Israel shows atrocities committed by Hamas on oct 7

Seeing the videos will only rally more of the xiden base and excited them.

They don’t care about the murder of Israelites
Thats why Israel must ho over the woke journalists and communicate directly with the public

Which lib loon is here first with but…but..but…you see and hear it wrong ??
I think, with the family’s permission, they should show the video of each agaonizing torture to death. Let the leftists see what type of deranged monsters Israel is dealing with, and whom 75% of the Palestinians support.
Up chuck
And for you soulless lib loons, this is not a 1 in 100,000 police encounters but rather daily preplanned ideology of Hamas.
Hamas and all supporters have forfeited their human nature and therefore All should be disposed of the way we do dangerous animals.
Up chuck
And for you soulless lib loons, this is not a 1 in 100,000 police encounters but rather daily preplanned ideology of Hamas.
Hamas and all supporters have forfeited their human nature and therefore All should be disposed of the way we do dangerous animals.
The dirtbag who thinks it’s funny should die in agony
Up chuck
And for you soulless lib loons, this is not a 1 in 100,000 police encounters but rather daily preplanned ideology of Hamas.
Hamas and all supporters have forfeited their human nature and therefore All should be disposed of the way we do dangerous animals.
Good point. The leftists were so enraged with the 1 in 1,000,000 police encounter where George Floyd - defiant, violent ex-con scumbag - was suffocated to death (if) in 8 seconds that they rioted, burned down, assaulted, and destroyed property for three months straight in cities throughout the nation….

…. while they are quick to ”forget” the agonizing , slow torture of 1,000+ innocent Jews - including sweet babies and children who were set on fire or had their heads sawed off as they rail on and on about “Zionist” (code for Jew) genocide, and then set up encampments to bully and assault Jews.

At this point, leftists are my enemy.

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