Israel showed its true colors

Harvard also kept out Blacks, Italians, Germans, Irish, Catholics, etc. Anyone who wasn't a WASP.

Only the Jews are still whining about it.
Until the Supreme Court decision against affirmative action in university admissions Harvard was keeping out Orientals with better credentials than the Negroes it admitted.
The real Jamal's of the United States never came to the attention of any girl or woman I would have bothered with. The fact that you keep bringing up this pathetic fantasy of yours demonstrates how threadbare your arguments against race realism are.

Naw, man, I kind of think I have you pegged. You don't dig up tons of debunked psuedo-science without there being a real story there, and it must be a pretty sad one.

So you were creeping on a white girl, and she got her boyfriend Jamal to stuff you into a locker, and you've been on the warpath ever since.

My favorite minority is associated with intelligence, success, and prosperity. Your favorite minority is associated with low intelligence, crime, and illegitimacy.
Actually, my favorite minority would be Chinese... because that's what I married.

But your psycho-sexual issues are kind of out there. Black folks are getting laid and you aren't.
Until the Supreme Court decision against affirmative action in university admissions Harvard was keeping out Orientals with better credentials than the Negroes it admitted.

Asians (not Orientals) are 6% of the population and make up 26% of the starting class at Harvard. They are doing fine. Until Harvard gets rid of Athletics, Legacies, Dean's Interest and Children of Staff preferences as well, they should (and will continue) to admit qualified black people.
Asians (not Orientals) are 6% of the population and make up 26% of the starting class at Harvard. They are doing fine. Until Harvard gets rid of Athletics, Legacies, Dean's Interest and Children of Staff preferences as well, they should (and will continue) to admit qualified black people.
Under affirmative action Orientals with better credentials than Negroes did not get into Harvard. Now they will.
Under affirmative action Orientals with better credentials than Negroes did not get into Harvard. Now they will.

Nope. Harvard will just find other ways to admit blacks, by including "Life Story" as part of the admission process.

And "Got good grades in an impoverished Urban School system" is a more compelling story than "My fucked up Tiger Mom wouldn't let me have dinner if I didn't bring home an "A""
Nope. Harvard will just find other ways to admit blacks, by including "Life Story" as part of the admission process.

And "Got good grades in an impoverished Urban School system" is a more compelling story than "My fucked up Tiger Mom wouldn't let me have dinner if I didn't bring home an "A""
School administrators will always find ways of admitting colored people who do not belong on campus.

Few hiring managers like being pressured to hire sub standard Negroes. This is why it is necessary to eliminate affirmative action in hiring decisions.
School administrators will always find ways of admitting colored people who do not belong on campus.

Few hiring managers like being pressured to hire sub standard Negroes. This is why it is necessary to eliminate affirmative action in hiring decisions.
MLK said: "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."

The woke diversity activists have exactly reversed it.
Nope. Harvard will just find other ways to admit blacks, by including "Life Story" as part of the admission process.

And "Got good grades in an impoverished Urban School system" is a more compelling story than "My fucked up Tiger Mom wouldn't let me have dinner if I didn't bring home an "A""
When Negroes and Orientals attend the same schools the Orientals still tend to get better grades and better scores on mental aptitude tests. Negroes from rich families tend to get lower SAT scores than whites from poor families.

SAT 3.gif
School administrators will always find ways of admitting colored people who do not belong on campus.

Who truly "belongs" on Campus? I would say the black kid who got a 3.5 average and a 1500 on his SAT despite the rampant racism in this country and inadequate resources is more deserving than the Stressed Asian kid with a 3.9 and a 1570 whose Tiger Mom pressured him to the point he was going to crack.

Someone in my family got a 1600 on her SAT. She flunked out of University after one year because she really didn't have a work ethic. Really her parents' fault, they never made her get a part-time job, or any responsibilities. She's trying to put it back together now in Community College.

You miss the point of Affirmative Action. It's to compensate for 400 years of institutionalized racism by levelling the playing field.

Few hiring managers like being pressured to hire sub standard Negroes. This is why it is necessary to eliminate affirmative action in hiring decisions.

You work on the assumption that HR managers have a personal investment in who gets hired. "Gosh, I really, really hope that person works out."

Let me tell you how the hiring process works.

The HR Drown gets a stack full of resumes. All that really proves is who hired the best resume writer, it's not really a test of merit. Despite all your mewling about "Affirmative Action", surveys have found that minorities (including Asians) are less likely to get callbacks on resumes than white people. They found this out by sending out hundreds of resumes with identical qualifications, and the ones with white names like "Greg" or "Emily" got more callbacks.

