Israel - Iran's bomb



1999: An Israeli military official claims that Iran will have a nuclear weapon within five years.

2001: The Israeli Minister of Defence claims that Iran will be ready to launch a nuclear weapon in less than four years.

2002: The CIA warns that the danger of nuclear weapons from Iran is higher than during the Cold War, because its missile capability has grown more quickly than expected since 2000 – putting it on par with North Korea.

2003: A high-ranking Israeli military officer tells the Knesset that Iran will have the bomb by 2005 — 17 months away.

2006: A State Department official claims that Iran may be capable of building a nuclear weapon in 16 days.

2008: An Israeli general tells the Cabinet that Iran is “half-way” to enriching enough uranium to build a nuclear weapon and will have a working weapon no later than the end of 2010.

2009: Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak estimates that Iran is 6-18 months away from building an operative nuclear weapon.

2010: Israeli decision-makers believe that Iran is at most 1-3 years away from being able to assemble a nuclear weapon.

2011: IAEA report indicates that Iran could build a nuclear weapon within months.

2013: Israeli intelligence officials claim that Iran could have the bomb by 2015 or 2016.

Global nuclear watchdog IAEA ends Iran 'weapons' probe - BBC News

The global nuclear watchdog, the IAEA, has ended its 12-year investigation into concerns that Iran might be developing nuclear weapons.

The move is seen as a key step towards lifting UN, EU and US sanctions.
The IAEA concluded that Iran conducted nuclear weapons-related research until 2003 and to a lesser extent until 2009, but found no evidence of this since.

What - Israel and the US lied?

The US has spend billions of Dollars on military forces to encircle Iran, and destroyed Iran's economy with crippling sanctions, all over a threat that wasn't there most of the time, and was wildly overstated the rest of it.

A few questions need to be answered by the Israeli and US governments.
I think it was in 1992 That PM Bibi said Iran would have the bomb by 1995.
The nerve of Aipac if this is true, since Israel has never allowed anyone in to check on their nuke arsenal. I love it !!

AIPAC 'deplores' IAEA decision to close probe into Iranian nuclear weapons

AIPAC has released a statement saying it "deplores the vote" by the IAEA’s board to end the investigation into Iran's suspected nuclear weapons program.

"The IAEA is closing this file even after discovering further suspicious evidence and experiencing additional Iranian obstinacy," AIPAC noted.

"By closing the PMD file and thereby acquiescing to an incomplete accounting of Iran’s past nuclear weapons activity, the board of the IAEA weakens the credibility of its institution and lessens the prospect that Iran will comply with the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) in the future."

AIPAC 'deplores' IAEA decision to close probe into Iranian nuclear weapons - Latest News Briefs - Arutz Sheva
1999: An Israeli military official claims that Iran will have a nuclear weapon within five years.

2001: The Israeli Minister of Defence claims that Iran will be ready to launch a nuclear weapon in less than four years.

2002: The CIA warns that the danger of nuclear weapons from Iran is higher than during the Cold War, because its missile capability has grown more quickly than expected since 2000 – putting it on par with North Korea.

2003: A high-ranking Israeli military officer tells the Knesset that Iran will have the bomb by 2005 — 17 months away.

2006: A State Department official claims that Iran may be capable of building a nuclear weapon in 16 days.

2008: An Israeli general tells the Cabinet that Iran is “half-way” to enriching enough uranium to build a nuclear weapon and will have a working weapon no later than the end of 2010.

2009: Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak estimates that Iran is 6-18 months away from building an operative nuclear weapon.

2010: Israeli decision-makers believe that Iran is at most 1-3 years away from being able to assemble a nuclear weapon.

2011: IAEA report indicates that Iran could build a nuclear weapon within months.

2013: Israeli intelligence officials claim that Iran could have the bomb by 2015 or 2016.

Global nuclear watchdog IAEA ends Iran 'weapons' probe - BBC News

The global nuclear watchdog, the IAEA, has ended its 12-year investigation into concerns that Iran might be developing nuclear weapons.

