Israel has its terrorists as well


Senior Member
Oct 20, 2003
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North Texas
Jewish Extremists Plotting Violence

JERUSALEM — A cache of weapons discovered hidden in caves in the West Bank has raised extra alarm bells among Israel's internal intelligence service because the terrorists are Jewish extremists.

The weapons were stolen from the army by members of the same movement that tried to blow up an Arab girls' school in Jerusalem two years ago using a trailer packed with explosives.

Now the head of Israel's Shin Bet Security Service is warning the rise of extremism on the far right in Israel could lead to the assassination of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, to stop his plan to withdraw Jewish settlements from Gaza.

Israel's minister for internal security has issued a warning that Jewish extremists are again planning to attack mosques in the hopes of igniting a war and halt any peace process.

Itamar Ben Gvir is one of the leaders of the outlawed Kach Movement — followers of the radical Rabbi Meir Kahane. The posters in their office call for expelling the Arabs from Israel. This Jewish group with an office in downtown Jerusalem is listed both in Israel and the United States as a terror group.

Kach's "summer camps" for Jewish teenagers teaches them how to attack soldiers, evade army roadblocks, retake their homes if the army tries to evacuate them and survive police interrogations.
DKSuddeth said:
Jewish Extremists Plotting Violence

JERUSALEM — A cache of weapons discovered hidden in caves in the West Bank has raised extra alarm bells among Israel's internal intelligence service because the terrorists are Jewish extremists.

The weapons were stolen from the army by members of the same movement that tried to blow up an Arab girls' school in Jerusalem two years ago using a trailer packed with explosives.

Now the head of Israel's Shin Bet Security Service is warning the rise of extremism on the far right in Israel could lead to the assassination of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, to stop his plan to withdraw Jewish settlements from Gaza.

Israel's minister for internal security has issued a warning that Jewish extremists are again planning to attack mosques in the hopes of igniting a war and halt any peace process.

Itamar Ben Gvir is one of the leaders of the outlawed Kach Movement — followers of the radical Rabbi Meir Kahane. The posters in their office call for expelling the Arabs from Israel. This Jewish group with an office in downtown Jerusalem is listed both in Israel and the United States as a terror group.

Kach's "summer camps" for Jewish teenagers teaches them how to attack soldiers, evade army roadblocks, retake their homes if the army tries to evacuate them and survive police interrogations.

I guess some in Israel are starting to think that to survive, you must fight fire with fire. Not sure I can blame them, even though I do not agree with them.
freeandfun1 said:
I guess some in Israel are starting to think that to survive, you must fight fire with fire. Not sure I can blame them, even though I do not agree with them.

I don't see where the 'extremism' is related to survival. The article clearly states that its about the withdrawal from gaza.
DKSuddeth said:
I don't see where the 'extremism' is related to survival. The article clearly states that its about the withdrawal from gaza.

True. I should have considered that point.
DKSuddeth said:
I don't see where the 'extremism' is related to survival. The article clearly states that its about the withdrawal from gaza.

Survival is related to any withdrawl of Israel from Israel.

If President Bush suddenly decided to give Texas back to Mexico, would Texans wanting not to be Mexicans be considered zealots and terrorists if they stored weapons?
ajwps said:
Survival is related to any withdrawl of Israel from Israel.

If President Bush suddenly decided to give Texas back to Mexico, would Texans wanting not to be Mexicans be considered zealots and terrorists if they stored weapons?

Bush has about as much power to give texas back to mexico as I do. Theres this little known clause about texas that says we reserve the right to become our own republic again. yes, our own little nation. so your reasoning on that point is flawed at best.
DKSuddeth said:
Bush has about as much power to give texas back to mexico as I do. Theres this little known clause about texas that says we reserve the right to become our own republic again. yes, our own little nation. so your reasoning on that point is flawed at best.

I know of that clause provided for in Texas' decision to join the Union. Hypthetically Bush, if he so wished, has the ability to pull a Congressional power ploy to disengage Texas from the Union as Sharon has to disengage Gaza and Samaria from the country of Israel.

You have no power whatsover. A senile Bush or Perry could order the US Army to transfer all Texans to another state and allow the Mexicans to move in to the homes and businesses of the previous owners.

As Commander in Chief, Bush has the potential power but it is equally ridiculous to assume the same of Ariel Sharon.
ajwps said:
Survival is related to any withdrawl of Israel from Israel.

