protest slogans (of the day).
• The impact of the gradually increasing cycle of violence that generally results in a corresponding increased security measures; which then is again protested by sympathetic Arab-Israelis as each level of disturbance is met with the corresponding security response.

About 500 Arab-Israelis demonstrated in 6 locations in the north of Israel, following the clashes (and terror attacks) in Jerusalem and against IDF operations in Judea and Smaria.
In Nazareth a stone was thrown on a bus, wheels set on fire and the entrance blocked.
Among other location are Sfaram, Baeina, Baka el-Garbiyah, Kana and Taiybe.
You said Arabs in Israel were treated well?
People who are treated well, don't riot.
(JUST AS A SIDE NOTE ON TREATMENT - A bit off-topic --- skip if you want!)

As I was browsing the news today and doing some fact-checking, this older article captured my attention.

In Israeli jails, Palestinians still earning degrees
Despite a 2011 ban, prisoners reportedly pursuing higher education in secret

Abu Muhsin is among hundreds of Palestinians who have spent their time in Israeli prison pursuing higher education — a program that was supported by the Israeli prison system for two decades until it was cut in 2011 as part of a series of sanctions against prisoners. Since then, prisoners secretly have organized their own courses, with backing from universities in the West Bank and Gaza, Palestinian officials say.​

It was one of several articles used as an example of the difference the security environment makes. Suggesting that in a prison, even a convicted murderer can become an accomplished academic (in this case to the Doctoral level) because the student was removed from the cycle of violence.


When I was a student at The Ohio State University (OSU) (Columbus) it was not uncommon to see very large protests. During the Vietnam War, The OSU Campus had a population of 45,000 people (Faculty, Staff, Students). Back then, you could put together a demonstration of 5,000 students --- just to protect the rough toilet paper used on campus. This is an example of the Group Mentality and its vulnerability. Being a graduate of OSU, I knew many student participant the demonstrated everything from the Vietnam War to the treatment of the Gray Squirrel population on campus. And many of these students openly admit that they did not care about the focus of the demonstration; they just wanted the experience to participate in something bigger then themselves. And, they got caught up in the emotion of the moment.

The violence, riots and rough demonstrations of the Hostile Arab-Palestinian (HoAP) is much like my observation at OSU. Except, that the HoAP, being Islamic (for the most part) to start with, and coming from a dysfunctional society that base their entire existence on violence, turn an otherwise peaceful pursuit --- violent. Remember, if you are a member of the population set of HoAP, you either know a insurgent or terrorist --- or know someone who knows an insurgent or terrorist. The area has a very high density of Jihadists and Fedayeen. Violence over the most minor of incidents is the easiest solution for them to derive.

Most Respectfully,

How convenient? You never take responsibility for the shit your society causes.
Billo_Really, et al,

Well, isn't that just precious.

How convenient? You never take responsibility for the shit your society causes.

History is full of mistakes, from the apple that Eve ate, to the present day. To be sure, America is nothing like the prefect society of Palestinians. America has defended the weak, freed the oppressed, and made some of the biggest blunders that a Superpower can make. But we try to do good. Society is what it is. Rest assured that the society who's Grand Mufti was a Nazi collaborator, who's Commander of the Holy War Army was a member of the Special Commando Unit of the Waffen SS, who's Leader of the Arab Liberation Army was award the German Iron Cross, that orchestrated the Munich Massacre, or hijacked EgyptAir Flight 648, killing 60 people, has the kind of society that everyone yearns to immolate. They want to be just like those brave men that threw a wheelchair bound passenger overboard from the MS Achille Lauro. They want a society that strives for peace, even if they fail.

The US is blamed for every ill in the world... Don't worry about us taking the blame, we are use to it and have broad shoulder. We are not perfect.

In contrast, the Palestinian are the perpetual victim, always whining; but never making the effort to secure peace.

Many of the problems that the Palestinians experience today, the Palestinians brought upon themselves.

Most Respectfully,
Yeah, the Palestinians are responsible for the European Jews migrating to Palestine. Sheesh Rocco, grow up.
A HolloWood whining session!
I'm just disappointed that you convert wannabes aren't willing to pick up a Koran and a Kalashnikov instead of just flailing your Pom Poms for your Islamic terrorist heroes.
I'm a Unitarian who is sick and tired of seeing our government supporting Israeli Terrorism on Arabs and getting it back in our very shores! Fight your-own wars slimy.

Fuck Israel, no one on planet earth supports her in world polls.
Ah. "Islamo-Unitarian"

Is that like Salafi islamism... without the glitz?

Really, sweetie. Don't be such a coward. Join your homies in Hamas and put your new found ideology into practice.
There are no Sicilian cowards like you slimy!

Then why did their tanks have one forward gear and 20 reverse ?
They preffered to let
Billo_Really, et al,

Well, isn't that just precious.

How convenient? You never take responsibility for the shit your society causes.

History is full of mistakes, from the apple that Eve ate, to the present day. To be sure, America is nothing like the prefect society of Palestinians. America has defended the weak, freed the oppressed, and made some of the biggest blunders that a Superpower can make. But we try to do good. Society is what it is. Rest assured that the society who's Grand Mufti was a Nazi collaborator, who's Commander of the Holy War Army was a member of the Special Commando Unit of the Waffen SS, who's Leader of the Arab Liberation Army was award the German Iron Cross, that orchestrated the Munich Massacre, or hijacked EgyptAir Flight 648, killing 60 people, has the kind of society that everyone yearns to immolate. They want to be just like those brave men that threw a wheelchair bound passenger overboard from the MS Achille Lauro. They want a society that strives for peace, even if they fail.

The US is blamed for every ill in the world... Don't worry about us taking the blame, we are use to it and have broad shoulder. We are not perfect.