The move is seen as a key step towards lifting UN, EU and US sanctions.
The IAEA concluded that Iran conducted nuclear weapons-related research until 2003 and to a lesser extent until 2009, but found no evidence of this since.

What - Israel and the US lied?

The US has spend billions of Dollars on military forces to encircle Iran, and destroyed Iran's economy with crippling sanctions, all over a threat that wasn't there most of the time, and was wildly overstated the rest of it.

A few questions need to be answered by the Israeli and US governments.

Hey great. Lovin it. Soon Israel will have a destination to send their nukes to.
Hey great. Lovin it. Soon Israel will have a destination to send their nukes to.

Are you saying Israel is likely to use WMD against Iran, even though Iran is no serious threat to them?
Israel has 'backchannel' replied.

A team of sanctions monitors has said in a confidential new report that the medium-range Emad rocket that Iran tested on Oct. 10 was a ballistic missile capable of delivering a nuclear warhead, which makes it a violation of a United Nations Security Council resolution.

The conclusion of the council's Panel of Experts on Iran will likely lead to calls for additional punitive measures against Tehran in Washington and some other Western capitals.

The panel said in its report that "On the basis of its analysis and findings the Panel concludes that the Emad launch is a violation by Iran of paragraph 9 of Security Council resolution 1929."

Confidential new report?
Not that confidential given Israel has leaked it.

Let me see, Oct 10 was yesterday, a week ago, or just handy to publish when Israel's lies have been freshly busted?
It seems the complaint is, the rocket is "inherently capable of delivering a nuclear weapon", but they ignore the fact Iran has no such weapons, never has had them, and isn't developing any.
1999: An Israeli military official claims that Iran will have a nuclear weapon within five years.

2001: The Israeli Minister of Defence claims that Iran will be ready to launch a nuclear weapon in less than four years.

2002: The CIA warns that the danger of nuclear weapons from Iran is higher than during the Cold War, because its missile capability has grown more quickly than expected since 2000 – putting it on par with North Korea.

2003: A high-ranking Israeli military officer tells the Knesset that Iran will have the bomb by 2005 — 17 months away.

2006: A State Department official claims that Iran may be capable of building a nuclear weapon in 16 days.

2008: An Israeli general tells the Cabinet that Iran is “half-way” to enriching enough uranium to build a nuclear weapon and will have a working weapon no later than the end of 2010.

2009: Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak estimates that Iran is 6-18 months away from building an operative nuclear weapon.

2010: Israeli decision-makers believe that Iran is at most 1-3 years away from being able to assemble a nuclear weapon.

2011: IAEA report indicates that Iran could build a nuclear weapon within months.

2013: Israeli intelligence officials claim that Iran could have the bomb by 2015 or 2016.

Global nuclear watchdog IAEA ends Iran 'weapons' probe - BBC News

The global nuclear watchdog, the IAEA, has ended its 12-year investigation into concerns that Iran might be developing nuclear weapons.

The move is seen as a key step towards lifting UN, EU and US sanctions.
The IAEA concluded that Iran conducted nuclear weapons-related research until 2003 and to a lesser extent until 2009, but found no evidence of this since.

What - Israel and the US lied?

The US has spend billions of Dollars on military forces to encircle Iran, and destroyed Iran's economy with crippling sanctions, all over a threat that wasn't there most of the time, and was wildly overstated the rest of it.

A few questions need to be answered by the Israeli and US governments.

Not really, a few lessons need to be learnt as to why Iran insisted on enriching uranium to weapons grade when they had a contract with Russia to supply all the enriched uranium they could ever need for the foreseeable future. Why have they stockpiled tons of enriched uranium if they don't need it, why have they built more centrifuges to enrich the ore and why are they developing long range missiles capable of carrying a nuclear payload. Why are/were they so secretive over their nuclear testing and enrichment if they were not going for weapons production, and why did they LIE so much.
The nerve of Aipac if this is true, since Israel has never allowed anyone in to check on their nuke arsenal. I love it !!

