Israeli Apartheid


Amnesty chief Agnes Callamard talks to MEE about Israel 'apartheid' report​

Steny Hoyer, Majority Leader, US House of Representatives: Amnesty International has grossly mischaracterized Israel, its democratic values, and its historical connection to the Jewish people

“3,000th Palestinian Child Receives Free Heart Surgery By Israeli Charity”

”When the doctors told us there was a possibility for Israeli doctors to carry out the complicated operation Amir needed, we were so happy. Everyone here in Gaza talks about how Israeli doctors are the most professional in the world and that they can be trusted completely,” Amir’s mother said.”

3,000th Palestinian child has heart operation in Israel through Save a Child’s Heart
Providing life-saving medical care for Palestinians. “All the people that I know gets the treatment from Israel, they say that is better because the doctors here are good,' says the mother of a Palestinian girl.”


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