Then we get to the interview process. The HR person isn't really the one who makes this call. Interviews these days are done by a committee. Again, all the interview proves is who is best geared towards answering stock questions. And yes, the hot black chick is probably going to do better than the ugly white guy with more experience.

The biggest beneficiaries of "Affirmative Action" haven't been black people, it's been white women. Of course, right now, we have nearly 10 million unfilled jobs. Hiring managers are happy to find anyone qualified and it's more typical for Zoomers to jump ship for a better offer at any time. That HR manager is more likely to bring in an H1B person from India to fill a job because they can't find a qualified American of any color willing to work for that kind of money. (You also have leverage over an H1B person, in that they can't quit for a better offer or they lose their immigration status.)

With 360,000 baby Boomers retiring every month, this is going to keep getting worse.

Now, as I have said, connections are more valuable than affirmative action. Two of the last three jobs I've gotten, were because someone who worked there recommended me.

So you keep fretting Jamal is going to get a job he doesn't deserve because he stuffed you in that locker in HS, but in the real world, many companies would be happy to have him.

When Negroes and Orientals attend the same schools the Orientals still tend to get better grades and better scores on mental aptitude tests. Negroes from rich families tend to get lower SAT scores than whites from poor families.
Again, more and more universities aren't requiring SAT's and ACT's, and we are all better off for it. I hope for the day those tests are cast into the dustbin of history.

The fucked up notion of saying to a 17-year-old, "This test will determine the entire trajectory of your life," is absurd.
Who truly "belongs" on Campus? I would say the black kid who got a 3.5 average and a 1500 on his SAT despite the rampant racism in this country and inadequate resources is more deserving than the Stressed Asian kid with a 3.9 and a 1570 whose Tiger Mom pressured him to the point he was going to crack.
There is no "rampant racism in this country." There is rampant black low average intelligence for blacks and high rates of crime and illegitimacy, and the taboos and sanctions against discussing the black ;problem in America publicly.
You miss the point of Affirmative Action. It's to compensate for 400 years of institutionalized racism by levelling the playing field.
The purpose of affirmative action is to place Negroes into places where they cannot perform adequately. Those who advocate affirmative action acknowledge that blacks tend to be less intelligent than whites and Orientals.
You work on the assumption that HR managers have a personal investment in who gets hired. "Gosh, I really, really hope that person works out."
Bosses who hire inadequate subordinates look inadequate themselves.

In my first job as a computer programmer my boss hired a black programmer who could not do his job, did not try, and did not care. When I learned that the black programmer was earning twice what I was I discussed the matter with our boss.

Our boss told me, "When I was promoted to my position I was told that I would be evaluated in part by my ability to attract and keep black subordinates, and that I was supposed to expect less from them."

When our boss finally did fire the black programmer our boss was reprimanded by the president of our company. You see, the black guy was not supposed to do his job. He was supposed to keep our company from being sued.

When the Supreme Court rules against affirmative action in hiring, that kind of nonsense will come to an end. Millions of blacks will be fired from jobs their bosses never wanted to hire them for. This will open many opportunities for whites and Orientals who deserve those jobs and who can and will perform them adequately.
Again, more and more universities aren't requiring SAT's and ACT's, and we are all better off for it. I hope for the day those tests are cast into the dustbin of history.

The fucked up notion of saying to a 17-year-old, "This test will determine the entire trajectory of your life," is absurd.
How are we better off? Those tests have proved their validity for decades.
I see you avoided a lot of points, but I'll just whip you on the ones you tried to address.

There is no "rampant racism in this country." There is rampant black low average intelligence for blacks and high rates of crime and illegitimacy, and the taboos and sanctions against discussing the black ;problem in America publicly.

Um, no, guy, I've met black people who are far better than you are, any day of the week. You are just some sad loser who shows up on an internet board because you can't spout your filth in polite society.

The purpose of affirmative action is to place Negroes into places where they cannot perform adequately. Those who advocate affirmative action acknowledge that blacks tend to be less intelligent than whites and Orientals.

Nope, no one has ever acknowledged that. I've met some really stupid white people and some very smart black people.

Bosses who hire inadequate subordinates look inadequate themselves.
Wow, you make statements like that, and I don't believe you've ever worked in the real world. I've worked with enough idiot nephews, fuck buddies, and drinking pals to realize that bosses don't always hire the best person.

In my first job as a computer programmer my boss hired a black programmer
Nobody believes that story.