AIPAC 'deplores' IAEA decision to close probe into Iranian nuclear weapons

AIPAC has released a statement saying it "deplores the vote" by the IAEA’s board to end the investigation into Iran's suspected nuclear weapons program.

"The IAEA is closing this file even after discovering further suspicious evidence and experiencing additional Iranian obstinacy," AIPAC noted.

"By closing the PMD file and thereby acquiescing to an incomplete accounting of Iran’s past nuclear weapons activity, the board of the IAEA weakens the credibility of its institution and lessens the prospect that Iran will comply with the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) in the future."

AIPAC 'deplores' IAEA decision to close probe into Iranian nuclear weapons - Latest News Briefs - Arutz Sheva

Because Israel is not a member state of the IAEA and so does not come under its control, just like the USA and Russia.
Hey great. Lovin it. Soon Israel will have a destination to send their nukes to.

Are you saying Israel is likely to use WMD against Iran, even though Iran is no serious threat to them?

No they are saying that when Iran shows it has fooled the world and tests its first nuclear device then Israel will do the world a favour and destroy its nuclear capabilities using conventional weapons
It seems the complaint is, the rocket is "inherently capable of delivering a nuclear weapon", but they ignore the fact Iran has no such weapons, never has had them, and isn't developing any.

How about you prove that Iran has no nukes first, like you demand that pro Israeli's do. The evidence against Iran is mounting from the words of one of their military leaders to the illegal enrichment of uranium ore to weapons grade. If they don't need it why make it and then stockpile it underground. Why get all hot and bothered when their computers get a virus that could have led to a nuclear accident in one of their weapons development labs ?
1999: An Israeli military official claims that Iran will have a nuclear weapon within five years.

2001: The Israeli Minister of Defence claims that Iran will be ready to launch a nuclear weapon in less than four years.

2002: The CIA warns that the danger of nuclear weapons from Iran is higher than during the Cold War, because its missile capability has grown more quickly than expected since 2000 – putting it on par with North Korea.

2003: A high-ranking Israeli military officer tells the Knesset that Iran will have the bomb by 2005 — 17 months away.

2006: A State Department official claims that Iran may be capable of building a nuclear weapon in 16 days.

2008: An Israeli general tells the Cabinet that Iran is “half-way” to enriching enough uranium to build a nuclear weapon and will have a working weapon no later than the end of 2010.

2009: Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak estimates that Iran is 6-18 months away from building an operative nuclear weapon.

2010: Israeli decision-makers believe that Iran is at most 1-3 years away from being able to assemble a nuclear weapon.

2011: IAEA report indicates that Iran could build a nuclear weapon within months.

2013: Israeli intelligence officials claim that Iran could have the bomb by 2015 or 2016.

Global nuclear watchdog IAEA ends Iran 'weapons' probe - BBC News

The global nuclear watchdog, the IAEA, has ended its 12-year investigation into concerns that Iran might be developing nuclear weapons.

The move is seen as a key step towards lifting UN, EU and US sanctions.
The IAEA concluded that Iran conducted nuclear weapons-related research until 2003 and to a lesser extent until 2009, but found no evidence of this since.

What - Israel and the US lied?

The US has spend billions of Dollars on military forces to encircle Iran, and destroyed Iran's economy with crippling sanctions, all over a threat that wasn't there most of the time, and was wildly overstated the rest of it.

A few questions need to be answered by the Israeli and US governments.

Well, actually it's you that's lying. The link you cited does not provide the BS list you posted. I did find it on an assortment of conspiracy antisemtic nutjob blogs though.
1999: An Israeli military official claims that Iran will have a nuclear weapon within five years.

2001: The Israeli Minister of Defence claims that Iran will be ready to launch a nuclear weapon in less than four years.