If President Bush suddenly decided to give Texas back to Mexico, would Texans wanting not to be Mexicans be considered zealots and terrorists if they stored weapons?

we already store weapons---we just don't plan on using them on our govt.

a jew living in arab land does not make him an arab
dilloduck said:
we already store weapons---we just don't plan on using them on our govt.

a jew living in arab land does not make him an arab

Your first sentence is a bit confusing. Private Texan citizens already store weapons and in some cases explosives. Israeli citizens (some call them zealots or fundamentalists) are accused of planning attacks on the Israeli government leaders but there is no proof or evidence that that these religious Jews are storing weapons for any other purpose than to destroy any Arab terrorists that try to take over existing Israeli suburbs in Gaza or Sumaria. Israel leftist (peace now) government leaders are using a strawdog threat to Israeli leaders by these armed Jews.

An American living in Texas does not make him a Mexican! These examples of Texas or Israel disengaging from the US or Israel lands by government decree were only an analogy to illustrate the ridiculousness of either event occurring.
ajwps said:
Your first sentence is a bit confusing. Private Texan citizens already store weapons and in some cases explosives. Israeli citizens (some call them zealots or fundamentalists) are accused of planning attacks on the Israeli government leaders but there is no proof or evidence that that these religious Jews are storing weapons for any other purpose than to destroy any Arab terrorists that try to take over existing Israeli suburbs in Gaza or Sumaria. Israel leftist (peace now) government leaders are using a strawdog threat to Israeli leaders by these armed Jews.

An American living in Texas does not make him a Mexican! These examples of Texas or Israel disengaging from the US or Israel lands by government decree were only an analogy to illustrate the ridiculousness of either event occurring.

I think DKs original point was that there are jewish terrorist prepared to destroy any attempt by the govt. of Israel to work out a land for peace arrangement. You were ridiculous to try to compare this situation to Texas.
dilloduck said:
I think DKs original point was that there are jewish terrorist prepared to destroy any attempt by the govt. of Israel to work out a land for peace arrangement. You were ridiculous to try to compare this situation to Texas.

Not really. DK's original post gave the impression that threats or attempts had been or were being made against Israeli government officials or Arabs who took over their homes and property.

These erroneous reports included WARNING BELLS OR WARNINGS OF THE RISE OF EXTEMISM by religious Jews. Obviously there is no threat to empty Texas of its citizens to appease Mexico. My analogy cannot be understood unless you are actually facing recklous, irresponsible land give aways to terrorists who wish to kill you and all around you.

It is much like the distortions and obfuscations given by some American politicians or bureaus who wish to demonize a segment of US citizens who disagree with them.


Remember the imminent threat of the (Branch Davidians) David Koresh radical zealots and extremitists vs the United States of America which required the US Army and special agents to attack an armed compound in Waco Texas. An attack with tanks and explosive gases that killed many US citizens (men, women and children) who tried to resist being evicted and thrown into prison.
ajwps said:
Not really. DK's original post gave the impression that threats or attempts had been or were being made against Israeli government officials or Arabs who took over their homes and property.

These erroneous reports included WARNING BELLS OR WARNINGS OF THE RISE OF EXTEMISM by religious Jews. Obviously there is no threat to empty Texas of its citizens to appease Mexico. My analogy cannot be understood unless you are actually facing recklous, irresponsible land give aways to terrorists who wish to kill you and all around you.

It is much like the distortions and obfuscations given by some American politicians or bureaus who wish to demonize a segment of US citizens who disagree with them.


Remember the imminent threat of the David Koresh radical zealots and extremitists vs the United States of America which required the US Army and special agents to attack a armed compound in Waco Texas. An attack with tanks and explosive gases that killed many US citizens (men, women and children) who tried to resist being evicted and thrown into prison.

So there is no Kach movement that is outlawed? Waco?? another wacky analogy!
dilloduck said:
So there is no Kach movement that is outlawed? Waco?? another wacky analogy!

Yes the Kach (Rabbi Kahana) movement has been outlawed. I remember the murdered Rabbi who advocated buying the properties of the Arabs in Israel and moving them out before they began an Intifada against Israel. All Kach members were legal citizens of Israel.

Also the public radio station Arutz Sheva which was outlawed because they talked about the Torah (OT) and the right of the Jewish people to the land of Israel.