How are we better off? Those tests have proved their validity for decades.
Not really. The whole Varsity Blues scandal proved that Standardized Testing is a fraud.
I see you avoided a lot of points, but I'll just whip you on the ones you tried to address.

Um, no, guy, I've met black people who are far better than you are, any day of the week. You are just some sad loser who shows up on an internet board because you can't spout your filth in polite society.

Nope, no one has ever acknowledged that. I've met some really stupid white people and some very smart black people.

Wow, you make statements like that, and I don't believe you've ever worked in the real world. I've worked with enough idiot nephews, fuck buddies, and drinking pals to realize that bosses don't always hire the best person.

Nobody believes that story.

Lots of people have believed the story because it is true. Some people I have told the story to have stories of their one to tell. The average Negro IQ is 85. That means that few Negroes have the intelligence for professional positions. This chart documents that.

Lots of people have believed my story because it is true. Some people I have told the story to have stories of their one to tell. The average Negro IQ is 85. That means that few Negroes have the intelligence for professional positions. This chart documents that.


There should be no taboos whatsoever against drawing attention to low average intelligence for Negroes, and their high rates of crime and illegitimacy.

Your insults and name calling are no match for my well documented facts. This is what Eric Hoffer said about people like you in his book The Passionate State of Mind:

"Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength."

Rudeness is all you have. The facts are on my side.

You think it is acceptable to suppress the teaching of Charles Murray, Jared Taylor, and Professor's Arthur Jensen, Richard Herrnstein, and J. Philippe Rushton because you know that what you pretend to believe will not survive rational scrutiny.
Lots of people have believed my story because it is true.
Nope, just other sad racists who are upset or scared. Jamal did a number on you to be sure.

There should be no taboos whatsoever against drawing attention to low average intelligence for Negroes, and their high rates of crime and illegitimacy.

hey, man, I realize you are upset that the brothers are getting laid and you aren't, but you need to get over it. I for one am glad your bloodline stops with you.

Rudeness is all you have. The facts are on my side.
Rudeness is all you deserve. Your racism got excised from polite society decades ago.

You think it is acceptable to suppress the teaching of Charles Murray, Jared Taylor, and Professor's Arthur Jensen, Richard Herrnstein, and J. Philippe Rushton because you know that what you pretend to believe will not survive rational scrutiny.
Naw, I think watching racists spit out their teeth is more than adequate discussion. But those old racists are rejected by academia and their universities have denounced them.
Nope, just other sad racists who are upset or scared. Jamal did a number on you to be sure.

hey, man, I realize you are upset that the brothers are getting laid and you aren't, but you need to get over it. I for one am glad your bloodline stops with you.

Rudeness is all you deserve. Your racism got excised from polite society decades ago.

Naw, I think watching racists spit out their teeth is more than adequate discussion. But those old racists are rejected by academia and their universities have denounced them.
Professor J. Philippe Rushton and Charles Murray make three assertions. First, Orientals tend to be more intelligent than whites, who tend to be more intelligent than Negroes. Second, Orientals have lower crime rates than whites who have lower rates than Negroes. Third, Orientals have lower rates of illegitimacy than whites who have lower rates than Negroes.

I have substantiated those assertions myself on the U.S. Message Board with information I found on the internet. Is it really necessary for me to do it again? It gets tiresome to keep trying to push facts into your closed and narrow mind.

My consolation is the suspicion that you are privately aware that what I say is true.

Liberals complain about conservative book banning, as though it is only conservatives who try to suppress ideas they dislike.

If I was a high school civics teacher I would want to assign my class to read Professor J. Philippe Rushton's essay, "Race, Evolution, and Behavior," but liberals would not let me. If I went on ahead and assigned it anyway, I would almost certainly be fired.

If Professor Rushton is mistaken, it would be easy to prove it. All one would need to do would be to find credible data that demonstrates that the races do not differ in average intelligence and in rates of crime and illegitimacy.
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Professor J. Philippe Rushton and Charles Murray make three assertions.

I have substantiated those assertions myself on the U.S. Message Board with information I found on the internet.
I can "substitate" Bigfoot with information I find on the internet.

Look, there he is!


Oddly, no department of Zoology or Anthropology will endorse the existence of bigfoot.

Probably because they have an anti-Bigfoot bias.
If I was a high school civics teacher I would want to assign my class to read Professor J. Philippe Rushton's essay, "Race, Evolution, and Behavior," but liberals would not let me. If I went on ahead and assigned it anyway, I would almost certainly be fired.

Actually, tarring and feathering might be in order.

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