2002: The CIA warns that the danger of nuclear weapons from Iran is higher than during the Cold War, because its missile capability has grown more quickly than expected since 2000 – putting it on par with North Korea.

2003: A high-ranking Israeli military officer tells the Knesset that Iran will have the bomb by 2005 — 17 months away.

2006: A State Department official claims that Iran may be capable of building a nuclear weapon in 16 days.

2008: An Israeli general tells the Cabinet that Iran is “half-way” to enriching enough uranium to build a nuclear weapon and will have a working weapon no later than the end of 2010.

2009: Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak estimates that Iran is 6-18 months away from building an operative nuclear weapon.

2010: Israeli decision-makers believe that Iran is at most 1-3 years away from being able to assemble a nuclear weapon.

2011: IAEA report indicates that Iran could build a nuclear weapon within months.

2013: Israeli intelligence officials claim that Iran could have the bomb by 2015 or 2016.

Global nuclear watchdog IAEA ends Iran 'weapons' probe - BBC News

The global nuclear watchdog, the IAEA, has ended its 12-year investigation into concerns that Iran might be developing nuclear weapons.

The move is seen as a key step towards lifting UN, EU and US sanctions.
The IAEA concluded that Iran conducted nuclear weapons-related research until 2003 and to a lesser extent until 2009, but found no evidence of this since.

What - Israel and the US lied?

The US has spend billions of Dollars on military forces to encircle Iran, and destroyed Iran's economy with crippling sanctions, all over a threat that wasn't there most of the time, and was wildly overstated the rest of it.

A few questions need to be answered by the Israeli and US governments.
And each time an Iranian nuclear scientist or facility suffers a mysterious accident.
1999: An Israeli military official claims that Iran will have a nuclear weapon within five years.

2001: The Israeli Minister of Defence claims that Iran will be ready to launch a nuclear weapon in less than four years.

2002: The CIA warns that the danger of nuclear weapons from Iran is higher than during the Cold War, because its missile capability has grown more quickly than expected since 2000 – putting it on par with North Korea.

2003: A high-ranking Israeli military officer tells the Knesset that Iran will have the bomb by 2005 — 17 months away.

2006: A State Department official claims that Iran may be capable of building a nuclear weapon in 16 days.

2008: An Israeli general tells the Cabinet that Iran is “half-way” to enriching enough uranium to build a nuclear weapon and will have a working weapon no later than the end of 2010.

2009: Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak estimates that Iran is 6-18 months away from building an operative nuclear weapon.

2010: Israeli decision-makers believe that Iran is at most 1-3 years away from being able to assemble a nuclear weapon.

2011: IAEA report indicates that Iran could build a nuclear weapon within months.

2013: Israeli intelligence officials claim that Iran could have the bomb by 2015 or 2016.

Global nuclear watchdog IAEA ends Iran 'weapons' probe - BBC News

The global nuclear watchdog, the IAEA, has ended its 12-year investigation into concerns that Iran might be developing nuclear weapons.

The move is seen as a key step towards lifting UN, EU and US sanctions.
The IAEA concluded that Iran conducted nuclear weapons-related research until 2003 and to a lesser extent until 2009, but found no evidence of this since.

What - Israel and the US lied?

The US has spend billions of Dollars on military forces to encircle Iran, and destroyed Iran's economy with crippling sanctions, all over a threat that wasn't there most of the time, and was wildly overstated the rest of it.

A few questions need to be answered by the Israeli and US governments.

Well, actually it's you that's lying. The link you cited does not provide the BS list you posted. I did find it on an assortment of conspiracy antisemtic nutjob blogs though.

Please inform us which events were made up, and I'll check them against quotes and newspaper stories of the day.
That's assuming you're telling the truth (Unlikely).
1999: An Israeli military official claims that Iran will have a nuclear weapon within five years.

2001: The Israeli Minister of Defence claims that Iran will be ready to launch a nuclear weapon in less than four years.