In contrast, the Palestinian are the perpetual victim, always whining; but never making the effort to secure peace.

Many of the problems that the Palestinians experience today, the Palestinians brought upon themselves.

Most Respectfully,
This is the worst post ever by you...You never take the responsibility of a thief stealing other people's homes for your distorted altruisms...
montelatici, et al,

I didn't say anything about the Palestinians being responsible the immigration.

Yeah, the Palestinians are responsible for the European Jews migrating to Palestine. Sheesh Rocco, grow up.

The Allied Powers encouraged the immigration. It was within their authority. It was the Allied Powers that agreed that the Mandatory should be responsible for putting into effect that was originally in the Balfour Declaration.

It was the Allied Powers that adopted the concept of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.

It was the Allied Powers that both directed and encouraged the facilitation Jewish immigration.

If you want to point the finger and assign responsibility for the immigration effort of the Jewish into the territory under the administration of the Mandate, then let's get it right. Accepting the "responsibility" as they did, the Allied Powers acted in what they considered an appropriate manner.

You should not accuse them of not accepting responsibility when they clearly did and put it writing. It is you that needs to refine your understanding; not me.

Most Respectfully,
About 500 Arab-Israelis demonstrated in 6 locations in the north of Israel, following the clashes (and terror attacks) in Jerusalem and against IDF operations in Judea and Smaria.
In Nazareth a stone was thrown on a bus, wheels set on fire and the entrance blocked.
Among other location are Sfaram, Baeina, Baka el-Garbiyah, Kana and Taiybe.

Demonstrators in Haifa-
"We'll sacrifice our lives for the Jihadists and Palestine"

The demonstrators raised the palestinian flag, similar to the face-covered demonstrators in East-Jerusalem during the weekend who clashed with the police shouting-

"We want a third Intifada to free Al-Aqsa"


The fact Jews have to hide and cannot protest in the West Bank says it all.
pbel, et al,

I'm not sure what you are talking about.

This is the worst post ever by you...You never take the responsibility of a thief stealing other people's homes for your distorted altruisms...

I'm quite sure the US did not "stealing other people's homes ." And I'm quite sure that any homes the Israeli's destroyed were done in the best interest of security. And I am equally as sure that the Israelis took responsibility for each such action and provided an explanation.

Most Respectfully,
pbel, et al,

I'm not sure what you are talking about.

This is the worst post ever by you...You never take the responsibility of a thief stealing other people's homes for your distorted altruisms...

I'm quite sure the US did not "stealing other people's homes ." And I'm quite sure that any homes the Israeli's destroyed were done in the best interest of security. And I am equally as sure that the Israelis took responsibility for each such action and provided an explanation.

Most Respectfully,
Your answers are so delusional that I'd be crazy to answer them.

So here goes: They (Israel) didn't just steal homes with US help, they stole the Palestinian's dignity, their culture and now their existence...

You can't go around with military swagger and think that any high morality would applaud you...

Billo_Really, et al,

Well, isn't that just precious.

How convenient? You never take responsibility for the shit your society causes.

History is full of mistakes, from the apple that Eve ate, to the present day. To be sure, America is nothing like the prefect society of Palestinians. America has defended the weak, freed the oppressed, and made some of the biggest blunders that a Superpower can make. But we try to do good. Society is what it is. Rest assured that the society who's Grand Mufti was a Nazi collaborator, who's Commander of the Holy War Army was a member of the Special Commando Unit of the Waffen SS, who's Leader of the Arab Liberation Army was award the German Iron Cross, that orchestrated the Munich Massacre, or hijacked EgyptAir Flight 648, killing 60 people, has the kind of society that everyone yearns to immolate. They want to be just like those brave men that threw a wheelchair bound passenger overboard from the MS Achille Lauro. They want a society that strives for peace, even if they fail.

The US is blamed for every ill in the world... Don't worry about us taking the blame, we are use to it and have broad shoulder. We are not perfect.

In contrast, the Palestinian are the perpetual victim, always whining; but never making the effort to secure peace.

Many of the problems that the Palestinians experience today, the Palestinians brought upon themselves.

Most Respectfully,
What you and those psycho, white trailer trash settlers are doing at that mosque (and in East Jerusalem), is causing all the latest violence. Prohibiting Palestinian's from entering the facility, while letting those pieces of shit settler insurgents go there, is creating a lot of anger.

In addition to that, those white trash settlers are taking over more and more Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem. I wish one of you fuckers would come up to my door and try to take my home. It would be your last fucking act on planet earth! You people are fucked!
Netanyahi...toss in cans of laughing gas and deposit the human garbage known as Palestinians inside Jordan.
montelatici, et al,

I didn't say anything about the Palestinians being responsible the immigration.

Yeah, the Palestinians are responsible for the European Jews migrating to Palestine. Sheesh Rocco, grow up.

The Allied Powers encouraged the immigration. It was within their authority. It was the Allied Powers that agreed that the Mandatory should be responsible for putting into effect that was originally in the Balfour Declaration.

It was the Allied Powers that adopted the concept of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.

It was the Allied Powers that both directed and encouraged the facilitation Jewish immigration.

If you want to point the finger and assign responsibility for the immigration effort of the Jewish into the territory under the administration of the Mandate, then let's get it right. Accepting the "responsibility" as they did, the Allied Powers acted in what they considered an appropriate manner.

You should not accuse them of not accepting responsibility when they clearly did and put it writing. It is you that needs to refine your understanding; not me.

Most Respectfully,
I didn't say anything about the Palestinians being responsible the immigration.​
Indeed, and that is the problem. The only problem.

Not that any of that crap matters. The Mandate was a monumental flop. Britain threw up their hands and left leaving nothing behind but a never ending war. It was one of the most stupid plans of the 20th century.

I can't understand how you can support stupid.