A free speech radio station had to be moved to a ship that anchored offshore Israel in international waters. The station was a simple news station that did not advocate the overthrow of the government of Israel or the killing of Arabs. This offshore ship was stopped because Israel said that they had moved two feet inside Israeli waters (not a fact) and the station manager, disk jocky and several others fined or given jail sentences for free speech while in international waters. They simply broadcast information that those in power did not want to be heard by the Isreali public.

There was such a public outrage that a special law is being written and passed for non-lisenced radio stations to be lisenced to allow a free people to listen or not to non-violent speech. If you would like to hear this station for content in English you can hear it at:

Don't believe everything you read or hear from government officials whether they be US, Israel or Iran.
ajwps said:
Yes the Kach (Rabbi Kahana) movement has been outlawed. I remember the murdered Rabbi who advocated buying the properties of the Arabs in Israel and moving them out before they began an Intifada against Israel. All Kach members were legal citizens of Israel.

Also the public radio station Arutz Sheva which was outlawed because they talked about the Torah (OT) and the right of the Jewish people to the land of Israel.

A free speech radio station had to be moved to a ship that anchored offshore Israel in international waters. The station was a simple news station that did not advocate the overthrow of the government of Israel or the killing of Arabs. This offshore ship was stopped because Israel said that they had moved two feet inside Israeli waters (not a fact) and the station manager, disk jocky and several others fined or given jail sentences for free speech while in international waters. They simply broadcast information that those in power did not want to be heard by the Isreali public.

There was such a public outrage that a special law is being written and passed for non-lisenced radio stations to be lisenced to allow a free people to listen or not to non-violent speech. If you would like to hear this station for content in English you can hear it at:

Don't believe everything you read or hear from government officials whether they be US, Israel or Iran.
OH REALLY !!! Thanks for the great tip. How could I have been so stupid? :bang3:
ajwps said:
Apparently not too difficult....

The standard usage of ellipses is to use only three of them. Wisen up. :laugh: :moon4:
ajwps said:
I know of that clause provided for in Texas' decision to join the Union. Hypthetically Bush, if he so wished, has the ability to pull a Congressional power ploy to disengage Texas from the Union as Sharon has to disengage Gaza and Samaria from the country of Israel.

You have no power whatsover. A senile Bush or Perry could order the US Army to transfer all Texans to another state and allow the Mexicans to move in to the homes and businesses of the previous owners.

As Commander in Chief, Bush has the potential power but it is equally ridiculous to assume the same of Ariel Sharon.

The same could be said of 1820's Georgians and the cherokee. The cherokee were illegaly pushed out, rounded up, and hauled off their legal lands by a greedy state populace. The same could be said of the jewish extremist terrorists, stealing palestinian land, housing it, then refusing to abide by their own government to remove themselves to the point of considering overthrowing the state recognized Israeli government.
rtwngAvngr said:
The standard usage of ellipses is to use only three of them. Wisen up.

The world was a huge ball then, the universe a mighty harmony of ellipses, everything moved mysteriously, incalculable distances through the ether.

Everything epicycloid has two borders, you have now used ONE.....
DKSuddeth said:
The same could be said of 1820's Georgians and the cherokee. The cherokee were illegaly pushed out, rounded up, and hauled off their legal lands by a greedy state populace. The same could be said of the jewish extremist terrorists, stealing palestinian land, housing it, then refusing to abide by their own government to remove themselves to the point of considering overthrowing the state recognized Israeli government.

DK you are the moderator and any response to you must be carefullly measured.

All I ask of you is some sort of proof that there was palestianian land to be stolen?

Unlike the Georgians in 1820, these Jewish (extremists) not only paid for their land with money greater than the land's value, obtained legal title to their land and also intend to hold onto their land even if their government arbitrarily decides to transfer them from their own legal bought property.
ajwps said:
DK you are the moderator and any response to you must be carefullly measured.

so long as its not measured and thrown insults or flames, reply away. especially considering that I'm not flaming you.

ajwps said:
All I ask of you is some sort of proof that there was palestianian land to be stolen?

Unlike the Georgians in 1820, these Jewish (extremists) not only paid for their land with money greater than the land's value, obtained legal title to their land and also intend to hold onto their land even if their government arbitrarily decides to transfer them from their own legal bought property.

now, I could be wrong, but it seems to me that there was some sort of agreement with the UN that set up some sort of border defining what was Israeli lands and what belonged to palestinians. Is this not correct? and IF that is the case, then the Israeli government, having agreed to that, would owe those particular jewish people living on those lands, appropriate compensation, would they not?
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