2002: The CIA warns that the danger of nuclear weapons from Iran is higher than during the Cold War, because its missile capability has grown more quickly than expected since 2000 – putting it on par with North Korea.

2003: A high-ranking Israeli military officer tells the Knesset that Iran will have the bomb by 2005 — 17 months away.

2006: A State Department official claims that Iran may be capable of building a nuclear weapon in 16 days.

2008: An Israeli general tells the Cabinet that Iran is “half-way” to enriching enough uranium to build a nuclear weapon and will have a working weapon no later than the end of 2010.

2009: Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak estimates that Iran is 6-18 months away from building an operative nuclear weapon.

2010: Israeli decision-makers believe that Iran is at most 1-3 years away from being able to assemble a nuclear weapon.

2011: IAEA report indicates that Iran could build a nuclear weapon within months.

2013: Israeli intelligence officials claim that Iran could have the bomb by 2015 or 2016.

Global nuclear watchdog IAEA ends Iran 'weapons' probe - BBC News

The global nuclear watchdog, the IAEA, has ended its 12-year investigation into concerns that Iran might be developing nuclear weapons.

The move is seen as a key step towards lifting UN, EU and US sanctions.
The IAEA concluded that Iran conducted nuclear weapons-related research until 2003 and to a lesser extent until 2009, but found no evidence of this since.

What - Israel and the US lied?

The US has spend billions of Dollars on military forces to encircle Iran, and destroyed Iran's economy with crippling sanctions, all over a threat that wasn't there most of the time, and was wildly overstated the rest of it.

A few questions need to be answered by the Israeli and US governments.

Not really, a few lessons need to be learnt as to why Iran insisted on enriching uranium to weapons grade when they had a contract with Russia to supply all the enriched uranium they could ever need for the foreseeable future. Why have they stockpiled tons of enriched uranium if they don't need it, why have they built more centrifuges to enrich the ore and why are they developing long range missiles capable of carrying a nuclear payload. Why are/were they so secretive over their nuclear testing and enrichment if they were not going for weapons production, and why did they LIE so much.

Do you actually have any supporting links to support your comments?

Just asking as it would appear that IAEA would disagree with you....

Global nuclear watchdog IAEA ends Iran 'weapons' probe - BBC News
1999: An Israeli military official claims that Iran will have a nuclear weapon within five years.

2001: The Israeli Minister of Defence claims that Iran will be ready to launch a nuclear weapon in less than four years.

2002: The CIA warns that the danger of nuclear weapons from Iran is higher than during the Cold War, because its missile capability has grown more quickly than expected since 2000 – putting it on par with North Korea.

2003: A high-ranking Israeli military officer tells the Knesset that Iran will have the bomb by 2005 — 17 months away.

2006: A State Department official claims that Iran may be capable of building a nuclear weapon in 16 days.

2008: An Israeli general tells the Cabinet that Iran is “half-way” to enriching enough uranium to build a nuclear weapon and will have a working weapon no later than the end of 2010.

2009: Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak estimates that Iran is 6-18 months away from building an operative nuclear weapon.

2010: Israeli decision-makers believe that Iran is at most 1-3 years away from being able to assemble a nuclear weapon.

2011: IAEA report indicates that Iran could build a nuclear weapon within months.

2013: Israeli intelligence officials claim that Iran could have the bomb by 2015 or 2016.

Global nuclear watchdog IAEA ends Iran 'weapons' probe - BBC News

The global nuclear watchdog, the IAEA, has ended its 12-year investigation into concerns that Iran might be developing nuclear weapons.

The move is seen as a key step towards lifting UN, EU and US sanctions.
The IAEA concluded that Iran conducted nuclear weapons-related research until 2003 and to a lesser extent until 2009, but found no evidence of this since.

What - Israel and the US lied?

The US has spend billions of Dollars on military forces to encircle Iran, and destroyed Iran's economy with crippling sanctions, all over a threat that wasn't there most of the time, and was wildly overstated the rest of it.

