Israel Errs, Calling For Obama To Forfeit Nobel Peace Prize After It Is Revealed He Helped Hezbolla


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Israeli Politicians Demand Obama Forfeit Nobel Peace Prize After Hezbollah Report

"A damning report released Sunday by Politico chronicles how the Obama administration undid years of investigations into the terrorist organization Hezbollah in order to appease Iran and pave the way for the Iran deal.

The report alleges that the Obama administration let terrorists walk free and halted law enforcement efforts against Hezbollah to help cement the former president’s foreign policy achievement.

According to the report, the Obama administration’s backing off on the terrorist organization directly contributed to its growth and enrichment through money laundering and drug trade. It also made Hezbollah much more powerful and dangerous in the region.

Politicians in Israel, a country directly affected by Hezbollah’s terror, have lashed out at Barack Obama over the report. Some have even called for him to return his Nobel Peace Prize."

Israel is Soooooo Wrong on this one!

Long before the reasons why Obama should forfeit his Nobel Peace Prize (given to him for 'potential') gets to 'Helped Hezbollah In Order To Pave The Way To His Un-Constitutional Personal Treaty with Iran' there are much stronger, more legitimate / appropriate reasons for Barry to give back his un-earned Nobel Peace Prize ... like:

Financed, supplied, armed, trained, defended, protected, aided, and abetted terrorists world-wide, to include The Muslim Brotherhood, Al '9/11/01 and 9/11/12' Qaida, ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah, resulting in the loss of countless lives worldwide, to include American lives.

Armed Mexican Drug Cartels, resulting in the deaths of approx. 200 people, to include 4 Americans.

Personal Drone Assassination program where he picked the targets and gave the orders to fire, milling countless innocents along with terrorists, to include denying US citizens of their Constitutional Rights to Due Process and killing them as well.

your OP is actually libel-----the Israeli government has not "DEMANDED THAT OBAMA RETURN HIS NOBEL PEACE PRIZE" try not to falsely accuse
Zionism has plenty on the "left" there....


Not all pro-Israel Jewish warmongers are "right wing..."

Socialist is not right wing.
Zionism has plenty on the "left" there....


Not all pro-Israel Jewish warmongers are "right wing..."

Socialist is not right wing.

not all Christian child molesters are right wing
Indeed, most child molesters are Jewish....

Jerry Sandusky being on top of the list...
Can someone explain why Obama got that award to begin with?

They thought giving Obama the award would 'pussify' him, get him to put an end to the US being in wars. Little did they know Obama was going to be the poster child for the Anti-Nobel Peace Prize.
Obama's first decision as Prez/Nobel winner

Letting Israel off the hook for 911, getting untold Iscariot silver and favorable media coverage in exchange....
So, what!

Is it bad that Obama colluded with Russia to free a HEZBOLLAH terrorist and also allow Hezbollah to run COCAINE and HEROIN into the UNITED STATES in exchange for a FAKE Iran Nuke deal?

Just, wow....

What could Obama have done to do MORe damage to the USA? Is it even possible?
Obama could have done "the right thing" and prosecuted those behind 911.

Instead, he sold out, and he kept selling out for 8 years.

It had nothing to do with bogus accusations against HezBo.

Israel murdered our Marines in Lebanon to attempt to provoke a US war with Hezbo. Reagan wasn't a Zionist Traitor like W and LBJ were...
So, what!

Is it bad that Obama colluded with Russia to free a HEZBOLLAH terrorist and also allow Hezbollah to run COCAINE and HEROIN into the UNITED STATES in exchange for a FAKE Iran Nuke deal?

Just, wow....

What could Obama have done to do MORe damage to the USA? Is it even possible?
More unbelievable 'ammunition' that makes you scratch your head and wonder why this criminal, treasonous, enemy-aiding, terrorist-abetting/ supporting criminal SOB was not Impeached....

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