A few questions need to be answered by the Israeli and US governments.

Well, actually it's you that's lying. The link you cited does not provide the BS list you posted. I did find it on an assortment of conspiracy antisemtic nutjob blogs though.

Please inform us which events were made up, and I'll check them against quotes and newspaper stories of the day.
That's assuming you're telling the truth (Unlikely).

The entire list is bogus. Please show us the bullshit blog you obtained this list from.

Also, you're forgetting that Iran suffered many setbacks to its nuclear program, two devastating virus attacks, and assassinations of its nuclear scientists. Therefore some of the forecasted dates were accurate prior to the virus attack, for example. Now run along, Achmed:

Stuxnet is a malicious computer worm believed to be a jointly built American-Israeli cyber weapon. Although neither state has confirmed this openly,[2]anonymous US officials speaking to the Washington Post claimed the worm was developed during the administration of Barack Obama to sabotage Iran’s nuclear program with what would seem like a long series of unfortunate accidents.

Stuxnet 'hit' Iran nuclear plans - BBC News

Stuxnet 'hit' Iran nuclear plans

Iran has always denied that Stuxnet has caused delays to its nuclear power plans
The Stuxnet worm might be partly responsible for delays in Iran's nuclear programme, says a former UN nuclear inspections official.

Olli Heinonen, deputy director at the UN's nuclear watchdog until August, said the virus might be behind Iran's problems with uranium enrichment.
1999: An Israeli military official claims that Iran will have a nuclear weapon within five years.

2001: The Israeli Minister of Defence claims that Iran will be ready to launch a nuclear weapon in less than four years.

2002: The CIA warns that the danger of nuclear weapons from Iran is higher than during the Cold War, because its missile capability has grown more quickly than expected since 2000 – putting it on par with North Korea.

2003: A high-ranking Israeli military officer tells the Knesset that Iran will have the bomb by 2005 — 17 months away.

2006: A State Department official claims that Iran may be capable of building a nuclear weapon in 16 days.

2008: An Israeli general tells the Cabinet that Iran is “half-way” to enriching enough uranium to build a nuclear weapon and will have a working weapon no later than the end of 2010.

2009: Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak estimates that Iran is 6-18 months away from building an operative nuclear weapon.

2010: Israeli decision-makers believe that Iran is at most 1-3 years away from being able to assemble a nuclear weapon.

2011: IAEA report indicates that Iran could build a nuclear weapon within months.

2013: Israeli intelligence officials claim that Iran could have the bomb by 2015 or 2016.

Global nuclear watchdog IAEA ends Iran 'weapons' probe - BBC News

The global nuclear watchdog, the IAEA, has ended its 12-year investigation into concerns that Iran might be developing nuclear weapons.

The move is seen as a key step towards lifting UN, EU and US sanctions.
The IAEA concluded that Iran conducted nuclear weapons-related research until 2003 and to a lesser extent until 2009, but found no evidence of this since.

What - Israel and the US lied?

The US has spend billions of Dollars on military forces to encircle Iran, and destroyed Iran's economy with crippling sanctions, all over a threat that wasn't there most of the time, and was wildly overstated the rest of it.

A few questions need to be answered by the Israeli and US governments.

Not really, a few lessons need to be learnt as to why Iran insisted on enriching uranium to weapons grade when they had a contract with Russia to supply all the enriched uranium they could ever need for the foreseeable future. Why have they stockpiled tons of enriched uranium if they don't need it, why have they built more centrifuges to enrich the ore and why are they developing long range missiles capable of carrying a nuclear payload. Why are/were they so secretive over their nuclear testing and enrichment if they were not going for weapons production, and why did they LIE so much.

Do you actually have any supporting links to support your comments?

Just asking as it would appear that IAEA would disagree with you....

Global nuclear watchdog IAEA ends Iran 'weapons' probe - BBC News

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